Archive for January, 2022

Pollution Is Not My Friend & Is Harmful to Everyone – Part 2!

This is a continuation from the previous post where discussed physical pollution and included plastic and noise pollution. I am reiterating the first paragraph that wrote there.

Pollution comes in many forms and not just the obvious ones that you know of and I am here to address and express my thoughts and views on it, so others will have a greater awareness that they may not have even contemplated that it as an issue. It is not only related to physical health, but also to spiritual health and planetary health. I will share with you the different categories that I know of and tell you a bit more about why I see them as damaging to us as individuals and a planet. I will also give you some suggestions what to do about them, as it is always good to be proactive and make changes for the better.


Light pollution is everywhere and sometimes it seems you can never get away from it. While the natural light of the sun is very important and serve many purposes for the health of people, animals, etc, it is the artificial light that is a problem and can also be harmful to our health, especially when sleeping. If you leave lights or your computer on at night, your body is not able to absorb the melatonin it needs for repair, recovery and optimal health. It is best to shut everything off at night and also put up dark shades on your windows and even sleep with an eye mask to help. There are so many different sources of this pollution, from street lights, flashing lights from storefronts, etc.

If you can get away from this environment and go to where you see the sky lit up naturally at night with all the stars, it is such an amazing sight. I have had the pleasure to experience that in different times where I lived in a more remote location and the experience was breath taking. You also hear nature speaking to you with the sounds of the night creatures. One time when I was living in Western Massachusetts, in a small town called Becket, it was the winter and the outside was blanketed in snow and the trees were beautiful snow/ice sculptures and I remember walking in the quiet of night on the dirt road and seeing all the beauty around me on the ground and in the skies. It was so serene and picturesque and will never forget it. I hope you get to experience something like this at least once in your life whether in the winter, summer or any other season.


Where can you go in this entire plant for clean air? I do not think I have the answer, but maybe someone else does. I know the farther away you get from the city and go to the countryside or rural areas, the air is definitely much cleaner because you are not dealing with all the toxic chemicals/substances that are entering the air from many different sources. Also, if you go to a park that has lots of trees and is away from traffic and cars fumes, that is also good as you are getting more oxygen in your lungs and is a good time to do some deep breathing exercises. That is something a recommend you do as often as possible to oxygenate your blood, optimize your health and also help to rid the body of toxins. I do the following breathing sequence: breathing from the abdomen and take deep breath in and up the chest for a count of ten and then hold for ten and then breath out through the mouth for a count of 10 and hold for 10. Do that as many times as you can. I try to do that at night while lying down before sleep and it can also help you get a more restful night sleep.

If you have any of your own suggestions or ideas, you are welcome to leave your comments to this post and also to Part 1.

I hope this information was helpful to you and give some ways in which you can avoid or at least lessen your exposure to various types of pollution.

The Rawsome Vegan Gal πŸ™‚

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