Archive for People, Products and the Health of Our Planet

What Are Organic Activated Nuts & Seeds and Why Is It Important? PLUS A GREAT SALE NOV 22-29

This is taken from an email I received from Wildy Organic by Wilderness Family Naturals.

I don’t know of many companies who are selling their products this way. They do all the work and you enjoy the benefits! Even if it costs more to purchase, it is well worth it!

Nuts (and seeds) are a very popular food. 
What makes our nuts and seeds unique is the fact they are soaked and dehydrated, which preserves the nutrients, micro-nutrients and enzymes.

By soaking nuts, phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors that may interfere with nutrient absorption are broken down. We then dehydrate them at low temperatures to preserve nutrients, micro-nutrients and enzymes. 

The end result is crispy, great-tasting raw nuts, and what’s also great –  can be enjoyed on all kinds of diets — from keto to vegan.

Despite being high in fat, they have a number of impressive health and weight benefits, especially when they’re organic.

They are loaded with protein, essential fats, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and micro-nutrients ⏤ plus, they’re delicious! 

And at Wildly Organic we select our certified organic, raw nuts and seeds from small family farms and carefully prepare them to preserve their natural flavor and healthful qualities. 

They also sells oils, coconut products, dried fruit, natural sweeteners, gluten-free products, bath and body, etc.

This information is taken from their website:

As your trusted online health food store, we go above and beyond to ensure you feel good about your food choices. That’s why we supply a wide range of products that help nourish healthy bodies and wholesome lives. With the belief that food is most nutritious when it is closest to its natural form, we work hard to make sure our organic store products are, whenever possible:

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • FairTrade Certified & Sustainably-Sourced
  • Crafted From Whole, Non-GMO Ingredients
  • Certified Kosher
  • Raw, Vegan, and Gluten-Free Diet-Friendly
  • Minimally-Processed to Ensure Nutritionally-Rich Products You’ll Love

There is a GREAT SALE going on from Nov 22nd through the 29th. Get 15% off storewide sale and free shipping on orders over $49. Use CODE: BFCM22


Disclaimer: The products and the claims made about specific products/programs on or through this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

The information provided in this email is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label, packaging or program I am doing

You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or as a substitute for medication or other treatment prescribed by your physician or health care provider.

You should consult with a physician or health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication or nutritional supplement, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. As there may be potential adverse interactions between medication you are currently taking and nutritional supplements. Each person is different, and the way you react to a particular product/program may be significantly different from the way other people react to such product/program.

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet- Interview with Jonathan Heine, Owner of You Are Loved Foods

My Comments
I found this company at the Natural Products Expo/Expo West in Anaheim, CA in March 2017. I tried almost all the products (as the cupcakes are not vegan and I am) and loved them! Hence what a great name for the company and there is a story about the name, if you check on their website:

For my thirty-third interview, I have the pleasure to introduce you to Jonathan Heine, Owner of You Are Loved Foods: incorporated in 2014, first started selling in 2016.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

In 1973, Woody Allen made a movie called “Sleeper”, in which he played a health food store owner that woke up 200 years in the future.
Doctor: “You have to realize that all your friends have been dead for over 200 years.”
Woody Allen: “But they all ate organic rice!”

I was into healthy eating way way way back in the early 1970s. Sustainability (then called “Conservation”) , “health” foods and ethnic foods were new and only in big cities and “hippie” communities. GMO had just started and nobody heard of it.

Some organic growers unwittingly used GMO seeds for their wheat, rice and oat crops. The long term cumulative immune and metabolic effects on many of our bodies weren’t even a thought. Unfortunately, my body was sensitive, so my metabolism and immune system started going haywire, and nobody could figure out why. Doctors told me it was my fault: I had bad eating habits, I didn’t exercise enough, etc. I was running half marathons and at one point was on 1,000 calories a day to maintain. Oddly, cigarette smoking solved the weight issue eating the same stuff. Hmm. Can anybody say “Conspiracy Theory”?

So then the diet expert theories came into play.
First it was low fat foods. So up the starch, and therefore up the sugar (if you get a hamburger, throw away the hamburger and eat the bun). Bagels were considered reasonable snacks. Low Fat yoghurt, raisin bran with skim milk, whole wheat toast with a little no sugar added jam. Eventually, even small amounts of starch or sugar, an apple, say, could put 5-10 pounds of weight and bloating on me in a very short period of time. On top of that, reducing weight would take longer because the bloating and immune reactions would persist. My limbs ached, I had fibromyalgia, and no amount of exercise seemed to stop it. Although training for a marathon did help a lot.

By the time I was 40, I was about 20 pounds overweight, and felt awful. I went to see a famous diet doctor, and following her advice, I gained 150 pounds in under six months, crossed over into diabetes, and felt like I was going to die. Nothing worked.

Then I stumbled onto a nutritionist who put me on a modified atkins program. The traditional doctors said it would kill me. Since their advice had been so helpful, I decided to leap. In 5 years, with no portion control, I released 120 pounds. Not quite all the way back, but getting there.

In the process, I realized there weren’t a lot of tasty alternatives for what was then, an early Paleo, Low Carb, Sugar free lifestyle. Tons of Xylitol, tons of Erythritol, yucky tasting stevia, and yucky tasting monk fruit extract. Tons of Whey and Soy Isolates. Forget chocolate. And the protein bars tasted terrible and had all sorts of crap in them. Nothing to take on trips. No good treats.

So I took out my chef’s “hat”, started going to ingredients and food technology trade shows, and started, for myself, the You Are Loved Foods products. Along the way invented a heat resistant, low fat, ultra low carb, sugar free, naturally sweetened chocolate. And got really good at alternative, starch and sugar free versions, of all sorts of favorites: Cheesecake, lasagna, cupcakes, fudge truffles, granola.

After I got myself and some friends off insulin and no longer diabetic, I decided to start the company to bring these great tasting benefits to the world.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1. Iphone and a solar charger. Without that, no books, no music, no sanity. This would include my meditation programs, my wisdom programs, my visualization assistance. And I could recharge the battery. I’d visualize being rescued, and stay positive about it. And, I could watch the three tv series I actually learned to download, which I highly recommend: “Revolution” (about the American Revolution), “The Black Donnelys” (great NY drama, 9 episodes), and “Hunted” with Grey’s Anatomy’s Melissa George (definitely worth watching).
2. A tooth-care kit. 20 Toothbrushes, 10 years supply of dental floss, a tongue scraper, a gum stimulator and lots of toothpaste.
3. A book about the 5 things you should take to be stranded on a desert island. Hopefully this would at least show me how to build a fire and keep it going. Build shelter, find water, etc. Being a Jewish New Yorker, I’d need pictures and probably someone to hire to do all that stuff for me. So I’d need double of everything.
4. A set of knives for cooking and other things.
5. A set of towels and wash cloths.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Be your own physician and seek out all the information you can to keep yourself healthy, and solve any health problem available.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

A bikram yoga membership. It combines flexibility, with strength, spiritual connection, endurance, and amazing detoxing. And introduces you to a community of like minded people.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

You Are Loved Foods: Always sugar free, gluten/grain/starch free, strictly certified paleo, mostly certified vegan, kosher parve, and gmo free. We have a patented low carb, sugar free and low fat, heat resistant chocolate. We sweeten with our own form of monk fruit extract with various special properties that others don’t have. Glycemic index below 5.

