Posts tagged Q & A series

Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet- Interview with Jonathan Heine, Owner of You Are Loved Foods

My Comments
I found this company at the Natural Products Expo/Expo West in Anaheim, CA in March 2017. I tried almost all the products (as the cupcakes are not vegan and I am) and loved them! Hence what a great name for the company and there is a story about the name, if you check on their website:

For my thirty-third interview, I have the pleasure to introduce you to Jonathan Heine, Owner of You Are Loved Foods: incorporated in 2014, first started selling in 2016.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

In 1973, Woody Allen made a movie called “Sleeper”, in which he played a health food store owner that woke up 200 years in the future.
Doctor: “You have to realize that all your friends have been dead for over 200 years.”
Woody Allen: “But they all ate organic rice!”

I was into healthy eating way way way back in the early 1970s. Sustainability (then called “Conservation”) , “health” foods and ethnic foods were new and only in big cities and “hippie” communities. GMO had just started and nobody heard of it.

Some organic growers unwittingly used GMO seeds for their wheat, rice and oat crops. The long term cumulative immune and metabolic effects on many of our bodies weren’t even a thought. Unfortunately, my body was sensitive, so my metabolism and immune system started going haywire, and nobody could figure out why. Doctors told me it was my fault: I had bad eating habits, I didn’t exercise enough, etc. I was running half marathons and at one point was on 1,000 calories a day to maintain. Oddly, cigarette smoking solved the weight issue eating the same stuff. Hmm. Can anybody say “Conspiracy Theory”?

So then the diet expert theories came into play.
First it was low fat foods. So up the starch, and therefore up the sugar (if you get a hamburger, throw away the hamburger and eat the bun). Bagels were considered reasonable snacks. Low Fat yoghurt, raisin bran with skim milk, whole wheat toast with a little no sugar added jam. Eventually, even small amounts of starch or sugar, an apple, say, could put 5-10 pounds of weight and bloating on me in a very short period of time. On top of that, reducing weight would take longer because the bloating and immune reactions would persist. My limbs ached, I had fibromyalgia, and no amount of exercise seemed to stop it. Although training for a marathon did help a lot.

By the time I was 40, I was about 20 pounds overweight, and felt awful. I went to see a famous diet doctor, and following her advice, I gained 150 pounds in under six months, crossed over into diabetes, and felt like I was going to die. Nothing worked.

Then I stumbled onto a nutritionist who put me on a modified atkins program. The traditional doctors said it would kill me. Since their advice had been so helpful, I decided to leap. In 5 years, with no portion control, I released 120 pounds. Not quite all the way back, but getting there.

In the process, I realized there weren’t a lot of tasty alternatives for what was then, an early Paleo, Low Carb, Sugar free lifestyle. Tons of Xylitol, tons of Erythritol, yucky tasting stevia, and yucky tasting monk fruit extract. Tons of Whey and Soy Isolates. Forget chocolate. And the protein bars tasted terrible and had all sorts of crap in them. Nothing to take on trips. No good treats.

So I took out my chef’s “hat”, started going to ingredients and food technology trade shows, and started, for myself, the You Are Loved Foods products. Along the way invented a heat resistant, low fat, ultra low carb, sugar free, naturally sweetened chocolate. And got really good at alternative, starch and sugar free versions, of all sorts of favorites: Cheesecake, lasagna, cupcakes, fudge truffles, granola.

After I got myself and some friends off insulin and no longer diabetic, I decided to start the company to bring these great tasting benefits to the world.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1. Iphone and a solar charger. Without that, no books, no music, no sanity. This would include my meditation programs, my wisdom programs, my visualization assistance. And I could recharge the battery. I’d visualize being rescued, and stay positive about it. And, I could watch the three tv series I actually learned to download, which I highly recommend: “Revolution” (about the American Revolution), “The Black Donnelys” (great NY drama, 9 episodes), and “Hunted” with Grey’s Anatomy’s Melissa George (definitely worth watching).
2. A tooth-care kit. 20 Toothbrushes, 10 years supply of dental floss, a tongue scraper, a gum stimulator and lots of toothpaste.
3. A book about the 5 things you should take to be stranded on a desert island. Hopefully this would at least show me how to build a fire and keep it going. Build shelter, find water, etc. Being a Jewish New Yorker, I’d need pictures and probably someone to hire to do all that stuff for me. So I’d need double of everything.
4. A set of knives for cooking and other things.
5. A set of towels and wash cloths.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Be your own physician and seek out all the information you can to keep yourself healthy, and solve any health problem available.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

A bikram yoga membership. It combines flexibility, with strength, spiritual connection, endurance, and amazing detoxing. And introduces you to a community of like minded people.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

You Are Loved Foods: Always sugar free, gluten/grain/starch free, strictly certified paleo, mostly certified vegan, kosher parve, and gmo free. We have a patented low carb, sugar free and low fat, heat resistant chocolate. We sweeten with our own form of monk fruit extract with various special properties that others don’t have. Glycemic index below 5.

Products include Protein bites, Fudge Truffles, Paleo superfood granola, chocolate cupcakes, 0 calorie sweetener. And AMAZING Taste. Not like the other sugar free, gluten free, Paleo stuff.

We are currently in all three Erewhon Stores, PC Greens, All Vintage Grocers, Lassens Camarillo, Rainbow Bridge Ojai, Rainbow Acres Culver City, all in LA area.

Internet orders: Free delivery program in Southern California for all products, and around the country for our non perishable products (with the rest coming in the fall). Minimum Orders Apply.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

The planet is at an existential crisis. As technology reduces the need for workers, and as cumulative impact of the poisoning of our bodies and the planet reaches a new climax, as the 2% becomes 1% and even fewer, and as spirituality moves people away from organized religion, and the conflicting tides of old beliefs and old order clash with new. The old hanging on at all costs, including the safety of the world, and the new, starting quietly but not realizing how important it is to make bold moves. Our thought leaders, our compassionate capital investors, our technology leaders in all industries, must work together to grow a new and more enlightened model of the support of human needs.

Our greatest immediate challenges: global warming, GMO agriculture, overpopulation, ending poverty, available and affordable health care (including mental health care, alternative modalities, and end of life care and housing) for everyone, and to provide dignity to humans in life and in death (allowing those dying to decide when and where to choose their passage).

Food is our greatest natural resource, and has the potential to support or destroy our health. Investing in natural, sustainable processes and making them scalable. Moving away from meats and grain based agriculture towards nut and seed based agriculture, reducing our dependence on industrial meat production. To the extent there is meat and fish production, making it more humane, natural and sustainable.

It is all possible. We have the technology, the resources, and the imagination. And we have not choice, and almost no time.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Abraham Lincoln. Completely Self-educated, our most intelligent and introspective president. A masterful politician, bold and imaginative. He used the law like a virtuoso plays an instrument. Courageous, and a true leader. He led the country to fight a war to abolish slavery and keep the US union together, despite incredible resistance even in the North. Uncompromising in his goals, and brilliantly compromising to achieve his goals. And fought the National Bank of the US (the predecessor to the Federal Reserve), and the New York Financiers (Wall Street) to finance the Civil War on his own terms, even repelling the Rothschild’s desire to control the US economy through its lending to the war effort.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Each body is different, yet we have similarities. As many of us get older, our ability to metabolize fast metabolizing foods (high carb (even “complex carb”), high sugar foods) diminishes. Add to that GMO impacts on the immune system and metabolism, the diabetes inducing food chain, and pressurized lifestyles, and we must reduce our carb intake. Millennials, as they get into their 30’s and later, are realizing: “if I’d known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself when I was younger”. Our bodies are forgiving, but cumulative maltreatment, even with the best of intentions, is difficult to reverse.

