Posts tagged beans

How to Destroy Late Night Cravings by Frederic Patenaude

Check out the great offers below on health products from Frederic & Renegade Health.
Prices are subject to change at any time without notice, so do not delay!

How to Destroy Late Night Cravings by Frederic Patenaude

Have you noticed that almost all cravings for unhealthy foods come in the evening or at night?

I’ve heard that cravings are caused by low-blood sugar, food addiction, emotional eating, yin/yang imbalance, hormonal problems, dehydration, and nutritional deficiencies.

In my experience, none of these reasons are the cause of food cravings in most people.

80% of the time, food cravings are caused by:

Under-eating complex carbohydrates or fruit
Poor planning: you just don’t have enough tasty, healthy meals available at the right time

Let’s take a closer look.

The first reason is often overlooked. You’re not eating enough of the foods your body needs to be satisfied and maintain its energy levels.

Many popular diets tell you to fill up on vegetables — which contain virtually no calories. Plenty of vitamins and minerals, but none of the main thing that your body actually needs the most: glucose.

Other diets tell you to fill up on fat, such as found in nuts and seeds, olive oil, and avocado. But fat is the least satiating type of macronutrient — and every experiment done has proved this. You can sneak in extra calories in the form of oil in the food and people eat the same quantity (but more calories) without feeling more satisfied.

Protein can be satiating because it tends to curb feelings of hunger. But eating high-protein food doesn’t give you what your body actually craves: glucose. So that’s why people still crave sugar after a high-protein, “low-carb” meal, and eventually fall off the wagon to binge on rolls and other refined carbs like desserts!

When you give your body plenty of healthy, whole food sources of glucose — as in whole fruit, and healthy starches (rice, potatoes, beans, etc.) — cravings miraculously go away.

My mom lost 60+ pounds eating as many of those foods as she cared for, without counting calories. And thousands of people have done the same.

I hope that I’m not bragging by saying that I never get food cravings for things like chocolate, ice-cream, desserts, decadent food, chips, etc. Why? Because I’m not restricting at all the one category of nutrient that my body needs the most!

Poor Planning

People often tell me: “if I had a personal chef making me tasty, high raw, low-fat vegan recipes at home — then maybe I could do this diet. But I just don’t have the time!”

My fridge is always stocked with a ton of super-healthy meals that I prepare in advance, in a flash. I’m prepared, therefore I don’t have cravings!

If you get bored with your food, you’ll crave something else. If you open the fridge and tasty, healthy food greets you, you’re not going to be looking for something else. It’s that simple!

Another problem is that most raw food recipes are either too complicated, or too unhealthy, often loaded with fats and oils.

You don’t have 100% perfect to make this diet work.

You only have to focus all of your attention on the things that truly matter — what I call the 20% that gives you 80% of the results.

Eat enough whole fruit and complex carbohydrates
Have a system for food prep that rotates tasty meals that are easy to prepare in advance.

Don’t aim at perfection. Choose a program that works and makes you happy. Focus on just a few changes that will make the biggest difference in your health, rather than trying to change everything.

Maybe your food is not always organic. Maybe you might add some salt and seasonings to your food, instead of eating everything plain. So what? As long as you focus on the 20% that matters, you’ll get 80% of the results, and more!
Want to Learn More About Blood Testing?

I wanted to as well, so I contacted Dr. J. E. Williams and asked him to help me put together a program that could help you determine how to read your own blood tests and identify the optimal levels for healthy eaters.

It features 35 beautiful graphics that show you clinical, desirable and optimal ranges for blood tests and what to do if your levels are high or low.

Blood testing, if done correctly, can be your best ally in determining the right diet, the right supplements and the perfect health for you.

He also covers what to do when you get your tests back to bring your levels into optimal ranges.

To get the Complete Blood Test Blueprint, along with “How to Read Your Own Blood Tests”, go to:

This is our most up-to-date program on blood tests… so if you were thinking about getting it, now’s a good time.

If you’d like to find out the exact method to reverse and prevent dental problems, make sure to get the new edition of the program “How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters.”

In it, you will discover:

What you can do for your teeth if you already have decay above or below the gumline, pain, bleeding or loose teeth…

Why the dental industry on purpose wants you to come back for more visits with new problems to “fix” every time.

What to do if you lose a filling, chip or lose a tooth, etc.
And much more. Go to:

There’s a lot new in this 2016 version. You can get it at more than 50% off. This offer may end at any time!

Here are the other great deals on health products from Frederic:

B12 the Energy Vitamin

If you feel constantly tired in spite of getting good sleep, you may want to look at raising your vitamin B12 levels.

B12’s role in energy production is well known, and insufficient B12 levels can lead to fatigue and mood changes.

If you’ve never tried B12 patches, you can order them here:

To order B12 patches, go to:


For all the store products, go to:

The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This person(s)/product(s)/company(ies) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this site or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as kind of attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.

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15 Tips to Eliminate Salt by Frederic Patenaude

Check out all the great discount offers below on health products from Frederic Patenaude. Please do not delay, as the prices are subject to change at any time.

15 Tips to Eliminate Salt by Frederic Patenaude

Today, I want to share with you some tips on how to achieve a “no-salt diet.”

But first, let’s clarify a few points about salt.

1) Salt is not an essential nutrient. Contrary to common belief, salt is not a necessary nutrient. Two components of salt are essential to health: sodium and chloride. Both are found in natural foods in the amounts that we need.

2) We don’t need more sodium than what’s in natural foods. Sodium requirements are so low compared to the average intake that even the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) could not even establish a minimum requirement. US guidelines for RDAs (Required Daily Amounts) states that “the minimum average requirement for adults … [is]… 115 mg of Sodium…per day. In consideration of the wide variation of patterns of physical activity and climate exposure, a safe minimum intake might be set at 500 mg/day.”

3) Sea salt is NOT any better. It is still mostly composed of sodium chloride and using it in any amount will cause an electrolyte imbalance in most people, damaging your health over time. The trace minerals found in tiny amounts in sea salt are better obtained from natural foods.

4) All the tribes who lived on a no-salt diet were found to be in much better health with no hypertension with aging. Some of them ate a diet high in meat, smoked or drank alcohol. On the other hand, tribes who also lived a similar lifestyle but used salt had a high incidence of hypertension.

5) Human beings evolved on a low-sodium diet. Therefore our kidneys are adapted to conserve sodium. Salt is NOT paleo! Most humans never had any access to salt up to relatively recently in history.

6) Exceptions to the rule don’t change the rule. The fact that some people might need to add salt to their diet due to rare health problems or the use of salt exceptional athletic circumstances does not invalidate the general point that our health would be better if the vast majority of people consumed less much salt.

7) 99.4% of the population consumes more than the 1500 mg. limit of sodium set by the American Heart Association. So the argument that “many people run into health problems by not consuming enough salt” does not hold water.