Products include Protein bites, Fudge Truffles, Paleo superfood granola, chocolate cupcakes, 0 calorie sweetener. And AMAZING Taste. Not like the other sugar free, gluten free, Paleo stuff.

We are currently in all three Erewhon Stores, PC Greens, All Vintage Grocers, Lassens Camarillo, Rainbow Bridge Ojai, Rainbow Acres Culver City, all in LA area.

Internet orders: Free delivery program in Southern California for all products, and around the country for our non perishable products (with the rest coming in the fall). Minimum Orders Apply.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

The planet is at an existential crisis. As technology reduces the need for workers, and as cumulative impact of the poisoning of our bodies and the planet reaches a new climax, as the 2% becomes 1% and even fewer, and as spirituality moves people away from organized religion, and the conflicting tides of old beliefs and old order clash with new. The old hanging on at all costs, including the safety of the world, and the new, starting quietly but not realizing how important it is to make bold moves. Our thought leaders, our compassionate capital investors, our technology leaders in all industries, must work together to grow a new and more enlightened model of the support of human needs.

Our greatest immediate challenges: global warming, GMO agriculture, overpopulation, ending poverty, available and affordable health care (including mental health care, alternative modalities, and end of life care and housing) for everyone, and to provide dignity to humans in life and in death (allowing those dying to decide when and where to choose their passage).

Food is our greatest natural resource, and has the potential to support or destroy our health. Investing in natural, sustainable processes and making them scalable. Moving away from meats and grain based agriculture towards nut and seed based agriculture, reducing our dependence on industrial meat production. To the extent there is meat and fish production, making it more humane, natural and sustainable.

It is all possible. We have the technology, the resources, and the imagination. And we have not choice, and almost no time.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Abraham Lincoln. Completely Self-educated, our most intelligent and introspective president. A masterful politician, bold and imaginative. He used the law like a virtuoso plays an instrument. Courageous, and a true leader. He led the country to fight a war to abolish slavery and keep the US union together, despite incredible resistance even in the North. Uncompromising in his goals, and brilliantly compromising to achieve his goals. And fought the National Bank of the US (the predecessor to the Federal Reserve), and the New York Financiers (Wall Street) to finance the Civil War on his own terms, even repelling the Rothschild’s desire to control the US economy through its lending to the war effort.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Each body is different, yet we have similarities. As many of us get older, our ability to metabolize fast metabolizing foods (high carb (even “complex carb”), high sugar foods) diminishes. Add to that GMO impacts on the immune system and metabolism, the diabetes inducing food chain, and pressurized lifestyles, and we must reduce our carb intake. Millennials, as they get into their 30’s and later, are realizing: “if I’d known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself when I was younger”. Our bodies are forgiving, but cumulative maltreatment, even with the best of intentions, is difficult to reverse.

Listen to your bodies, find the foods that work best for you. Reduce the sugars, reduce the starches. You Are Loved Foods can provide some of the yummiest products within that construct available and recipes with more products to come.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This company/products is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this site or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as kind of attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.

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Is Acid Wreaking Your Teeth? by Frederic Patenaude

Check out below some great deals on Frederic’s health products.
These offers/prices can change at any time, so do not delay!

Is Acid Wreaking Your Teeth? by Frederic Patenaude

There’s a threat to the health of your teeth that you may not recognize.

It’s called acidity.

Our saliva is naturally alkaline and prevents enamel erosion by supplying minerals to the teeth in between meals.

However, when the saliva becomes more acidic, more bacteria thrive and produce more acids, which eats away at our enamel.

But another more common threat is the onslaught of acid from the foods we eat.

A little acidity is good — our bodies can deal with it and restore alkaline balance after a meal. But when our enamel is already weak, and we start feeling the effects (sensitive teeth, cavities, etc.), we must give our teeth a break from all this acid!

Another problem is that we expose our teeth to acids more than ever before.

We drink healthy juices, or smoothies, which are often made with acidic fruits like apples, lemons or citrus.
We drink apple cider vinegar, hibiscus tea or lemon water.
We squeeze lime juice all over our food or use balsamic vinegar in an attempt to use less salt or improve flavor.
We drink wine, coffee, and other highly acidic beverages.
Acid is everywhere!

If you’ve been experiencing problems with your teeth, it may be time to give yourself a break from this acid onslaught.

It may be a chance to go on an acid-free diet! Not forever, but to give your teeth enough time to build back some enamel and get strong again.

Here are some foods to avoid during this “acid-free diet.”

Balsamic and all vinegar
Lemon, lime juice
Many other fruits: berries, apples, mangoes, grapes, etc.
Coffee, wine
Pickles and fermented vegetables
Tomatoes and tomato products
I’m not saying that all of the acid-containing foods I just mentioned are unhealthy. Many are super healthy! But, when you want to rebuild your enamel, it’s essential to minimize or avoid these foods for a while.

Instead, you can eat all of the non-acidic foods, such as:

Nonacidic fruits: melons, papayas, bananas, dates, persimmons, etc.
Most vegetables (But beware: many become acidic when roasted).
Most foods you can think of that don’t taste acidic (whole grains, beans, avocados, etc.)
Acid Vs. Acid-Forming

It’s important to understand that a food item can be acidic (contain acids) but be alkaline-forming after digestion, while other food items can be alkaline or neutral, but become acidic after digestion. This is due to the mineral balance in the food and the presence of acid-forming amino acids. That is why most acidic fruits are alkaline-forming while most animal products are acid forming. Grains are slightly acid forming.

Of course, we’re talking about the contact of acid with your teeth, which is different. Ideally, you would want to eat a predominantly alkaline-forming diet that’s also low in acids.

The Acid-Free Diet Is Not Enough

The acid-free diet will help give your teeth a break and enable the rebuilding of enamel. However, you also need to ensure that you’re doing everything you can to turn actively around your dental health for the better.

The only way to prevent dental decay for life and reverse a bad situation is to take active control of your oral environment. Just eating less acid alone does not guarantee you’ll become cavity-proof.

Find out the exact method that I use to reverse and prevent dental problems, make sure to get the new edition of our program “How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters.”