Listen to your bodies, find the foods that work best for you. Reduce the sugars, reduce the starches. You Are Loved Foods can provide some of the yummiest products within that construct available and recipes with more products to come.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This company/products is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this site or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as kind of attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet- Interview #2 with Perry A~

For my thirty-second interview, I have the pleasure to introduce you again to Perry A~ Author, Story Teller, Motivational Speaker and Humorist.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

As hospitality Chairman in the local chapter of the National Speaker’s Association I got to introduce speakers and guests at each meeting. I soon realized giving a speaker the microphone was an invitation for a long winded, self promotion by the speakers. Therefore I came up with a question that would require a short answer and learn something unexpected about each person. These questions became the format to my book, Icebreaking 101, Getting to Know You in One Fun Question!!! A Playful Approach to Self Awareness. I selected one question from this book to base my next book on. The question, “If you were a dessert what would you be?” This opened my eyes to personality traits hidden in people’s dessert choices. From this starting discovery I wrote People Are Just Desserts, Experience the Sweet Rewards. Can seeing people as desserts help you digest them easier? You bet your Whip Cream it can! We are all deliciously different and when you combine the strengths of our differences we are so much more than anyone of us. I was aware mental attitude, stress, fear, stinking thinking and worrying are barriers to healing. The book is about changing perceptions and finding the gift in the people in your life. About accepting yourself and others. If I can bring people to peace, joy and harmony in their thinking, their healing will be much faster.

Because I recognized there are alternatives to drugs that are even better and with many natural cures suffering is optional.

You can’t change people or reality but you can always change to a perspective that brings joy, love, peace and harmony. We haven’t a clue how to love ourselves and cannot love another until we first love ourselves because if we believe we are unworthy of love we incapable of believing anyone can truly love us. It is about accepting yourself and others, just as we are, unconditionally.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

A tarp, a blanket, a machete, water and string.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

A balanced body can heal itself. Balance and moderation in all things. Learn to mediate. Learn to forgive and let go of the desire to be right and choose happiness. To know they can always change their thinking to find peace and harmony.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

The book People Are Just Desserts, to change the way they see people. It is calorie free fun. To see through unconditional love and forgiveness.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

At 48, I was divorced and solely responsible for providing for my needs and still had one child in high school. I applied for a job at the probation office and instead of being a secretary I found myself with a gun and a badge as an Adult Probation Officer. Having to teach a DUI class to people who didn’t want to hear what I had to say, I started telling Cajun stories about drunks that took the preaching out of teaching. I realized I could motivate and inspire people and after two years I decided I wanted to become a motivational speaker and I didn’t know I couldn’t, so I did! As a motivational/inspirational speaker I offer messages, books and articles with storytelling as a tool to show the path to peaceful living. I did this for 15 years. In 2003 I discovered Calcium Bentonite Clay and started another business. I since have written other books and articles about Calcium Bentonite Clay Nature’s Pathway to Healing. In June of 2015 my partner and I sold the Living Clay Company but I still offer informational websites and do 3 webinars a month to share the knowledge I have gained from my studies as well as motivational speaking.

Free consultations. Call 512-262-7187 I don’t have many products. Most of what I have is offered on my websites. and

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

Change your thinking, change your life and share your multiple G-d given talents. Good things will come back to you. Take care of yourself and our planet.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

My grandson, Jack Shaver, who is learning about life. Who explores life by trying new things and is willing not to be perfect in the mastering of new abilities. Who learns from mistakes and tries again and again. Who learns the difference between what are bad choices and good choices. A failure is a person who gets knocked down and stays down. Jack’s cork always rises to the top.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Every obstacle is a gift to launch you to a higher place. A hidden inner desire seeking recognition. When the desire is great enough we push past our limitations and fears. Haven’t you noticed life is always working for you? Be appreciative. An ‘obstatunity’ is letting go of what was for what can be.

Question #9: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes based on many lifestyle factors, etc but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

Let your body be your guide. Ask yourself do I eat because I am hungry or because it is in front of me? Do I make decisions based on fear or anger or with the intention of making the world a better place? Be aware and you body will guide you wisely. Listen to it. Feel it. Act with wisdom.

You can check out the review of Perry A’s book, “People Are Just Desserts,” on my youtube channel:

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Perry A~ : Founder of The Living Clay Company

My Comments

I have known for some time about clay for health and healing and also from the books that were translated by Michel Abeshera. I do not remember if I ever consumed clay at that time, but I did decide to try the calcium bentonite clay from The Living Clay Company last year and did a couple of videos on my YouTube channel. You can check them out here:

The Living Clay Company – All Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay: Part 1 Introduction

The Living Clay Co. – All Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay Part 2: Results

My YouTube video review of Perry A’s new book:
Book Review: Calcium Bentonite Clay by Perry A~ – Founder of The Living Clay Company

For the thirtieth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Perry A~ The Clay Lady founder of The Living Clay Company

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

Perry A’s background is as diverse as the clay she loves talking about. From city girl to country girl and points in between, the lifelong Texan earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science from Texas Tech University. Her background in chemistry, biology and veterinary science contributes to her knowledge base for understanding the intricate workings of clays. At Texas Tech she was a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha social sorority and was on the university’s rodeo team and was the 1958 Texas Tech Rodeo Queen. In 1959 she was selected by her peers as the first woman to win Texas Tech’s prestigious “Aggie of the Year Award”.

After graduating, she married her college sweetheart, had two daughters and lived in the small farming community of Seymour, Texas. The marriage ended after 27 years, and her first job as a probation officer opened her eyes to the fact that she could motivate people and decided to become a motivational speaker. For more than 20 years, she has been taking audiences on a roller coaster ride of tears and laughter that ultimately results in a truly joyous and inspirational experience. As the world’s only Dessert Analyst, her incredible philosophies will show you how to find the opportunities in every obstacle and motivate you to turn problems into possibilities. Perry A’s hilarious stories of life-lessons learned will have you doubled over with laughter even as they open your awareness to new, more prosperous ways of thinking and living life.

From heart-wrenching to fallout laughing story-telling and Cajun humor, Perry A~ instantly changes your perceptions about life and people. Experience instant personality assessments with her remarkable spot on dessert analysis. That’s right! Everything you need to know about a persons’ personality style is boldly in their dessert choice. Can visualizing people as desserts help you to digest them easier? You bet your whip cream it can. Take the edge off personality conflicts with People Are Just Desserts.

She became a student of clays in the early 1990s after being introduced to a green Calcium Bentonite Clay. Her passion and curiosity led her away from her speaking career and on a new journey of research and discovery into the amazing healing potential of Calcium Bentonite Clays. She has been an advocate for this clay ever since. She is the founder of the Living Clay Company which sold in June of 2015 to Nutraceutical, LLC. In her second clay book, Calcium Bentonite Clay: Nature’s Pathway to Healing, she simplifies complex chemistry and research data while introducing readers to the intriguing properties of Calcium Bentonite Clay. She has an extensive library of science journals and reference books and is a member of the Clay Mineral Society. Today, she gives interviews and lectures about using and mixing clays, as well as writing articles, blogs and books on the subject. She maintains a free clay information website with a myriad of articles, testimonials, interviews, recipes as well as providing free webinars each month to answer questions about Bentonite Clay. To say that she is passionate about educating people to this age-old curative is an understatement.