8) Optimal blood pressure is under 115/75. Any improvement you can make in your blood pressure numbers will vastly improve your health outcomes!

9) Even if you consume salt and have an optimal blood pressure of under 115/75, it does not mean that you should keep consuming salt. 95-99% of people develop essential hypertension if they eat salt, as long as they live long enough. Some people develop it at 35, while others at 85.

10) Salt consumption destroys your health in other ways. It causes kidney damage, increases your odds of stomach cancer and kidney stones as well as auto-immune disease. It may cause acne and aggravate insomnia. It creates oxidative stress.

Dr. James Kenney, Ph.D., writes in “Diet, Hypertension and Salt Toxicity”:

There is growing evidence that HTN is merely a symptom of an underlying nutritional imbalance caused largely by an excessive intake of salt. Salt intake was found to correlate more closely with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), cerebrovascular disease, microproteinuria (an early sign of kidney disease), and reduced arterial compliance than BP. A recent review found that “there is clinical and experimental evidence… that salt intake directly affects hypertensive renal disease, cerebrovascular disease, and compliance of the large arteries. The close and partially independent correlation between salt intake and hypertensive target organ disease suggests dietary sodium to be a direct perpetrator of cardiovascular disease.”85 Simply put HTN is just one of many symptoms that can result from the damaging effects of chronic salt toxicity.

Are you ready to take the no-salt pledge? Here’s how to do it:

1- Stop eating foods that don’t taste good without salt

One of the best things about eliminating salt from your diet is that it will steer you in the right direction of eating. Fruits taste great without salt. It’s also not difficult to make a tasty salad without the stuff. Tubers (potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.), as well as vegetables in general, are great without it. Unprocessed grains and beans can be pretty good given the right mixture. Nuts, seeds, and avocado: excellent.

As for pasta and bread: unpalatable even with the right combo of spices. But it’s so processed anyway so why it eat?

Processed foods: they all have to go because they are loaded with salt. The same applies to restaurant foods. At the same time, you’ll eliminate 75% of the foods that make people sick.

2- Read ALL the labels

It’s surprising where you can find salt and high sodium content. My mom was fooled by “Bragg’s Liquid Aminos” because there’s “no salt added.” It packs in as much sodium as soy sauce! Salt is often sometimes added to nut butter and other healthy foods even by organic companies. It’s also almost impossible to find a protein powder without added salt. Those in the market for a good protein powder should take a look at “Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein.” It’s one of the rare brands without added salt.

3- Be patient

Depending on a few factors, it takes a few weeks to neuro-adapt to a low-sodium diet. When this happens, you’ll sometimes pinch yourself thinking that you’ve added salt to your food, because you finally start tasting the natural sodium in it!

4- Use lime or lemon juice on everything

The receptors for “salty” and “sour” on the tongue are very close to each other. One trick to make the food taste “salty” is to add some fresh lime or lemon juice to almost everything you eat!

5- Learn to use whole spices

So you’re going to leave salt behind. How do you pack more flavor into your dishes? The solution is to use high-quality, whole spice mixes! You need to grind spices before each use for maximum flavor. Do not buy those pre-made, ground spice mix. They only taste good with salt!

I have discovered spices from a Canadian company that is unparalleled. Plus, the prices are good. They have a ton of recipes on their website. Their website is:

6- Use fresh herbs

Always have one or two bunches of fresh herbs on hand. I particularly like Italian parsley (leaves are flat), cilantro and basil.

7- Know about this “salty” seasoning

Potassium chloride is bitter and unappealing. But you can get a salt-replacement to get over the hump of neuro-adaptation called “Table Tasty Salt Substitute.”

It’s the “saltiest” salt replacement I have found. Some might object to the yeast extract. However it’s a good company, I haven’t seen any negative use from occasional use, and it’s a great tool in the box to have to get over the salt habit.

8- Add mangoes!

When you remove salt, you sometimes have to add a bit of sweetness. Otherwise, some dishes, such as salads, can taste too bland. Diced mangoes will be your friend! You can almost add them to everything, but I particularly like them in salads.

9- Make avocados your friend

Avocados pack a lot of flavor and nutrition. You can add diced or mashed avocado to many dishes to instantly transform them from “okay” to “wow!”

10- Enjoy balsamic vinegar

Go and get some gourmet balsamic vinegar. A few drops do change everything! I don’t particularly like the fruit vinegars that are recommended by some health experts. Balsamic is the time-tested classic.

11- Use nutritional yeast

Nutritional yeast can also add a lot of flavor to some dishes.

12- Get your favorite condiments without salt

It’s amazing what you can find on Amazon. I could not find mustard or hot sauce without salt anywhere until I looked on Amazon. Here are a few good finds:

Organic Mustard.
Tomato Sauce.
No-BPA beans (You can find this brand in most health food stores, but if you live in the US, it’s a good buy on Amazon)
Hot Sauce.

13- Do many of the above, at the same time

Food will taste great if you combine my tips all at the same time. Make a salad and add mangoes, diced avocado, balsamic vinegar, fresh herbs, nutritional yeast and a bit of spice and I guarantee that you won’t miss the salt! The same goes for other dishes. Cook a lentil stews, add in freshly ground spices such as the Berberé Mix from “Épices de Cru,” lime juice and chopped cilantro and you’ll call me to say it was the best meal you’ve had in a while!

14- Go all the way

“Reducing salt” does not work. Health agencies have been encouraging the public to “reduce salt” for decades, and it has not worked. When you eat salt, you crave salt. It’s as simple as that. When you get rid of it entirely, your taste buds adapt, and you reap the rewards.

Any drop in blood pressure results in improved health until you’re down to at 115/75 and perhaps even 110/70. This is well documented scientifically.

Author Andrew Perlot, who has an excellent YouTube channel, did an experiment where he added only one-quarter of a teaspoon of salt to his diet for a year. He documented the results in his video.

What’s interesting about Andrew’s experiment is that he was still below the lowest recommended intake of 1500 mg. of sodium a day. Like I’ve said before, only 0.6% of the population eats that little sodium.

Just by adding about 500 mg. of extra sodium a day, he significantly raised his blood pressure.

15- Be Patient (Again)

One problem with a lot of the research done on sodium restriction is that they focus only on the short-term effect of going from a high-salt intake to a moderate salt intake.

According to Dr. James Kenney, Ph. D., author of a fascinating paper or salt toxicity:

Unfortunately, the long-term effects of a low-salt diet have received little attention. After an initial drop in BP, which can be fairly large in some individuals, the decline in BP often continues for many months or years, provided the salt restriction is maintained. For example, one group of researchers found that BP was still trending downwards after two years on a diet with about 70 mEq (1600 mg of sodium).84 Given that the BP raising effects of excessive dietary salt take many years to develop it is surprising that most clinicians expect to see the full impact of a low-salt diet within just a few weeks. In my clinical experience, it may take as long as 5 to 7 years to see the full BP lowering impact of a low-salt diet.


