Posts tagged kosher

Have You Checked Out The “Milked” Videos Yet? All Plant-Based Beverages from Elmhurst

I have 4 videos and 1 more next week on products from Elmhurst. They make beverages that are all plant-based from nuts, grains & legumes and are vegan, non-GMO, kosher, no artificial flavors, no gums, no emulsifiers, no high fructose corn syrup, carrageenen free, dairy free, lactose free and no thickeners.

Check them all out here:

Elmhurst™ Milked – Plant-Based Milks Part 1: Milked Cashews & Milked Walnuts

Elmhurst™ Milked – Plant-Based Milks Part 2: Milked Brown Rice & Milked Oats

Elmhurst™ Milked – Plant-Based Milks Part 3: Milked Peanuts – Original
& Chocolate

Elmhurst™ Milked – Plant-Based Milks Part 4: Milked Almonds – Original
& Unsweetened

🌺 The Rawsome Vegan Gal 🌸

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Got Milked??? Checked out Elmhurst Milked Plant-Based Beverages

Elmhurst Milked has transformed from a dairy beverage company, started in 1925, to exclusively producing vegan plant-based milks. They have some very unique varieties and do not use any gums, fillers, artificial flavors, carrageenen free, non-GMO, gluten free and kosher.

I have 2 reviews on my youtube channel and more upcoming in the next few weeks.

Check them out here.
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Elmhurst™ Milked – Plant-Based Milks Part 1: Milked Cashews & Milked Walnuts

Elmhurst™ Milked – Plant-Based Milks Part 2: Milked Brown Rice & Milked Oats

🌻 The Rawsome Vegan Gal 🌺

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Jem Organics – Have You Tried These Yummy Nut Butters Yet? Discount Offered

Jem Organics makes superb nut butters using organic, non-GMO and gluten-free ingredients like sprouted & dehydrated truly raw almonds, cashews, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, etc and superfoods like maca, maqui, lucuma, etc. They are also vegan, kosher, stoneground and made in a gluten-free facility. Check out my youtube video review of their newest products and some limited editions, as well. There is a 10% discount offered on all products till the end of this month, so watch the video to get it. You will not want to pass up this great deal, as the products are the absolute best in quality, integrity and environmental consciousness.

Jem™ Organics – Part 2: Sprouted & Stoneground Organic Nut Butters

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Coconut Secret – Low Glycemic Coconut Products

Coconut Secret – Low Glycemic Coconut Products

The company, Coconut Secret, has “tapped” into a way to create great products made from the sap of coconut that are natural alternatives to traditional products on the market. To me, they are above board then even some of the “natural” products you see in health food stores and supermarkets. Some, of course, are better then others and some, I see as being worse for you then eating dirt or grass from your yard. So, “all products are not created equal,” in my humble opinion.

The owners, Leslie and Randy, found a personal need for their family and decided to create their own products because there were none on the market that met their expectations. As the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention.” They took this opportunity and ran with it and I am happy that these products came about because they are not only good for you, but they also taste good! You can forget about your traditional soy sauces, vinegars, honey and sugars because these products from Coconut Secret, in my opinion, will eliminate the conventional unhealthy ones from your pantry.

Coconut Secret does everything right and never cut corners in making their products. Most products (except for some of their chocolate bars that have dairy and not 100% organic) are 100% Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Kosher and no MSG in their soy-free seasoning sauce.

The benefits of using the sap of the coconut blossoms is that it’s very low glycemic in and of itself and also rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, minerals, amino acids and close to a neutral pH.

Another thing I am very pleased that the company opted to do when making their products, is to use glass bottles and not plastic. We all know that plastic, even the supposed non-toxic ones that are called BPA-free, likely still have some chemical components that may leach into the product. I have never personally had a BPA-free container tested for what it is made of in a lab, but it would be interesting to know that. Perhaps that can be researched further by “googling” it. I am not a “fan” of using plastics at all. I do understand that not all products can be packed in glass for various reasons, including cost, safety, etc. To me glass is the best option for a number of reasons: 1- no leaching of chemicals into food from plastic and the fact that it’s sitting in the plastic for who knows how long while it is sitting on the shelf in the store, 2- you can reuse the glass bottles or jars for many different purposes: food, gifting something to others, using as your water bottle and if nothing else, recycle it, 3- my opinion is that they have a better shelf-life, as well, 4- the food in the glass is much healthier for you, because why would/how could you want to make an organic product and then house them in plastic? To me, that is similar to buying fresh, healthy, ripe and organic produce and then washing it with chemically-laden tap water. Another example would be someone who was told they needs to exercise for health, so they decide to ride a bicycle, but smoke a cigarette while doing so. I think you get the message. Glass is best! I would go so far as to say, I never buy “plastic” water, because even if it is pure water, it has still been living in plastic for who knows how long and chemicals have been leaching into it. My tip to you: when traveling by plane and you can not take a glass or stainless water bottle, do not buy plastic water. The best bet, is to take produce that is rich in structured water that will hydrate you and also provide you with other beneficial vitamins and minerals. Some suggestions: apples, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, kiwis, melons, peaches, plums, nectarines, pears, celery, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers.

