Archive for January, 2010

The Transition to Food and My New Raw Vegan Food Plan/Regimen…Week 2

The Transition to Food and My New Eating Plan/Regimen

Week 2

Day 8 – Tuesday January 19, 2010

I slept well and woke up at 4:45 am to use the bathroom. I went back to sleep till about 8:20am and used the bathroom again. I then slept till 10:20 am and got up to start the day. I used the bathroom again (it is amazing how many times in a day I am evacuating, sometimes as much as 7-8 times and I usually have no clean up either). I ate some a 6 oz container of blackberries and raspberries at about 11:30 am. It didn’t start raining till about noon and it was very heavy. It was actually a bizarre day because it rained heavy and then the sky would clear and get bright and then there was another heavy downpour for a while and the sky would clear again. I stayed in most of the day and did some work inside I spoke with a friend of mine for a while and then went out to do some food shopping with another friend who picked me up. We spent a few hours together, as I am working on helping her out with her food choices and she helps me out by giving me transportation to where I need to go. It works out well for me! I had another salad for dinner with spinach. The rain has stopped for tonight, but is due again tomorrow. I went to bed tonight at 2 am. It was later then I planned.

Day 9 – Wednesday January 20, 2010

I woke up to use the bathroom at about 6 am and then again at 8 am. I went back to sleep till about 8:30 am. The rain had stopped for now and the sun was actually out. I decided to wash my bed sheet, as it doesn’t take that long to dry. I know the rain is due to return today, but from the looks of the sky, you would think not. I had some fruit at 10 am, which consisted of 6 oz each of fresh blueberries and blackberries and 1 kiwi. Since it wasn’t raining as yet, I embarked on a gardening project (although I didn’t really intend to). An area next to where I have my compost pile (I have not put any food scraps in there for a long time, as I have had tomatoes growing there that are volunteers), there is a bush that has lots of dead shoots and also crabgrass growing in it, so I started pulling it out and now it is a really small bush, but it looks much better. It does flower on occasion, but hasn’t in a long time. Once I was done there, I wanted to put my window screen back in that came out yesterday during the rain storm. My neighbor helped me, as I couldn’t do it myself. Then it started getting very windy and the clouds were rolling in, but the sky was still bright. My clothes drying rack isn’t that sturdy and it toppled over a few times and I had to put a chair next to it as a barrier. I wanted to go out to a store in the neighborhood, before the rain comes today because I know the deluge of wet weather is supposed to continue for a few more days. I decided to eat some more fruit before going out, so I had a mango. I didn’t leave at the time I intended to (around noon), as I was talking on the phone for a bit. I used the bathroom a couple more times this morning to evacuate. I want to share with you some important information which I neglected to do so until now and I realized that it is a habit I have been doing for years and realize that others may not know that it plays a very important role in your bathroom habits. So what am I talking about? The importance of squatting (which is the natural way) for a “#2.” Most of us will not do that, so what I suggest (it is what I do), is to put your feet up 6 to 8 inches on a waste basket, footstool or even a study box/carton. This opens up the anal canal more directly and you are not squeezing and bearing down on your anal sphincter (which is harmful to your body). If you also raise and stretch your hands above your head, the transverse colon can empty more completely with ease (information taken from “Miracle of Fasting,” by Paul and Patricia Bragg, page 80). Once you start doing this regularly, you will not be able to do it any other way and you will find that you are not straining and don’t have to “sit” on the toilet as long either (sorry, if you like to get your reading done while in there you won’t be spending as much time in the bathroom). That is why I don’t like it when I have to go “#2” someplace other than at my place and I have been known to bring a box with me when I stay over at someone else’s home so I can continue to follow my normal routine. I finally went for a walk to a nearby store (I also had not walked around outside in a couple of days because it has been raining and really wanted to get some fresh air) at close to 2 pm and noticed that it was starting to drizzle (I did bring my umbrella with me). I didn’t spend much time in the store and when I left it started raining at a steady pace. I got home and wasn’t all that wet, as the umbrella I have is quite large. I’m glad it wasn’t that cold outside, though. I was home a little after 3 pm. The heavier rains came much later in the evening, at about 6 pm. They subsided before 8 pm. Tonight I had another salad with green leaf lettuce and same veggies I have been using (cucumber, tomato, red bell pepper and celery) since I completed this cleanse. I have been eating a different green every day (rotate them) and will share with you tomorrow why this is important. I took a bath tonight, but the water didn’t stay hot enough for me. For some reason the water level went down before I got in and I had to add more hot water (now I know to only have the hot water faucet on while drawing my bath and then add the cold at the end, so it stays at the temperature I like). I went to sleep at 1:30 am (again, later then I planned, but I know I will get better with that).

Day 10 – Thursday January 21, 2010

I slept well last night and woke up at 6:30 am to use the bathroom (had loose bowel movement) and then went back to sleep. I was woken up at 9:20 am by the sound of my answering machine going off, but no message left. I went to the bathroom again (another loose bowel movement) and then went back into bed till 10:30 am. It was another cloudy and rain soaked day. I decided last night that I was going to do a dry fast today. You may say, “all right, Mindy, you already did a 42 day cleanse, why do you need to do this?” For me it is a regular ‘thing’ to take a day off every week as a dry fast or only consuming coconut water or stevia in my water. I actually like fasting (when you have done fasting for as many years as I have, you find that it is enjoyable to do, as funny as that may sound!) and look forward to doing. I also came to the conclusion that Thursdays will be my ‘rest day’ (like the Sabbath when I rest from doing any work) from food. I can accomplish more when I don’t have to prepare a meal and eat because it takes time. The body expends energy when it has to ‘work’ to process the food you give it (i.e. digestion, etc.). This way I tax my body less, as well. I didn’t doing anything outside this morning (I do miss my sunning and also walking on the sand) because of the steady rain falling. At 2 pm the rain stopped (for now) and the sun started to come out. I thought I could do some sunning, but it is very windy and quite chilly and the sun didn’t stay out for very long.

