Posts tagged Baiden Mitten

Special Offer for Baiden Mitten – June 18 and 19 Only!

This very special exclusive offer to my readers will only be available today, Wednesday June 18 and tomorrow, Thursday June 19th till the end of the day. It is in conjunction with my guest appearance today on an internet radio show:

Here is the link including the time it will take place and call in information.

Date: Wednesday June 18, 2014
Time: 3:30 pm PT/4:30pm MT/5:30pm CT/6:30pm ET
Length: 45 Minutes

To get the discount you must read one of my 9 posts on Baiden Mitten on this blog to the end and you will see the information on how to order.

You can search for the posts by going to the upper right hand corner of this page and click on the magnifying glass icon which will open up a box for you to enter the words “Baiden Mitten”

The regular price is 48.97 and the sale price is 29.38 with free shipping.

Do not miss out on this, order today!

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My Experiences Using Baiden Mitten – eighth time

Friday February 15, 2013 – eighth time using Baiden Mitten

Since using the Baiden Mitten, I know that I will continue to use this product long after I stop writing and sharing my experiences with the public. I am not doing this simply to promote this great product, but to see the results for myself. As I have stated earlier, I test a product that I believe is worth my time and effort; based on my high standards for integrity, health, environmental consciousness and sustainability. I do not take this lightly and will never ever give in to compromise myself or my principles. I am not about ‘selling’ a product to you to make money. I am about providing you with honest, real and true information/results based on my actually using/consuming the product and not just from a “pretty face” of a model, athlete or entertainer who because of their name can get massive amounts of people to buy the product they are touting to the public (a lot of times they don’t know anything about the product or have ever used it themselves). I want you to buy the product because it has some benefit to you for your health/wellness and doesn’t have any chemicals, preservatives or toxic ingredients that will harm you in the long run.

The majority of products, even in the “health food world” are actually not healthy for you and ought to be avoided, especially with body care products. Such as if the brand name of the product includes the word “organic(s),” as part of its name, it does not mean that the product is actually organic. You MUST read the ingredients on the label. If you don’t know what something is, then either don’t buy or or write it down and look it up on the internet. If you had me in your home (I am available for personal coaching/teaching and can travel to your home – you can contact me through commenting to this blog post for more details), I could look at all your household, food products, etc and tell you in seconds whether it is truly good for you to use or not. I have been studying this information for many years and consider myself a self-taught expert.

I am continually searching/researching for what is available (in stores, on the internet, etc). First, I look into the product thoroughly and read everything I can about it from a brochure, website, etc. Second, I contact the company if I have any other questions, comments or concerns before I inquire to test the product myself (as I stated above, it has to meet my high standards before I consider using it). Third, I give myself ample time to use the product to see what results I get. Lastly, I can share my experiences, insights and thoughts with the public about the product I used (including constructive criticism).

I am still seeing lots of fragments come off my body when rubbing my skin with the Baiden Mitten. I know that by continually/consistently using it my skin will get softer, smoother and healthier. It is great to discover products like this that have amazing benefits and take very little time and effort to see results.

This is my last update on my use of Baiden Mitten. I hope by now you have enough information from my own experiences to go to the website (link is below) and purchase this great natural product. If you have any other comments/questions, you are welcome to email a comment to the blog post or contact the company directly.

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

For more info and to purchase this great product, check out the links below:



Regular price: 48.97, Sale price: 29.38 and free shipping

Click on this link:

This offer will be valid until the end of 19th.

You have to enter VibrantLiving (one word) and click Apply Coupon button to receive the discount.

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Story of the Baiden Mitten:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips :

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My Experiences Using Baiden Mitten – Seventh Time

Friday February 8, 2013 – seventh time using Baiden Mitten

I continue to see a substantial amount of dead skin being ‘shed’ when I use the Baiden Mitten. I am noticing this all over my body, expect for my face. I love the tingling affect after rubbing my skin and continue to see more of the pinkish hue (means better circulation) which remains visible for a short amount of time. Overall I am thrilled with the change in my skin. I am still noticing some dryness on my lower legs (but they do still feel smooth) and the bottoms of my feet are still cracked and dry (I do use the mitten on it, but I believe it is a time factor because it is a deeper issue).

You would think that after using this product this many times that it would not happen. The body is continually getting rid of/replacing old cells with new ones and especially the skin (don’t forget, it is your largest organ). This mitten helps the process, but this doesn’t mean that I will stop noticing the skin fragments coming off as time passes. I can’t answer that because it is actually only used this product for a short time.