Also, their products has simple easy to read and understand ingredients that you do not need a degree in chemistry or the like to understand. The 3 coconut products I discuss here, are actually only made of one ingredient, that being coconut sap from the coconut blossoms (except for the coconut aminos that adds sea salt).

The 3 products I review here are:
Raw Coconut Vinegar, Raw Coconut Nectar and Coconut Aminos.

1) Raw Coconut Vinegar: This product is by far better tasting then any vinegar I have had in the past, including apple cider, umeboshi plum and rice vinegar. It smells exactly like traditional apple cider vinegar, in my opinion, and has higher nutritional value then similar products in its amino acid, vitamin and mineral content.

It also has the added benefit of being a great source of FOS – fructooligosaccharides – which is a prebiotic that feeds/promotes the growth of “good” intestinal bacteria, which are in fruits and vegetables, including, apples, pears, garlic, onion and asparagus (which differs from a probiotic, which is the “good”/beneficial gut bacteria that aids in intestinal/digestive health, such as found in foods like sauerkraut, miso, kefir, kimchi and kombucha). So, it taste yummy plus you improve your digestion – what a great concept! You can sprinkle it on your salad, add it to dressings, marinades, to season rice for sushi, in spreads, sauces and patés. It can also be used for cleansing internally, as well as skincare.

The reason it is called “raw,” is because it’s processed without any heat and therefore, is also rich in enzymes. It is made in small batches, which means it is fresher and they have more control over the results. This vinegar is naturally aged for 8 months to 1 year to give it the distinct flavor, which does not taste coconutty at all! It also does not need any refrigeration.

2) Raw Coconut Nectar: This is one of the best alternatives to sweeteners on the market today. If you want a product that pours like honey, is as sweet as any other sweetener, can be used in all your desserts, does not need refrigeration, and is safe for diabetics, has a low glycemic index, then this is the product you ought to buy and use regularly!

There are so many products on the market today if you have a “sweet tooth,” and the majority are made with unnatural, chemically processed ingredients, colored with carcinogenic dyes and then use products like aspartame, splenda, nutrasweet – which are actually all the same thing and produced by Monsanto. If you are not aware of them, they produce r-BGH [bovine growth hormone] milk, and GMO [genetically modified organisms] foods which have already proven to not help with the hunger issue in the world and also cause the plants to need to be sprayed with more pesticides, herbicides, etc. The yield are usually lower and animal fed GMO feed have developed all kinds of problems/illnesses/diseases and when they are fed non-GMO feed the problems all go away. If you would like to do your own experiment to see what happens, take an organic corn on the cob and conventionally grown corn on the cob [which is more likely then not to be GMO] and put them both outside and put a popsicle stick in the ground next to each one and write organic and conventional to distinguish the two of them. Then see which one gets mostly eaten by the birds and creatures. This will tell you a lot! Besides the fact, that if the companies decide to inject something into the seed that you may be deathly allergic to, such as peanut, soy, etc, you will never know.

Now you know why to stay away from the chemical products on the market, but even the supposed “natural” sweeteners may not be good for hypoglycemic and diabetic people, of which their is a very large population of the world in these categories, including very young children.

Their have been an influx of products using agave nectar, especially with raw food snack products, which are better for you, but adding agave changes that and it is tauted as being a better/healthier alternative. Most people do not know that it is actually worse or on par with HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) which causes numerous health problems. I will have an article on my blog coming up in the future that discusses this subject. So you know, it is not raw, is highly processed and high glycemic, which is not good for anyone, even if you do not have any issues with your pancreas, but over time, it could lead to it. I was even surprised that a company I know who bottles the best raw organic coconut water, in my opinion, are using agave as a sweetener in their raw tea! They already have access to the coconuts, so why aren’t they using the coconut nectar from the blossoms or contacting Coconut Secret to use their nectar? I hope to get in touch with the company soon, so this can be remedied!

