Posts tagged environment

Product Review: Who Gives A Crap® – Toilet Paper that Builds Toilets – 100% Bamboo Fiber Bathroom Tissue

Who Gives A Crap®

This company is on a mission to sell products that are great for the environment and also help people on a global scale.

How are they doing it, you may ask?

~First, they are offering 100% bamboo bathroom tissue, so no trees are used/harmed/chopped down in the production and bamboo is a renewable fiber, as well.

~Second, there is no chlorine, inks, dye or scents used in production, so for those of you who may have sensitivities and/or prefer au naturel, this is the preferred choice for a premium product.

~Third, the rolls of toilet paper are 3-ply and is not something I see so much available in the industry for what I would call “alternative” tree-free paper. I like to have a thicker sheet to use. You can purchase a box of 48 double length rolls and it is delivered to your door with free shipping.

~Fourth, you may not know or realize that recycled paper has BPA which is toxic, and why would you want to use that to wipe in sensitive areas of the body, I know I do not and that is why I even pack it in by bag for day-to-day use and also when I travel, as I don’t always find any stores in the city I am going to, have this as an option. I do call in advance to confirm if they do or not and then make the suggestion to them, if they are not aware of it.

Note: I know this company sells recycled toilet paper on their site, but I need to mention this, regardless, because of the health issue, as maybe the “head hunchos” will see this and do some serious research to understand why it is not a good idea to use at all.

~Fifth, this company, also donates 50% of their profits to help build toilets in places where they are needed in countries that never had this as an option.

Here is the info took off of their website about this:
We think toilets are pretty funny, but we started Who Gives A Crap when we learned that 2.3 billion people (roughly 40% of the world’s population) don’t have access to a toilet. Unfortunately that’s not very funny. Around 289,000 children under five die every year from diarrheal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. That’s almost 800 children per day, or one child every two minutes. Luckily, toilets are proven to be a great solution—they provide dignity, health and an improved quality of life. And in case that wasn’t enough, it’s been shown that a dollar invested in sanitation yields $5.50 in increased economic prosperity.

~Sixth, they wrap each roll individually using paper, instead of plastic, which I prefer, even if some think it is wasteful, I disagree. I like the differnt patterns on them and can make a nice display of the rolls in a wicker basket (see pictures of rolls below). You can also reuse the paper for wrapping small gifts or crumbled up and put in a box for packing material.

~Seventh, the rolls are soft, but maybe not as soft for you, if you are used to a product like Charmin, which I do not recommend, but I think the small sacrifice for not super duper soft paper to protect yourself and the environment is worth it!

Here are a list of benefits of bamboo:
1- Renewable resource
2- Absorbs greenhouse gases
3- Fast growth rate
4- Minimal waste
5- Versatile
6- No fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides needed
7- Protects the soil
8- Good for economic development
9- Grows in a variety of conditions

We need more companies to produce & sell bamboo products and for the public to be educated on using them and their benefits.

They also sell facial tissues and paper towels.

For more information and to order products, go to:

Here are some photos – please click on each one individually to enlarge the images and see info that is written on the paper.

Here is a photo of the double length roll:

Here is a photo of the 3-ply sheets:

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Review of Hesta Organic: Organic Cotton is the best on your skin and for the health of the environment & planet

Hesta Women’s Organic Cotton Basic Panties/Briefs Underwear 3 Pack (Apparel)
This review is posted on Amazon.

Why would I choose to spend more money on my undergarments, when I could buy ones that are much cheaper?

There are many reasons – here are a few:
1- NO chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMO’s are used to grow the cotton and cotton is one of the highest laden pesticide crops on the planet
2- For the health of my own body – as what is on my skin (clothes I wear, soaps,lotions and creams I use) leach out through the pores into the body, especially when I sweat, so if it is conventional cotton, then the chemicals are going from the skin into my body and directly into the bloodstream. Most important are the garments that are closest to the skin, especially when it comes to more sensitive and private areas, that goes for bras or tank tops, as well.
3- For the health of the environment & planet – what is planted in the the ground and grown in the soil, affects the health of all of nature, including people, plants, animals, bees, air, etc. If we can all do one more thing to help change the status of the earth, it would he to use more organic products, whether textiles, food, skin care, etc. We can turn the tide by demanding more organic because are using it more and will create more need for organic farms and farms. This all leads to a more sustainable environment that benefit all creations.