In it, you will discover:

• How to care for your teeth (forget the TV commercials!)
• What you can do for your teeth if you already have decay above or below the gumline, pain, bleeding or loose teeth…
• Why the dental industry on purpose wants you to come back for more visits with new problems to “fix” every time.
• What to do if you lose a filling, chip or lose a tooth, etc.
• And much more

The only way to prevent dental decay for life and reverse a bad situation is to take active control of your oral environment. Just eating less sugar does not address the root of the problem (although there are important nutritional steps you can take to make your teeth cavity-proof).

If you’d like to find out the exact method that I use to reverse and prevent dental problems, make sure to get the new edition of the program “How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters.”

In it, you will discover:

What you can do for your teeth if you already have decay above or below the gumline, pain, bleeding or loose teeth…

Why the dental industry on purpose wants you to come back for more visits with new problems to “fix” every time.

What to do if you lose a filling, chip or lose a tooth, etc.
And much more. Go to:

There’s a lot new in this 2016 version. You can get it at more than 50% off. This offer may end at any time!

Here are the other great deals on health products from Frederic:

B12 the Energy Vitamin

If you feel constantly tired in spite of getting good sleep, you may want to look at raising your vitamin B12 levels.

B12’s role in energy production is well known, and insufficient B12 levels can lead to fatigue and mood changes.

If you’ve never tried B12 patches, you can order them here:

To order B12 patches, go to:


For all the store products, go to:

The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this website or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as kind of attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. These statements and information have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions having to do with your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.

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Help People Get Healthy and Make A Living, Too! A Win-Win Combination!

Help People Get Healthy and Make A Living, Too! A Win-Win Combination!

If you are interested in getting any of the products or would like to learn how you can sell to others, please contact Gail: and mention in the email that you were referred by TheRawsomeVeganGal

From Gail: Below is the information you can share with people on kangen water. I have literally watched it heal people from major auto immune diseases, assist with weight loss and increased energy and it is also a beautiful way to make a living. Help people get healthy and help the environment avoid plastic water bottles. I have seen many many clients get better on this water from diabetes, heart disease, crohn’s, etc… Gail said this, too: I personally lost 10 lbs doing no other changes in diet and exercise. Below are some youtube videos you can watch to give you more info or for you to forward to others. If you know of any stay at home moms or sales people that are looking for additional income, please share this info with them and I will provide them with top notch FREE training on how to make 6 figures in their first year guaranteed. All that is required is a willingness to learn, work hard and follow step by step instructions. I will provide them with leads.

DON’T BUY Kangen Water w/o Watching This! Medical Research

You’ve heard the buzz about Kangen Water. But what do the EXPERTS say? Learn More: or 262-215-5348

A good one on kangen

How the basic unit works so see this youtube video that you can pass along to others

To see a full demo of the water, you can visit The formal website of the company is

There is also a daily conference call for 20 minutes at 3pm EDT and 9pm EDT where you can dial in and hear different speakers share their story on kangen. The dial in number is (605) 562-0020 and the pin # is 608621# so whenever you can, feel free to listen. You can share this number with your friends, co-workers and family.

Other products:

The Anespa shower head

And another on Ukon (tumeric suplement)

They also just came out with a new miniature model that is perfect for traveling, the K-8.

Reminder: The dial in number for the daily conference calls, which explain how this all works is at 12pm PDT/ 3pm EDT and 6pm PDT/9pm EDT:

(605) 562-0020 and the pin # is 608621# so whenever you can, please listen in. You can share this number with your family, friends and co-workers. You can even make selling kangen your full time job and bring in 6 figures within a few months and 7 figures within a few years!

Again, if you are interested in getting any of the products or would like to learn how you can sell to others, please contact Gail: and mention in the email you were referred by TheRawsomeVeganGal

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet- Interview #2 with Perry A~

For my thirty-second interview, I have the pleasure to introduce you again to Perry A~ Author, Story Teller, Motivational Speaker and Humorist.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

As hospitality Chairman in the local chapter of the National Speaker’s Association I got to introduce speakers and guests at each meeting. I soon realized giving a speaker the microphone was an invitation for a long winded, self promotion by the speakers. Therefore I came up with a question that would require a short answer and learn something unexpected about each person. These questions became the format to my book, Icebreaking 101, Getting to Know You in One Fun Question!!! A Playful Approach to Self Awareness. I selected one question from this book to base my next book on. The question, “If you were a dessert what would you be?” This opened my eyes to personality traits hidden in people’s dessert choices. From this starting discovery I wrote People Are Just Desserts, Experience the Sweet Rewards. Can seeing people as desserts help you digest them easier? You bet your Whip Cream it can! We are all deliciously different and when you combine the strengths of our differences we are so much more than anyone of us. I was aware mental attitude, stress, fear, stinking thinking and worrying are barriers to healing. The book is about changing perceptions and finding the gift in the people in your life. About accepting yourself and others. If I can bring people to peace, joy and harmony in their thinking, their healing will be much faster.

Because I recognized there are alternatives to drugs that are even better and with many natural cures suffering is optional.

You can’t change people or reality but you can always change to a perspective that brings joy, love, peace and harmony. We haven’t a clue how to love ourselves and cannot love another until we first love ourselves because if we believe we are unworthy of love we incapable of believing anyone can truly love us. It is about accepting yourself and others, just as we are, unconditionally.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

A tarp, a blanket, a machete, water and string.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

A balanced body can heal itself. Balance and moderation in all things. Learn to mediate. Learn to forgive and let go of the desire to be right and choose happiness. To know they can always change their thinking to find peace and harmony.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

The book People Are Just Desserts, to change the way they see people. It is calorie free fun. To see through unconditional love and forgiveness.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

At 48, I was divorced and solely responsible for providing for my needs and still had one child in high school. I applied for a job at the probation office and instead of being a secretary I found myself with a gun and a badge as an Adult Probation Officer. Having to teach a DUI class to people who didn’t want to hear what I had to say, I started telling Cajun stories about drunks that took the preaching out of teaching. I realized I could motivate and inspire people and after two years I decided I wanted to become a motivational speaker and I didn’t know I couldn’t, so I did! As a motivational/inspirational speaker I offer messages, books and articles with storytelling as a tool to show the path to peaceful living. I did this for 15 years. In 2003 I discovered Calcium Bentonite Clay and started another business. I since have written other books and articles about Calcium Bentonite Clay Nature’s Pathway to Healing. In June of 2015 my partner and I sold the Living Clay Company but I still offer informational websites and do 3 webinars a month to share the knowledge I have gained from my studies as well as motivational speaking.