Some people look for the ‘magic pill’ and want instant results. The more years to your life the longer it takes to remove the excess/toxic buildup in the body. The best option is to do things gradually and progressively to have long-lasting and long-term results. If you want FAST results, they will be less likely to sustain you for an extended period of time. I believe that taking baby/slow steps are better. To relate this to Baiden Mitten, it is only used once a week to allow the skin to adjust to it – more often isn’t better. You can actually have a severe skin reaction if you decide to use it multiple times in the week. Then you may have to ease off and not use it again for a while.

Receiving instructions for using a product/treatment, etc has an important purpose. The person/company who is giving you this information, has either used the product themselves or has had it tested in a lab or by groups of people before putting it on the market. They know how you can achieve the best results based on their previous experiences.

I feel the same way when it comes to recommendations for health – such as in the area of cleansing/fasting which I have extensive personal experiences in. I have written in great detail in my blog on this subject (I started my blog in December 2009 as a result of doing a 42 day coconut water cleanse – I am not suggesting that you do an extensive plan like this ever and ought to be under supervision if you do so) and am available to counsel others if they would like to have a personalized program created for them. Please sent me a comment to this blog post if you would like more detailed information.

Stay tuned for more insights and results next week!

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

For more info and to purchase this great product, check out the links below:



Regular price: 48.97, Sale price: 29.38 and free shipping

Click on this link:

This offer will be valid until the end of 19th.

You have to enter VibrantLiving (one word) and click Apply Coupon button to receive the discount.

General info home page:


Story of the Baiden Mitten:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips :

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My Experiences Using Baiden Mitten – Sixth Time

Friday February 1, 2013 – sixth time using Baiden Mitten

It is hard to believe my life without Baiden Mitten, as I am into my 6th week of using it! Lots of people use the cheap run-of-the-mill loofah or hand mitt from the discount/drug store, but they will never “SEE” the results like using this product. There is absolutely no comparison whatsoever!

The only time I have seen some rolls of skin fragments (but not anywhere as good as using the Baiden Mitten) was when I would do dry skin brushing before my shower and then while in the shower, I would use my hand and rub it on my skin and the dead skin would come off. Of course, I was getting some good results even with the method I was using. Now, I have moved on the the next level with this product and see a more dramatic effect in the appearance/improvement of my skin.

I still have a great deal of dead skin being shed from my arms and legs, as well as, my mid-region (front side of my body). It is amazing how much extra we are “carrying” on our body that is/are not needed or superfluous. Like the skin, we also tend to accumulate excess on the inside of our bodies (plaque around important/vital organs, etc) that we can’t see, but need to be (at)tended to, as well. The way your skin looks on the outside, is a reflection to what is going on internally. Different areas of your face are related to various organs of the body (if you are interested in learning more about this, look into Oriental/Facial Diagnosis).

When you are skin brushing/exfoliating it will help with improving circulation, etc, but it’s not going to get rid of toxic buildup around your organs. You need to make changes to what you are putting on your plate and is going in your mouth. The skin is a good start, as it is the largest organ of the body. Just like you have taken the “leap” in using the top-quality product on the exterior/external of the body, the next step is to start treating your internal/interior the same. We all have the opportunity to remain “young-looking” all our lives and the sooner we start the better, as the body has not been damaged as much and is much easier to change.

Be kind to yourself! If you are content with how you look now and regard yourself as healthy, but are concerned about your “later” years then consider taking the steps now to insure you will always be happy. Health is your greatest wealth! There are many tools out there to help you, including this great product, Baiden Mitten.

I am a vegan chef and educator available for private coaching and teaching to instruct you in achieving optimum health and wellness. Please contact me for more information, by leaving a comment to this blog post.

Check back again next week for an update!

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

For more info and to purchase this great product, check out the links below:



Regular price: 48.97, Sale price: 29.38 and free shipping

Click on this link:

This offer will be valid until the end of 19th.

You have to enter VibrantLiving (one word) and click Apply Coupon button to receive the discount.

General info home page:


Story of the Baiden Mitten:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips :

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My Experiences Using Baiden Mitten – Fifth Time

Friday January 25, 2013 – fifth time using Baiden Mitten

I am still noticing a lot of dead skin coming off my arms and also my legs. I have been using more pressure when I rub as time goes by, as my skin is getting used to the exfoliation, the more I use the Baiden Mitten. I notice more pinkish tone to various parts I am rubbing, like around my abdominal area, as the circulation increases due to continued use of the product. The color appears much faster then when I first started using the Baiden Mitten. This is a good sign, as the body is detoxifying.