This is a great product and the company does everything right! They understand the importance of organic and are GOTS certified, which is the highest standard for textiles. They do not use any dyes, bleaches and toxic sustances to make their products. They are environmentally friendly and cause no harm to your body.

I like that it comes in a 3 pack, so can use and then wash and have another to wear. I also very highly recommend that you use a mild soap like Dr. Bronner’s that has no sodium lauryl sulfate or other sulfates that are not good for you and hand wash and let it air dry. You may not have thought of this, but it makes sense, as why would you buy something organic, whether clothes or food and then use chemical detergent or tap water to clean it and then you are defeating the purpose!

The material is super soft, fits comfortably and is breathable and I am happy to support organic products (for my health and the planet) and this company.

Please do check out my youtube channel: TheRawsomeVeganGal, as I will have a video review of this product on there, as well.

For more information, go to:

Products are available on

Pink box from Hesta Organic

Bottom of box from Hesta Organic

Tag attached to the product from Hesta Organic

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this review, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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Mūna: Peruvian Medicinal Herb with Numerous Health Benefits by Frederic Patenude

Check out the great deals offered below from Frederic and Renegade Health.
Prices can change without notice, so do not delay!

I Love This Herb by Frederic Patenaude

I used to think that all medicinal herbs were just natural versions of pharmaceutical drugs. By that, I thought they were not as harmful, but just masked the symptoms instead of addressing the “cause.”

This attitude came from my Natural Hygiene background.

Natural Hygiene is a beautiful health philosophy that I first came across when I was 18, and what led me to the raw food and natural health lifestyle.

The idea is that the same factors that lead to good health are the ones needed to recover lost health. Everything else just “gets in the way.”

For example, water fasting as a therapy comes from Natural Hygiene, and it’s the ultimate way to apply this philosophy. And it works. You do nothing, intelligently, and let your body work its magic.

Stop the cause — the root of the problem — and provide your body what it needs to heal itself, such as a super-healthy diet, sunshine, rest, water, and exercise in the right amount.

If you follow this health philosophy, you will get great results. It cuts through the BS that currently clutters the natural health world.

However, it has its limits.

For example, what if you have a nasty infection? We know that antibiotics have saved millions of lives in those circumstances. Myself, I wouldn’t always trust that my body will “heal itself.” It works a lot of the time, but we also have our limits.

Now back to medicinal herbs…

Although Natural Hygiene rejects them entirely, I believe they can have a place in your health arsenal. Don’t use them as your primary way of taking care of yourself. But having a few medicinal herbs around can be quite useful.

I still think that “doing nothing, intelligently” is excellent advice, most of the time. Let’s add to that a few medicinal herbs and yes, even some pharmaceutical drugs, when absolutely necessary (such as antibiotics).

I Love This Herb

Along with Holy Basil, muña is my favorite mild, medicinal herb. It’s not very strong and is used as a tea. The herb is also called the Andean Mint, but I think you’ll notice by trying it that it is not your average mint!

It can help to:

– Heal intestinal problems
– Cure bad breath
– Reduce inflammation
– Overcome excess stomach acidity
– Calm indigestion
– Prevent the inflammation of wounds
– Fight parasites
– Stop diarrhea

Kevin and Annmarie brought back this herb from one of their many trips to Peru. After going through many legal hoops, they’ve found a way to import it all the way to the US. We now ship it all over the world.

What’s great about the muña that Renegade Health imports is that it’s super-fresh. We harvest it from a village in a sustainable way, working with local families on this project. It’s an outstanding product.

I make it the same way I make mint tea:

I let it steep for 5 minutes, and the leaves will fall at the bottom of the cup or the teapot, sweetened with some coconut nectar or date syrup.

If you’d like to find out the exact method that I use to reverse and prevent dental problems, make sure to get the new edition of the program “How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters.”

In it, you will discover:

What you can do for your teeth if you already have decay above or below the gumline, pain, bleeding or loose teeth…

Why the dental industry on purpose wants you to come back for more visits with new problems to “fix” every time.

What to do if you lose a filling, chip or lose a tooth, etc.
And much more. Go to:

There’s a lot new in this 2016 version. You can get it at more than 50% off. This offer may end at any time!

Here are the other great deals on health products from Frederic:

B12 the Energy Vitamin

If you feel constantly tired in spite of getting good sleep, you may want to look at raising your vitamin B12 levels.

B12’s role in energy production is well known, and insufficient B12 levels can lead to fatigue and mood changes.