3) Coconut Aminos: Are you still using Kikkoman, Braggs or any of the other soy sauces on the market? So you know, most soy is GMO (as explained above) and even with the ones that say organic, there is still the issue of cross-contamination if it was planted in a field where there are other gluten crops growing or grown in soil that was previously used to grow gluten crops (i.e. wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, etc). This is an issue, especially for those who have gluten sensitivities/intolerance or celiac disease, but even for though of us who are staying away from gluten, as a preventative measure, because gluten, can reck havoc on the body, which specifically begins in the colon (where the health of the body begins) and cause numerous health problems. Think of the word gluten – sounds like glue and who wants something in their body that acts like glue, I don’t! That is why this is the perfect alternative to soy sauce and has a similar flavor without the soy. You can use it on your salads, in stews, dressings, sauces, bean dishes, etc.

Coconut Secret also sells other great coconut products, such as coconut flour, coconut sugar, etc and you can check them all out on their website:

Also check out my video review:

In closing, I hope that all markets/stores, in time will only carry products such as sold by Coconut Secret. A lot of companies can learn from them (and I wish they would) as to how to make great products for health and not compromise or “cave in” to cut corners based on their own selfish needs or being pressured by governmental “hounds” as opposed to the concerns and long term benefits to the people and the planet. They have their priorities right and straight! A big thank you and gratitude always!

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Chana Liora/Janine Laura Bronson

For the twenty-second interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Chana Liora/Janine Laura Bronson, former assistant to Ann Wigmore, who revolutionized healthy eating in America with wheatgrass, living foods and “energy soups.”. She started the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston, MA and it moved to West Palm Beach, Florida and is now run by Drs. Anna-Maria and Brian Clement.

From Ann Wigmore’s Wikipedia Page:
In 1968, Ann Wigmore co-founded the Hippocrates Health Institute,a health resort in the United States, with Viktoras Kulvinskas. Known as “the mother of living foods”, she was an early pioneer in the use of wheatgrass juice and living foods for detoxifying and healing the body, mind, and spirit.

In her autobiography, Why Suffer?: How I Overcame Illness & Pain Naturally, Wigmore recalls observing her grandmother using herbs and natural remedies as a child in Lithuania.

Wigmore died in Boston on February 16, 1994, of smoke inhalation from a fire at the Ann Wigmore Foundation.

At the time of her death, the Institute was called the Ann Wigmore Foundation. Brian Clement owned the Hippocrates Health Institute next door, which he moved from Boston to West Palm Beach, Florida.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I have come to realize my full potential as a peace-maker, even though this has been a long time in coming, and I believe that a healthy person contributes to a peaceful universe, and think that veganism, in particular a vegan variation of Kosher Parve (which would exclude all animals and animal products in the categories of eggs, fish, dairy and meat) is more peaceful and moderate…more about this in another answer…

As to why I got involved in the “health” industry, and how come I spent time up at the Hippocrates Health Institute… here’s a testimonial, also involving my Mother.

I originally contacted the original Hippocrates Health Institute (in the 1980’s) which used to be located in Boston, MA, because I was reading books by Ann Wigmore but was looking for more information. Little did I expect to reach Ann directly by telephone, all I really wanted to find out was the answer to my question about sprouting fava beans (since I couldn’t really find them on any list as to how long to soak them) and amazingly for me, and a total surprise was that “Dr.” Ann, as she was called back then (she had a doctorate in Divinity) answered the call herself, because at the time, she was actually just lacking an assistant, and praying to find such a person, mentioning it to me, while I was exactly in transition and looking for work, and she invited me up, and I DROVE all the way there, in my little old car from New Jersey to Boston, and luckily for me, she liked me on the spot, and hired me then and there! I assisted her for about three years, when I had to return to Israel, to look after my Mother who was recuperating from a so-called incurable disease (there is no such thing, by the way) from which she made a total recovery and is still alive about 25 years later and approaching 90! Thanks to what I learned from Ann, we can each and every one of us find true healing and not have to rely on conventional medicine. My Mother, of course, chose to immediately stop the “poisonous therapy treatments” to which she was allergic and was being given to her from the hospital of which I made sure they allowed her to be released. I made her wheat grass juices, and other things such as energy soup, that I had learned at the Hippocrates Health Institute, and of course, daily fresh vegetables and fruit from the local farmers’ market, and picked avocados from our family plantation in Pardes-Chana/Karkur (near Hadera on the way to Haifa up North-East, from Netanya). I wish more people would discover how we might try to “Let Food be Thy Medicine, and Medicine be Thy Food” (Hippocrates saying)…