I still have experienced some dryness on my lower legs as the week goes by, but has greatly improved in 5 weeks of using this product. The soles of my feet are taking much longer to show a drastic improvement, but again, it is not as bad as 5 weeks ago. The skin around the heels of my feet was so deeply cracked that it bled and even hurt. I do rub the Baiden Mitten on the bottoms of my feet and it have definitely helped to some degree. I hope one day (soon), they will be soft and smooth.

I have not seen as much dramatic change to the skin on my face. I do use a dry bristle brush every night, as well. I don’t see much or sometimes any dead skin fragments come off on the Baiden Mitten when I rub my face. I don’t know if others have had the same experience or not.

Overall, I am still enjoying the experience and will continue to share my thoughts with you next week, so stay tuned!

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

For more info and to purchase this great product, check out the links below:


Regular price: 48.97, Sale price: 29.38 and free shipping

Click on this link:

This offer will be valid until the end of 19th.

You have to enter VibrantLiving (one word) and click Apply Coupon button to receive the discount.
General info home page:


Story of the Baiden Mitten:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips :

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My Experiences Using Baiden Mitten – Fourth Time

Friday January 18, 2013 – fourth time using Baiden Mitten

This is my fourth time using Baiden Mitten and although I don’t see any “earth shattering” results to speak of, I am definitely seeing changes to my skin texture, especially those areas that had the tendency towards dryness (as I mentioned previously, my lower legs and left elbow from a surgery scar). I have mostly smooth and soft skin throughout my body, but still had ALOT of dead skin fragments come off my body, even after using the mitten 3 times previously. Like peeling the layers of an onion to get to the part that is useful, it is a continual, gradual process that may take more time to notice.

I continue to experience the wonderful tingling sensation from rubbing my skin with the mitten. My skin also gets pinkish for a short time and then diminishes. I notice that most of the dead skin comes off my arms and legs. I know we weren’t born with this much dead skin, but it still amazes me to see all that comes off. I don’t know if it will ever end, but maybe not be as much as months or years go by. I don’t know of any long time users, except for perhaps the owner of the company, Ishay. Since the body is continually renewing itself and after 7 years you are entirely new, it would make sense that the skin, which is the largest organ, needs to get rid of the toxicity and is able to “breathe” better when you are consistently exfoliating.

I know that long after I stop writing my testimonials I will use the Baiden Mitten. It is a great tool to achieve an overall cleansing of the skin, improve its tone & texture, alleviate/eliminate dry skin and also increase circulation to the body (when your skin gets pinkish from rubbing that is a good sign!).
If you have not purchased your Baiden Mitten after reading about my experiences thus far, isn’t it about time you made a great investment that will make you feel better about yourself? (even if you already think/know your skin is looking great, there is always room for improvements, especially when people usually notice your face first). Then when others see you and want to know your secret to great skin, you can tell them it is available to everyone and the product is so simple and easy to use. Also the value is in that Baiden Mitten will last for a couple of years (it has less of an environmental impact because it isn’t a “use it once and throw away” item) before needing to be replaced.

I will report again next week!

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

For more info and to purchase this great product, check out the links below:


Regular price: 48.97, Sale price: 29.38 and free shipping

Click on this link:

This offer will be valid until the end of 19th.

You have to enter VibrantLiving (one word) and click Apply Coupon button to receive the discount.
General info home page:


Story of the Baiden Mitten:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips :

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My Experiences Using Baiden Mitten – Third Time

Friday January 11, 2013 – third time using Baiden Mitten

Another week has gone by since I used the mitten. Again, I noticed some dryness on my lower legs, but nothing like it was before I started using the product. The skin would also look scaly and feel rough, but it has changed a lot over the last 2 weeks.

I still have a lot of dead skin coming off my arms and legs more then other areas. I don’t see as much coming off of my face and perhaps it is because I dry brush it on a nightly basis. One area that is hard to reach with the mitten is the middle of my back. If there was a way to have a stick that you can attach to it as an extension that would help. I don’t know if you are already working on something like that, but I wanted to give my suggestion.