I hope I have convinced some of you to try ditching the salt habit. There’s more to cover about this topic, but I think I have given you a few good ideas to get rid of the salt in your diet starting today.

If you’d like to find out the exact method to reverse and prevent dental problems, make sure to get the new edition of the program “How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters.”

In it, you will discover:

What you can do for your teeth if you already have decay above or below the gumline, pain, bleeding or loose teeth…

Why the dental industry on purpose wants you to come back for more visits with new problems to “fix” every time.

What to do if you lose a filling, chip or lose a tooth, etc.
And much more. Go to:

There’s a lot new in this 2016 version. You can get it at more than 50% off. This offer may end at any time!

Here are the other great deals on health products from Frederic:

B12 the Energy Vitamin

If you feel constantly tired in spite of getting good sleep, you may want to look at raising your vitamin B12 levels.

B12’s role in energy production is well known, and insufficient B12 levels can lead to fatigue and mood changes.

If you’ve never tried B12 patches, you can order them here:

To order B12 patches, go to:


For all the store products, go to:

The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this website or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as kind of attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. These statements and information have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions having to do with your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Judy Pokras: Artist, Writer and Video Director

My Comment: How I came to find Judy was through a 1st cousin of mine who was doing research online of the family genealogy. It so happens, she and her Mom, Anne, actually live in the same neighborhood, as my parents and we never knew that. My Mom called me one day to let me know that we have distant relatives/cousins (on my Mom’s side of the family) and that the daughter happens to be very involved in raw vegan food and has a website, as well. I did happen to go on the website long before I met her and her Mom and she shares a lot of information that is helpful and educational.

For my thirty-first interview, I have the pleasure to introduce you to Judy Pokras: Artist, Writer, Video Director and long time Raw Vegan Food Enthusiast.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I started out as an artist and was an Art major at Pratt. I’ve done a lot of paintings and other visual artwork over the years. My parents and brother, David, have also created works of art, including paintings and sculptures.

Abstract Art by Judy Pokras

Abstract Art
by Judy Pokras

Painting by Judy Pokras, honoring her brother David

Painting by Judy Pokras, honoring her brother David

Wooden Menorah by Jerry Pokras (Judy's Dad)

Wooden Menorah by Jerry Pokras (Judy’s Dad)

Art by David Pokras (Judy's brother)

Art by David Pokras (Judy’s brother)

I’m also a video director. When I lived in New York City, I produced and directed a mock Seinfeld episode on a zero budget, that you can view on youtube, by searching for the title, Anomolies, and my name, Judy Pokras.

Decades ago I became interested in raw vegan cuisine. I have lots of creativity and wanted to make money from that, but most of my bosses were not interested in my creativity. That stressed me out, and I ate nutritionally dense foods to counteract the stress. I began reading about nutrition over the years and that led me to raw vegan cuisine, which I love. I started an online magazine back in 2001 called: I also published a recipe book, “The Little Book of Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes.” It’s available on

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1- A tool/chisel to open coconuts because I use a lot of young coconuts in my recipes, like my signature raw vegan chocolate ice cream.
2- A smartphone with the internet so I can access information, connect with friends, and make videos.
3- Materials to draw and paint with.
4- Keyboard for writing
5- Friends

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

To follow your curiosity wherever it might lead you. My curiosity led me to nutrition and how different foods affect our health. I think it is very important and overlooked in our culture because it is something we are not taught to focus on. For example, there is cadmium, which is a toxic heavy metal, in sunflower seeds and raw cacao powder and arsenic in rice. These things are not paid attention to in restaurants when they put together their meals and menus.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

A product (such as a computer or smartphone) that would allow you to access the internet, because you can do a lot of research there and learn things without having to buy many books or go to a library. A library is great, but you have to return things and then won’t have them on hand as a reference.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

I have a website:
I also have a Facebook page: Raw Foods News Magazine
I am also on Twitter: @RawFoodsNewsMag

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

My hope is that more people will have access to higher education. It makes me very sad that in many Third World countries, girls are not allowed to get an education. We can’t allow that to happen.

Another thing: Science has proven that climate change is real, and it’s threatening everything. It will result in rising sea levels, which will encroach on our coastlines and decimate many regions where millions of people live. Climate change also causes political instability. For example, when there are severe droughts, people don’t have food and take big risks to migrate to other countries. That instability unfortunately leads to hostility and violence.

Question #7: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

I’m not a doctor, I’m a writer and researcher. I believe there is no one lifestyle that works for everyone, because everyone is unique. I think the best advice is to follow how you feel. Keep a food journal if you like, and see how different food affects you.

Although I believe it’s most important to eat a lot of organic raw vegetables, nuts, and seeds, I incorporate some cooked food into my diet. I follow some of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s advice. He advocates what he calls a Nutritarian Diet. He says it’s important to eat cooked beans, or lentils, and cooked mushrooms.

Check out the review of Judy’s book on my youtube channel:

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Why No Oil? by Frederic Patenaude

Check out the great deals below on products from Frederic.
The special offers are subject to change at any time.

Why No Oil? by Frederic Patenaude

One of the most common questions that I get is: why don’t you recommend oil?
What about coconut oil? Or extra-virgin olive oil? Or flax seed oil?

Why I Don’t Recommend Any Oil, Including Olive or Coconut Oil

I follow the lead of excellent doctors and researchers such as Dr. Esselstyn, McDougall, Barnard, Campbell, Klaper, Goldhammer (and many others) in my stance against oil.

I don’t use any oil, including olive or coconut — and never eat any except in circumstances where I’m not in full control of the food that I’m eating.

Once you’ve experienced going oil-free, you don’t want to go back. The benefits of eliminating oil from the diet are numerous, and you will feel many of them immediately.

You’ll have more energy. Oil is 100% pure fat with no protein or carbohydrate, and very few other nutrients. Fat is twice as concentrated in calories as carbohydrates, containing nine calories per gram vs. four for carbohydrates. You’ll have more energy eliminating oil because you eliminate a concentrated source of calories. You will replace those calories with foods that give more energy, such as fruit, healthy starches, vegetables, and whole nuts and seeds or avocados.

Your mood will improve. Again, consuming liquid fat means consuming fewer carbohydrates and healthy sources of protein. Whole carbohydrates contribute positively to serotonin production.

Your digestion will improve. Oil makes digestion sluggish. Liquid fat takes a lot more time to digest than carbohydrates. On an oil-free diet, your digestion will be excellent! You will never feel too full or experience discomfort after a meal, even if it is big.