Free consultations. Call 512-262-7187 I don’t have many products. Most of what I have is offered on my websites. and

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

Change your thinking, change your life and share your multiple G-d given talents. Good things will come back to you. Take care of yourself and our planet.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

My grandson, Jack Shaver, who is learning about life. Who explores life by trying new things and is willing not to be perfect in the mastering of new abilities. Who learns from mistakes and tries again and again. Who learns the difference between what are bad choices and good choices. A failure is a person who gets knocked down and stays down. Jack’s cork always rises to the top.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Every obstacle is a gift to launch you to a higher place. A hidden inner desire seeking recognition. When the desire is great enough we push past our limitations and fears. Haven’t you noticed life is always working for you? Be appreciative. An ‘obstatunity’ is letting go of what was for what can be.

Question #9: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes based on many lifestyle factors, etc but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

Let your body be your guide. Ask yourself do I eat because I am hungry or because it is in front of me? Do I make decisions based on fear or anger or with the intention of making the world a better place? Be aware and you body will guide you wisely. Listen to it. Feel it. Act with wisdom.

You can check out the review of Perry A’s book, “People Are Just Desserts,” on my youtube channel:

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Judy Pokras: Artist, Writer and Video Director

My Comment: How I came to find Judy was through a 1st cousin of mine who was doing research online of the family genealogy. It so happens, she and her Mom, Anne, actually live in the same neighborhood, as my parents and we never knew that. My Mom called me one day to let me know that we have distant relatives/cousins (on my Mom’s side of the family) and that the daughter happens to be very involved in raw vegan food and has a website, as well. I did happen to go on the website long before I met her and her Mom and she shares a lot of information that is helpful and educational.

For my thirty-first interview, I have the pleasure to introduce you to Judy Pokras: Artist, Writer, Video Director and long time Raw Vegan Food Enthusiast.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I started out as an artist and was an Art major at Pratt. I’ve done a lot of paintings and other visual artwork over the years. My parents and brother, David, have also created works of art, including paintings and sculptures.

Abstract Art by Judy Pokras

Abstract Art
by Judy Pokras

Painting by Judy Pokras, honoring her brother David

Painting by Judy Pokras, honoring her brother David

Wooden Menorah by Jerry Pokras (Judy's Dad)

Wooden Menorah by Jerry Pokras (Judy’s Dad)

Art by David Pokras (Judy's brother)

Art by David Pokras (Judy’s brother)

I’m also a video director. When I lived in New York City, I produced and directed a mock Seinfeld episode on a zero budget, that you can view on youtube, by searching for the title, Anomolies, and my name, Judy Pokras.

Decades ago I became interested in raw vegan cuisine. I have lots of creativity and wanted to make money from that, but most of my bosses were not interested in my creativity. That stressed me out, and I ate nutritionally dense foods to counteract the stress. I began reading about nutrition over the years and that led me to raw vegan cuisine, which I love. I started an online magazine back in 2001 called: I also published a recipe book, “The Little Book of Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes.” It’s available on

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1- A tool/chisel to open coconuts because I use a lot of young coconuts in my recipes, like my signature raw vegan chocolate ice cream.
2- A smartphone with the internet so I can access information, connect with friends, and make videos.
3- Materials to draw and paint with.
4- Keyboard for writing
5- Friends

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

To follow your curiosity wherever it might lead you. My curiosity led me to nutrition and how different foods affect our health. I think it is very important and overlooked in our culture because it is something we are not taught to focus on. For example, there is cadmium, which is a toxic heavy metal, in sunflower seeds and raw cacao powder and arsenic in rice. These things are not paid attention to in restaurants when they put together their meals and menus.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

A product (such as a computer or smartphone) that would allow you to access the internet, because you can do a lot of research there and learn things without having to buy many books or go to a library. A library is great, but you have to return things and then won’t have them on hand as a reference.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

I have a website:
I also have a Facebook page: Raw Foods News Magazine
I am also on Twitter: @RawFoodsNewsMag

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

My hope is that more people will have access to higher education. It makes me very sad that in many Third World countries, girls are not allowed to get an education. We can’t allow that to happen.

Another thing: Science has proven that climate change is real, and it’s threatening everything. It will result in rising sea levels, which will encroach on our coastlines and decimate many regions where millions of people live. Climate change also causes political instability. For example, when there are severe droughts, people don’t have food and take big risks to migrate to other countries. That instability unfortunately leads to hostility and violence.

Question #7: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

I’m not a doctor, I’m a writer and researcher. I believe there is no one lifestyle that works for everyone, because everyone is unique. I think the best advice is to follow how you feel. Keep a food journal if you like, and see how different food affects you.

Although I believe it’s most important to eat a lot of organic raw vegetables, nuts, and seeds, I incorporate some cooked food into my diet. I follow some of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s advice. He advocates what he calls a Nutritarian Diet. He says it’s important to eat cooked beans, or lentils, and cooked mushrooms.

Check out the review of Judy’s book on my youtube channel:

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Perry A~ : Founder of The Living Clay Company

My Comments

I have known for some time about clay for health and healing and also from the books that were translated by Michel Abeshera. I do not remember if I ever consumed clay at that time, but I did decide to try the calcium bentonite clay from The Living Clay Company last year and did a couple of videos on my YouTube channel. You can check them out here:

The Living Clay Company – All Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay: Part 1 Introduction

The Living Clay Co. – All Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay Part 2: Results

My YouTube video review of Perry A’s new book:
Book Review: Calcium Bentonite Clay by Perry A~ – Founder of The Living Clay Company

For the thirtieth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Perry A~ The Clay Lady founder of The Living Clay Company

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

Perry A’s background is as diverse as the clay she loves talking about. From city girl to country girl and points in between, the lifelong Texan earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science from Texas Tech University. Her background in chemistry, biology and veterinary science contributes to her knowledge base for understanding the intricate workings of clays. At Texas Tech she was a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha social sorority and was on the university’s rodeo team and was the 1958 Texas Tech Rodeo Queen. In 1959 she was selected by her peers as the first woman to win Texas Tech’s prestigious “Aggie of the Year Award”.

After graduating, she married her college sweetheart, had two daughters and lived in the small farming community of Seymour, Texas. The marriage ended after 27 years, and her first job as a probation officer opened her eyes to the fact that she could motivate people and decided to become a motivational speaker. For more than 20 years, she has been taking audiences on a roller coaster ride of tears and laughter that ultimately results in a truly joyous and inspirational experience. As the world’s only Dessert Analyst, her incredible philosophies will show you how to find the opportunities in every obstacle and motivate you to turn problems into possibilities. Perry A’s hilarious stories of life-lessons learned will have you doubled over with laughter even as they open your awareness to new, more prosperous ways of thinking and living life.

From heart-wrenching to fallout laughing story-telling and Cajun humor, Perry A~ instantly changes your perceptions about life and people. Experience instant personality assessments with her remarkable spot on dessert analysis. That’s right! Everything you need to know about a persons’ personality style is boldly in their dessert choice. Can visualizing people as desserts help you to digest them easier? You bet your whip cream it can. Take the edge off personality conflicts with People Are Just Desserts.