In addition, Perry A~ encourages readers to challenge their long-held limiting beliefs about their bodies’ ability to heal. “After all,” she says, “a belief is just a thought you keep thinking, and body ALWAYS follows mind. Choose to believe that every day in every way, you are getting better and better and better.”

Being a people person, she loves the opportunities that being the “Clay Lady” have given her to connect with people. “Making new friends from all over the world is the most exciting and rewarding part for me,” she says. “A good clay will win friends and influences people. All I do is get it in or on people, and the clay does the rest. It is all about the results! After experiencing the marvels of clay, they become clay lovers for life.”

For lectures, interviews, book signings and questions, contact Perry A~ at 512-262-7187 or Sign up for Perry A’s free teleseminars and blogs and join the Bentonite Clay Yahoo Chat Group at To order the book, go to

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1. Drinking water

2. Living Clay Detox Powder Clay

3. Fishing gear with a tackle box

4. An assortment of vegetable seeds

5. A shovel

I thinks most are obvious reasons. If you know about Bentonite Clay you will understand its wide range of healing potential from healing wounds, insect bites, snake bites, food poisoning, burns, sunburn blocker, skin irrations, internal detoxing and alkalization, a natural analgesic for pain, and its ability to make amino acids, peptide chains, proteins and vitamins the body maybe deficient in that are not even in the clay.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Balance, moderation and common sense in all things.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

Living Clay Detox Powder Clay. Dry clay and water is all you need to make liquid clay and clay masks or mud for topical applications.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

I founded the original clay company in my garage and built the company from there changing names several times. In the fall of 2007 I took on a partner and together to form The Living Clay Company under ProClay, LLC and it sold in June of 2015. I am no longer associated with the company or their products but am still passionate about spreading the word about Calcium Bentonite Clay as an safe alternative to drugs for healing. I created a free information site With numerous articles, interviews, testimonials, a blog and provide free webinars each month on Q & A with Perry A~ on Calcium Bentonite Clay.

The only thing I have to sell is a new upgraded informative book Calcium Bentonite Clay: Nature’s Pathway to Healing at I decided to go with a publisher this time so have no authority to offer discounts. I do however have a CD on an interesting interview with The Power Hour that explains:

1:The Who, What and How of Clay
2:Detox, Cleanse, Poultices and Soaks
3:Call-ins and Testimonials

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

I believe that most suffering is optional with Calcium Bentonitee Clay to balance, detox, stimulate and alkalize the body. Clay together with healthy eating and healthy alternatives to drugs is coming into our consciousness more and more. People are going back to producing their own food. The tide is turning to the need and desire for putting more effort and knowledge in maintaining a healthy state of well being. I believe and hold the vision of returning to sanity in protecting our planet and our future health.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Dr. Wayne Dyer. He walked his talk both spiritually and health wise and was a humanitarian giver and always encouraged upcoming speakers sharing the podium with newbies.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Life happen for you not to you. Believe in yourself. You are so deserving by your birthright alone. Push the edge of your potential as you know it. There is more to come.

Question #9: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

Again balance and moderation in all things. Being aware of the protein and vitamins and minerals needed in a healthy diet. Eating slowly and leaving the table before you hit full. In a few minutes your tank will register full.

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Lindsay Williambrown; Owner of All Well Brands

For the twenty-seventh interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Lindsay Williambrown; Owner and CSO (Chief Snacking Officer) of MUNCHOS! Raw Snacks – a product line of All Well Brands in business since 2013

My Comments:

I found this company/brand in a unique way. I was looking on craigslist in the job section under the food/hospitality section and entered in the search box for vegan chef and an ad came up for someone to help make raw food snack products for this company. I decided to look up the company online and when I saw the pictures of the products, I was amazed because it look like art. The colors of the foods used looked alive, vibrant and 3-D quality that practically grabbed you attention, as if there is a caption that says “TRY ME!”. That is when I sent Lindsay the question below about the products and when have been in touch ever since by phone and email. She has found a way to create snacks using ingredients that are neglected in the raw food world, such as daikon, sunchokes, sweet potatoes, etc. Most companies are focusing on the popular kale chip, so I am happy that Lindsay has chosen to focus on other produce.

Lindsay has some very special offers to share with you below, so please check them out!

My question to Lindsay in an email when I had first found her product line was regarding whether her products are non-GMO, organic and vegan.

Her response:

I use all L.A. County farmer’s market sources except for my honey, which is through Sleeping Bear Farms (and not in many of the products). All the farmers I use are beyond gentle with their soil nutrification and do not use any chemicals and are non-GMO, but most are not certified organic. Since the ones who are tend to be bigger farms with more money and less traditinal practices sometimes, I actually find the most inspiring growing stories coming from these non-technically-organic farmers than the big guys. Happy to talk more about it.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

“Decide” is a strong word I suppose, as I feel like I simply followed my nose into food. I had very little food as a kid and what we had was heavy home-cookin’ fare that was the standard culinary wisdom of the 1980s, and there was a lot of unrest in my house as well. Those both contribute to unwell cells, and I presented increasingly ill from a young kid through to young adulthood. When my health reached a point of me having 14 terminal or chronic illnesses that don’t have cures according to western MDs and I had a pattern of 1 hour per day of productivity, I decided I either had to decide to die or live. I had been working with food and as a chef already so I knew food made a difference in health, but I had to super-size that effect by changing my thought patterns. Without eating the right food for me, I could not have had the clarity to know I needed to do that and I couldn’t have had the discipline to teach myself new ways to think about the world.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

I’m terrible with this type of question – let me see here! 1) Water. 2) An axe. I will assume this island has coconuts available, so I should take a good axe to open them with and to do other handy things. 3) Raw plant oil insect repellant (from Living Libations if I can). 4) Alaffia shea butter for sunscreen for my very Nordic skin. 5) Assorted grain seeds for planting (and chomping).

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

I don’t believe in telling people how to live, but I do know that scientifically, kindness is the only guaranteed cure that has never failed to produce wholeness in the human body or the planetary molecular structure. Being still enough that we can be kind to all that surrounds us makes us well.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

Grain seeds. They cost $1.50-$3.00 per pound in bulk aisles and $6.00 per pound prepackaged, and yield 2 pounds of food per 1 pound of dry seeds when soaked in liquid. I am not a physician, but I know from calculating nutrition statistics that raw soaked grains contain exponentially higher levels of bioavailable protein, vitamins, minerals, trace fats, and other phytochemicals. They contain the most balanced nutrient profile on the planet, require the lowest resource utilization per pound of food, and are the most bioavailable “heavy” food for humans on the planet. When you hear about the UN studies on how we have enough food to feed the planet on 30 cents a day or whatever (I’m old so I’m sure that number has changed since I heard it), they are talking about this kind of eating.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Munchos! Raw exists for 2 reasons. One is to fill the gaps in available snackiness for the raw vegan: snackiness that offers car food options, salty, spicy, interesting, and culturally diverse options. The other is to provide a fun-to-eat, fun-to-hold, fun-to-dip snack option for school systems at an accessible price point. By using local, biodynamic, and kindly grown produce and producing it close to the source, Munchos! Raw provides 1-2 servings of fresh, raw produce in a delicious format that every kid identifies with and loves, and that I have NEVER had an omnivore not LOVE.