You’ll lose body fat. You might think that eating so many carbohydrates makes you fat. But in reality, it’s the combination of carbohydrates and fat that promotes fat gain. Carbohydrates are burned as energy whereas fat can be stored directly as body fat. If one consumes both carbohydrates and fat in significant quantities, the carbohydrates will be used as energy and the fats will be stored as body fat (as long as total calories exceed what the body needs). Liquid fat (oil) are the easiest types of calories for the body to store as body fat.

Your blood sugar will improve. I used to check my blood sugar every day. Eating fat and especially meat has always caused the greatest spike in blood sugar. That’s because a high-fat diet lowers insulin sensitivity. In fact, beef causes more insulin production than white sugar.

Why No Oil?

Here are some more reasons to avoid oil:

1) Oil is a refined product and the most concentrated source of calories available anywhere. One tablespoon of oil contains 120 calories of pure fat with almost no other nutrients. Refined sugar is only 50 calories per tablespoon.

A few splashes of olive oil here and there can quickly add up to hundreds of extra calories that you don’t need. Worst of all, those calories are missing all the fiber and essential nutrients and are empty.

Multiple studies have found that adding fat to food makes people over-consume calories without realizing it because fat has a very low satiety factor compared to carbohydrates or proteins. Many of these fascinating findings are described in the book “Salt, Sugar, Fat.”

Remember: it takes 24 olives to make 1 TBS of olive oil. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never once added 24 olives to a single serving of salad.

2) Vegetable oils contribute to inflammation. Omega 6 fats contribute to inflammation in the body while omega-3 fats reduce it. But most vegetable oils have a ratio that dramatically favor omega-6 fats. We should seek to a dietary ratio of no more than four times the omega 6s vs. 3. Olive oil contains over ten times the omega-6 as omega-3, and many other oils are worst.

3) Olive oil doesn’t lower LDL cholesterol, in fact, it increases it. It’s a myth to think that olive oil is “heart healthy.” Studies have only shown that it lowers LDL cholesterol when it replaces animal fats like butter. But to add olive oil (and other vegetable oils) to an otherwise healthy diet increases LDL levels. If you want to raise your LDL levels even faster, then eat some coconut oil. As Dr. Williams recently pointed out in an article published on Renegade Health, vegans tend to eat too much coconut oil, and it does raise their LDL levels. There’s a lot of hype around coconut oil, but in my opinion it’s just another good way to get to a heart attack faster. (For the lowdown on coconut oil, watch this video by Dr. Greger.) Note: whole coconuts are healthy. You can eat them.

4) Olive oil injures the inner lining of the arteries (called endothelium). A study conducted by Dr. Robert Vogel and published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that a meal containing olive oil caused severe constrictions in arteries, contributing to heart disease. Consuming olive oil reduced blood flow by 31% in this study. It’s worth noting that canola oil or salmon didn’t cause this problem (however, all vegetable oils are unhealthy to some degree).

What studies found was that the protective components of the Mediterranean diet appear to be fruits and vegetables and nuts, and NOT the olive oil. Greek people only got away with eating olive oil because they consumed a lot of fruits and vegetables. They also replaced animal fats like butter with olive oil. But olive oil in itself isn’t healthy. (Note: Greece currently has the highest obesity levels in Europe and has the highest per-capita consumption of olive oil).

5) Oils release toxic compounds when heated. Many oils become carcinogenic when heated. And yes, every type of oil can withstand a different level of heat. But don’t believe for a second that nothing is happening to your oil when you start heating it. Udo Erasmus, one of the world’s most well-known experts on fats, always recommended to never heat any fat. He said: “If health is what we want, water is the only oil appropriate for frying. We’re back to steaming, poaching, boiling, or pressure cooking our foods. Or, even better in most cases, eating them raw.”

What about essential fats?

It’s true, we need some fats for good health. But all whole foods contain them to a certain degree, and in the perfect omega 3/6 ratio.

What’s my favorite source of essential fats? Green vegetables. Although the percentage is low, it contains omega 3s in the perfect ratio.

Additional fats should come from whole foods such as nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. Those foods contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein, and so many other critical nutrients that are missing from liquid fat calories.

I only take two tablespoons of ground flax seeds every day. I have tested my Omega-3 levels using a blood test, and I’m getting optimal results. My theory is that removing oil in the diet improves the omega-3 ratio because there’s no omega-6 to compete with the omega 3s. The body can fully convert the small amount of fatty acids naturally found in every whole food, including vegetables. Including flax seeds and walnuts or hemp is a good idea.

How to Transition to an Oil-Free Diet

Now, does that mean you can never have a splash of olive oil? If you’re very active and burn a lot of calories, a bit of olive oil probably won’t hurt you. But it’s better to go without it. Try giving it up and you’ll notice that your taste for oil will disappear. If you crave something fatty, have whole nuts and seeds instead, or even some nut butter. Eat some avocado. And whole coconuts contain ALL of the benefits of the coconut. Coconut oil is just pure fat. What could be tastier than a fresh, young coconut?

When I make a batch of hummus, I only use some tahini, but I don’t add any oil. The traditional recipe for hummus doesn’t contain any oil. I stopped purchasing the tahini brands that contain oil (most of them).

When I eat a salad, I usually eat it plain or with a simple seasoning of balsamic vinegar and maybe nutritional yeast. But I don’t add olive oil to it. I might add some diced avocado.

When I make rice and beans, or marinara sauce, I don’t stir-fry the onion and garlic in olive oil. I dry-sautee the onions and garlic until a little brown and then deglaze it with vegetable broth. No oil.

My taste buds have adapted to this oil-free diet. I now enjoy my food more without oil. It takes about 60-90 days for a person used to a diet of 30+% fat to adjust to lower-fat diet. Then when the transition is over, you will start to dislike oil and enjoy the taste of real, unrefined foods without added liquid fat.
The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95
How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters
This program has been created by OraMedia and is the only
course I have discovered that tells you exactly how to avoid
dental problems for the rest of your life.

Normally, the program costs $47.
The price is $30 if you use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

Take control of your dental health and avoid thousands of
dollars in unnecessary treatments by going to:

Make sure to use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

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unWanted: the Western S.A.D. Diet by Frederic Patenaude

Check out the great deals below on products from Frederic. The special offers are subject to change at any time, so buy now for your holiday gift giving.

unWanted: the Western S.A.D. Diet by Frederic Patenaude

I changed the title, as the original was Wanted: the Western Diet and this seems more appropriate

I remember the first time I came across the word “SAD Diet” while reading a health book. I smiled when I discovered that it meant “Standard American Diet.” What a clever acronym, I thought!

Indeed, the American diet is a pretty “sad” story.

But as my thinking evolved, I realized that the SAD diet could be any modern diet that causes diseases of affluence.

If we think of the SAD diet as an American phenomenon, we might be tempted to think of another ethnic diet as infinitely better, for example, the Thai, Indian or Italian diet. Although, in their most traditional forms, these diets can be very healthy, we almost never encounter them as such anymore.