If you’ve never tried B12 patches, you can order them here:

To order B12 patches, go to:


For all the store products, go to:

The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this website or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as kind of attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. These statements and information have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions having to do with your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.

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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Chana Liora/Janine Laura Bronson

For the twenty-second interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Chana Liora/Janine Laura Bronson, former assistant to Ann Wigmore, who revolutionized healthy eating in America with wheatgrass, living foods and “energy soups.”. She started the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston, MA and it moved to West Palm Beach, Florida and is now run by Drs. Anna-Maria and Brian Clement.

From Ann Wigmore’s Wikipedia Page:
In 1968, Ann Wigmore co-founded the Hippocrates Health Institute,a health resort in the United States, with Viktoras Kulvinskas. Known as “the mother of living foods”, she was an early pioneer in the use of wheatgrass juice and living foods for detoxifying and healing the body, mind, and spirit.

In her autobiography, Why Suffer?: How I Overcame Illness & Pain Naturally, Wigmore recalls observing her grandmother using herbs and natural remedies as a child in Lithuania.

Wigmore died in Boston on February 16, 1994, of smoke inhalation from a fire at the Ann Wigmore Foundation.

At the time of her death, the Institute was called the Ann Wigmore Foundation. Brian Clement owned the Hippocrates Health Institute next door, which he moved from Boston to West Palm Beach, Florida.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I have come to realize my full potential as a peace-maker, even though this has been a long time in coming, and I believe that a healthy person contributes to a peaceful universe, and think that veganism, in particular a vegan variation of Kosher Parve (which would exclude all animals and animal products in the categories of eggs, fish, dairy and meat) is more peaceful and moderate…more about this in another answer…

As to why I got involved in the “health” industry, and how come I spent time up at the Hippocrates Health Institute… here’s a testimonial, also involving my Mother.

I originally contacted the original Hippocrates Health Institute (in the 1980’s) which used to be located in Boston, MA, because I was reading books by Ann Wigmore but was looking for more information. Little did I expect to reach Ann directly by telephone, all I really wanted to find out was the answer to my question about sprouting fava beans (since I couldn’t really find them on any list as to how long to soak them) and amazingly for me, and a total surprise was that “Dr.” Ann, as she was called back then (she had a doctorate in Divinity) answered the call herself, because at the time, she was actually just lacking an assistant, and praying to find such a person, mentioning it to me, while I was exactly in transition and looking for work, and she invited me up, and I DROVE all the way there, in my little old car from New Jersey to Boston, and luckily for me, she liked me on the spot, and hired me then and there! I assisted her for about three years, when I had to return to Israel, to look after my Mother who was recuperating from a so-called incurable disease (there is no such thing, by the way) from which she made a total recovery and is still alive about 25 years later and approaching 90! Thanks to what I learned from Ann, we can each and every one of us find true healing and not have to rely on conventional medicine. My Mother, of course, chose to immediately stop the “poisonous therapy treatments” to which she was allergic and was being given to her from the hospital of which I made sure they allowed her to be released. I made her wheat grass juices, and other things such as energy soup, that I had learned at the Hippocrates Health Institute, and of course, daily fresh vegetables and fruit from the local farmers’ market, and picked avocados from our family plantation in Pardes-Chana/Karkur (near Hadera on the way to Haifa up North-East, from Netanya). I wish more people would discover how we might try to “Let Food be Thy Medicine, and Medicine be Thy Food” (Hippocrates saying)…

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1- The first item I need that I would not like to leave behind is to take a copy of Perek Shira which has quotes from Biblical sources that speak of the praises of all creations to The Creator.
2- I would take as pure a container of fluoride-free type of mineral or purified water as I can manage to take with me, not knowing when I could find this precious life-giving water, when on the island, knowing that even though this is a heavy item it might be life-sustaining for at least some time.
3- A certain filtering flask that purifies braken-type water from unpotable sources that I might find.
4- I’d appreciate having a compass, for direction.
5- Some sort of a communication device to seek help from the rest of civilization, but not sure if this would work in such a remote place, but who knows?
(Note from interviewer: Although I only asked for 5 items, Chana added an additional one, which is ok by me)
6- If this is available, a map of the desert island to explore the surroundings more logically, oh, and I didn’t know if one could bring another person with, as well? Ha, ha, ha… (not sure who that would be though, haven’t met my true soul mate, ha, ha, ha…)