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1- The first item I need that I would not like to leave behind is to take a copy of Perek Shira which has quotes from Biblical sources that speak of the praises of all creations to The Creator.
2- I would take as pure a container of fluoride-free type of mineral or purified water as I can manage to take with me, not knowing when I could find this precious life-giving water, when on the island, knowing that even though this is a heavy item it might be life-sustaining for at least some time.
3- A certain filtering flask that purifies braken-type water from unpotable sources that I might find.
4- I’d appreciate having a compass, for direction.
5- Some sort of a communication device to seek help from the rest of civilization, but not sure if this would work in such a remote place, but who knows?
(Note from interviewer: Although I only asked for 5 items, Chana added an additional one, which is ok by me)
6- If this is available, a map of the desert island to explore the surroundings more logically, oh, and I didn’t know if one could bring another person with, as well? Ha, ha, ha… (not sure who that would be though, haven’t met my true soul mate, ha, ha, ha…)

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

I think the message of caring compassionately for not only ones own well-being but the wellness of the planet and all of Hashem’s/G-d’s creations is very important from an ecological viewpoint, environmental, ethical reasons against Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayim (not causing harm to any living creature) and feeding the hungry…

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

This depends entirely on the person, no two people are identical, cannot give one cure-all…

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Massage, Brain Gym (in process) and common sense regarding living moderately (my advice is following a Kosher Raw Vegan Organic lifestyle)…

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

To be at peace, one can vee (I coined this word, meaning to live as a raw vegan-Kosher person…

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

My greatest hero is Hashem/G-d because He is All-Knowing, Omnipotent and Everlasting

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Life is miraculous and very precious and we should value each one of those 86,400 seconds in a 24 hour day.

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Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Paul Gregg, Executive Vice President of Raw Foods International – 100% Pure Fruit & Vegetable Juices

For the thirteenth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Paul Gregg, Executive Vice President of Raw Foods International: 100% Pure Fruit & Vegetable Juices

My Comments

I first found this company online and then met them at The Natural Product Expo in Anaheim during the show in March 2014. They have 9 different flavors and I have tried them all and each one is so good I really can not say one is better then the other. They are each unique and each very delicious. I did a taste test on my youtube channel. Link is below to check it out.

Question #1 Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I grew up in an environment where my Mother (a Dietician) always said, “Eat your fruits and vegetables!” I try, but in today’s world that is not always easy when we are on the go so much. That’s why we do our best to get a great tasting fruit and vegetable juice blend into the hands of anyone looking for a solid beverage and I think Mom would be proud.

Question #2 What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Life is service and the sooner you learn that and apply it in your day-to-day life, the better you-and the world around you-will be.

Questions #3 If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

A pair of tennis shoes because exercising your body exercises your soul.

Question #4 Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Our RAAW™ Juices are designed to offer people a great beverage in and of themselves or as a snack between meals. RAAW – Refreshing Anytime AnyWhere™ was developed as a means of providing an affordable product that everyone can afford and enjoy, juices that not only taste great but are great for you. We currently have 9 unique fruit and vegetable blends that are available including: Passion Fruit Wheatgrass, Strawberry Purple Carrot, Mango Guarana, Better Beets, Pineapple Cucumber, Very Berry Wheatgrass, Raspberry Lemongrass, Cranberry Ginger and Carrot Lemonade. Each juice blend is certified Vegan, Gluten Free and Kosher, Non-GMO verified and contains no added water or sugar.

Question #5 What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

I pray for peace and harmony and healthy nutrition for all, especially younger children and those in need.

Question #6 Who is your greatest hero and why?

My Father as he is a member of the “Greatest Generation.”