I wanted to share with you the method I have been using for exfoliation using the Baiden Mitten. First, I rub my arms with an up and down motion and when one side of the mitten gets dirtier, I continue with the other side. Then I wash it off with hot water, and continue with other areas of my body. I use the same process on my legs, neck, back, etc. I repeat this twice on all parts of my body. I am comfortable using more vigorous pressure when I rub my skin – but, still being gentle with my face – then when I started, as it has adapted with more use of the mitten.

I still get that wonderful tingling sensation on my skin and some pinkish hue on my skin (that shows improved circulation) that is only visible for a short time. I especially see it on my face after I am done. I still have the dry cracked soles of my feet and rub with the mitten more vigorously then other areas because the skin is tougher and can handle it. It may be helping slightly, but don’t see any dramatic change (don’t know if it will ever be so, it is the weather that affects me and I am using more heat, as there have been some extremely cold nights lately).

I am happy with the overall results thus far and will continue to report on my progress next week.

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

To order Baiden Mitten click on any of the links below:


Regular price: 48.97, Sale price: 29.38 and free shipping

Click on this link:

This offer will be valid until the end of 19th.

You have to enter VibrantLiving (one word) and click Apply Coupon button to receive the discount.
General info home page:


Story of the Baiden Mitten:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips :

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My Experiences Using Baiden Mitten – Second Time

Friday January 4, 2013 – second time using Baiden Mitten

It’s been a week since using the Baiden Mitten and I did notice that my lower legs showed some dryness as the week progressed, but I did not put any lotion on. I am still noticing a lot of dead skin fragments coming off when I use the mitten and like anything else, I believe that it takes time to remove all the “junk” off of your body – both on the outside and inside. I continue to enjoy the experience of getting more in touch and taking the time for myself.

I did notice some things about the product itself that I feel need improvements. First, I don’t see the string as necessary to hold the mitten in place while you are rubbing your skin, as it stays on my hand (unless it depends on the size of the hand of the person using it, that is a different story). Also the stitching started to unravel on the part of the mitten opposite to the string and I had to sew it up so it would not continue to do so. My suggestion is to have elastic around the open end of the mitten (but not to tight) so it stays on the hand and do away with the string as I fell it would work much better.

Overall I am satisfied with the results I am seeing from using the Baiden Mitten two times and mostly noticing the difference in my lower legs and left elbow with less rough and dry skin as before I started using the product. I know that I am changing the appearance of the skin on my entire body, but I am not seeing any other significant results to share with you at this time.

I will share more of my insights and results again next week.

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

To order Baiden Mitten click on any of the links below:


Regular price: 48.97, Sale price: 29.38 and free shipping

Click on this link:

This offer will be valid until the end of 19th.

You have to enter VibrantLiving (one word) and click Apply Coupon button to receive the discount.
General info home page:


Story of the Baiden Mitten:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips :

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Baiden Mitten – For exfoliating the skin – My Experiences – 1st Use

My Experiences Using Baiden Mitten

Background information:

I found out about this product when I was reading an article on someone else’s site. I was reading the comments under the post and those who comment that have their own website, their name is usually in “blue,” so you can click on it. I was interested in finding out more about this person. I clicked on the site and came to the site for Baiden Mitten.

When I find a product that fits the scope of my “hardcore” standards of purity, I want to learn more. I research information about the product very thoroughly because I have to make sure it is truly natural, non-toxic and environmentally safe. Then I sent an email request to test the product and write a review on my blog. In the meantime, I started receiving emails about the product and the experiences of a person who is using Baiden Mitten.

I heard back from Victoria and she was very impressed with my blog and told me she spent 2 days reading through it. She agreed to send me the product for my review, but she didn’t think I would have as much results as others because of my current lifestyle – I have been vegan for over 20 years and more recently also eating raw. I also do skin brushing on my body (but not every day) and my face (which I have been doing for years almost every day). Victoria emailed me information on using the product and also said to watch the videos on the website to get a better understanding (a visual explanation can help you understand better then just reading the instructions on a paper – I am very thorough and do both).

I received the product quickly and couldn’t wait to use it! I read through the instructions in the package and also went on the website that explained further. I also read through and watched the testimonials. I, like others, I’m sure, like to see and read a great story of someone who had some amazing/dramatic life altering results from a product or following a food/exercise program (and I am not talking about invasive, processed and unhealthy products like pills, powders, potions, surgeries, etc). You feel so inspired, even if you are already living a healthy life(style). I know that I do. It also helps to see that the product works and others are having great results and want to share them with others. I know that is how I am.