The flavors of Munchos! Raw are based in my fusion whims but, that said, they are rooted deeply in my background as an anthropologist who was raised in the middle of a dozen or so refugee communities in the southern U.S. inner city. The flavors are unapologetic; some are quite spicy, some are a little spicy, and some are super chill, mild affairs. They are all influenced by a sense of high homage in my life to those cultures, cuisines, and the victories of those who came to the States via sometime horrific and deeply victorious stories.

Two highest compliments I receive from Munchos! Raw eaters are:
-When my Vietnamese taster of the Mint Daikon Chips told me they reminded her exactly of her grandmother’s green curry soup.
-Ashamed faces that admit with downward gazes “I ate one bite it was so good that I saved the rest for my kids.” That’s the point, to make these irresistible to kids. And most parents know exactly what their kids will eat. Who hordes health food in their purse to give to a kid? Who does that with other health food you know of? This is the kind of response healthy food SHOULD have, and it’s the kind of reaction I routinely get to MUNCHOS! Raw Snacks.

The honey I use is so humanely produced that the bees who produce my honey are better fed and biodynamically naturally living than if we were not eating their honey at all. They originated in Michigan, and when the beekeeper heard years ago that almond trees in CA were suffering and losing biodiversity due to a lack of bee population, he came up with a beautiful idea. He flies them to CA for the MI winter to pollinate the CA almond trees. Given the laws and patterns we know about biodiversity, I expect this to have multiple beneficial health effects for the bees and for the eater. One is that the bees have a greater nutrition profile to draw from, which nourishes them and increases the anti-allergy effects of the honey they produce. For anyone wondering about the beekeeper taking all the honey from the hive to sell to us instead of letting the bees feed on it, I can set your mind at ease. What usually happens with honey, even raw honey, is that the bees who produce it are usually starved of that honey and fed sugar bricks instead, so that the beekeeper can harvest as much of the honey as possible for sale to human eaters. This makes many of the bees (if not all of them) diabetic and overweight, and makes the honey they produce from that sugar brick bad for us as well since that honey is devoid of the natural phytochemicals that come through a well-nourished bee.

Munchos! Raw is one of 7 product lines I have developed to date. They are all entirely raw and they are vegan except for the honey that two of the lines contain. Munchos! Raw are designed as car food and kid food, and they are packaged to be exactly one meal. Since they are raw, they contain entirely bioavailable protein, which means they contain 5 times the bioavailable protein per gram as any cooked meat or other cooked food would. Many people don’t know that when we cook food, we denature its nutrient molecules, which means that when we see a nutrition fact label for cooked chicken that might say 21 grams of protein per serving, we can divide that by 5 to get the number of grams of protein that our bodies will absorb and be able to utilize. What this denaturing means is that we think we are getting a lot of protein (and we are!), but we are not being able to use it.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

What I know is that we are all expanding in kindness and consciousness and remembering more and more our oneness with one another. My job is to stay in alignment and remembrance of that, and when I do that, it ripples into every other person’s ability to do that.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Heroes have never been a big way I categorize people, but some of the most off-the-chart remarkable, intelligent, connected people I have had the honor of interacting with are the many leaders of the Agape International Spiritual Center. One soundbite from any one of the reverends there (Joanne Coleman, Julie Moret, Rickie Byers Beckwith, Arlene Hylton, Michael Beckwith, Ron Blair, and lots of others). When I think about the profile of a hero, I think of them for their vision, willingness to grow themselves and others, and commitment to practical but unflinching peacemaking while acknowledging current realities.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

I’ve shared a lot, so the public probably invites me to stop there :D! But I am so thankful for your support of Munchos! Raw and support at a critical juncture during our scaling journey earlier this year. It’s a blessing to be attracting such amazing quality people committed to making positive presences in the world.

Question #9: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

I am not a physician so what I share obviously cannot legally be interpreted as anything except an opinion, so please always consult your conscience and intuition and trusted practitioners and make your own decisions. What I have seen on the empirical side in 20 years of consulting and clearing dis-ease, though, is that 5-10% of calories in a day going to fat is plenty for almost anyone who has grown up within the U.S. food supply chain. I have not met a longterm raw vegan who has survived a diet that is very high in seed fats and greens, and I would assume that is because we gain unnecessary weight on those diets and never have enough burnable sugar for a day’s activities. Also, having more fat in the bloodstream than we can immediately use produces an insulin overage in the body because any sugar that tries to get into the bloodstream is blocked by the fat floating on top of it. Removing excess fat from the daily diet dissolves diabetic responses by the body within a very short period of time (like hours or days or a few weeks). When we remove those fats, we no longer see the blood sugar spikes that eating fruit can otherwise produce.


1) 15% off your ENTIRE Munchos! Raw order through the month of August!
2) 25-minute discovery session with Lindsay on your nourishment goals in food and life
3) 60% discount on the Body Awake! Program available through Munchos! Raw’s parent site, This is a program that easily and with almost NO effort takes you from viewing nourishment as a Friend with Benefits that you have to manipulate or manage every day, to nourishment becoming your Hot Trustworthy Life Partner you feel TOTAL confidence with and love from. This is a great program. This 28-day program includes a week of Munchos! Raw Snacks as part of its exercises and the usual rate for it is $499. For anyone who signs up in July or August AND mentions TheRawesomeVeganGal, the rate is $299. This is a transformative experience that comes with personal 1:1 intentioning with me, a private Facebook group, only 2 required minutes per day of your attention (option to do as much more as you want!), art therapy and journaling options, and ends with the ability to intuit your own body’s wants and needs around nourishment whether they are from food or otherwise. This program brings together 20 years of eastern and western awareness and non-invasive observational healing, as well as my background as a nutritional intuitive. It is POWERFUL!

Thank you again for the opportunity to share MUNCHOS! Raw Snacks and the work that All Well Brands is bringing into the world!

For more information about this company and brand, go to:

Also, check out my comprehensive video review of some of the delicious Munchos! Raw Snacks on my youtube channel:

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Andrew Vajda; Owner of GMOFree Vitamins

My Comments: A while ago, I was searching for a pure Vitamin C powder for a protocol I was doing for improving the health of my teeth. I checked on Amazon and ordered the product and was very satisfied with it, especially that it was certified non-GMO. I have already ordered twice and left my comments about it on amazon and then received a thank you email from Andrew. I then asked him to send me another package and I would do a review of it for my youtube channel (link is below) and also have Andrew answer some questions to know more about the person and the product. Thanks, Andrew!

For the twenty-sixth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Andrew Vajda, owner of GMOFree Vitamins, in business selling on Amazon since December 2013.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

After learning how to treat my own asthma and allergies in 2005, I travelled to meet and interview Orthomolecular medicine practitioners in the US, Canada and England. I filmed interviews with a dozen doctors and a few of their patients. I haven’t yet been able to raise the funds for the post production of a documentary about these interviews but along the way I realized that 90% of the vitamin C on the market is made in China, which of course leads to questions about content and purity. Out of the 5 main vitamin C producers in the US, all use GMO corn. That left only one company in the UK making non GMO vitamin C outside of China. Unfortunately, products are labeled made in the US just because they were packaged here (with mostly foreign ingredients).