9 Flavors of 100% Pure Fruit & Vegetable Juices from Raw Foods ainternstional

9 Flavors of 100% Pure Fruit & Vegetable Juices from Raw Foods International

Also check out my youtube channel for a video review of all their juices:

To find out more about all the great products from Raw Foods International, go to:

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My 100 Day Experiment: What Am I Doing and Why?

My 100 Day Experiment Start Date: May 1, 2014

The idea for this came about after I heard someone else speak of a product she was using that is good for the health of the teeth. I was curious and thought I would look up the product on as you can find just about everything there! I found it and read some of the reviews and then also checked out the company website. I put the product in my shopping cart on Amazon, as I was planning to purchase and start using it. I procrastinated a bit and I finally decided I would buy it, because I kept seeing/hearing more about the benefits. When I checked again on Amazon the price kept going up and up and I was disenchanted because I did not want to pay so much for it. I then went on the company website to read more about the product and saw that it was sold it a box of 100 packets and that is when a “lightbulb” went off in my head and the experiment was created.

I contacted the company to see if they would consider providing me with the product to conduct my experiment. They were actually intrigued with the idea and want to see/hear what results I get. So what is this product? You may have heard of it, but never knew that it can help prevent cavities, plaque formation, antibacterial, diabetic friendly and a host of other things. It is called xylitol and is derived from 100% North American Hardwood (not all/many companies claim/mention this so be sure to inquire before you purchase).

The plan is, that I will use 1 packet (which is 4g and safe to use up to that amount daily) daily for 100 days to see if I get any of results mentioned on the box. I went for my dental visit a couple of months ago and am not due for a cleaning till later in the year and by then will be finished with the experiment. I will have extra that I can use after I record my results and then will follow up again after my next dental visit to see if there are any significant changes they notice and I want to share.

How I will consume it, is at follows: I will have 1 packet a day spread throughout the day after a meal or snack and then after I brush my teeth before going to sleep, I will finish what is left in the packet, as it is safe to use and beneficial.

I am including some close up photos of what my teeth look like now and then throughout the experiment I will periodically share any of my results with photos, writings via this blog and also videos on my youtube channel:

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

I am also including some photos from the product packaging that tells you more about the product and the benefits mentioned.

To read more information about this company and where to buy their products, go to

Front of box, of Xyla (trade name of product)

Front of box, of Xyla (trade name of product)

Back of box of Xyla

Back of box of Xyla

Side panel of box mentioning benefits or xylitol

Side panel of box mentioning benefits or xylitol

My teeth prior to experiment  Taken 3/29/14

My teeth prior to experiment
Taken 3/29/14

Picture #2 Prior to experiment Taken 3/29/14

Picture #2
Prior to experiment
Taken 3/29/14

Picture #3 Prior to experiment Taken 3/29/14

Picture #3
Prior to experiment
Taken 3/29/14

Picture #4 Taken prior to experiment 3/29/14

Picture #4
Taken prior to experiment

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Company Review: Living Tree Community Foods – Alive, Sundried, Wildcrafted, Organic and Kosher

Living Tree Community Foods

Here is some history about the company and the owner, taken from their website:

In 1979, Jesse Schwartz, a former college teacher and John Kozack a teacher and administrator with the BioDynamic Farming and Gardening Association of Southern California founded Living Tree Community in Marin County, California. We propagated historic and heirloom fruit trees, including over 80 varieties of old time apple varieties. Through the miracle of grafting we made “photocopies” and propagated them in quantity. We gathered many of these varieties on fruit exploring expeditions in Mendocino County, the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Sierra foothills. We were often guided by old timers who had grown up in the orchards and knew every tree. We brought back from near extinction several early California varieties including Hauer Pippin, Skinner’s Seedling and Pink Pearl, a pink fleshed variety.

We also introduced the Warren pear to California agriculture. It was discovered by T.O. Warren, a distinguished member of the North American Fruit Explorers. He found it in a rural area of Louisiana. He at once noticed something unusual despite the heat and humidity, it was free of fireblight. Its refreshingly sweet taste and fine texture were also exceptional. Family farmer Al Courchesne of Frog Hollow Farms in Brentwood commissioned us to transform an orchard of nondescript pears to Warren Pear. We did so over three years by a sophisticated grafting technique called frameworking, joining scions of Warren Pear onto the primary and secondary branches. By leaving the trees intact, we brought them back into full production in less than half the time it would have taken to plant an orchard anew.