I wanted to share with you more about the concept of rotation of your green leafy vegetables so you can understand why it is important to do. This information is taken from a response to this question answered by Rene Oswald on her blog –

There are small amounts of natural toxins, called alkaloids, on all greens. However, each green contains a different alkaloid, so generally, if you eat a variety of greens you won’t have any problems. Some scientists believe that these alkaloids are there to prevent us from eating the entire crop , so that there will always be more for future generations.

You will find out, naturally, how much is safe to consume. When you eat a green in moderation it tastes great, but when you’ve had enough, your body will tell you by the taste. It generally starts to taste bitter, can cause nausea or you may notice your mouth becomes very dry. This bitter reaction is very obvious to most people when they eat the stronger greens, like chard, collards, arugula and dandelion.

Sunflower greens and spinach taste very mild to most people until their body has had enough, then they tend to make the mouth feel very dry. Listen to your body and only eat the amount you need, then go on to a new green for your next meal.

You’ll notice that when you blend greens in a recipe with lots of other ingredients (like in greens smoothies or blended salads) your body doesn’t always tell you when you have had enough. This is because your body is picking up on all the different foods at one time and it is confusing. I recently worked with a woman who was consuming large amounts of spinach every day in her green smoothies. She suddenly started feeling very light-headed and nauseous, she said she felt like she was going to faint all day long. When she stopped eating the spinach and substituted it with a different green in her smoothie every day, her dizziness went away. I suggest typically adding the amount of greens you would comfortably eat in a salad when making a smoothie, energy soup or blended salad.

It is very important to rotate your greens daily, which is the natural way to prevent any problem with over-consumption of one green. If you eat a new green every day, you’ll typically rotate at least 7 greens in your diet. The typical greens that are available to most of us, are romaine, red or green leaf lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, Bibb lettuce and bok choy. The highest quality greens are those that are dark green in color, organic and locally grown. Add small amounts of the stronger varieties, such as dandelion, arugula, mustard greens, beet greens, etc.

I decided to get do some of my weekly cleaning today so I wouldn’t have to do it all tomorrow. It was still light out when I started. I dusted and washed the bathroom and kitchen floors. I took a break after that to relax and do a crossword puzzle. It is interesting to me that I was able to do the 42 day cleanse and didn’t have a headache-y feeling from day one and tonight my head is starting to bother me. I looked at the clock and it was only 7:30 pm. My eyes felt like they were ready to close and I could go to sleep right now! I was not able to get the internet connection at home for a while, but then I tried it again and it worked, so that kept me from going to sleep as early as I thought I would. I went to sleep at 10:10 pm (what a great change from the previous days and also since I wasn’t eating or drinking my body felt it needed to rest more)

Day 11 – January 22, 2010

I woke up at 11:47 pm to the sound of thunder in the sky and then went back to sleep and slept through the night and woke at 8:20 am. I had a loose bowel movement at 8:45 am, 9:10 am and again at 9:50 am. I ate (after 31 ½ hours of dry fasting) at 9 am. I had 1 kiwi, 6 oz container of blackberries, 1 medium size tomato (it was starting to get mushy, so I didn’t want to have to dispose of it, even though, it goes into my compost and not the trash) and 1 fuyu persimmon (I know you can’t get them in the stores anymore and I got some while I was still on my cleanse and put them in the fridge when they were getting some and still have quite a few left). After I ate that I had to go to the bathroom the 2nd time. I felt like having some seaweed this morning, as well and ate some raw laver (which is a wild form of nori) and some cherry tomatoes and after that is when I had to use the bathroom the 3rd time. There was quite a bit of rain this morning and now it is almost 11 am and the clouds are breaking and the sun is coming out. Hopefully this is the end of the rain storm that have been around since Monday. I was able to get outside for some sun, but only for 10 minutes and then it got cloudy again. I finished my cleaning and had

time to go out for a walk. It wasn’t cold outside and I was actually too warm with the layers I was wearing. I have not walked on the sand since Sunday and hopefully will be able to do so this weekend. I was glad when the Sabbath came so I could relax and read. I went to sleep by 11 pm. It took me a while to finish my big salad, as I ate it quite slowly and enjoyed every bite. I had my once a week avocado and iceburg lettuce in my salad.

Day 12 – Saturday January 23, 2010

I woke up at 2 am to use the bathroom and then go back to sleep. I woke again at 7 am to use the bathroom and then stayed in bed and slept till 8:30 am. I used the bathroom again (all 3 times, I had loose bowel movements). It was a beautiful sunny day outside. I was able to do my sunning this morning and that was great! I went to services at my synagogue and then went for a walk on the sand (finally, after not being able to do so since last Sunday!). I stopped to visit a friend before I went home and by then it was already nearing 4 pm. I had a couple of more loose bowel movements later in the day (my body seems to evacuate so much since I have stopped my cleanse). I relaxed at home for the rest of the day and after the Sabbath ended, I started to do some work. I had some apples and pears this afternoon and still eating lots of tomatoes and seaweed. I had a nice salad this evening for dinner. I went out again for a walk to a store at 8:30 pm and it was a pleasant evening. I heard that rain is coming again early in the week (like we haven’t had enough already!). I stayed up really late tonight working on a new project online and it took longer then I planned. By the time I went to sleep, it was 2:30 am.

