Archive for September, 2017

How to Destroy Late Night Cravings by Frederic Patenaude

Check out the great offers below on health products from Frederic & Renegade Health.
Prices are subject to change at any time without notice, so do not delay!

How to Destroy Late Night Cravings by Frederic Patenaude

Have you noticed that almost all cravings for unhealthy foods come in the evening or at night?

I’ve heard that cravings are caused by low-blood sugar, food addiction, emotional eating, yin/yang imbalance, hormonal problems, dehydration, and nutritional deficiencies.

In my experience, none of these reasons are the cause of food cravings in most people.

80% of the time, food cravings are caused by:

Under-eating complex carbohydrates or fruit
Poor planning: you just don’t have enough tasty, healthy meals available at the right time

Let’s take a closer look.

The first reason is often overlooked. You’re not eating enough of the foods your body needs to be satisfied and maintain its energy levels.

Many popular diets tell you to fill up on vegetables — which contain virtually no calories. Plenty of vitamins and minerals, but none of the main thing that your body actually needs the most: glucose.

Other diets tell you to fill up on fat, such as found in nuts and seeds, olive oil, and avocado. But fat is the least satiating type of macronutrient — and every experiment done has proved this. You can sneak in extra calories in the form of oil in the food and people eat the same quantity (but more calories) without feeling more satisfied.

Protein can be satiating because it tends to curb feelings of hunger. But eating high-protein food doesn’t give you what your body actually craves: glucose. So that’s why people still crave sugar after a high-protein, “low-carb” meal, and eventually fall off the wagon to binge on rolls and other refined carbs like desserts!

When you give your body plenty of healthy, whole food sources of glucose — as in whole fruit, and healthy starches (rice, potatoes, beans, etc.) — cravings miraculously go away.

My mom lost 60+ pounds eating as many of those foods as she cared for, without counting calories. And thousands of people have done the same.

I hope that I’m not bragging by saying that I never get food cravings for things like chocolate, ice-cream, desserts, decadent food, chips, etc. Why? Because I’m not restricting at all the one category of nutrient that my body needs the most!

Poor Planning

People often tell me: “if I had a personal chef making me tasty, high raw, low-fat vegan recipes at home — then maybe I could do this diet. But I just don’t have the time!”

My fridge is always stocked with a ton of super-healthy meals that I prepare in advance, in a flash. I’m prepared, therefore I don’t have cravings!

If you get bored with your food, you’ll crave something else. If you open the fridge and tasty, healthy food greets you, you’re not going to be looking for something else. It’s that simple!

Another problem is that most raw food recipes are either too complicated, or too unhealthy, often loaded with fats and oils.

You don’t have 100% perfect to make this diet work.

You only have to focus all of your attention on the things that truly matter — what I call the 20% that gives you 80% of the results.

Eat enough whole fruit and complex carbohydrates
Have a system for food prep that rotates tasty meals that are easy to prepare in advance.

Don’t aim at perfection. Choose a program that works and makes you happy. Focus on just a few changes that will make the biggest difference in your health, rather than trying to change everything.

Maybe your food is not always organic. Maybe you might add some salt and seasonings to your food, instead of eating everything plain. So what? As long as you focus on the 20% that matters, you’ll get 80% of the results, and more!
Want to Learn More About Blood Testing?

I wanted to as well, so I contacted Dr. J. E. Williams and asked him to help me put together a program that could help you determine how to read your own blood tests and identify the optimal levels for healthy eaters.

It features 35 beautiful graphics that show you clinical, desirable and optimal ranges for blood tests and what to do if your levels are high or low.

Blood testing, if done correctly, can be your best ally in determining the right diet, the right supplements and the perfect health for you.

He also covers what to do when you get your tests back to bring your levels into optimal ranges.

To get the Complete Blood Test Blueprint, along with “How to Read Your Own Blood Tests”, go to:

This is our most up-to-date program on blood tests… so if you were thinking about getting it, now’s a good time.

If you’d like to find out the exact method to reverse and prevent dental problems, make sure to get the new edition of the program “How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters.”

In it, you will discover:

What you can do for your teeth if you already have decay above or below the gumline, pain, bleeding or loose teeth…

Why the dental industry on purpose wants you to come back for more visits with new problems to “fix” every time.

What to do if you lose a filling, chip or lose a tooth, etc.
And much more. Go to:

There’s a lot new in this 2016 version. You can get it at more than 50% off. This offer may end at any time!

Here are the other great deals on health products from Frederic:

B12 the Energy Vitamin

If you feel constantly tired in spite of getting good sleep, you may want to look at raising your vitamin B12 levels.

B12’s role in energy production is well known, and insufficient B12 levels can lead to fatigue and mood changes.

If you’ve never tried B12 patches, you can order them here:

To order B12 patches, go to:


For all the store products, go to:

The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This person(s)/product(s)/company(ies) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this site or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as kind of attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.

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