December 27, 2012 – First use of Baiden Mitten

I took a shower and let the bathroom get “steamy.” I left the water on so that my skin would stay damp while using the mitten (I do use a low flow shower head, so I didn’t feel so bad and honestly, I don’t shower as often as most for a number of reasons, one is that I don’t “stink” because I eat only plant-based whole food – unprocessed as it appears in nature. I also eat low-fat and low-protein – fats and proteins can cause your body to smell especially from those who eat animal foods but have also had it from eating too much avocado, nuts and seeds and another because “over washing” strips your skin of its protective layer). I also prefer to use the hot water from my shower filter, as opposed to the tap (although I did turn off the water briefly and ran the tap, but it made the bathroom colder). If you don’t have a shower filter yet, that is more important then a drinking filter because you are absorbing so much more chemicals (into your lungs and through your skin) from the shower then you would drink in an entire day and even more so, if you are taking a bath and sitting in the water.

Ok, now back to my use of the Baiden Mitten. I started with my arms and was amazed at what I saw. I have seen small fragments come off my skin on the past because I do skin brushing before my showers. In this instance, the fragments were much bigger and continually came off as I rubbed the mitten on my skin. I did a bit extra on my left elbow where the skin is drier and also scarred from a surgery due to a broken bone. Since the mitten has two sides, I would rub the arm on one side and then turn it over before I rinsed the mitten and then rubbed the other arm. I continued with the rest of my body including my neck, upper body – front and back, face and legs. There were lots of fragments of dead skin that came off, especially from my legs.

I felt ok with scrubbing my skin a bit more then others because I have been doing various forms of exfoliation over the years. I went over my arms, legs and face a second time before I stopped. I noticed the skin color changing to a pinkish hue because the scrubbing brings the blood to the surface from an increase in circulation. I also felt a tingling/invigorating sensation throughout my body and a sense of being clean(sed) in a healthy and pure way.

When it came to washing off my skin of the fragments which the Baiden Mitten removed just letting the water hit my skin wasn’t sufficient. I had to make sure to take my hand and move it over my body to remove the pieces. The skin fragments littered my bathtub and did not get washed down the drain so easily like water and seemed to be glued to it. I had to use my sponge to extract the pieces, which when I touched felt more greasy ( that is why they stuck to the tub). For those of you who are in a rush when you take a shower/bath, then don’t use the Baiden Mitten on that day. Better to find a day when you have the time so you can enjoy the process as it unfolds and also have time to clean up afterwards (I personally like to get the “job done” before I leave as I may be occupied with something else or be too tired later on).

The skin on my body has always been soft and smooth, but over the years I have had some drier patches here and there, especially the lower part of my legs (they also appeared scaly) and I would use moisturizer after my showers. I have also had more dryness around my left elbow due to surgery mentioned earlier and the soles of my feet are dry during the colder season. Once I washed off all the dead skin fragments that the mitten removed and dried off, I felt my skin and it was smoother then silk (if that’s at all possible). The areas I mentioned above were already significantly softer! I didn’t need to use any moisturizer on my legs and I don’t see the scaly appearance anymore. The soles of my feet are still quite dry and cracked as will probably take longer to see results because the problem is more deep-rooted and needs more time.

I took a picture of my face after my first use of Baiden Mitten. It appears to glow and looks more alive – from removing the “dead” layer that was covering/coating over the fresh new skin underneath. Some people may never get to see their true beauty, unless they are willing to peel off the old stuff that is no longer serving us and merely just “hanging on” because we haven’t taken the initiative to make a change (this also applies to other things in life, as well!).

Funny 🙂 thing when I was cleaning the mitten, I realized I had used it inside out because it came in the package that way and I didn’t reverse it. Of course, it still worked (as I already told you above). Now I have it turned the right way for the next time I use it, not that it really matters!

Stay tuned for more insights when I use the Baiden Mitten again next week.

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

Photo of my face after using Baiden Mitten - 1st time

Photo of my face after using Baiden Mitten – 1st time

To order Baiden Mitten click on any of the links below:


Regular price: 48.97, Sale price: 29.38 and free shipping

Click on this link:

This offer will be valid until the end of 19th.