For example, I’ve never come across a Thai restaurant that served truly traditional Thai food as was common before 1950, which would have been very low in fat and simple.

Modern Thai, American, Indian, Chinese, Italian or French restaurants serve modern versions of their ethnic cuisine.

They all have one thing in common: they all serve WESTERN food.

Yes, even Asian food has been westernized and the qualification of “SAD” can apply to it.

Ok, so why does this matter?

It matters because Western diets come hand in hand with Western diseases.

A Western diet is not necessarily a diet of foods commonly found in America or Europe. It’s any diet that has any the following characteristics. The more items you can check on the list, the more “Westernized” the diet is.

Animal products (eggs, fish, meat, chicken, dairy, butter, etc.). Not used as condiments but rather as a centerpiece of the meal. In most traditional societies, including all the long-lived cultures of the world, animal products were scarce and used occasionally. A piece of meat that would feed one person for one meal in American would feed an entire family for a week in Asia countries.
Regular consumption of vegetable oils. Vegetable oils were scarce in the past and not used as much as they are today.

Regular consumption of processed flours and sugars. Processed sugars and flours were unknown in the past. Bread was coarse and tough to chew — not the fluffy thing we use for sandwiches today. White sugar did not exist.

Liquid calories. Includes alcohol, fruit juice, sodas, etc. In traditional diets, those just didn’t exist or were consumed sparingly.

Lots of sodium — Although Asian cuisine now contains a lot of sodium, it wasn’t always like that in the past. In general, very little salt is used in many traditional diets. In some cases, salt is unknown.
A Western diet is a RICH diet. It’s a diet full of foods that were previously considered delicacies in the past. It’s like eating cake every day instead of once a year on your birthday.

Examples of Rich Foods

Vegetable oil, mayonnaise, rich sauces, butter
Full-fat dairy products
Wine, beer, spirits
Ice Cream
White bread, pastries, muffins, panini bread, croissants, etc.
Coconut cream/milk
Peanut butter
Cakes, chocolate

Traditional Diets, on the other hand, are based on foods of much lower caloric density, like sweet potatoes, rice, beans, vegetables, fruit, etc.

It’s pretty easy to tell when a population is eating a Western diet: you simply have to look at the diseases that are prevalent in that population, and you’ll know.

The following diseases are all caused by the Western diet:

Cardiovascular disease
Type 2 and type 1 diabetes
Colorectal, prostate and breast cancers
Many auto-immune diseases
Those diseases were impossible to find in populations that ate a very traditional and non-Western diet.

Cancer does occur in nature and even in some animals, so it’s not always caused by diet alone. But the rates of some cancers are so much higher in Western countries that we know that they are mostly caused by the Western diet and lifestyle.

Every Country Is Becoming Westernized

There was a time when we could compare different populations in the world and be stunned to find that some diseases that are so common in the West were impossible to find in other populations.

We’re now reaching a point where such comparisons are no longer possible or relevant because every country in the world is becoming westernized.

Okinawa once boasted the longest-lived populations in the world. Now 47% of Okinawan men aged 20-60 are considered overweight. Heart disease is rampant.

For thousands of years, the health worry in Asia was with infectious diseases, famine, and malnutrition. Now that prosperity has reached the Eastern shores, they can worry instead about heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.

According to Time magazine, “80% of global CVD-related deaths now occur in low and middle-income nations which covers most countries in Asia.”

Anytime you see diseases of affluence popping up, you can be sure that the population is eating a Western diet. The two go hand-in-hand.

A particularity of a Western diet is the combination of two elements:

High-fat diet (30%+) that uses vegetable oils and animal foods at most meals
Refined carbohydrates in the 30+% range of total calories
Some people design diets that remove carbohydrates from the diet, therefore creating a “Western Diet Lite” – full of animal products and fat but without starches and sugar. This leads to health improvements and lower body weight.

A true non-Western diet that leads to health is based on plant foods and makes a limited use of rich foods. Also, it’s a total lifestyle where you’re active and don’t take in more calories than you burn.

Here are some easy ways to de-westernize your diet and eliminate your risk of dying or suffering from the most common modern diseases.

Skip breakfast. Intermittent fasting works and most people can benefit from it. Most traditional cultures ate only two meals a day rather than three. Unless you’re very active and need the calories, you’re probably not truly hungry for breakfast anyway and could benefit from a few extra hours of fasting. Intermittent fasting has been shown to increase longevity and improve health in many ways.

Base your diet on a few simple starches, such as rice, beans, potatoes or sweet potatoes. Add in fresh vegetables and fruit. This is the “Starch Solution” of Dr. McDougall. Add seasonings to taste. For example, lunch can be a big quinoa salad with cooked chickpeas, raw tomatoes, raw cucumbers, some chopped up herbs and onion, and a few slices of avocados. Dinner can be bean tacos with corn tortillas, black beans (whole or pureed) topped with fresh or canned salsa and hot sauce! A winner every time. Use nuts, seeds and avocados according to your energy needs.

For faster healing and fat loss, try a raw or high-raw diet. Replace one or more cooked meal with a raw meal, but make sure you eat enough fruit to get the calories you need.

Eliminate oils from your diet or use them only on occasion and extremely sparingly.

If you stray off the diet, make it a rare occasion, like traditional societies did in the past. They would slaughter a pig for a big feast, but not eat meat every day of the year. Eat cake for your birthday if you’d like, but don’t make it an every day or even an every-week thing!

Don’t consume any liquid calories except on special occasion.

Don’t cook with salt and don’t eat processed foods. Watch out for restaurant food. If desired, add salt to the surface of food after cooking. That’s where you can taste it the most. Doing this will keep you well under the upper limits for sodium consumption.

Diet and nutrition can be confusing, and journalists love to confuse the public with big headlines and studies of dubious value. One week, coffee is thought to be healthy and the next week, we learn that it can raise cholesterol levels. The average person will think “why bother if they can’t make up their mind? I’ll just eat whatever I want.”

In reality, nutrition is simple.

Don’t eat a Western diet and you’ll avoid Western diseases of affluence.

Eat whole plant foods (starches or fruit) as the main source of your calories. Eat vegetables. Don’t eat rich foods except on special occasions. That’s it! Add a form of exercise that you like and can incorporate into your life.

Doing that alone will save you from 75% of the diseases most people end up dying from in our world and will add at least ten good years to your life!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this website or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented here is not to be interpreted as an attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. These statements and information have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions having to do with your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.
The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95
How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters
This program has been created by OraMedia and is the only
course I have discovered that tells you exactly how to avoid
dental problems for the rest of your life.

Normally, the program costs $47.
The price is $30 if you use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

Take control of your dental health and avoid thousands of
dollars in unnecessary treatments by going to:

Make sure to use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

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Get Your Digestive Tract Back on Track After Holiday Indulgence by Herbal Papaya

Get Your Digestive Tract Back on Track After Holiday Indulgence
by Herbal Papaya

Don’t let overindulgence get you down this holiday season! If you can’t resist the excess, follow these tips to find a healthy balance again in your life.