I decided to open my company because that was the only way to get the vitamin C from the UK for myself and my family and friends. I imagined if we were interested others would be too, so I took a chance and made this product available on Amazon a year and a half ago.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

Well since any food or health related product would inevitably run out. The only hope would be to bring a small fruit tree and seeds to start a garden and survive long term, plus enough food to survive until the gardens produced. then a solar water desalination kit. There are very modest ones that counts basically of a large black pot that uses the sun for a whole day to produce enough water for one person to survive. Finally a spearfishing gun or fishing pole to be able to have a back up source of food.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

The title of my documentary will be “Primal Flaw”, the idea the title highlights is that the reason man suffers so much from disease is that we lost the ability to make our own vitamin C whereas most mammals turn sugar into vitamin C as needed, when they are sick or stressed or injured, that production goes up until the stress passes. Doctors that mimicked the animal model where able to heal people from most of our common afflictions, heart disease, premature aging, cholesterol, viral and bacteriological attacks, the list goes on and on. To best learn how to use vitamin C correctly, google “Dr Robert Cathcart, Titrating to bowel tolerance”

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

I’m pretty sure my answer to #3 covers this one too! 🙂 Of course if you can’t get your hands on C, a good dose of a fat soluble antioxidant such as d3 or E or Omega 3 will do a pretty good job in the meantime. I actually take these as well to protect me through the night when you’re not taking C. What most people don’t realize is that vitamin C has a very short half life, 30 minutes, so in 2 hours you have very little left. A dose in the morning just doesn’t protect you throughout most of the day. The best thing is to make a bottle of water with a dose that you’ll drink throughout the day and stop before evening. The dose that makes you feel well but doesn’t cause intestinal gurgling nor diarrhea. That’s explained in detail in Dr Cathcart’s protocol mentioned above.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

For the moment we only sell our non GMO vitamin C powder made in the UK. We just finally started selling enough volume to upgrade our packaging and will now concentrate on trying to make our product available through more channels. We will be reaching out to the main vitamin sites online as well as private networks used by naturopaths and MDs.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

That we step away from nuclear power and oil immediately. Our ecosystem can’t continue to survive all the damage we are causing.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Linus Pauling, one of the greatest minds that the world has ever known. A founding father in many fields including chemistry, biology, quantum physics, and many more. He spent the last 30 years of his life as a champion for vitamin C and was the only person ever to receive two unshared nobel prizes. One in chemistry for defining the nature of the chemical bond and one for peace for convincing a thousand scientists worldwide to petition an end to atmospheric testing of nuclear bombs.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Whatever ailment you may face, first search online for orthomolecular medicine and your ailment. The website is a great first place to look. The author Andrew Saul is the chief editor of the Orthomolecular journal of medicine and his site is free of advertising.

Check out my youtube channel video review of the Vitamin C:

More info about this company and products: or

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Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Jennifer Wagner of BioBag

For the sixth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Jennifer Wagner, Marketing Manager at BioBag. I first met Jennifer at the Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, CA a few years ago. I liked the compostable bags they had and I took some home with me to use along with information about the product. I use them at home for my food scraps and then bury them in the earth in the bag. What a great concept! To have bags that are not made of chemicals and that will break down, as well. You can use the produce bags to put your food in when you go shopping so you will not have any plastic on your food. If you have dogs (large and small), they also have waste bags. In the past couple of years the Expo in Anaheim (which is the largest in the world for the natural product industry), has been using their bags for all the trash cans at each booth and also as liners for the tables. That says a lot, to me, about the quality of product they are creating and also the good it is doing for the environment.

To access BioBag’s Website, please click on the link I have provided on the right-hand side of the page under the column titled Blogroll.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

My name is Jennifer Wagner and I’m the Marketing Manager at BioBag. BioBag is the world’s largest brand of certified compostable bags and films made from the material, Mater-Bi. Mater-Bi’s ingredients consist of starches derived from plants, vegetable oils, and compostable polymers from both renewable raw materials and fossil raw materials. No polyethylene is used in the production process. BioBag products meet ASTM D6400 specifications and our company fully supports California Law regarding biodegradable and compostable product claims. As I became more and more aware of how much waste individuals, companies and our country produces, I felt inspired to work for a company whose mission is focused on landfill diversion and composting.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1. A How To Survive Alone In The Wilderness Book – reason is self explanatory
2. The World’s largest lighter – I know I have my survival guide but one thing I don’t want to ever worry about it making fire. Fire is of course a life force when you don’t have electricity.
3. A pocket knife – again one of those pertinent things needed for survival.
4. A toothbrush – nothing makes me feel worse than having that fuzzy feeling on my teeth
5. Notebook with Pencil – To keep myself sane along with keeping a calendar. I’d have this as a diary to count the number of days I’ve been there plus it would be great to catalog all my experiences. Who knows, someone might find it and it could be published one day.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Find something to be passionate about. Passion is what makes one love harder, laugh louder and be the best person they can be. I feel anyone that is truly happy has to be content with who they are, has to have love in the life as well as their heart and has to able to laugh even during hard times. This person will give as much as they receive, be able to get through anything and enjoy the gift of life.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

Professionally I would say BioBags! Collecting and composting all your organic waste (which is estimated about 30% of all we throw away) would make a monumental impact on the environment. Compost is a natural, chemical-free fertilizer. More natural fertilizers = better land to grow = healthier foods.

Personally I would say a refillable water bottle like a SIGG or Klean Kanteen. Not only is our bodies made up of 70% water and water is what we all need water just to live but water purifies us, detoxes us and cleanses us. Water also regulate body temperature, provides the means for nutrients to travel to your organs and tissues, transports oxygen to your cells and protects your joints and organs. I don’t think the majority of us are getting enough water. We fill our bodies with overly caffeinated, carbonated and syrupy beverages that make our kidneys work over time. Plus, getting copious amounts of water leads to the better looking skin. You also will feel and look amazing.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

BioBag offers a wide variety of bags to collect your organic waste, divert it from landfills and turn it into compost. Our bags are certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute. BioBag also strongly supports the use of GMO free certified crops and participates in a source offset program with our suppliers. We manufacture compostable plastic shopping bags, 3 gallon food scrap collection bags, tall kitchen bags, lawn & leaf bags, pet waste bags and SOON sandwich bags and cling wrap. Our bags are formulated to be composted and consumed by the same microorganisms that digest other organic waste. We also make a Max Air food scrap collection bucket to help with the collection of kitchen waste as well as to eliminate the ICK of doing so.

Feel free to check out our website for more information on our products, our certifications, specials, where you can purchase BioBags, tips on composting, blogs, articles about BioBag, our facebook, our newsletter and more.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

I feel the catalysts for a lot of our problems and the world’s problems are greed, entitlement, lack of responsibility and discernment. As a society we need to band together to reduce these catalysts especially in terms of how much we waste and unconcern ourselves about it. We are so accustomed to throwing away what is not needed and not even thinking about it. Where does all of this that I’m throwing away going? Why should I care that I’m sending tons of discarded materials to landfills? Let’s focus on only buying what is needed and what we do have as waste, let’s recycle and compost as much as well can. Our society in general is VERY wasteful. My hope is for us to be more conscious of what we purchase, the impact that will have in our lives now and the impact it will have on our planet in the future. Specifically, my dream for the future is that all cities, businesses and individuals achieve zero waste.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

I don’t have a single biggest/greatest hero but more like a collection of “normal” people I meet or observe on a day to day basis. Yes, there are many notable activists, scholars and leaders that have changed society for the good but the people I truly find heroic are the everyday individuals that take the time to make a change in their lives or in the lives of others they come across. There is so much to say and admire in daily humility, kindness and love.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

I want people to know that BioBag and myself really CARE about our products and our mission. If any of our customers or future customers ever have any questions, concerns or comments, we are here to listen and respond to them. Anyone can contact us at or 727-789-1646. During normal business hours, you’ll get an actual LIVE person and we will respond to everyone! Together we are Changing the World Without Changing the Earth.