She became a student of clays in the early 1990s after being introduced to a green Calcium Bentonite Clay. Her passion and curiosity led her away from her speaking career and on a new journey of research and discovery into the amazing healing potential of Calcium Bentonite Clays. She has been an advocate for this clay ever since. She is the founder of the Living Clay Company which sold in June of 2015 to Nutraceutical, LLC. In her second clay book, Calcium Bentonite Clay: Nature’s Pathway to Healing, she simplifies complex chemistry and research data while introducing readers to the intriguing properties of Calcium Bentonite Clay. She has an extensive library of science journals and reference books and is a member of the Clay Mineral Society. Today, she gives interviews and lectures about using and mixing clays, as well as writing articles, blogs and books on the subject. She maintains a free clay information website with a myriad of articles, testimonials, interviews, recipes as well as providing free webinars each month to answer questions about Bentonite Clay. To say that she is passionate about educating people to this age-old curative is an understatement.

In addition, Perry A~ encourages readers to challenge their long-held limiting beliefs about their bodies’ ability to heal. “After all,” she says, “a belief is just a thought you keep thinking, and body ALWAYS follows mind. Choose to believe that every day in every way, you are getting better and better and better.”

Being a people person, she loves the opportunities that being the “Clay Lady” have given her to connect with people. “Making new friends from all over the world is the most exciting and rewarding part for me,” she says. “A good clay will win friends and influences people. All I do is get it in or on people, and the clay does the rest. It is all about the results! After experiencing the marvels of clay, they become clay lovers for life.”

For lectures, interviews, book signings and questions, contact Perry A~ at 512-262-7187 or Sign up for Perry A’s free teleseminars and blogs and join the Bentonite Clay Yahoo Chat Group at To order the book, go to

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1. Drinking water

2. Living Clay Detox Powder Clay

3. Fishing gear with a tackle box

4. An assortment of vegetable seeds

5. A shovel

I thinks most are obvious reasons. If you know about Bentonite Clay you will understand its wide range of healing potential from healing wounds, insect bites, snake bites, food poisoning, burns, sunburn blocker, skin irrations, internal detoxing and alkalization, a natural analgesic for pain, and its ability to make amino acids, peptide chains, proteins and vitamins the body maybe deficient in that are not even in the clay.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Balance, moderation and common sense in all things.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

Living Clay Detox Powder Clay. Dry clay and water is all you need to make liquid clay and clay masks or mud for topical applications.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

I founded the original clay company in my garage and built the company from there changing names several times. In the fall of 2007 I took on a partner and together to form The Living Clay Company under ProClay, LLC and it sold in June of 2015. I am no longer associated with the company or their products but am still passionate about spreading the word about Calcium Bentonite Clay as an safe alternative to drugs for healing. I created a free information site With numerous articles, interviews, testimonials, a blog and provide free webinars each month on Q & A with Perry A~ on Calcium Bentonite Clay.

The only thing I have to sell is a new upgraded informative book Calcium Bentonite Clay: Nature’s Pathway to Healing at I decided to go with a publisher this time so have no authority to offer discounts. I do however have a CD on an interesting interview with The Power Hour that explains:

1:The Who, What and How of Clay
2:Detox, Cleanse, Poultices and Soaks
3:Call-ins and Testimonials

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

I believe that most suffering is optional with Calcium Bentonitee Clay to balance, detox, stimulate and alkalize the body. Clay together with healthy eating and healthy alternatives to drugs is coming into our consciousness more and more. People are going back to producing their own food. The tide is turning to the need and desire for putting more effort and knowledge in maintaining a healthy state of well being. I believe and hold the vision of returning to sanity in protecting our planet and our future health.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Dr. Wayne Dyer. He walked his talk both spiritually and health wise and was a humanitarian giver and always encouraged upcoming speakers sharing the podium with newbies.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Life happen for you not to you. Believe in yourself. You are so deserving by your birthright alone. Push the edge of your potential as you know it. There is more to come.

Question #9: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

Again balance and moderation in all things. Being aware of the protein and vitamins and minerals needed in a healthy diet. Eating slowly and leaving the table before you hit full. In a few minutes your tank will register full.

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Joanne Williams, PhD

My Comments

I do not remember where I first found Joanne’s book, but I did download the free sample pages to my iPad and had them there for a while and every so often, I would skim through them. I had an occasion recently, to go through things I saved on my computer to free up some storage space. I paid a bit more attention and read the sample pages and really liked what I saw. On there was her contact info, so I decided to email Joanne and see if I can review her book. Given that it was only an eBook, I would not have a printed copy to read (which I do like to have, for the most part, as I like to be able to have it accessible and can also take notes in it and refer to it without having to always be online). Joanne was gracious enough to gift me the eBook from Amazon (it is also availabe on iTunes) to review and you can read my review on Amazon here:
and also watch the video review on my YouTube channel: eBook Review: Health Begins in the Kitchen by Joanne L. Mumola Williams, PhD -Holistic Nutritionist

For the twenty-ninth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Joanne Williams, PhD – Holistic Nutritionist

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

My background is in biomedical and electrical engineering. I worked in high tech for 36 years, 27 years at IBM and 9 years as the CEO of Ampro Computers in Silicon Valley. When my best friend Maggy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, I felt at a loss as to what to do to help her. I am not a fan of conventional medicine but didn’t know enough to suggest alternatives. Despite excellent medical care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC, she passed away two years after her diagnosis. Soon after her death, I began my PhD studies in holistic nutrition and since 2009 I have been writing the blog, and also published the eBook, Health Begins in the Kitchen in 2013. I now know that most diseases are not caused by genetics but by diet and lifestyle and I want to help people understand this. So many sit and wait for the inevitable heart attack or diabetes because “it runs in the family” but they don’t have to do that. By eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise, they can avoid many dreaded diseases. It’s too late for me to help Maggy, but I have dedicated my life to helping others stay well or address their illnesses.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

Since I grow most of my own food today, I would bring seeds so that I would plant a beautiful garden on that sunny desert island. Let’s assume the island has electricity – I would bring my Vitamix blender and my Instant Pot Electric Pressure cooker – two of my “must haves” when it comes to healthy cooking. I would also bring my guitar so that I could sit on the beach and sing my favorite folk songs. And, finally, I would bring my laptop so that I could write another book and record my experiences.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

You’ll find this message on my website as I wrote this years ago:
“Health, excellent or ill, is passed to our children not just through our genes but primarily through our recipes”.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