We always recommend moderation as the best course of action for most aspects in life, but the holidays are a difficult time not to indulge, unless you have self-control of steel.

We’re not here to judge anyone for what they want to indulge in this holiday season. Instead, we’d like to help you out if you happen to go a little overboard at that holiday work party coming up.

We’re only human and it happens to the strictest of us, but it’s important to focus on what to do once the damage is done. Don’t make indulgence a habit, but be proactive about owning up to it and supporting your body through the worst.

Why, might you ask, is our digestive system such an important component to our health? Well besides feeling crummy after indulging in too rich or too much food, a healthy digestive system is the key to longevity and preventing degenerative issues later in life from a buildup of toxins.

If you’re just unable to resist another serving of your favorite holiday foods (for the 3rd time today), never fear! We have you covered to get you back on track and ready for the new year, feeling healthier and happier than ever.

Herbal Tea

Avoiding caffeine and hitting the herbal tea can be one of the best ways to support your immune system and flush out the bad toxins in your body.

Mint, chamomile, and lemon grass teas are especially great for a variety of health benefits, but most importantly, they all aid your digestive system in some way.

Herbal teas are also a good way to increase your hydration, but make sure to also be drinking more water on a regular basis around the holidays if you’re prone to overeating or drinking alcohol excessively.

Papaya Seeds

Sometimes what you need after a night or week of indulgence is a complete detox. Papaya seeds are a smart choice for liver detoxification after one too many mulled wines, hot toddies, or glasses of champagne.

In addition to their liver cleansing capabilities, papaya seeds are also great for digestion because they’re high in the natural enzyme, papain.

Green Smoothies/Juices

Speaking of detox, green smoothies and juices are another option to consider for cleansing out your system. They not only help with digestion and moving toxins out of your body, but replenish you with a variety of helpful and important nutrients.

Get creative and try your own version of a green smoothie, mixing and matching a few of the best ingredients for digestion, such as pineapples, ginger, parsley, avocados, lemon juice, celery, spinach, flax seeds, and cucumbers.

Natural Enzymes

Pineapples and papayas are perfect digestion aids due to their rich natural enzymes in the form of bromelain and papain, respectively. They are both important enzymes for breaking down the nutrients that our daily food intake provides us with.

Focusing on finding the best natural enzymes to help with digestion can provide relief from issues such as gas, stomachaches, and even constipation and diarrhea.

Fiber-Rich Foods

A lot of holiday type meals lack a very important piece to a heathy digestive tract – fiber! Without fiber your digestive system actually slows down and it takes longer for foods, and the toxins that may come with them, to get through your body.

Get your fill of fiber-rich foods during and after the holidays to keep your digestive tract at optimal health. Fiber-rich foods include bran, beans, berries, sweet peas, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, squash, wholesome whole grains, and a variety of every day fruits.


As you may have noticed from a lot of our articles, ginger is a very powerful addition to any healthy diet. Ginger is great for digestion because it speeds up the journey of food from the stomach to the small intestine. It is also known for balancing gastric juices.

Ginger is the perfect remedy if you suffer from bloating issues, intestinal gas, or a regular upset stomach from rich foods.

Fermented Foods

The big secret to why fermented foods are a great comeback for digestive health after the holidays is because of the stress that comes with the season.

Stress is horrible for digestion. It actually has the power to destroy the healthy bacteria in your large intestine. If you’re prone to stress around this time of the year, think about taking a probiotic supplement, or even better, eating a few fermented foods on a regular basis.

Plain yogurt, kombucha, and kimchi are great to add to your diet for increasing the amount of healthy bacteria in your system.

Work Out

This suggestion is perhaps one of the more obvious ones, but working out is always a great response to bad eating habits and holiday-induced stress.

Working up a sweat not only helps your metabolism, but increases your energy levels and keeps your digestive system running smoothly.

If you just had a huge meal, don’t get out and immediately do strenuous exercise for the next hour. Instead, think about walking around the block instead of giving into the tryptophan drowsiness. By doing this you can reduce your chance of heartburn and support a speedy digestion while you’re at it.

What do you do to overcome holiday indulgence? How do you prefer to detox your body throughout the end of the year?

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Anatomy of a Craving by Frederic Patenaude

Check out the special offers below on products from Frederic, as the prices are subject to change without notice!

Anatomy of a Craving by Frederic Patenaude

Have you noticed that almost all cravings for unhealthy foods come in the evening or at night?

I’ve heard that cravings are caused by low-blood sugar, food addiction, emotional eating, yin/yang imbalance, hormonal problems, dehydration, and nutritional deficiencies.

In my experience, none of these reasons are the cause of food cravings in most people.

80% of the time, food cravings are caused by:

1) Under-eating complex carbohydrates or fruit
2) Poor planning: you just don’t have enough tasty, healthy meals available at the right time

Let’s take a closer look.

The first reason is often overlooked. You’re not eating enough of the foods your body needs to be satisfied and maintain its energy levels.

Many popular diets tell you to fill up on vegetables — which contain virtually no calories. Plenty of vitamins and minerals, but none of the main thing that your body actually needs the most: glucose.

Other diets tell you to fill up on fat, such as found in nuts and seeds, olive oil, and avocado. But fat is the least satiating type of macronutrient — and every experiment done has proved this. You can sneak in extra calories in the form of oil in the food and people eat the same quantity (but more calories) without feeling more satisfied.

Protein can be satiating because it tends to curb feelings of hunger. But eating high-protein food doesn’t give you what your body actually craves: glucose. So that’s why people still crave sugar after a high-protein, “low-carb” meal, and eventually fall off the wagon to binge on rolls and other refined carbs like desserts!

When you give your body plenty of healthy, whole food sources of glucose — as in whole fruit, and healthy starches (rice, potatoes, beans, etc.) — cravings miraculously go away.

My mom lost 60+ pounds eating as many of those foods as she cared for, without every counting calories. And thousands of people have done the same.

I hope that I’m not bragging by saying that I never get food cravings for things like chocolate, ice-cream, desserts, decadent food, chips, etc. Why? Because I’m not restricting at all the one category of nutrient that my body needs the most!

Poor Planning

People often tell me: “if I had a personal chef making me tasty, high raw, low-fat vegan recipes at home — then maybe I could do this diet. But I just don’t have the time!”

My fridge is always stocked with a ton of super-healthy meals that I prepare in advance, in a flash. I’m prepared, therefore I don’t have cravings!

If you get bored with your food, you’ll crave something else. If you open the fridge and tasty, healthy food greets you, you’re not going to be looking for something else. It’s that simple!

Another problem is that most raw food recipes are either too complicated, or too unhealthy, often loaded with fats and oils.