Day 13 – Sunday January 24, 2010

I did not sleep much last night, but it was very deep. I had a lot to do today, so I actually set my alarm to wake me up at 7:15 am. I didn’t feel like eating right away. I did get up with a bang (so to speak). I was a bit weary, but not really tired. I had a few loose bowel movements this morning. I ate a 6 oz container of blackberries before I left my place at 8:15 am. I had some shopping to do and since it was a beautiful sunny day, I wanted to make sure I get to go for a walk before I have to leave again for an afternoon appointment. I got home by about 11 am and took care of some things before I went for my walk. I had a kiwi before I left for the afternoon. I wanted to spend the whole day outside, but knew I had to take the bus to get to my appointment and it would take about an hour travel time. When I got to my destination, I was early and made some phone calls and sat outside in the beautiful warm sun and soaked it all in. I really miss getting my daily Vitamin D (I call it sunning) and it is more important than most people realize. A deficiency in this vitamin is linked to high blood pressure, obesity and Type 2 diabetes, as well as loss of bone density. Harvard researchers have found that higher blood levels of Vitamin D appear to double survival rates in colorectal cancer and similarly for breast and other cancers. What is most important is to expose at least 40 percent of your body exposed to the sun for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. You need to do so between 10 am – 2 pm when the sun is strongest to absorb the vitamin. If you have fair skin then build up the time gradually and you can rotate front and back of your body so you will not burn. Do not put any sunscreen/sunblock on, as that will prevent your body from absorbing vitamin D (for information on the toxicity of all sunscreens please go to {best to cover up with a long sleeve shirt when you don’t want your skin exposed to the sun}).

Another important thing brought up by Dr. Mercola in one of his videos is that you avoid showering with soap (can use under your arms and in your private area) because the soap will wash off the vitamin D which takes up to 48 hours to be absorbed into the body.

Great information on Vitamin D – check out this website: and this 1 hour YouTube video by one of the primary researchers in this area and it is informative and also funny, so make sure you both listen and watch it: Importance of Vitamin D by Dr.Holick

I had my appointment at 3 pm and it didn’t last as long as I thought it would. I was finished before 4:30 pm. I had not eaten anything since I left at 1:15 pm and was not hungry, as yet. I waited for the bus to come and was going to go to one other store to shop, but as I got closer to my place, I decided to get off the bus and go home instead. I didn’t want to get home any later and it was already 5:30 pm. I had many things to do this evening before going to sleep. I finally felt like eating, so I had an apple and pear and then I worked my making my daily salad and used green leaf lettuce, this evening. I have a feeling that I will be going to bed late again tonight! I stayed up till about 2:30 am.

Day 14 – Monday January 25, 2010

I slept well and woke up at 5:30 am to use the bathroom (had loose bowel movements) and then went back to sleep till 8:30 am. I got up and had another movement (this time it was solid, yey! so my body is absorbing my food better) and then another solid BM(short for bowel movement) about half an hour later. I is another beautiful day and I plan to spend as much time of it outside. I did my sunning outside for 20 minutes. I went out to do my recycling and then left at 11:40 am and walked an hour each way to my health food store to do some shopping. It is amazing how much energy I have on very little food (I ate a kiwi and a 6 oz container of blackberries this morning and then a 6 oz container of blueberries before going for my long walk). I did have another solid BM before I left to the store. I was also thinking that because I only eat my overt fat once a week, I virtually have no underarm odor (that usually happen from the added nitrogen in proteins and fats). Try it for yourself, and you will see the same results. Now it may not happen right away, if you have been eating large quantities of even raw fats and proteins (like nuts, seeds, nut butters, sprouted beans, dehydrated crackers, etc) and more so, if you are still consuming of the Standard American Diet. When I came home, I had time to go for a walk on the sand (it started to cloud over a bit and get chilly, so I shortened my time) and also do some errands. I ate an apple for a snack. I had plans this evening to go to a movie at the library with a friend. For dinner I had spinach with tomatoes, cucumber, celery and red pepper. The movie outing was great and I got home by 8:30 pm and stayed up late again to catch up on work because I did not get on the computer all day. I went to sleep finally at 1:30 am.

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The Transition to Food and My New Raw Vegan Food Plan/Regimen…Week 1