Warren Pears
In regard to bringing back heirloom varieties, Thomas Jefferson wisely said, “The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful plant to its culture.”

In addition to growing trees, we began manufacturing almond butter, which we offered in our tree catalog.

After a decade of propagating trees, we closed the Nursery. Jesse Schwartz founded Living Tree Community Foods, Inc. in Berkeley and we have since devoted ourselves to manufacturing and distributing organic food. Wherever possible, we buy our ingredients from family farmers. In particular, our pistachios, calymirna figs, mission figs, dried peaches, apricots, nectarines, medjool dates and halawi dates are grown by family farmers here in California. We feel privileged to support them.

Read more here:

My Review

I’ve known the owner, Jesse Schwartz for a while and have seen the company grow from producing and selling a few nut butters to now selling seed butters, alive oils, alive chocolate, pestos, coconut products, dried fruit and vegetables, grains, seeds, etc. Their products are of the highest quality and the company has integrity and are concerned about the environment. They support family farmers and source the best ingredients.

Organic Alive Almond Butter

Info from their site:

I am a BIG fan of almond butter! I love the creamy texture and the fact that they make it in small batches and slice not grind the almonds gives it such a smooth yummy taste. I guess I would have to see it, to believe it! Perhaps, I will have to one day go to Berkeley, CA to do a video of the process, as it would be interesting to see and share. I do not know of any other company doing it this way. The product is certified organic, kosher and made from California almonds. They are high in calcium and iron. I eat it straight out of the jar because it is so good and I can! I also love to use as a dip and “dunk” my carrots in the jar. I like the balance of flavor between the two. I also put it on celery and pieces of cabbage for a wrap. You can also use it to make a sweet or savory sauce/dressing depending on the other ingredients you add to it and use on your salad, pasta (I make mine out of zucchini because I do not use any flour products), etc.

Organic and Alive Sesame Tahini

Info from their site:

Tahini is a versatile seed butter and can be used to prepare many different things. From sauces, dressings, dips, mayos, spreads, added to desserts, to make halvah, etc. It is high in calcium and iron, as it comes from sesame seeds. The seeds are sliced rather then ground, as I mentioned above regarding the almond butter. The product is certified organic and kosher. It also has a wonderfully creamy texture. Sometimes I simply add a bit of water to it and make a dressing with lemon, lime or orange juice and pour it on my salad – yum!

Organic Raw Black Sesame Tahini

Info from their site:

I do not know of any other company who is making this seed butter. It is an exclusive creation. It has a variety of medicinal benefits including: to nourish blood deficiencies, lubricate the intestines and help move the bowels. It is also high in calcium. The texture is different as it is drier and not “pourable” like the other tahini I mentioned above. The product is certified organic and kosher. Again, you can use it to make many different dished, as mentioned above. It actually looks like caviar. Black sesame seeds are utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine to nourish and fortify the liver and kidneys.

You can also check out my youtube review of these products, as I taste them “live.”
Living Tree Community Foods: Alive, Sundried, Wildcrafted, Organic and Kosher

To read more about this company and their extensive product line, go to:

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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Company Review: Raw O.N.E. Food – Raw, Organic Savory and Sweet Snacks

Raw O.N.E.(Organic/Nutritious/Enriching)Food company began in 2009

When I go shopping (such as to Whole Foods, in this case), I usually look around for new products that I could perhaps review. That is how I found this one. Of course, I do my research first and after looking at the product in the store, I spend some time on the website looking through the products and what the purpose is for what the company is doing. I have very high standards as to what I am willing to review and share with my readers. If there happens to be something that I feel does not go along with my principles then I will not even give it a second thought. I have even removed previous reviews I have done for companies because they had added new products with ingredients that are highly toxic to the body. I do not want to no will I ever be willing to give in for any price, even though I get samples of the products and the people are very nice.
I am happy 🙂 to say that Raw O.N.E. Food is a great company and have high integrity and purity in their products and personal character.

My email to Dion Taylor, co-owner of Raw O.N.E. Food:

Thanks for the package. I appreciate your generosity in sending me all the products. The packaging itself is exquisite, informative and educational (also love the additional inspirational words inside the flaps of the flax cracker boxes and on the underside of the granola bags (I have not opened the biscotti, to see if there, as well). Since you sent me everything, I will still sample the sweet products, even though I am not fond of honey. As I mentioned previously, would you consider switching to date syrup or coconut nectar for the sweetener and then the products can all be vegan, too!