It would be a good, high-speed blender, such as a Vitamix or Blendtec. At some point every day, either for breakfast or after a workout, I have a smoothie that is a concoction of berries, other high fiber fruit, veggies, essential oils, nuts or seeds, and green powders. I prefer this over juicing as juicing removes dietary fiber. Fiber is one of the most critical nutrients a person, and their massive microbial population, needs.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Presently, I offer my website and it’s more than 500 recipes and articles free for the world to share. I also sell my eBook, Health Begins in the Kitchen, on Amazon and iTunes. I worked on this project, with my nephew Cody, who is a San Francisco photographer, for over 4 years. He took 11,000 shots to capture the 145 photos in the book. It’s a massive book with tons of nutritional information and 160 delicious vegan recipes that are pretty simple to make and quite nutritious. Every recipe contains the nutritional information which I painstakingly calculated for each dish. Although it’s a vegan cook book, it’s for anyone who is trying to eat less meat and more veggies and don’t know how to do it. To make it more affordable, I kept it as an eBook which sells for $9.99. I also wanted to spare the trees. To preview my eBook, go to

My next venture is to develop expertise in the use of CBD-rich cannabis to treat various conditions from pain to Alzheimers. CBD is one of the many non-psychoactive chemical compounds found in cannabis that is most popularly known for treating epilepsy. It is also found in hemp plants but in a much lower concentration. Because of CBD’s many therapeutic values and because CBD-rich plants do not contain much of the psychoactive compound THC, I believe that these plants will soon become legal at the Federal level and will be in everyone’s medicine cabinet as a pain relieving salve, a neuronal supportive tincture, or in many other forms to improve people’s health. My goal is to develop products using the healing powers of this plant and be able to market and sell them legally throughout the country.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

I guess I’m just an old hippie but my dream for this planet is for peace and for the people of the world to love each other, not spread hatred. If everyone could work together, we could find solutions to save the planet, end world hunger, and figure out how to prevent and fight diseases naturally.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Mother Nature is my greatest hero. She provides us with all we need.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

I would like to tell people that they are more in control of their health and lives than they may think. If you are obese, or suffer from depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, even cancer, there is much that you can do about it. Don’t give up hope. Look in the mirror and say, “I’ve got this. I can change my life. I can change my diet. I can start moving instead of sitting. I can choose joy over sadness. It’s all up to me! I’m going to start NOW!”

Question #9: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

Much of my book and blog is about raw food. In fact the topic of my PhD dissertation was “The nutritional adequacy of a raw food vegan diet”.

It’s extremely difficult for a raw foodist to obtain all critical nutrients and even calories on a daily basis. Vitamin D, B12, and EPA and DHA essential fatty acids cannot be adequately obtained from plant foods. I discuss this in my book. Raw food vegans, who do not get these specific nutrients from fortified foods, should take supplements. I also feel that grains and legumes are very important foods and are better obtained in their cooked form. Even when I’m doing a raw food cleanse, I include a cup of cooked whole grain or beans each day.

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Exclusive Interview with Tonya Zavasta

My Comments: I have been a fan, follower and friend of Tonya Zavasta, for more then 10 years, and remember reading on her site, when she was still doing lectures and was looking for volunteers to arrange events for her. I scheduled Tonya at a number of locations in Southern California and they were well received and successful.

I have read most of Tonya’s books and have used quite a few of her products over the years. She is always innovating and on the cutting edge with what is best and does not compromise when it comes to the best ingredients and that they are completely natural, with no chemicals, fillers or additives.

Tonya Zavasta, is The Real Deal! She has worked very hard on overcoming her own personal/physical challenges (which you can read about in her books) and that was a “springboard” to her discovery of the power of raw food for exceptional health, as well as other things like hot yoga, dry fasting, caloric restriction, etc.

Tonya has researched extensively in the fields of raw food, beauty and anti-aging to discover what works best for optimal health. There are no gimmicks, pills, powders, potions or magic bullet that will do the trick! It takes dedication, devotion, persistence, perseverance and consistency. Tonya, exemplifies this in every way possible and when you view the picture of her at 57 in the banner ad in the upper right hand side, you will see the proof for yourself (this is a real photo and not photo shop and she does not use any unnatural procedures like plastic surgery to achieve her results).

I admit, that I am not in any way, at the level she is, but I do my best and she is a great role model for all those who think that youthfulness is not possible when you are nearing 60 years of age. Tonya has proved everyone wrong!

Please make sure to read this to the end, as there is a special discount offered when you purchase any of Tonya’s products and is available for a limited time only!

For the twenty-eighth interview, an exclusive, I have the immense pleasure of introducing you to Tonya Zavasta: Raw Food & Natural Beauty Advocate and Anti-Aging Expert, in business since 2002-2003.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I don’t think I ever made a decision, as such. Early on, it was simply about resolving my own issues. I was then facing some pretty heavy-duty surgery to fix congenital hip problems. I stumbled upon the raw foods message through the Paul Bragg’s book, Miracle of Fasting. And I knew this was the way for me—no looking back. The results astounded me. My health issues went away. My looks improved dramatically. I just couldn’t keep my discoveries for myself. I had to share my “secrets” of health and beauty with the world. That’s how I came to write my first book, Your Right to be Beautiful: The Miracle of Raw Foods.. I started a raw foods group in Memphis which I was leading for three years. Invitations to speak began coming in. Before I knew it, I was traveling with lectures and spreading the raw food message.

Question #2: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Big question! Surely you’ll let me have two answers, won’t you?

First…It simply doesn’t work to cajole, beg, nag, or manipulate others to eat better and exercise. The best thing you can do for others—take care of your own health and happiness.

Be an example, an inspiration. Reflect others’ own goodness back to them. Show them, in yourself, what they can achieve with what they already have.

Second, quantum physics implies we create our own reality via our own thoughts, expectations, and beliefs. So it’s important to spread the message of longevity, youthfulness, and superb health. You can’t singlehandedly win the day—you need others to believe with you.

Another starling implication of quantum mechanics is that separability (between things, people…) is an illusion. So… we’re all connected. And what happens to each of us affects the rest of us. We rise and fall, fail and succeed, together. So you cannot be prosperous without wishing prosperity for others, you cannot be healthy without sharing the secrets of well-being with others, and you cannot get love without giving love to others.

Questions #3: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

When I embarked on my 100% raw journey, I had high expectations. I daresay my health expectations were fulfilled in even greater degree than I expected. But beauty-wise, perhaps only 80%.

Eating predominantly (or exclusively) raw foods is very beneficial for your looks. But it’s not enough. That is the reason for my beauty products.

We need to take care of our skin externally. A daily beauty routine will make a big difference in how youthful your skin will look. My brush is probably the most important product you’d need. Why? Because exfoliation is a vital key to beautiful skin.