The Transition to Food and My New Raw Vegan Food Plan/Regimen

Week 1

Day 1 – Tuesday January 12, 2010

I did not sleep that well last night. I did fall asleep right away, but then awoke at 3:40 am to use the bathroom and went back to bed, but my mind was thinking and processing. I stayed in bed anyway and then did fall back to sleep for a while and finally got out of bed at 6:50 am, as I heard the blower going across the street at the school and it is annoying. I was feeling a bit weary at first because I didn’t get enough sleep. My tongue was really coated this morning and at first I didn’t have any evacuation. My neck was really tight when I first woke up this morning probably from the heavy things I was carrying yesterday. Then I started eating some bosc pears (I had them in the fridge for a while and some were starting to go bad). Wow! that first bite and it was sweet and juicy. I don’t know if they were the cause of me have a bit of the runny loose smelly bowel movements, but I had it had 7:25, 7:35, 8:10 and 8:25 am. I ate a total of 3 pears and then my head was feeling a bit off, too. As if it was saying, “hey, what are you giving me? I am not used to this stuff! You haven’t fed me in 42 days, so take it slowly! I know that for a fact and that is why I stopped after that many pears. It is another beautiful day outside and I didn’t end up going out with my friend today, so I can take care of my errands and get out in the sun and walk, too! The way I am starting off is to only eat mono meals of fruit (mostly). Whether I do it for 1 meal or for the whole day. I will do that for at least the first few days and then starting adding a meal with greens like lettuce with celery, cucumber and tomato and possibly some seaweed. I would like to continue to eat mono fruit meals regularly. I also plan to eat smaller quantities of food, 2 meals a day and stop my food consumption by 5 pm, at the latest. Then if I feel the need for anything afterwards, it would simply be something to drink like stevia water or coconut water and then nothing more after 7 pm. My goal is to keeping going back on the time I stop eating till I reach 2 pm. I had a busy morning making phone calls and also got out in the sun. I wanted to get out to do my recycling and by the time I was ready to go at 1 pm, my neighbor drove me over there. Afterwards, I went to weigh myself (was supposed to do yesterday, but never had the time to) at a fitness club that was in the same shopping center. It was after 1:30 pm and it said I was 107 lbs. and that is with clothes on in the middle of the day. I would say I am probably closer to 105. Now I plan to maintain as close to that as possible. I went home afterwards to bring a plant to exchange at the store I bought it from, as they were having a plant sale and I wanted one that was healthier and vibrant and also bought another free standing plant. I came home and finally went for my walk at 3 pm. It was much later in the day then I planned so the sand wasn’t hot, but the sun was out. I had plans for my new friend to take me out to do some shopping not too far away and had to push it back some. Then when I returned, I left my keys in my place and my neighbor helped me get in through my window. What a day it has been! I was feeling fine on just eating my pears. Instead of having them as a meal, I ate them sporadically throughout the day and it worked better for me. I went out shopping with my friend and we hit it off superbly. I came home and was able to get on the internet at home again. I was planning to take a bath, but never did, as I was zoned into my access online. It has definitely made my life easier because I didn’t have to go to the library and stayed up late tonight because of that. I didn’t get to sleep till the ungodly hour of 2 am. Not my usual pattern and it is fine sometimes and no judgment needs to be there.

Day 2 – Wednesday January 13, 2010

I woke up when I heard the phone at 6:45 am and stayed in bed till 7 am when I had to use the bathroom. I am starting to have more bowel movements and they are still somewhat loose and getting more solid. I went back to bed and then got up again to use the bathroom at 8:30 am and stayed awake, even though I was still a bit tired. Today it is an overcast day (haven’t had one of those in a while) outside and supposed to rain, too. I didn’t eat anything today till 11 am, as I wasn’t hungry at all. I ate 6 kiwis and then needed something else because it was a bit too acidic for me, so I had a fuyu and a hachiya persimmon. I was going to do mono meals, but I am ok with this, too. I did get to go out for a walk today once the weather cleared up. I ate some more persimmons throughout the day. I was doing a presentation this evening on raw foods and I went there with my neighbor. It was a very successful event and I was feeling really great. I continue to have bowel movements throughout the day that are partly solid and loose. My food choices in these first 2 days have really worked well for me and I plan to continue as I go forward. The only thing that is keeping me up, as in awake, is that I have been able to get on the internet at home and staying up late using it. I went to sleep at 1 am (will work on getting to bed earlier, best by 10 pm at the latest!)

Day 3 – Thursday January 14, 2009

I slept well last night with no disturbances or trips to the bathroom. I got up at 8 am and felt good. My throat was a bit dry, but went away once I had something to eat. I went to the bathroom right away and had a very large evacuation that was all loose. I didn’t eat anything till about an hour after I got up. I decided not to have as many kiwis as yesterday because it is too acidic. I decided to have only one and then had a 6 oz container of blackberries and 1 fuyu persimmon. I still may do mono meals, but for today I did not. I plan to start having a salad later in the day for dinner. I do plan to keep to the goal of not eating after 5 pm, but it can be challenging (I have the will power to do so, as I have accomplished so much including the 42 days of not eating!). It is a beautiful sunny day outside and I plan to enjoy it! I got outside to do my sunning and then went to see a friend and go for my walk. I had some more loose eliminations at 3, 5 and 9 pm. My body is trying to get used to the food I am eating, but I guess it wants to get rid of more because it hasn’t had regular daily evacuations. I plan to get to sleep earlier then the past couple of nights, but still have work to do that will keep me up till at least 10 pm or so. I ate a yummy salad tonight which included cilantro, cucumber, tomato, celery and mango. I did have an apple and persimmon in the afternoon. I had an extensive amount of work to do this evening and didn’t get to sleep till 1:25 am (yikes!). I will be changing that habit immediately, as next week I have to be up early to start work with a regular client for the next few weeks.

Day 4 – Friday January 15, 2010

I slept well last night, though not enough. I woke up once at 4am to go to the bathroom and had a significant loose evacuation. Then I got up at 7:50 am and another loose elimination. I really wanted to go back to sleep, but knew I had a lot to do today and it is a shorter day because the Sabbath starts at sundown. I decided not to eat anything today till noon, for a change. As I have been eating when I first get up for the past few days. It was a mostly overcast day, bummer! I didn’t get to do sunning today, but I did go for a walk and it wasn’t cold. I am having a really intense bloated feeling today. I have been burping a lot and trying to release the gas from my colon by rubbing it, and it has helped. I have had many loose eliminations throughout the day. I am happy that I decided to eat later in the day because I didn’t feel hungry. I plan to get to sleep early tonight because I know I am tired from the last few late nights. I was glad when the Sabbath started so I could relax and read. It took me a while to eat my meal, which was a big salad of parsley, tomato, celery, cucumber, avocado [first overt fatty food in a month and a half] and red bell pepper (as I was reading and chewing my food well). I fell asleep at 11 pm, but hadn’t really planned it that way. I did not do my nightly regimen before going to bed. I woke up at 1 am and then washed up and went to sleep.