Response from Dion:

Thank you Mindy for offering to review the line, I do remember that you are vegan but we wanted to feature the entire line, even though you may not review the ones that contain honey, we’d like the general public to know the complete line. Sandesha, my wife, Founder and our Head of Product Development and Production…might want to chime in on her thoughts about alternative sweeteners….so I’ll punt to her for that.

We look forward to your review and appreciate your kind words on the packaging. We set out to both nourish, educate and inspire as we see this as our responsibility to those who, in some small way, trust their wellbeing to us…Conscious Capitalism is what we strive for Purpose driven over Profit driven.

My review of the products

General information: I LOVE the packaging as it has eye appeal (I love colors) and great nutritional information that educates/informs you about the products. It also has words of inspiration on the underside of the granola bags, the inside flap of the flax crackers and biscotti. What a pleasant way to start the day and make you feel happy and inspired. You can use the affirmation/saying as part of your meditation or say it when you need a spiritual “pick me up.” Who would think that the package of the product could nourish you and this company has figured out a great way to do so. Sometimes we may go to eat a snack because we are feeling down, depressed, bored and here you can feel great, perhaps even without eating/overeating anything and simply open up the package and read the words. Of course, you would want to try this products as they are delicious and the best ingredient in there (written on the packaging) is “Lots of Love.” All the products are certified organic, non GMO, gluten free, raw and kosher (Kosher Certification for Kosher, Natural and Organic Products – See more at: Bringing highlighted public awareness of Kosher Dietary Laws and Earth-Friendly Natural and Organic Foods and Products to everyone). It would be great to start seeing products like these (while I call them snacks they are really whole food products with all the goodness of fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs and lots of love) in mainstream places like 7-Eleven, Starbucks, Walmart and get rid of the rest of the junk that is just making people sick, fat and tired. I hope it will happen in my lifetime – it would be time to celebrate and see people wake up to realize their health matters!

I will also share with you my RVG(Rawsome Vegan Gal)Rating for all the products I tasted and reviewed here.

Flax Crackers

There are 4 different varieties that I will review individually. Overall, I enjoyed the different flavors of these flax crackers (made with golden flax seeds that are high in omega essential fatty acids). They are nice and crunchy with the right thickness. They are also vegan and the packaging is colorful and educational, as mentioned above. They are all great, but I rate them according to what I prefer according to my tastes. I am including photos of each product for you to see. The products are beautiful to look at, like art! You can click on each picture to view it in its full size and see the details.

Rosemary-Sundried Tomato
This is #1 favorite flax cracker for me! I love sundried tomatoes and the dried herbs used, namely, rosemary and parsley. It has a mild flavor and not very spicy, as I like it that way.

Flax Cracker Rosemary- Sundried Tomato

Flax Cracker
Rosemary- Sundried Tomato

This is the #2 favorite flax cracker for me. This one has a lot of different yummy ingredients mixed together from tomato, bell pepper, onion and garlic powder, etc. It also has a slight peppery flavor from the cayenne and black pepper, but is not too strong for me.

Flax Crackers  Rawritos

Flax Crackers

This is #3 favorite flax cracker for me. It has a mild flavor initially and then as I chew it, I get the added “Kick” from the cumin and cayenne powder. It is rich in antioxidants from the tumeric and nori.

Flax Crackers Tumeric-Nori

Flax Crackers

Garlic With A Kick
This is #4 favorite flax cracker for me. At first bite it did not taste very strong, then with the second bite I felt the “heat” from the chili flakes. I was able to handle it (I did not grow up eating spicy foods, so I personally stay away from “hot” foods) because I was not eating the chili by itself, since it was part of a cracker and listed as the last ingredient on the package, so there is much less of it in there.

Flax Crackers Garlic with A Little Kick

Flax Crackers
Garlic with A Little Kick


There are two varieties of this product and when you open it, it is more like a granola bar then granola you would put in the bowl, as cereal. You could crumble it up and add vegan milk (such as from sesame, hemp, almond, etc that you can easily make yourself), if you would like it that way. It is nice that you can actually see the “whole food” in the product and identify it. There is raw honey in these products, but it only has a mild sweetness. I abstain from honey, as a rule and would prefer if there was a vegan sweetener used, such as, date syrup or coconut nectar. After looking over the ingredients on the package, I wonder if honey is even needed, as there are so many different delicious fruits and berries in the granola that would probably make it sweet enough. It might be something for the company to consider and make a “test” batch to see how it’ll taste (and the same would apply to the Biscotti that I will review below).