If I have a “beauty secret,” this is probably it…While most beauty mavens talk endlessly about being super gentle with your skin, my approach is dimetrically different. You need to train your skin to endure, to withstand aging. More in my ebook: Guide to an Ageless Face

Question #4: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

If you trace my company’s growth, you’ll see each product was initially developed because I, personally had a need for it. I offer for sale only what I use personally. Whomever you buy from, wouldn’t you want them to hold the same value?

When I couldn’t find a brush of just the right firmness to use on myself, I designed one. When you change your diet, your hair starts to change, too. You begin to shed more hair than usual. This is exactly what happened to me. Looking how to combat this issue, I developed a Scalp Tonic to improve hair growth, using the best known herbs for scalp stimulation.

When after age 50 I realized I needed to add a night cream to my beauty routine, I developed one from 100% natural oils, but with a creamy consistency. My newest product: RejuvaPad, for use under the eyes will be available in the end of April. Why did I develop it? Beause I’m 58 and I need to use it every day before going to bed.

When we’re happy with the results we’re getting, it’s only natural we want to share.

Question #5: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

The physical world we live in is polarized. There can never be a plus without a minus. Never an up without down, an inhale without an exhale. Nor can there be health without sickness.

We can’t so much as appreciate health without knowing sickness. How many of us got up today and said thanks, that for example, our appendix didn’t hurt?

Health and sickness will always be intertwined. We need them both for our souls’ experience. My best lessons have come from pain.

I can’t really feel, in a sense, for the whole planet. But I do care greatly for people who have come to my website and are ready to tackle some serious anti-aging practices. It’s they who are my highest priority.

Question #6: Who is your greatest hero and why?

I guess I’m expected to answer something like All my life, my hero has been…But I really don’t have any heroes, in that sense. Truth is, you can learn from every person’s life.

I like people who inspire me. For example, I once read that a person was dancing at age 84. I got inspired. I wanted to do something like that, too. It’s invaluable to have such people around you or to read about them. They expand for you the perceived limits of what’s possible. That’s important because you can’t set out to accomplish anything you don’t believe is possible. Once you believe something is possible, then there is no limit to what you can accomplish.

Question #7: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Quantum mechanics is changing our views of reality…and our views on how we can control what happens in our own lives.

Tribulations and challenges conspire against us. Most of us run. But if instead we embrace those challenges, learn from them…we’ll arrive at something better, vastly, unbelievably better.
Read my new book: The Quantum Key: Transcending Life’s Trials.

Question #8: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

It’s not possible to have one plan for all. There are infinitely many variables! Every person is unique. So, no, there is no one, sure-fire recommendation. Your own body is your best guide.

Very important: read, read and read about how other people achived what you want. But always remember: Health is highly individual. Learn to experiment on your own body. Listen to its feedback and make changes accordingly. Keep what works. Change what doesn’t.

Don’t mimic anyone else. Get your own experience. Only personal experience will get you to a succesful raw food lifestyle. Somebody else’s experience won’t ever have this power. If you experiment intelligently, and you believe strongly that your chosen diet will assures you health and long life, it will.
Now you have the opportunity to learn from Tonya, the tools, tips and secrets to achieve the results you would like for your own optimal health and wellness, through her books and products she sells on her website, along with many free articles and recipes, as well.

Tonya has generously offered to my readers, a 10% discount on an order of any value, when you purchase her products. You can get this offer by clicking on the banner in the upper right hand side, that says, “Tonya at 57” and will be valid till the 31st of March at midnight Pacific time. The discount code is: BEAUTY10%OFF

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Lindsay Williambrown; Owner of All Well Brands

For the twenty-seventh interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Lindsay Williambrown; Owner and CSO (Chief Snacking Officer) of MUNCHOS! Raw Snacks – a product line of All Well Brands in business since 2013

My Comments:

I found this company/brand in a unique way. I was looking on craigslist in the job section under the food/hospitality section and entered in the search box for vegan chef and an ad came up for someone to help make raw food snack products for this company. I decided to look up the company online and when I saw the pictures of the products, I was amazed because it look like art. The colors of the foods used looked alive, vibrant and 3-D quality that practically grabbed you attention, as if there is a caption that says “TRY ME!”. That is when I sent Lindsay the question below about the products and when have been in touch ever since by phone and email. She has found a way to create snacks using ingredients that are neglected in the raw food world, such as daikon, sunchokes, sweet potatoes, etc. Most companies are focusing on the popular kale chip, so I am happy that Lindsay has chosen to focus on other produce.

Lindsay has some very special offers to share with you below, so please check them out!

My question to Lindsay in an email when I had first found her product line was regarding whether her products are non-GMO, organic and vegan.

Her response:

I use all L.A. County farmer’s market sources except for my honey, which is through Sleeping Bear Farms (and not in many of the products). All the farmers I use are beyond gentle with their soil nutrification and do not use any chemicals and are non-GMO, but most are not certified organic. Since the ones who are tend to be bigger farms with more money and less traditinal practices sometimes, I actually find the most inspiring growing stories coming from these non-technically-organic farmers than the big guys. Happy to talk more about it.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

“Decide” is a strong word I suppose, as I feel like I simply followed my nose into food. I had very little food as a kid and what we had was heavy home-cookin’ fare that was the standard culinary wisdom of the 1980s, and there was a lot of unrest in my house as well. Those both contribute to unwell cells, and I presented increasingly ill from a young kid through to young adulthood. When my health reached a point of me having 14 terminal or chronic illnesses that don’t have cures according to western MDs and I had a pattern of 1 hour per day of productivity, I decided I either had to decide to die or live. I had been working with food and as a chef already so I knew food made a difference in health, but I had to super-size that effect by changing my thought patterns. Without eating the right food for me, I could not have had the clarity to know I needed to do that and I couldn’t have had the discipline to teach myself new ways to think about the world.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

I’m terrible with this type of question – let me see here! 1) Water. 2) An axe. I will assume this island has coconuts available, so I should take a good axe to open them with and to do other handy things. 3) Raw plant oil insect repellant (from Living Libations if I can). 4) Alaffia shea butter for sunscreen for my very Nordic skin. 5) Assorted grain seeds for planting (and chomping).