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

I think the message of caring compassionately for not only ones own well-being but the wellness of the planet and all of Hashem’s/G-d’s creations is very important from an ecological viewpoint, environmental, ethical reasons against Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayim (not causing harm to any living creature) and feeding the hungry…

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

This depends entirely on the person, no two people are identical, cannot give one cure-all…

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Massage, Brain Gym (in process) and common sense regarding living moderately (my advice is following a Kosher Raw Vegan Organic lifestyle)…

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

To be at peace, one can vee (I coined this word, meaning to live as a raw vegan-Kosher person…

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

My greatest hero is Hashem/G-d because He is All-Knowing, Omnipotent and Everlasting

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Life is miraculous and very precious and we should value each one of those 86,400 seconds in a 24 hour day.

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You missed the live internet radio show with Dr. Ritamarie? Recording is available

I was a guest speaker today on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show discussing products that are safe for us and the environment.

If you missed the live show, it was recorded and you can listen to the replay anytime.

I suggest you do so right away as I have some very special discounts and giveaways from some of the companies I mentioned and the offers are only available for a very limited time.

Here is the link to listen:

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Reminder: Guest Speaker on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show Wednesday 6/18/14

I have been invited to be a guest speaker on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show. I will be speaking about natural products that are safe for us and the environment.

The show will be taking place Wednesday, June 18th, G-d willing and you can listen in by phone, internet and Skype.

Please share it with others, too. If you have your own email list, website, Facebook page or other social media that you can link it to.

Here is the link including the time it will take place and call in information.

Date: Wednesday June 18, 2014
Time: 3:30 pm PT/4:30pm MT/5:30pm CT/6:30pm ET
Length: 45 Minutes

Be sure to bookmark the link above so you will find it. Set an alarm if you need to remember!

If you are not able to listen live, it will be available to listen to right after, as it is being recorded. There will be some special offers/giveaways/discounts available for products I will speak about, as well. You must listen to the radio show till the end in order to get these exclusive deals which will be available for a very limited time!

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Guest Speaker on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show

I have been invited to be a guest speaker on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show. I will be speaking about natural products that are safe for us and the environment

The show will be taking place next Wednesday, June 18th, G-d willing and you can listen in by phone, internet and Skype.

Please share it with others, too. If you have your own email list, website, Facebook page or other social media that you can link it to.

Here is the link:

Be sure to bookmark the page so you will find it next week.

I will email a reminder again next Tuesday!

If you are not able to listen live, it will be available to listen to right after it is recorded. There will be some special offers available for products I will speak about, as well.

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Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Ellery West, CEO of Organic Essence: USDA Certified Organic Body Care Products

For the eleventh interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Ellery West CEO of Organic Essence: USDA Certified Organic Body Care Products.

My comment: I met Ellery at the Natural Product Expo in Anaheim, CA when the company was in its infancy and their were still packaging in plastic. The products were always certified organic and of the highest quality. Now they have “stepped it up” in their environmental stewardship and have created the zero waste packaging, made of home compostable packaging that is non-toxic and no plastic leaching from the plastic package into the products and then onto your skin.

Here is what Ellery told me about the new paper packaging: Gail West (VP Creative) and I invented the paper jar in 2008, the lip balm tube followed a few months later.

Here is some info from the home page of Organic Essence that gives you a summary of their mission and what they do: Organic Essence products are USDA certified organic with eco green, biodegradable, home compostable packaging. We use organic oils, botanicals and essential oils which are 3rd party certified to ensure that it’s not just an empty marketing claim. Many of our products are vegan with zero animal testing. Our standards are high and quality is supreme with home compostable packaging as the ultimate goal. We are industry leaders by combining a truly sustainable package with organic, sustainable ingredients.

We think organic body care is…

Better for you
Reduce chemical exposure.
Better for the planet
Reduce chemical exposure.
Better for farmers
Reduce chemical exposure.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I like cooking and making body care products, is a similar process. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the skin was thought to be completely inert and impermeable to chemicals that might otherwise enter the body, however we now know many chemicals can get through the skin.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

Water purifier, bar soap, knife, functioning satellite phone and a desert island food finding handbook since starving before rescue would bad for your health.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Overpopulation; fewer feet make for a lighter footprint. Immediately we need to become more conscious of our heedless spread of synthetic chemicals, into, onto our bodies and throughout the environment.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

Old fashioned, natural bar soap that has been made without synthetic fragrances and colorants would make a good start because the amount of exposure we get from washing our hands with detergent ‘soaps’. Don’t use hair dyes, fingernail polish and nano-particle titanium and zinc oxide sun blocks.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Using leave-on-the-skin products that contain synthetic chemicals isn’t acceptable for people who have taken responsibility of their own, and their family’s health. Our mission is to produce organically certified body care products that lack synthetic chemicals and to make them available in packages that don’t contaminate the product with synthetic chemicals that leach from their plastic packaging.