Day 5 – Saturday January 16, 2010

I slept through the night after I woke up about 1 am. I slept till a few minutes shy of 10 am (I guess I was really tired!). I felt good this morning and the sun was already shining. I didn’t eat anything right away. I got my day started with my regular routine and then ate a kiwi, 6 oz container of blackberries and a small mango at 11:30 am. I got out to do some sunning for a while in the early afternoon. Then it started to cloud over and didn’t feel as warm. I didn’t go for a walk today as it started getting windy and the sun didn’t come back out. For some reason I have been craving lots and lots of tomatoes. I had quite a bit yesterday of cherry and sugar plum varieties. To me, it is like popping candy in my mouth. I know if I am craving it, then my body must need it. I also have been eating a substantial amount of sea vegetables, especially wild nori/laver and dulse. Again, my body must be needing the minerals that it is providing me with. I am still have lots of loose bowel movements throughout the day (usually when I wake up and at least 5 or more times in the day). I had another salad this evening with the same ingredients as last night, except with a different green (red leaf lettuce). I had a lot of work to get done after the Sabbath and stayed up much later then I planned, but the work is done! I went to sleep at 4 am (nutty, huh!), but I finished my work.

Day 6 – Sunday January 17, 2010

I did not get enough sleep this morning because I went to bed at 4 am and set my alarm to wake me up at 9am. I woke up a few minutes before that. I had plans to get together with a friend and he was going to pick me up at 11am. It was a nice sunny day outside and I wanted to get out to do some sunning and also go for a walk before he picks me up. I did get out while the weather was still nice, as it started to cloud over some while I was out on my walk. My friend ended up arriving later then we first planned, so I didn’t have to cut my time short. The week coming will probably not allow me to walk on the sand, as rain is expected every day. I went to the farmer’s market with my friend and spent a few hours together. I came home and then went out again to do a few more errands before the rain comes. I am not going to be working tomorrow, as I thought, so I can sleep in tomorrow (yey!). I continue to have numerous loose bowel movements throughout the day and for the most part, it comes out so clean that I barely am using any toilet paper. I am really keeping the late night hours lately, but again I have been accomplishing a lot by doing so and this is the case again tonight. I have still been eating lots of tomatoes and seaweed today. I had some persimmons, apples, mango and a couple of pears. For dinner I had another big salad with romaine lettuce and same veggies as yesterday. I finally got to sleep at 3:45 am (15 minutes earlier than yesterday – yipee!) and was totally exhausted!

Day 7 – January 18, 2010

I slept well and woke up once to use the bathroom at about 6 am. I was woken up by hearing my answering machine message come on, but no one left a message. It was only about 9 am. I did get up to use the bathroom an the went back to sleep till 10:20 am. I was a cloudy and windy day with rain expected today. It was dry for the morning and then the rains came at mid afternoon. As it turns out, I will not be working this week, as I had thought. With the rains and all, it is probably best. I will be able to get more home projects done. Today was another day of numerous loose bowel movements and eating lots of tomatoes, too. I didn’t eat anything till close to noon. I had a kiwi and blackberries. Later on I had a persimmon, apple, kombu/kelp seaweed and a sheet of raw nori. I had another big salad for dinner with cilantro and same veggies as in previous days. I will be going to bed much earlier then I have been for the last few nights, as I would like to break my habit of going to sleep so late. I went to sleep tonight at 1:35 am, which is a big improvement on previous nights and hope to go to bed even earlier tomorrow night.

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40 Days (+2!) of Cleansing and Beyond…Week 6

A Journal of my personal (daily) experiences

By: Mindy Goldis

Vegan Food Chef and Educator

Specializing in macrobiotic/raw vegan cuisine

Week 6

Day 36 – Tuesday January 5, 2010

My thirty-sixth day experiences: I didn’t fall asleep right away last night, but it didn’t take very long. I woke up at 1 am to go to the bathroom and my throat was feeling quite dry, so I gave in to doing the remedy that helps (I didn’t have to eat any food to necessarily ‘break’ from my cleanse). It really does work very well. You take a ½ of a large lemon or lime or a whole small one and juice it and then swallow and then take a small sip of water. You do not consume anything for a ½ hour. What that does is kill the bacteria in your throat (lemon and lime is using in cleaning products because it is anti-bacterial, so it does the same in the body) and is best to do so on an empty stomach (Ha! mine has been empty for weeks, so no problem there) because it is easier for it to take affect as there is no digestion of foods going on in the body. I got back into bed at 1:30 am and then got up again at 3:45 am to use the bathroom and had another ½ of a lime for my throat. Again I went to sleep and woke up at 6 am, and this time went to the bathroom and had a loose, dark and smelly bowel movement and was a significant amount. I slept afterwards till 7 am when my alarm rang. I can hardly believe that it is the final week of my cleansing ‘marathon.’ At first the time seemed to go by so slowly and now I am almost done. My energy is fine and I still have neck tension. Have some tongue coating, but not much and no noticeable underarm odor. It is another beautiful sunny day outside. I got out by 9:15 am and went to get my work done at the library. I left there by 12:30 pm and went for my walk. It was an absolutely picture perfect day. There was no wind to speak up and I didn’t have to wear any jacket or sweatshirt. I came come after and had some time to do my ‘sunning’ because my neighbor wasn’t ready to go out yet. We went to my co-op close to 2 pm to show him some things I recommend he start using from the body care department and also some food items. I saw some people I knew that I had not seen in a while because I have not been shopping there. Then he took me to take care of a couple of errands (which saved me time) and then came back close to 4 pm. It was a good day all around and my energy sustained and was good most of the day. My throat isn’t feeling as dry and sore as it was last night. Tonight will be another early night, as I have an appointment at 8:30 am tomorrow. I went to bed at 9:45 pm, much later then I expected, as I started looking at some information in a book on the food sources for certain nutrients and forgot what time it was.