You have to enter VibrantLiving (one word) and click Apply Coupon button to receive the discount.
General info home page:


Story of the Baiden Mitten:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips :

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Q & A Series: People, Products and the Health of our Planet – Baiden Mitten – for skin exfoliation

Q & A INTERVIEW with Ishay (owner/founder) and Victoria

I have not done a Q & A in a long time and found a company who has a great product. I have started using the Baiden Mitten myself and will be sharing my review of it shortly.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

Both Ishay and I have Indigenous European heritages where the love and respect for Nature and all its processes were the basis of all life. That was the reason why neither one of us ever bought into the “a pill for every ill” mentality, choosing instead to follow the old traditions of carefully nourishing our bodies to nurture the soul within. Consequently we never got “involved” in the “health” industry but rather we have been living it all our lives, long time before “the natural way of living” was ever fashionable.

For us, living according to Laws of Nature not only applies to the foods that we consume, but also to all other aspects of our life: our spirituality, relationships, businesses and how we contribute to society and environment.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

– First of all I would take a bag full of coconuts to plant on my desert island to get a fresh supply of coconuts and palm leaves. That way I would (eventually) have great shelter, coconut water full of electrolytes and minerals to drink and the coconut flesh to eat and to moisturize my skin with by extracting some coconut oil from. Heaven!

– Baiden Mitten. Although sold mainly as a beauty tool, it actually works by turning the skin into a very efficient detox organ.It opens up the pores and allows the toxins to flow out. It also stimulates blood flow thus oxygenating vital organs and the brain. As if that would not be enough – Baiden Mitten also unplugs the hair follicles on the skin thus allowing natural skin moisturizer, sebum to flow out and moisturize the skin. Sebum acts as fantastic tanning oil which also prevents skin from burning. Since I would be running around naked on my deserted island, I would definitely want to avoid sunburn.

– Complete works by Dalai Lama. Oh, finally the joy of having enough uninterrupted time to read through all those amazing works.

– A bag full of seeds of plants I love to eat to have my own organic veggie garden

– A large bucket to carry water for my garden and help me carry things around. I would carry it on top of my head and thus work on my posture. Great posture prevents a lot of degenerative problems in the body.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing. Don’t leave it in the hands of doctors, pharmaceutical companies and the media. Your intuition is much smarter than you think.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

It would have to be a blender to make green smoothies with. Once you experience the extreme health benefits a simple green smoothie for breakfast will do for you, you will get a very healthy respect for the amazing “machine” which is your body and how fast healing can come.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

At the moment we only offer one product – Baiden Mitten. It is an exceptional health and beauty tool in one which has survived a test of centuries and is now making a comeback.

Baiden Mitten does to the toxin-laden skin what raw food does to the processed-food-fed body – it performs an extreme detox. It does it by taking out all the impurities, toxins and the dead skin cells without introducing anything in which would hinder this process.

We have had many emails from people who were amazed at how quickly things change once the skin is allowed to work according to its own processes.

We are still a small company relying mainly on internet to sell our product, but the word has been spreading and we are growing exponentially. This year 2013 will be very exciting one for us and for our customer who love our Baiden Mitten as we have lots of things happening to increase our product range as well as redesigning packaging and streamlining our processes to make our customer support even more efficient.

We pride ourselves not only on excellent product, but also on excellent customer service. Running an ethical business is our number one priority and that is also why we use fair trade practices, because we believe that karma can be a b**ch and we would not want to risk messing with it.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

We are great believers in human spirit. In our opinion, we have come through some dark times of over consumerism and money worship however, we are seeing people waking up from this nightmare all over the world and reconnecting with their spirit.

The process of rediscovering ancient ways of living in harmony with the environment and other people has already started and we are very excited to be living in this amazing world at this challenging, but at the same time inspiring time. We believe we will see an amazing change in our lifetime of people growing their own food, forming more co-ops, being much kinder to animals and conducting fair, sustainable, ethical businesses.

Old political systems will topple and will be replaced with decentralized governing systems which will give a lot more power to the ordinary people.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

For both Ishay and I, it would have to be our ancestors, especially our mothers, both of whom have now passed on. Although far from perfect, both were extremely strong women who lived according to very high moral standards and practiced what they preached every day. They taught us the value of family and human relationships and the most important thing is to follow our own heart, especially in hard situations.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Turn off TV and computer and go for a walk in on the beach or in the forest. You will rejuvenate body and soul. Nature is inspiring. After your walk you will feel uplifted, happy and much more balanced and focused.

Question #9: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

Everybody is different. What suits you, might not suit somebody else. Listen to your body – it is closely connected to “the source” and if you keep it free from toxins, it will be able to communicate with you loud and clear on what are the best foods for you.

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