You don’t have 100% perfect to make this diet work.

You only have to focus all of your attention on the things that truly matter — what I call the 20% that gives you 80% of the results.

1) Eat enough whole fruit and complex carbohydrates
2) Have a system for food prep that rotates tasty meals that are easy to prepare in advance.

Don’t aim at perfection. Choose a program that works and makes you happy. Focus on just a few changes that will make the biggest difference in your health, rather than trying to change everything.

Maybe your food is not always organic. Maybe you might add some salt and seasonings to your food, instead of eating everything plain. So what? As long as you focus on the 20% that matters, you’ll get 80% of the results, and more!

Our program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95
How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters
This program has been created by OraMedia and is the only
course I have discovered that tells you exactly how to avoid
dental problems for the rest of your life.

Normally, the program costs $47.
The price is $30 if you use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

Take control of your dental health and avoid thousands of
dollars in unnecessary treatments by going to:

Make sure to use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

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Can You Eat Raw For $3 a Day? by Frederic Patenaude

Be sure to check out the special offers from Frederic, exclusively for visiting this blog. Don’t delay as the discounts are subject to change at any time!

Can You Eat Raw For $3 a Day? by Frederic Patenaude

Can you eat raw for $3 a day? In most cases, no! But you can do it for $10 a day. And good news: a well-balanced plant-based diet (not raw) can cost only $3-5 a day!

I worked hard to crunch numbers and figure out how it would be possible to live on a plant-based diet for just $100 a month, or a 100% raw food diet for $10 a day.

I calculated the *exact* cost of all fruits per calories.

I also compared prices all over different cities, and compiled all the best ways to get the best deals on food.

What started as a personal challenge turned into a sort of economic science experiment!

The result is a new book I wrote called “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant Based Diet” as well as a companion eBook “The Raw Food Diet for $10 a Day.”

The Special is Back

I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

The reason why I created two separate eBooks is that the methods are different for each approach.

A 100% raw foodist could not live on the same budget as a cooked food vegan because fruits and vegetables are more expensive by calories.

So the approach that must be taken for each diet is different, but can be combined together.

For example, the approach I lay out in my main book tells you how you can eat for just about $3 a day on a plant-based diet. This plant-based diet would include 2-3 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables a day, and of course sources of calories such as potatoes, beans, and some grains.

Someone could well decide to exclude certain items from the menu such as grains and still manage to still within the budget guidelines, and someone else could decide to combine the best of both worlds, such as a high-raw diet with some cooked calories.

In this case the total budget would be in-between $3 and $10 a day.

That’s still significantly less than the outrageous grocery bills most people have!

But you could decide to revert back to my main “plant food” budget of $100 a month by following my methods, if you have a particular goal in mind.

For example, maybe you want to save up for a holiday. Then why not try the plant-based budget for 1-2 months, and then go back to the raw food budget?

It’s totally possible to make it work no matter what your diet is.

If you missed the special for the eBook “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant Based Diet” with the companion book, you can order it *today* or within the next week only and get the special by using coupon code MINDY100

Just go to:

Make sure to use coupon code MINDY100 to get the discount.

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95
How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters
This program has been created by OraMedia and is the only
course I have discovered that tells you exactly how to avoid
dental problems for the rest of your life.

Normally, the program costs $47.
The price is $30 if you use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

Take control of your dental health and avoid thousands of
dollars in unnecessary treatments by going to:

Make sure to use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

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Everything You Need to Know About Super Immune Boosters by Herbal Papaya

Everything You Need to Know About Super Immune Boosters by Herbal Papaya

What you should be eating to boost your immunity, and the importance of a healthy digestive tract.

As the nights get shorter and the days get colder, it’s time to start thinking about boosting our immunity for the long haul of fall and winter. After all, it’s no fun being sick during the holidays!

Firstly, it’s important to understand how your immune system functions. Your immune system is your body’s natural defense mechanism from bacteria, viruses, microbes, toxins, and parasites.

Your immune system goes about protecting your body from these infections through 3 actions:

1. It creates a barrier against said infections

2. If the bacteria gets through the barrier, the immune system tries to identify what that bacteria is and attempts to block it from reproducing in your body.

3. If the bacteria successfully reproduces and therefore causes you to have physical symptoms, such as strep throat or a cold, it’s the immune system’s job to then find a way to eliminate it.

Your immune system is made up of various components inside your body that work together, some of which include your thymus, spleen, bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, and hormones.

By taking care of your body, getting enough rest, drinking a lot of fluids, and paying attention to what you eat, you’re able to support how well your immune system functions.

In this article, we’ll focus specifically on what to eat and how certain foods can help increase the chance of your immune system fighting off nasty viruses and bacteria.

These are our recommendations for the best super immune boosters to take this fall with your health in mind.


Italian food enthusiasts unite! Garlic has been known for years for its healing properties and immunity boosting capabilities. Garlic contains the active ingredient allicin that helps fight bacteria and infections and thus helps to boost your immunity.


Natural probiotics are a type of healthy bacteria that actually help keep the gut and intestinal tract clean from tenacious germs. Two 6 ounce doses a day of yogurt is recommended for the most immune boosting benefits.


Some studies have proven that oats and barley are even more beneficial than the immunity-friendly echinacea. What makes them so great for boosting immunity is the beta-glucan they possess, which is a type of fiber that has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.


A food that has been linked to a healthy immune system for awhile now, mushrooms help to increase the production of white blood cells in your body and can even make them more aggressive against outside invaders. The kinds that have the biggest immunity boosts are shiitake, maitake, and reishi.

Cut down on the sugar

Have you ever noticed that kids tend to get sick after Halloween, Easter, and Christmas? There have been multiple studies linking the negative side effects of too much sugar, mainly it tends to decrease your natural immune responses.

Fermented/Pickled Foods

Whether you prefer miso soup, pickles, or something in between, fermented and pickled foods add good bacteria into your digestive tract and help boost your natural defenses.


One of the more important nutrients for digestive health, zinc also helps with hormone regulation, neurological function, and of course, immune health. Beans, mushrooms, cocoa, wheat germ, spinach, pumpkin seeds, and nuts are all high in zinc.

Ginger Root

Ginger is another diet-friendly food that has been known for its health benefits for years. It helps to improve digestion, clean the GI tract, increase antioxidant levels, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity.

This is just brushing the surface of possible foods you could add to your diet to boost your immunity, but these are some of our favorite ones that we would consider the “super” immune boosters for anyone’s diet.

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A note on digestive health and the immune system

You may have noticed a common thread with many of these foods, and that’s the fact that a lot of them help with digestion. You may be surprised to learn that your digestive tract and immune system are closely tied together. Your digestive tract is actually responsible for a lot of the daily functions in your body that you’re probably not aware of.