Day 37 – Wednesday January 06, 2010

My thirty-seventh day experiences: I slept well last night and got up at 1 am to use the bathroom and then again at 5 am. I juiced a whole lime, as my throat was feeling quite dry. I got back in bed and slept till 6:30 am when my alarm rang. I had a very small evacuation at 6:35 am. My tongue is mildly coated, energy is fine and a bit of smell under my right arm pit. I had to get out early today for an appointment, but was running a little behind. I walked fast to get there and unfortunately I had to wait more than a half hour to be seen, as there were already other people there when I arrived at about 8:35 am. My appointment was called for 8:30 am for my annual female check -up. I had the opportunity to weigh myself on a manual scale with my clothes off and it said 108 lbs. I finally got done at 10:20 am and didn’t get home till 11 am. I was feeling a bit lethargic and walked much slower. I also noticed that I was burping and belching more after drinking my fluids, perhaps because I drank to fast and took in some air. I got to do some ‘sunning’ outside as it is another beautiful sunny day. I finally got out after 1 pm, as I was talking to my neighbor and needed to take care of some things before leaving. I had a nice walk and then went to the library. I spent some time there and left after 5 pm. It was already getting chilly out, but not as bad as other nights. I had all my extra layers to put on before I left. I made one stop before going home and saw a couple of people I know. I was still having some gas (burping and flatulence) from consuming my fluids. My energy was good the rest of the day, as I was drinking the coconut and stevia waters at regular intervals. Tonight is “bath night” and I am looking forward to it. I am using the bath salts“Gimme A Break” from Little Essentials and a new Pheylonian Aura Pot called “Visionary” A Shamanic Blend and I played classical music from the radio. The bath was wonderful and relaxing and not as hot as other times (as I was drawing the bath, the hot water kept getting colder, so when I got into it I was able to lay down right away) and I did not need to get out as slowly. I plan to get to bed before 10 pm, as I have a busy day tomorrow. I had an unexpected loose bowel movement at 9 pm and was a significant amount. I got to sleep at 10:20 pm, later then I initially planned.

Day 38 – Thursday January 07, 2010

My thirty-eighth day experiences: I slept fairly well last night. I did wake up at 1:30 am to use the bathroom and my throat was quite dry so I juiced a lime and drank it before going back to bed. I awoke again at 5 and 6 am to use the bathroom. Then it was up at 7am when my alarm rang to start the day. It is a very busy one for me at I have an appointment at 7:30 pm for 2 hours to attend to that came up last minute yesterday (so for sure, I will getting to sleep late this evening) I want to get all my cleaning done this morning so that I can sleep in tomorrow morning. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. I noticed my tongue had heavier coating in the back and I do have some neck tension. My hands seems to be dry and it’s probably because I am using the heater more and also I wash my hands in water that isn’t from a filter (wish I had one that could use on the bathroom sink like the shower because want to be able to use both hot and cold water). I took my measurements this morning and there were some changes since last week. My chest is 29 (slight change), waist 23 (same), hips 34 ½ (1 ½ inch change), thigh 20 (same). It was a very hectic morning, as I did some cleaning and also ‘sunning’ and got out before 11 am. I went for my walk and then it got a bit windy so I didn’t go for a full hour. I then took the bus to do my volunteering (which I haven’t done in a couple of weeks). I came home right after and did a bit more cleaning before I left at about 2:20 pm and was out for the rest of the day. I did some catch up work on the internet at the local Whole Foods Market (they have free wireless). I was feeling a bit tired and drained of energy and it was only 5 pm. I still had to go for my appointment at 7:30 pm and wished the night was already over. The group meeting I was in seemed to be dragging for me after a while and some of the women were so chatty and I wasn’t really into it. I was happy when it finally was over and I got paid for my time. By then, it was after 9:30 pm and I had to wait a while for the bus and it was a bit chilly outside. I wasn’t sure I could make my connection to a 2nd bus I needed to take, but thankfully I timed it perfectly and didn’t have to wait the extra half-hour for it. When I got home I had to unpack everything and then I didn’t get to bed right away. Even though it was about 11 pm and I thought I was tired, I must have gotten a second wind. I was listening to some programs on the radio and turned on my computer and decided to check if I had an internet connection and it turned out I did (so that kept me up much later). It is now 1:40 am and I really need to get to sleep! I finally got to sleep at 2:10 am.