Question #6:What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

I hope that as a species we can properly account for the indirect, environmental costs for our way of life. We don’t want to steal from other people via the environment and through time. I also dream that we as a people become fully conscious of the potential harm we pass on to our progeny via our own synthetic chemical exposure.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

Rachael Carson, since waking people up to the environment is hero-worthy.

To read more about this company and all their great products, go to:

To check out my video review of their products, go to:

Organic Essence - in plastic packaging - Lotion to Go (no longer available) and Lemongrass Mint Organic Shea Cream

Organic Essence – in plastic packaging – Lotion to Go (no longer available) and Lemongrass Mint Organic Shea Cream

Raspberry, Mint, Vanilla and Almond Organic Lip Balms in Eco Tube/Zero Waste Packaging

Raspberry, Mint, Vanilla and Almond Organic Lip Balms in Eco Tube/Zero Waste Packaging

Organic Shea Cream in Grapefruit Scent and Organic Essence Organic Confidence™ Relentless All-Day Deodorant in Coconut Scent with Zero Waste Packaging

Organic Shea Cream in Grapefruit Scent and Organic Essence Organic Confidence™ Relentless All-Day Deodorant in Coconut Scent with Zero Waste Packaging

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Company Review: Bio Bag – compostable non-GMO trash, produce, dog waste, lawn/garden bags

Bio Bag-certified compostable, non-GMO trash, produce, dog waste, lawn, leaf and garden bags (formerly PolarGruppen AS started producing compostable plastics in Norway in 1993)

I met Jennifer Wagner at Expo West a few years ago and immediately liked the products, especially since no other company was providing the public with this option. I took home some samples to try and have been using them ever since. You can read my Q & A interview with Jennifer Wagner on a previous blog post with the main heading of: People, Products and the Health of our Planet

The parent company is located in Europe, specifically, Norway. I did not know that till this year when I saw Jennifer at Expo West. They have many great products for your pets, garden and even an option for a portable toilet using their compostable bags. They are working on some new products that I am really excited to share with you (they are not out on the market as, yet, but I saw the prototypes for them) and will be BIG for all of us that are looking for an alternative that you don’t have to throw in the trash. The 2 new items are plastic wrap and zip-lock bags (that are not made of plastic, but non-GMO certified compostable materials). Right now the issue is the cost for making the products and how to be able to bring it to the consumer without it being cost-prohibitive.

BioBag is on a mission that is now almost 20 years strong and continues to lead the way in finding better sources for materials that can be used for everyday products. I am thrilled for the future, knowing that they are having a substantial positive impact for the people and the planet.

Please check out the link for this company on the right-hand side of this page under the heading of Blogroll.

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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Company Review: Natracare – Organic Feminine Hygiene

Natracare – Organic Feminine Hygiene Products (protecting women’s health and the environment since 1990 – 22 years)

When it comes to using any products that come in contact with our skin (especially when they are in more sensitive areas of our body), they ought to be of the highest quality and regard. There are so many commercial options on the market that may have deleterious affects (you may not notice anything in the short-term, but it could come up after many years of using toxic products and it could be an after thought that it had anything to do with the condition/issue you are dealing with).

Please do not take what I have said here lightly. This is a serious matter. Women use pads and tampons for their monthly cycle and need to know that there are better/safer options (forget about cost because when it comes to your health, don’t cut corners). Cotton is the third most pesticide laden product on this planet and yet, women are ok with inserting that into their most private area and exposing themselves to who knows how many chemicals.

There has been an option for organic cotton pads, liners, tampons, nursing pads, etc for many years and the woman behind this is Susie Hewson, a sweet and lovely English lady. I met Susie and her team at Expo West years ago and she continues to be a pioneer and innovator when it comes to feminine products. She is truly doing a great service for the women of this world. I thank Susie, as I am a proud user of these products, exclusively!

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

Please go to the link I have provided on the right-hand side of this page for more information about the company and their products. Spread the word about these great products to all the females in your life- family, friends, neighbors and co-workers so they too can have a safer and healthier option for their personal hygiene.

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