Goji-Mixed Berry
This is #1 favorite for me of the granola. I can taste the goji berry (chock full of antioxidants) – yum! and it is has a nice crunch with all different types of berries, including strawberries, blueberries and cranberries. It is a very good combination of ingredients and has a mildly sweet flavor.

Granola Goji-Mixed Berry

Goji-Mixed Berry

Banana-Walnut Cacao Nibs
This is #2 for me. I do not usually eat bananas because they don’t agree with me. This is different because it is dried and chips. The flavor is nice and mildly sweet. Also has a well thought out mixture of ingredients. The cacao gives the added benefit of antioxidants.

Granola Banana-Walnut Cacao Nibs

Banana-Walnut Cacao Nibs


I do not know if I ever tasted biscotti before or if it is traditionally made by baking it. These are so yummy! There are moist and chewy, to me, more like a soft cookie with great flavor, texture and eye appeal. They are also rich in antioxidants like cacao, goji berries and cherries. They are more like a work of art to be displayed in a museum (or maybe a food museum and when you get hungry you eat the art and feel good about it (ha! ha! and it would be delicious “real” food and not the junk that is sold in the convenience stores).

Goji-Cherry Pistachio

This is the #1 favorite of the biscotti for me. I love the mixture of goji with cherry and the whole pieces visible in it. I would display it on a plate with some goji berries, cherries, almonds and pistachios. These were so good (even though they have raw honey, but a very low glycemic load) that I could eat the whole box in one sitting (of course, I would not do that because I want it to last a while).

Biscotti Goji-Cherry Pistachio

Goji-Cherry Pistachio

Cacao-Incan Berry-Hazelnut

This is #2 favorite of the biscotti for me. It is decadent and yummy. I do not usually eat cacao, so it a real special treat for me. When I opened the package up I could smell the cacao. Again, a great combination of ingredients and flavors (probably took a while of taste testing to get it right and I wish I could have been there to do the sampling) 😉

Biscotti Cacao-Incan Berry-Hazelnut

Cacao-Incan Berry-Hazelnut

Overall, I am a bigger fan of the savory snacks. The sweet ones were very good, but I would like to see them without the raw honey as they already have a lot of sweetness from the other fruits in them.

To check out this great company and learn more about their products and purpose, go to:

I also did a video review on my YouTube channel:
Subscribe to my youtube channel if you have a Gmail, Google+, Picasa, YouTube, Orkut or Google Chrome account and then you can also leave a comment and like my videos, with a “Thumbs Up!”

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this review, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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Company Review: The Vegg – Vegan Egg Yolk

Company Review: The Vegg – Vegan Egg Yolk Company started in 2011 and began selling the product in March 2012

I never heard of this product before I received an email from GreenPeople, thanks and here is a plug for them and they do have a great website – – Search for organic food, natural pet supplies, natural baby products, beauty products, green products, hemp, organic cotton, health products. Free listings.

The email said to contact Rocky for a sample, so I did. I was intrigued with the concept and also checked out the website to see what the product was all about. I liked what I saw and was looking forward to trying it out. I received the sample quickly with a copy of the cookbook, too. It is a novel concept that no one else thought about creating. Most people were using soaked flax seeds as an egg replacement for baking/cooking. Now, those of us who don’t use eggs have something that is on par with it. You can feel good that you are not involved in any potential harm to an animal or whether it is cage-free, free-range, grass-fed, pasture-fed, etc.

When I received the package I saw that the main ingredient is nutritional yeast (it is in powder form) and that is what gives it the yellow color (like an egg yolk). You add water and then blend it for 15 seconds to get the thickness of an egg yolk. If you try to mix it by hand, you will not get that consistency. To my amazement, it smelled like a egg even though it isn’t! My Mom said the same thing when she tried The Vegg Sauce/Dip, so I know I am not the only one who thought that. You can go to my youtube channel to see the video review and watch me make The Vegg recipe:

This is a great natural product and you will be amazed with all the things you can do with it. There is also The Vegg Cookbook (all vegan) for great recipes and ideas of how to prepare it. To learn more about this product and purchase it, go to:

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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