Day 39 – Friday January 08, 2010

My thirty-ninth day experiences: I woke up at 6:20 am to use the bathroom and then went back to sleep. Then at 8:10 am I got out of bed to use the bathroom again and went back in bed till 8:45 am and couldn’t sleep anymore because my mind was whirling with thoughts and ideas. I felt really spaced out when I got up and in a fog and was slow it getting my day going. My throat is dry and I have some neck tension and tightness. I did not have a bowel movement this morning and I have no underarm odor today. I am glad I did the majority of my cleaning yesterday and only have to wash one more floor today. It is an absolutely gorgeous sunny day outside and I plan to get outside for my sunning and walking in the afternoon. I was definitely dragging somewhat, but I was still able to get a lot done. I didn’t get out as early as I had hoped, so I only had limited time to spend at the library to check my emails. I got home and had to clean the floor before the Sabbath started. I was glad to finally relax and read. I did have a loose bowel movement at 6:55 pm and it was quite a bit. My energy was stable throughout the day. I went to bed finally at 9:40 pm.

Day 40 – Saturday January 9, 2010

My fortieth day experiences: I slept very well last night and didn’t wake up at all during the night. I woke at 4:55 am to use the bathroom and again at 5:50 am. Then I went back to sleep till 7:25 pm. I did not have a bowel movement this morning and still some neck tension. I noticed my tongue was coated heavier in the back and not so much in the front. It was another beautiful sunny day outside. I did some reading for a while and then went outside to do some sunning. I took care of a couple more things and then got ready to go to services at my synagogue. When I arrived at about noon time, there were some people sitting at a table because they didn’t have enough men in attendance to complete all the prayers (they needed 10 and only had 5). I talked with one of the women who was there and then sat down with the 12 others for lunch, but didn’t eat. I stayed till about 1:30 pm and then was getting tired and also wanted to go for a walk while it was still nice outside. When I went for my walk, there was actually more cloud cover and I contemplated not going at all. I decided to do so because it wasn’t cold out. After that, I stopped to visit a friend and then went home to relax and read till the Sabbath ended. I had a loose smelly bowel movement at 5:15 pm, but not a large amount and then at 5:40 pm I had to go again and it was quite a bit. I plan to get to sleep before 10 pm, as I have a busy day tomorrow. I actually went to bed at 10 pm.

Day 41 – Sunday January 10, 2010

My forty-first day experiences: I can hardly believe that I only have 2 days left 0f this 6 week journey. It was the easiest ever for me and I feel like I could keep going for many more days or weeks (?), but I don’t want to totally disappear (weight wise, that is). My food plan will be discussed on the first day back to eating, which will be Tuesday January 12th. I am making some definitive long term changes that may be radical to some, but for me are my progression of the 20 years I have been vegan. I am at the place where I am ready to embark on what for me, is the ideal way of eating (and it may become for you, as well, at the point where both your body and mind are prepared to do so and that is an important step to be aware of and not negate the fact that it can take years to come to this realization and recognition and know that it is ok whenever it happens for you!). My body has adjusted to so many different processes over the years and I am also a strong-willed and self-motivated person and know I will be successful as I step forward to the next level. Now back to my daily thoughts. I slept well last night, but seem to be awake for the last hour or so, although I did not look at the clock or take my eye shades off. I got out of bed when my alarm rang at 6:30 am. My energy is good, no bowel movement and still some heavy coating on the back of my tongue. I woke up early because I have to be out by 9 am, as I am going with a friend to a hydroponic farm to help clear some of their land for a new green house they will be creating. I didn’t actually leave till 9:30 am, so I got to take care of sunning a bit early. It was a great time today on the farm and there were 30 to 40 people there helping to clear the brush. I got a personal tour from the owner of the entire farm. We worked there till about 3 pm with breaks of course for lunch (which I didn’t have and there was a potluck and people brought lots of food to share) and drinking fluids because it was quite warm. We stayed there till about 3:30 pm and I got home by 4:30 pm. It was a phenomenal experience and I am working on doing more with this farm in the future. I had great energy all day and kept up on drinking fluids. I have one more day t0morrow and then will start eating again. I have a busy day tomorrow working with a new client and need to get to bed by 9 pm so I can wake up early tomorrow. I did not get to be at 9 pm because I was able to access the internet from home and got busy sending emails, etc. I did go to sleep at 10:10 pm.

Day 42 – Monday January 11, 2009

My forty-second day (last day) experiences: I didn’t sleep very well last night, as my mind starting thinking too much. When I did finally fall asleep, I was awoken again by the neighbor upstairs after 2:30 am. I did fall back to sleep and then woke right before my alarm rang at 6:30 am. My energy was fine and I had a small solid bowel movement. More of my tongue is coated this morning and also some neck tension. It is another beautiful sunny day outside and I hope to be able to go for a walk today, as I didn’t get the chance yesterday. I was able to get on the internet this morning at home, so I was able to check some emails. I had a busy long day and was not able to go for a walk. I have a new client I am working with that will be needing my services for the new few weeks on an intensive level. Today was our first meeting to get some things down before the cooking begins next week. I was with them from 9 am to 5 pm. I did not get to weigh myself for the last day of my cleanse, so I hope to do so tomorrow. My energy was good all day, but I am a bit drained from the long day. I was hoping to get to bed by 9 pm, but I got busy on the computer again, as I was able to get the internet at home tonight and catch up more emails. A friend and I had plans tomorrow, but I am not sure when or if they will happen so I have decided to sleep in tomorrow and not set my alarm. It is still hard to believe that today is the last day of my cleanse, as I feel like I can still go on. The fact is, I know I have yummy fruits waiting in the fridge for me to partake of and I am looking forward to it! I didn’t get to sleep till 11:10 pm and I was totally exhausted.