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Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Robby Wharton of Morningstar Minerals

For the fifth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Robby Wharton, Production Manager at Morningstar Minerals. I first met Robby at the Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, CA a few years ago. There are lots of booths/vendors there giving out samples/products and I am not inclined to take everything that is given me. I am a “purist” in every sense of the word. I eat food that is raw, whole, fresh and organic and nothing that is processed (I eat fruits, vegetables, greens and small amounts of fats that include nuts, seeds and avocados). I also only use the purest products on my skin/body, as well.

So, what does this have to do with this interview, you may ask? When I walked by the booth that Robby was in, he handed me a bag with samples. It wasn’t a plastic, paper or canvas bag. It stood out to me because it was a weaved bag with a plastic see-through front(I am a “bag-aholic,” so when I see someone with a bag at the Expo or elsewhere that I like, I have to have it! I am not talking about a purse/handbag, but rather ones that I can use for shopping, but some I have used like a handbag). I loved the bag and did come back again so I could get more bags(I wanted to give them for presents, too, not just for “selfish me”). I had a chance to look through the products that were in there and my favorite turned out to be the Derma Boost Skin Rejuvenator (their supplements are great, but I personally don’t use any). I sprayed it on my face and felt instantly refreshed and renewed. From then on I was hooked on the product and have been using it regularly for a few years now. I even got Robby to send me some as a birthday present – Thanks, Robby! 🙂 I also learned from Robby more about the fulvic minerals that were discovered by the owner of the company that have extremely beneficial properties to the body. We need minerals to keep the alkaline balance in our body so we can thrive at being alive!

To access Morningstar Minerals Website, please click on the link I have provided on the right-hand side of the page under the column titled Blogroll. You will learn more about the minerals in their products that they mine and process themselves and why they are so unique and revolutionary. If you click on Resources, on the website you will see a video that tells you more about the company.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

16 years ago I started working for a new company and met the owner Geoff McMahon he is a life time vegetarian and marathon runner and has been into nutrition for some time. I have been suffering from a mining accident for some years now and had been taking vitamins and herbal supplements but with little relief from my pain this is when he told me about minerals, raw food, water and how they help give your body the nutrients and ability to heal. After doing this for 2 weeks I started feeling the difference in my mobility.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

Food – would be greens and lemons
Book – would be the Bible
Our Organic Soil Activator this will make the sandy soil more nutritious for the plants and fruits that is already there and for the garden we grow.
Plenty of veggie seeds to grow a garden

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Drink good clean water and at least a 50/50 diet of raw foods.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this
moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

A water purifier, people do not drink enough water.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Morningstar Minerals promotes Health Wellness Vitality
All our products help the body to stay alkaline and help the body absorb the nutrients we need to stay healthy.
Energy boost 70 is a great electrolyte that helps the body absorb the nutrients and vitamins we need.
Vitality boost HA is the best for high mineral intake and it also has the ability to absorb heavy metals toxins, viral loads from the body and is great for detoxification.
Inner Vitality is a combination of energy boost 70 and vitality boost ha. This product has the best of both worlds and helps with keeping focused and concentration.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

People have no knowledge how easy it is to control there heath problems just by diet and exercise. If people would just take there health into there own hands they would discover how LIFE should be with out all the pharmaceuticals they consume and the other problems it can cause.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

My Boss, Geoff McMahon, who taught me how to take my health into my own hands and it works!!

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Our bodies are made up of mostly water. The biggest problem I have seen is that people do not drink enough water. Water is what we need not just to stay hydrated but to keep us flushed from the toxins we get just by living day to day.

Subscribe to my channel if you have a Gmail, Google+, Picasa, YouTube, Orkut or Google Chrome account and then you can leave a comment and like my videos.

Check out the video on my YouTube channel for Derma Boost Rejuvenating Spray Mist:

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Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Swayze Foster (Low Fat Raw Vegan)

For the fourth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Swayze Foster. I never met her, but found out about her through another raw vegan foodie’s website. She has excellent FREE information to share with the public and great insight, as well. I hope we can meet someday and share some wonderful fruit-filled adventures!

To access Swayze Foster’s Website, please click on the link I have provided on the right-hand side of the page under the column titled Blogroll

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved
in the “health” industry?

I became interested in health and fitness fairly young, at about 17 years old. In 2006, I purchased Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book Eat to Live. This put me on the whole food, plant-based path, but I wanted more. My health wasn’t where I had expected it to be (e.g. anemia, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, “everyday” aches and pains, and a few extra pounds) and so I went raw in 2007.

After a brief yet unpleasant encounter with the high-fat, gourmet raw way (and the promise to myself that I was done with raw), I stumbled upon the low fat, high fruit raw way via Frederic Patenaude’s Raw Secrets. My health improved within days and I was hooked.

In early 2009, I was at a bit of a crossroads career-wise. I was enrolled in university, but I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do with my life. When I finally asked myself what I would do if I could do anything, the answer was simple: raw foods. I was spending so much of my time educating myself, visiting forums, and helping others—and enjoying every minute of it—why shouldn’t I make a career out of it?

So I worked hard for 3 months and on June 18, 2009, I launched my website And the rest is history.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

Well, I would prefer a boat, fuel, and a GPS, so I could make it back home. But I guess those aren’t food, book, or health products. 😉

1) A survival handbook
2) A machete
3) A receptacle for holding water
4) A huge bag of wheat berries
5) A huge bag of dried fruit and nuts

I figure a water receptacle and machete are health-related, seeing as you can’t live without water and a tool for exploring and building a shelter would be pretty important too. 🙂

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Getting healthy is simple, but it isn’t easy. It will require work and there will be obstacles that you must overcome.

The good news? You’re worth it.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

Actually, what I recommend isn’t a product at all and won’t cost you a dime. In fact, it’ll actually save you money!

My recommendation is one 24-hour fast (water only). You’ll be amazed by how clean and clear-headed you’ll feel just by skipping a few meals. It’s also a great way to jumpstart transitioning to a healthier lifestyle.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

My website Fit On Raw: Raw Food for Practical Fitness ( is dedicated to helping everyday (i.e. non-athlete) people go raw and get fit on a healthy and sustainable raw food diet.

I currently offer my low fat raw recipe e-book “Low Fat, Fruit Filled, High Fun Raw Recipes,” my cravings program “How to Conquer Your Cooked Food Cravings Once and for All,” and my members-only site “The Rawkin’ Raw Club”.

You will receive an automatic 25% discount on How to Conquer Your Cooked Food Cravings by clicking the link for Swayze Foster that is listed on the right-hand side of this page when you scroll down to the Blogroll section.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

I hope that more people will realize that they are the true masters of their life. No physician, nutritionist, or government bureaucrat can or should supply us with the education, motivation, support, or food that we need to be healthy and happy.