Your digestive tract relies on the abundance of “good bacteria” to function properly, but it works vice versa as well. Your immune system also relies on your digestive tract for strength and consistency.

The reason why your digestive tract is so important to your immunity is because you intake so many pathogenic organisms each day. The digestive tract has most of the innate immune responses in your body that naturally kill bacteria from saliva and stomach acid. A clean digestive tract therefore helps the immune system focus on and protect the rest of the body through its automatic responses.

This is why it’s so important to create a well-rounded diet that includes foods that naturally help to cleanse out your digestive tract and keep it healthy – it’s connected to so much of your wellbeing!

This fall, it’s time to start thinking about the key aspects of your body that do so much for your daily health – your digestive tract and immune system!

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The Dangers of NOT Eating a Vegan Diet by Frederic Patenaude

Frederic has offered some great deals to my readers on his products.
Please check them out below this article.
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The Dangers of NOT Eating a Vegan Diet by Frederic Patenaude

Many articles have been written about the dangers OF a vegan diet.

Many of the points made in those articles are valid and need to be raised. They’re also blown out of proportion and taken out of context.

Eating an unbalanced vegan diet can lead to some health problems related to deficiencies. However, deficiencies are not a very common problem compared to diseases of excess.

We live in a world of abundance. By far, the biggest problems we face are caused by eating too much of the wrong foods rather than not enough of the right foods.

That being said, the human psyche is wired to worry about lack rather than abundance. As we evolved on this planet, the biggest danger we faced was famine. That’s why we like fatty foods.

When a group of early humans came across extremely rich fatty foods, those who ate them survived. Our brains are programmed to like concentrated sugars and fats. This program worked well in the context of a world where those foods were rare and helped us survive by providing the calories we needed, when few calories were available.

In the world we live in today, we experience the opposite problem. Yet, we still worry about lack.

Are you going to get enough?
Are you sure you’re going to be okay?
Are you sure you’re not going to run into deficiencies?
Those are the types of questions we get asked by our parents, nutritionists, and so on. Does this diet contain every nutrient? Are you sure you’re getting all your vitamins? Are you sure you’re getting all of your protein?

The Dangers of a Vegan Diet

I purposely use the word “vegan” because it’s a little offensive. A vegan diet applies to plant-based diets in general. The word “vegan” implies more of a life philosophy, but it is actually the proper term to describe a diet that does not contain any animal protein.

Plant-based is more politically correct, but it implies that the diet could have a lot of plants in it while not being completely vegan. Let’s stick with the word “vegan” for now because it describes a diet devoid of animal protein.

Are there any dangers to following such a diet?

Well, if you’re getting enough calories from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans (with a little nuts and seeds for Omega 3s), then the dangers are quite limited—in fact, widely exaggerated.

B-12 can be a problem. B-12 is found in animal products, but that’s because it’s made from bacteria and we don’t live in the type of environment where we get exposed to unwashed foods and fecal matter and other nasties. So, we take a B-12 supplement. Most vegans know that they have to take a B-12 supplement and do. Not a big deal.

What about vitamin D? Vitamin D is contained in animal products, but vitamin D is not specifically a product made by animals. Vitamin D is not specifically a product that we have to get in animal foods. It is made by our bodies through sun exposure. Granted, if we don’t get enough sun, we could run low on vitamin D and eating certain animal foods could be beneficial, but whether you take the vitamin D from an animal or from a supplement, the end results are the same. Running low on vitamin D is not a vegan problem per se.

What about Omega 3s? We’ve heard that we must eat fish for Omega 3s, but where do the fish get their Omega 3s? Plant foods; namely algae. Are vegans low in Omega 3? No lower than anyone else. The human body can make its own DHA and EPA from other Omega 3 fats that are found in plants. Still, some people have concerns that they’re not getting enough Omega 3s. In that case, you can take a supplement of Omega 3.

Finally, we have the question of protein, which has been a debate in the nutrition world for a long time and is still being advocated as an important part of our diet. Vegan diets contain plant-based protein and there are many advantages to consuming proteins from plants rather than animals.

Recent research by Italian researcher, Dr Luongo, found that a lower protein diet, in general, is the best for cancer prevention.

Vegan diets contain almost the same percentage of protein (by calories) as omnivorous diets. The big difference is that the protein is coming from plants, not animals. And no credible research has ever shown that consuming plant proteins leads to health problems. In fact, quite the contrary.

Vegans get plenty of protein, more in fact than what is recommended, as long as they eat a wide variety of foods from the categories I mentioned previously. If you get enough calories from those foods you will get enough protein, even the foods we typically don’t associate as protein sources. For example, brown rice and even green vegetables.

We have a few nutritional concerns regarding the vegan diet, which is normal because the human brain is wired to worry about deficiencies.

But let’s ask a more important question. What are the dangers of NOT eating a vegan diet — in other words, of NOT eating a diet that is largely plant-based? I think those dangers are much, much bigger.

One can run low on B-12, and fix the problem almost instantly if it is discovered early.

However, when we create other problems in our health such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, they are much harder to reverse.

Diets rich in animal protein have been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and a wide range of other health problems.

To me, the two things that are most worrisome and lead me to prefer a vegan diet are heart disease and cancer.

Heart Disease: The scientific consensus is that saturated fats in our diets raise our cholesterol levels, and high LDL cholesterol levels create hardening of the plaque in the arteries, leading to heart disease. This is an established scientific fact. I know, I know… you’ve heard differently via blogs and diet books. But think about who you should trust: a blogger or dedicated scientists that have painstakingly researched this issue for decades? A paleo blogger or a cardiologist like Dr. Esselstyn that is actually getting results actually reversing heart disease?The bottom line is that we know for sure that elevated LDL levels cause heart disease. They are one of the most identifiable causes of heart disease and diets rich in animal protein DO generally raise LDL cholesterol levels in most people.

Cancer: This is actually a little scarier. This idea that animal protein drives cancer growth isn’t just shared by a few lunatic researchers, but is becoming more widespread in the scientific community, especially with the latest research done on fasting by Italian-born Dr Longo. This is also the view of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, an actual biochemist and other of over 300 scientific papers. Oh but wait… His China Study also has been “debunked” by a blogger. I will admit however that the case for “animal protein driving cancer grown” is a little less solid that that of heart disease. But I certainly don’t think it’s a coincidence that all long-lived cultures of the world eat a plant-based diet (in most of these cultures, meat is a “treat” or a “condiment” but never a main part of the diet.).

I’m not going to review other potential health problems caused by animal products, as this has been covered extensively in many excellent books by respectable authors. In fact, that’s not even the point of my article.

The point is that the so-called “dangers” of a vegan or plant-based diet are largely overblown. But because our brain is wired about deficiency, we tend to worry about those “dangers,” instead of worrying about the potential health cost of not ditching animal products.

I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” is available now for $27 instead of the usual price of $47.

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