Posts tagged soft

Review of Hesta Organic: Organic Cotton is the best on your skin and for the health of the environment & planet

Hesta Women’s Organic Cotton Basic Panties/Briefs Underwear 3 Pack (Apparel)
This review is posted on Amazon.

Why would I choose to spend more money on my undergarments, when I could buy ones that are much cheaper?

There are many reasons – here are a few:
1- NO chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMO’s are used to grow the cotton and cotton is one of the highest laden pesticide crops on the planet
2- For the health of my own body – as what is on my skin (clothes I wear, soaps,lotions and creams I use) leach out through the pores into the body, especially when I sweat, so if it is conventional cotton, then the chemicals are going from the skin into my body and directly into the bloodstream. Most important are the garments that are closest to the skin, especially when it comes to more sensitive and private areas, that goes for bras or tank tops, as well.
3- For the health of the environment & planet – what is planted in the the ground and grown in the soil, affects the health of all of nature, including people, plants, animals, bees, air, etc. If we can all do one more thing to help change the status of the earth, it would he to use more organic products, whether textiles, food, skin care, etc. We can turn the tide by demanding more organic because are using it more and will create more need for organic farms and farms. This all leads to a more sustainable environment that benefit all creations.

This is a great product and the company does everything right! They understand the importance of organic and are GOTS certified, which is the highest standard for textiles. They do not use any dyes, bleaches and toxic sustances to make their products. They are environmentally friendly and cause no harm to your body.

I like that it comes in a 3 pack, so can use and then wash and have another to wear. I also very highly recommend that you use a mild soap like Dr. Bronner’s that has no sodium lauryl sulfate or other sulfates that are not good for you and hand wash and let it air dry. You may not have thought of this, but it makes sense, as why would you buy something organic, whether clothes or food and then use chemical detergent or tap water to clean it and then you are defeating the purpose!

The material is super soft, fits comfortably and is breathable and I am happy to support organic products (for my health and the planet) and this company.

Please do check out my youtube channel: TheRawsomeVeganGal, as I will have a video review of this product on there, as well.

For more information, go to:

Products are available on

Pink box from Hesta Organic

Bottom of box from Hesta Organic

Tag attached to the product from Hesta Organic

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this review, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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4 Ways to Use Papaya For Beauty – by Herbal Papaya

4 Ways to Use Papaya for Beauty by Herbal Papaya

Papaya, the new age of natural beauty! The fruit’s benefits don’t just stop at good health.

Papaya is one of the most versatile fruits out there, as I’m sure you already know if you’ve been reading our blog for awhile.

Did you know that papaya is also used around the world as a beauty product? It could be hard to resist the fresh smell of these papaya beauty products, and if you take the time to try them out, you may be surprised at how much they can improve your beauty routine and overall life goals for glowing skin.

Papaya Leaf Tea Bags

This beauty trick can actually work with any teabag, but why not use our Herbal Papaya Leaf Tea? According to Real Simple, tea bags can help soothe bug bites, stings, and even sunburns. After you drink your tea, make sure the tea bag is cooled and let it sit for five minutes either on the bug bite or sting, and watch as the tea naturally helps ease the itchiness and irritated skin patch.

If you’re trying to soothe a sunburn, brew a pot of tea and pour it into a bath of mildly warm water. Once you jump in, you’ll start to feel relief from the sun damage of the day.

Papaya Soap

If you use papaya soap, you could be rewarded with a variety of positive skin results. We loved reading through this article on Livestrong’s website about all of the fantastic benefits that papaya soap can give to your skin.

Most notably, exfoliation. Because papaya contains the enzyme papain, it is able to facilitate protein breakdowns with water. This is perfect for removing dead skin cells and getting rid of dry and flaky skin. Papaya soap therefore can also help with acne, since acne is simply an abundance of dead skin cells that are clogging up pores instead of shedding.

Papaya Facemask

Similar to the effects of body soap, a papaya face mask can help you thoroughly exfoliate the skin cells on your face. Papayas are rich in vitamins E and C, as well as that powerhouse enzyme papain, which all help to get rid of dead skin cells and reveal brightened skin underneath. Because of these attributes, papaya easily becomes a natural exfoliator and great fruit with which to create a DIY face mask.

All for staying frugal, we loved this post by Minimalist Beauty – go to their website, on how to make a papaya face mask at home using all natural ingredients to help keep your skin smooth and soft.

Papaya Shampoo

You’re probably thinking by this point that papaya can very well become your one-stop beauty product and you may just be right – you can also use papaya for hair health! Papaya shampoo have been known to help with hair loss, reduce dandruff (those pesky dead skin cells again!), and soften hair while restoring its natural shine and adding volume.

If you want to try out your own papaya hair treatment at home and witness the benefits yourself, check out the DIY papaya honey hair mask by Daily Curlz – look on their website.

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