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

I don’t believe in telling people how to live, but I do know that scientifically, kindness is the only guaranteed cure that has never failed to produce wholeness in the human body or the planetary molecular structure. Being still enough that we can be kind to all that surrounds us makes us well.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

Grain seeds. They cost $1.50-$3.00 per pound in bulk aisles and $6.00 per pound prepackaged, and yield 2 pounds of food per 1 pound of dry seeds when soaked in liquid. I am not a physician, but I know from calculating nutrition statistics that raw soaked grains contain exponentially higher levels of bioavailable protein, vitamins, minerals, trace fats, and other phytochemicals. They contain the most balanced nutrient profile on the planet, require the lowest resource utilization per pound of food, and are the most bioavailable “heavy” food for humans on the planet. When you hear about the UN studies on how we have enough food to feed the planet on 30 cents a day or whatever (I’m old so I’m sure that number has changed since I heard it), they are talking about this kind of eating.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Munchos! Raw exists for 2 reasons. One is to fill the gaps in available snackiness for the raw vegan: snackiness that offers car food options, salty, spicy, interesting, and culturally diverse options. The other is to provide a fun-to-eat, fun-to-hold, fun-to-dip snack option for school systems at an accessible price point. By using local, biodynamic, and kindly grown produce and producing it close to the source, Munchos! Raw provides 1-2 servings of fresh, raw produce in a delicious format that every kid identifies with and loves, and that I have NEVER had an omnivore not LOVE.

The flavors of Munchos! Raw are based in my fusion whims but, that said, they are rooted deeply in my background as an anthropologist who was raised in the middle of a dozen or so refugee communities in the southern U.S. inner city. The flavors are unapologetic; some are quite spicy, some are a little spicy, and some are super chill, mild affairs. They are all influenced by a sense of high homage in my life to those cultures, cuisines, and the victories of those who came to the States via sometime horrific and deeply victorious stories.

Two highest compliments I receive from Munchos! Raw eaters are:
-When my Vietnamese taster of the Mint Daikon Chips told me they reminded her exactly of her grandmother’s green curry soup.
-Ashamed faces that admit with downward gazes “I ate one bite it was so good that I saved the rest for my kids.” That’s the point, to make these irresistible to kids. And most parents know exactly what their kids will eat. Who hordes health food in their purse to give to a kid? Who does that with other health food you know of? This is the kind of response healthy food SHOULD have, and it’s the kind of reaction I routinely get to MUNCHOS! Raw Snacks.

The honey I use is so humanely produced that the bees who produce my honey are better fed and biodynamically naturally living than if we were not eating their honey at all. They originated in Michigan, and when the beekeeper heard years ago that almond trees in CA were suffering and losing biodiversity due to a lack of bee population, he came up with a beautiful idea. He flies them to CA for the MI winter to pollinate the CA almond trees. Given the laws and patterns we know about biodiversity, I expect this to have multiple beneficial health effects for the bees and for the eater. One is that the bees have a greater nutrition profile to draw from, which nourishes them and increases the anti-allergy effects of the honey they produce. For anyone wondering about the beekeeper taking all the honey from the hive to sell to us instead of letting the bees feed on it, I can set your mind at ease. What usually happens with honey, even raw honey, is that the bees who produce it are usually starved of that honey and fed sugar bricks instead, so that the beekeeper can harvest as much of the honey as possible for sale to human eaters. This makes many of the bees (if not all of them) diabetic and overweight, and makes the honey they produce from that sugar brick bad for us as well since that honey is devoid of the natural phytochemicals that come through a well-nourished bee.

Munchos! Raw is one of 7 product lines I have developed to date. They are all entirely raw and they are vegan except for the honey that two of the lines contain. Munchos! Raw are designed as car food and kid food, and they are packaged to be exactly one meal. Since they are raw, they contain entirely bioavailable protein, which means they contain 5 times the bioavailable protein per gram as any cooked meat or other cooked food would. Many people don’t know that when we cook food, we denature its nutrient molecules, which means that when we see a nutrition fact label for cooked chicken that might say 21 grams of protein per serving, we can divide that by 5 to get the number of grams of protein that our bodies will absorb and be able to utilize. What this denaturing means is that we think we are getting a lot of protein (and we are!), but we are not being able to use it.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

What I know is that we are all expanding in kindness and consciousness and remembering more and more our oneness with one another. My job is to stay in alignment and remembrance of that, and when I do that, it ripples into every other person’s ability to do that.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Heroes have never been a big way I categorize people, but some of the most off-the-chart remarkable, intelligent, connected people I have had the honor of interacting with are the many leaders of the Agape International Spiritual Center. One soundbite from any one of the reverends there (Joanne Coleman, Julie Moret, Rickie Byers Beckwith, Arlene Hylton, Michael Beckwith, Ron Blair, and lots of others). When I think about the profile of a hero, I think of them for their vision, willingness to grow themselves and others, and commitment to practical but unflinching peacemaking while acknowledging current realities.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

I’ve shared a lot, so the public probably invites me to stop there :D! But I am so thankful for your support of Munchos! Raw and support at a critical juncture during our scaling journey earlier this year. It’s a blessing to be attracting such amazing quality people committed to making positive presences in the world.

Question #9: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

I am not a physician so what I share obviously cannot legally be interpreted as anything except an opinion, so please always consult your conscience and intuition and trusted practitioners and make your own decisions. What I have seen on the empirical side in 20 years of consulting and clearing dis-ease, though, is that 5-10% of calories in a day going to fat is plenty for almost anyone who has grown up within the U.S. food supply chain. I have not met a longterm raw vegan who has survived a diet that is very high in seed fats and greens, and I would assume that is because we gain unnecessary weight on those diets and never have enough burnable sugar for a day’s activities. Also, having more fat in the bloodstream than we can immediately use produces an insulin overage in the body because any sugar that tries to get into the bloodstream is blocked by the fat floating on top of it. Removing excess fat from the daily diet dissolves diabetic responses by the body within a very short period of time (like hours or days or a few weeks). When we remove those fats, we no longer see the blood sugar spikes that eating fruit can otherwise produce.


1) 15% off your ENTIRE Munchos! Raw order through the month of August!
2) 25-minute discovery session with Lindsay on your nourishment goals in food and life
3) 60% discount on the Body Awake! Program available through Munchos! Raw’s parent site, This is a program that easily and with almost NO effort takes you from viewing nourishment as a Friend with Benefits that you have to manipulate or manage every day, to nourishment becoming your Hot Trustworthy Life Partner you feel TOTAL confidence with and love from. This is a great program. This 28-day program includes a week of Munchos! Raw Snacks as part of its exercises and the usual rate for it is $499. For anyone who signs up in July or August AND mentions TheRawesomeVeganGal, the rate is $299. This is a transformative experience that comes with personal 1:1 intentioning with me, a private Facebook group, only 2 required minutes per day of your attention (option to do as much more as you want!), art therapy and journaling options, and ends with the ability to intuit your own body’s wants and needs around nourishment whether they are from food or otherwise. This program brings together 20 years of eastern and western awareness and non-invasive observational healing, as well as my background as a nutritional intuitive. It is POWERFUL!

Thank you again for the opportunity to share MUNCHOS! Raw Snacks and the work that All Well Brands is bringing into the world!

For more information about this company and brand, go to:

Also, check out my comprehensive video review of some of the delicious Munchos! Raw Snacks on my youtube channel:

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