It is up to each one of us to educate ourselves (read all the books you can, watch movies, surf the web), to stay motivated (write down your reasons for getting healthy, post motivational images and sayings around your house), to seek out support (, and to source quality food ( &

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Ayn Rand, for her dedication to truth, knowledge, and freedom.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

There is never a right time to go raw or improve your lifestyle. It doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of winter or the peak of summer, you will always find excuses to put your goals aside.

My advice is to get started as soon as possible. Anyone can do this simply my replacing one unhealthy food choice with a healthy one each day. For instance, replace breakfast with a fruit smoothie or replace your mid-afternoon snack with fresh salsa and celery sticks.

Question #9: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

Eat as much fruit as you care for, eat generous portions of vegetables (focus on greens), and limit your intake of nuts, seeds, avocados, and other fatty foods (e.g. 1-2 ounces of nuts, 1/2-3/4 of a Hass avocado). Eat the best quality produce you can find and include as much variety as you can throughout the year.


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Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Diane Mahoney of Environne

For the third interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Diane Mahoney, owner of Environne. I met Diane many years ago at the Natural Product Expo in Anaheim, CA. We “clicked” right away (I think it is the East Coast connection). She had a booth there and told me about the product she was selling. At the time there was only 1 product (fruit and vegetable wash) and then as I would see her every year, she started to expand her line and include cleaning products. All of her products are 100 percent natural. I can vouch for them, as I personally use them. My favorite product is the Multi-Task Cleaner – I use it every day. I have even used it when I travel. I will spray down my hotel room – from the tables, faucets, door knobs, phone, tv remote, etc. Since it has natural denatured alcohol, that will kill any bacteria that might be “hanging around” from other patrons. I even tell the cleaning person not to use their products in my room because they are chemically-based. I don’t want to have to breathe it in. I have also used it when I rent a car and spray all the inside parts I will touch and the door handles. You may find other uses for it that I haven’t tried yet.

To access Environne’s Website to purchase products and read more about this great company and the staff please click on the link I have provided on the right-hand side of the page under the column titled blogroll

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved
in the “health” industry?

It was through my studies of completing a Special Education degree that I first became aware of a suspected relationship between pesticides and the dramatic increase in serious childhood disorders,including autism and learning disabilities. In my quest to find a solution for protecting children against toxic chemicals on their fruits and vegetables, I found and purchased a non-toxic formula that was PROVEN to remove surface contaminants. In the early days I was bottling the formula in a basement while while completing my Special Education degree. Shortly after the purchase, I contacted the EPA and other governmental agencies in the pursuit of mandates to assist with regulating dangerous chemicals on the foods we eat. I decided, after many frustrating and politically-charged disputes, to dedicate myself to the “David vs. Goliath” crusade by educating people about agricultural pesticides (a $37 billion industry),and by finding a way to protect children and provide families with pesticide free produce.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

Journal and My kids blankets for obvious reasons. Water to wash down my vitamins- cod liver oil, DHEA, Vit. D, Aloe Vera juice, Liquid Calcium and magnesium.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this
world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

To eat something Green everyday and of course washed with Environné Fruit and Vegetable Wash.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this
moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

Cod Liver Oil for its great qualities for skin, brain function and 0ptimum heart

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you
offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

We manufacture a non-toxic soap designed to remove chemical residues from
your fruits and vegetables. These unwanted residues have been known through extensive research,to cause various cancers, brain developments problems and severe allergic reactions. Water alone simply is not capable of completely removing oil based chemicals that are used in the fields.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of
the people and the planet?

That EVERY household is properly washing their fruits and vegetables to avoid any unwanted health risk, especially in pregnant women.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Never thought about it. There are many adults that I admire for their wisdom, profession and personal commitment to helping others.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Eating and staying fit are choices that only you can make for yourself. Choosing to be healthy and to enjoy food and the benefits of staying fit through various options, will make you feel good and ready to hit the ground running in anything you choose to make a difference with.

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Andrew Perlot (Raw Vegan Food)

For the second interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Andrew Perlot. I have never met him, but know him through his website that I introduced to by another raw foodie. He has great free information/articles on his site, so please do check it out. He backs up his info with research/ sources at the bottom of his articles, as well. I like his easy going style and the fact that he was able to overcome some serious health issues and looks like a shining example (at the age of 27) of living a raw vegan lifestyle the right way! Check out the before and after pictures below (ages 17, 23 and 25) – that is a great testimonial, in and of itself!

To access Andrew’s Website, please click on the link I have provided on the right-hand side of the page under the column titled blogroll

Chef Mindy aka Ageless Raw (low-fat) Vegan Beauty

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I spent my youth overweight and fairy sick. I maxed out at 220 pounds when I was 17 years old, and although I started getting myself into shape after that, I suffered from increasingly bad colitis in my college years, a horrible disease that was ruining my life. Besides this, I suffered from chronic migraines, backaches and other problems.

Addendum to Question #1

Did You immediately go to raw food (and was it low fat from the start or did you try other ways first, too) or did you try other things first like macrobiotics, cooked vegan, etc?

I made the first small-scale improvements to my diet in 2001, when I was 17, such as drinking more water and less soda, eating less processed foods, and replacing some deserts with fruit. Soon after this I started drinking less milk, realizing that it had a very negative effect on my digestive system.

By the age of 20 around 2003, I was eating a low fat cooked food vegan diet centered around whole foods.

I spent much of 2005 suffering from ever-worsening colitis, and after being disgusted with the answers given to me by my doctor, I started fooling around with diets with no grains or starches, and although they helped, I couldn’t find one I could eat enough calories on without eating unhealthy levels of fat, until I learned that fruit was the perfect replacement to calorically-dense grains and starches that were aggravating to my system.

I started a low fat raw food diet based around whole fruits and vegetables in 2005 (at the age of 22) to see it it would cure my colitis – it worked like a charm, and also left me feeling better and possessing far more energy than I’d ever experienced in my life. I amazed myself by how much stamina my body possessed, and by 2009 I’d logged my first marathon. Over the years I’ve developed some effective weight loss strategies and dropped down to 158 pounds, for a total loss of 62 pounds, which is like shedding the entire body weight of a six year old boy from your body.

By the end of 2005 I was on my first 30-day low fat raw food trial, and my symptoms were hugely reduced by the end of it. After 60 days, I could eat a wide variety of fruit and some leafy greens. A year later I could handle raw cruciferous and harder-to-digest vegetables like broccoli with no problems.

Up until the beginning of 2007, I ate approximately 90 to 95 percent raw, and I would periodically try to eat cooked vegan foods to see if I could find some equilibrium between all raw and cooked vegan that would allow me to feel fantastic and keep my colitis in check. I failed to find such a sweet spot, and in 2007 I decided there wasn’t one.

I’ve been all raw since, and feel fantastic.

By 2008, I was fielding so many questions from people interested in how I ate that I decided it would be far more efficient to start a website and write articles that could be accessed by thousands. My goal was to make sure that no one had to suffer, like I did, for lack of life-changing health information. was born to provide free information on a wide variety of raw-related topics, and it continues on that path today. Well over 90 percent of the content I produce is free.

By 2010 the site had grown enough to provide me with a bit of income, and I quit my job as a newspaper reporter to work on it full time. As of September 2011, it was averaging 69,394 unique visitors every 30 days, making it one of the most popular raw food websites on the internet.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1) An infinite bowl of Nam Dok Mai Mangoes: My favorite type of mangoes. They’re high enough in calories to support a strenuous life while being watery enough to keep me reasonably well hydrated, even if there wasn’t a ton of water around. I also never get sick of them.
2) Infinite Bowl Of Celery: I start to feel poorly and my health and athletic performance starts to decline if I don’t get some greens in regularly. Celery offers an array of minerals that fruit alone cannot provide.

3+4) My machete and a big box packed with a wide variety of low-water tolerant fruit and vegetable seeds and corms ( I’ve got a permaculture design certificate under my belt and a great deal of interest in growing fruit in arid environments, and my goal would be to pull a Greening The Desert ( on that island and turn it into an abundant paradise. You can’t live on mangoes and celery for years and be in great health, so I’d need to diversify. If a rescue party happened to find me 30 years down the road, they’d discover my island overflowing with dates, pomegranates, figs, citrus, and gardens of vegetables.

5) My laptop and a solar charger: I’m well aware that health is not confined to what you eat and how you exercise, but dependent on a wide variety of health factors, such as sleep, managing your mind, and many other pillars. These are topics I talk about at length in The Raw Food Lifestyle:
One of the critical aspects of a healthy lifestyle is creative expression. There is no one right way to do it, but writing is one of my passions. There are many books I could write, and doing so would be good way to enjoy myself and stay sane while isolated thousands of miles from other human beings.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Got health problems? So did I. I was once miserable, fat, depressed, sick, and convinced these factors were outside of my control – I was just a bad throw of the genetic dice, I believed. When I learned to control my mind, eat a healthy diet, and take positive actions in all areas of my life, my situation changed dramatically. Today, I find my life is joy. I love my body, because it does everything I ask of it. It never gets sick, carries me through the activities I enjoy with grace and ease, and frankly looks a heck of a lot better than it did when I was trashing it at every meal. This is a far cry from the hatred I once had for it when I believed it a curse I could not escape.

If you think you’ll never get free of your challenges, know that there are ways forward.

For general health, the most effective diet I’ve ever found is simply consuming more ripe fruit than I’d ever considered normal or optimal, tons of vegetables, and relatively little fat. Ignore the salt, beverages (other than water) spices, supplements, vitamin pills, and other useless junk people try to sell you.

It works like a charm for me and many of those who read my website, and it can work for you.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

Considering that I spend so much time talking about diet, it would seem likely I’d choose something food-related to recommend, and there certainly are some great books in that category. But I think it’s naive to expect a single product to be all things to all people.

Everyone is at unique stages of development in the different areas in their life. For some, their diet or exercise routine is floundering or nonexistent and they feel the need to really boost that up. Others have their diets down pat and don’t need any help. Some are depressed, allow their mind to run rampant, hate their job, are in ridiculous relationships, or have some other weak point they need to address, all of which are factors playing into their health.

I prefer to suggest a product which offers a meta-solution, so to speak. It doesn’t address diet or exercise directly, but recognizes that improvement is the constant goal, and suggests a new way of looking at the world. If you start working on your life in the way that it suggests, health improvement will simply be one of the areas you embrace.

This audio program was suggested to me when I was a Freshman in college. After listening to it a few times I started getting a handle on why, although the weight loss and easing of my depression I’d experienced earlier had been great, I didn’t really see the connections so I could recognize why I’d had improvements or how I could build on them further. As time has gone on, I’ve come to appreciate this ground-level introduction to smart thinking and realized it’s a scaffolding from which I’ve gone on to learn more advanced ideas and formulate my own.

The material is actually quite old, but timeless in value. The speaker, whose deep gravely voice I initially found off putting, but which I now enjoy, is Earl Nightingale, who was famous in the 1950s for his motivational speaking.

“Lead The Field,” ( The audio program I suggest, is from the 1970s, and was a synthesis of his many ideas in one compact form.

What I hope health seekers will get out of it is an understanding that having the most ripped abs in their town will not make them healthy if they don’t know how to think and solve problems creatively, a trait most people never develop. If your mind isn’t growing, you’ll never be at your best (note, you want the audio program, not the book by the same name).

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being? exists to provide free information that people can use to revolutionize their health and understand the cause of their disorders and maladies. I want people to know that the vast majority of diseases and disorders humanity suffers from are caused our actions, not our genes, which are, despite what people like to think, of little importance in the grand scheme of health ( This viewpoint may be annoying for those who like to blame outside factors, but I find it incredibly empowering, for it means that we have the power to improve our lives dramatically.

I also offer a one-on-one coaching service (, and two e-books for sale through the site.

The first is “Savory Raw Dressings And Sauces,” ( I created this e-book because so many people have no idea that you can make healthy dressings that avoid the oil, salt, vinegar, spices, and other unhealthy foods that people normally ruin their salads with. When you avoid these items, you can still have a tasty finished product that will delight your taste buds. Eating well does not have to be dolorous.

All you need is delicious raw fruits, vegetables, and herbs to make amazing salad dressings. I explain how in the book.

The second is “The Raw Food Lifestyle,” which tries to emphasize that while diet can change your life, food choices alone won’t take you all the way to health anymore than just exercising will. The book goes into detail about managing your mind, living in a cooked food world as a raw foodist, exercise, sunshine, sleep, and many other topics critical to health and happiness on this planet.

Discount Code: RawsomeRawLifestyle
The first 25 buyers of The Raw Food Lifestyle purchased by itself using this discount code will receive 25 percent off the purchase price. Code expires November 23, 2011.

Discount Code: RawsomeSavoryAndLifestyle
The first 15 buyers to purchase The Raw Food Lifestyle and Savory Raw Dressings And Sauces together will receive 25 percent off the purchase price. Both books must be in your cart at the time of checkout for the code to function. Code expires November 23, 2011.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?
1) That people will realize the vast majority of illnesses are a choice, and that they can just as easily choose health, vastly changing the world.
2) That our streets will be lined with fruit trees, and food forests will replace the soil-destroying mono crops of annual plants that stretch across most of this world.
3) That polluting factory farms will disappear.
4) That because fruit orchards produce more calories per acre than animal husbandry and any other vegetative crop, that we can allow more land to return to wilderness, so the rest of the animals and plants on this planet can have a place to thrive, and the critical rain forests can return.
5) That one day, you’ll be able to eat 20 peaches in public without anyone blinking an eye, because it will be seen as the natural, responsible, tastiest way to eat.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

I certainly respect many people, primarily pioneers, inventors, explorers, and others who have pushed past doubt and adversity to go after their dreams, but I can’t say I’ve ever embraced anyone as a hero. No one has ever fit my ideal mold closely enough, so I’ve tended to follow the beat of my own drum, which I find more rewarding.

Question #8: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

It’s true that caloric needs will vary greatly depending on size, activity level, and other factors, but the basic ideal diet for a 60-year-old sedentary house wife, a 25-year-old body builder, and a 40-year-old marathon runner are the same.

The only real ideas you need to embrace are to eat only whole, ripe, raw fruits and vegetables and to keep your fat intake under 10 percent of calories consumed. If you do so, you’ll find your protein intake is automatically in the ideal range of less than 10 percent of calories consumed, and your carbohydrate intake is automatically in the ideal range of at least 80 percent of calories consumed.

There are many caveats and individual questions that need to be answered, which I address on my site, but that’s the simple overview that applies to all. If a diet is too complicated, there’s probably something fishy about it.

Forget pills, supplements, and “cures.” Whole, raw, ripe fruits and vegetables are all you need to thrive like never before.

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