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40 Days (+2!) of Cleansing and Beyond…Week 5

A Journal of my personal (daily) experiences

By: Mindy Goldis

Vegan Food Chef and Educator

Specializing in macrobiotic/raw vegan cuisine

Week 5

Day 29 – Tuesday December 29, 2009

My twenty-ninth day experiences: I did not fall asleep right away last night and then awoke at about 1 am to use the bathroom. After that, I don’t know how much I really slept because my mind was working overtime. I didn’t get out of bed until 6:30 am and then got up to start the day. I had some neck tension when I awoke and a bit of lethargy. No body odor and no bowel movement today. I noticed some excess ear wax, more so in my left ear. It is a nice sunny day with warmer temperatures, so that will be good for me! Today, is officially the first day of the longest cleanse I’ve ever done (before it was 28 days) and I am feeling fine and not at all hungry for ‘FOOD.’ It is amazing that I have already done 4 weeks and feel like I could keep going on like this indefinitely, but I know that I will not do so. When I am done, my food plan will change tremendously from what I have done after previous completion of a cleanse (on the scale of eating much less and also ending my consumption at a much earlier time in the day – which I will discuss in detail when I start to eat again in January 2010). I have a busy day and plan to get out soon to do my work at the library. I got to the library at 10 am and tried getting on the internet for ½ hour and the system was down. I left and figured I would have to go to a place near my home that has wireless, but I’d have to go on battery using it outside (mine doesn’t last long). I decided to go for my walk at about 11 am. I went on the beach instead of the bay (they are both near where I live). It was a beautiful sunny day and in the 60’s and I didn’t need to wear my jacket. I had some gas, as I noticed my belly was feeling uncomfortable and I also had some tightness around my ribs. I started rubbing my chest area and then belched quite a bit. Don’t know if I swallowed air when I was drinking, as that can cause the problem. I also had some flatulence. Once I released enough, I felt better. The tightness around my neck and shoulders has started to bother me more. I believe it is because I am carrying too much (especially since the liquids I drink are in glass or stainless which is heavier, but I will not ever use toxic plastic bottles). Afterwards, I was near a health club and decided to go in there and see if I could weigh myself on their scale. I asked and was able to do so. It was manual, like the one I used last night. I weighed myself at 12 noon and it registered at 112 lbs. (minus my clothes would make it at about 111 or perhaps slightly less). I know they say it is better to weigh yourself first thing in the morning and at the same time, but I am at the mercy of where ever I can find a scale. So it seems that I haven’t lost anything since last week. Perhaps my weight is stabilizing at this juncture and I don’t need to let go of anymore. I will see what happens next week. I was planning to head home and stopped at a hotel nearby to use the bathroom beforehand. In the past, when I have walked through the hotel as a pass through to get to the bay, I had seen people on the internet in the lobby and outside, but never thought to ask if it is free wireless. Well, this time I asked and was able to get the password to go on. I was in heaven, as now I have a place to go instead of the library and can come whenever I want. I plan to keep this one a secret because I don’t want to lose the privilege. I spent a few hours there getting my work done. The only caveat, is that I have to sit down on the couch and I don’t like sitting for very long, as then my body is stagnant (and my rear end starts to bother me, as I don’t have much padding there!). I did get up a couple of times, but the computer is not at the proper level when doing so and it is harder to work that way. When I walked home close to 3 pm, I was worn out completely. I stopped off to visit a friend I had not seen in a very long time, as I saw that his car was home. I got to sit and chat with him for a while and saw his 2 daughters. I can’t wait to unwind and I wish I was taking my bath tonight, but I have an interview to listen to over the phone. I am definitely going to bed early tonight (and earlier then last night). I went to bed at 8:40 pm.

Day 30 – Wednesday December 30, 2009

My thirtieth day experiences: I didn’t fall asleep right away last night and then I woke up at 12:30 am to use the bathroom. I went back to bed, but didn’t seem to fall asleep, at least it didn’t seem like it. I was thinking again, but not as intensely as other nights. I finally got out of bed at 6:30 am. I was feeling a bit weary, but my energy was good. It just amazes me that I am able to do so much when I am not eating (especially cleaning my place) and don’t feel tired. I know it is because I get to bed early and my body is feeling light and free. Another thing is the amazing clarity and focus I have in my mind that I am able to come up with some great ideas and concepts. My body is empty (not having to process and digest which makes it work harder) so my mind has become really sharp. I did not have a bowel movement this morning and my tongue is slightly coated. I did notice some slight right underarm odor and still have neck tension. I have a busy day today and it looks like it is partly sunny, but I hope it comes out completely so it will feel warmer. I finally left my place close to 1 pm after making some phone calls and doing some dusting. The sun didn’t come out, as I hoped and it was quite chilly outside. I didn’t go for my daily walk on the beach, but went right to get work done on the internet at my secret spot. I wanted to be more inconspicuous with where I was sitting so I am not recognized as being there all the time. I tried a couple of different locations, but I could not get the connection and I thought that maybe they changed the password. When I sat down at the same place I was yesterday, it did work. I spent about 3 hours working and was tired of sitting down. I did finally post this journal online as a blog, but I will need to make some adjustments. I haven’t yet sent it out to anyone, so I can do the editing I want to and then share this with the world. It was sprinkling when I left and had to make one stop at a store. I got home and was as tired as ever, but really happy that it was ‘bath night’ tonight. I always do a dry skin brushing before I take a shower or bath and I read that it is best to do it inside the tub because you are brushing off dead skin cells and if you do it anywhere else, then it is ‘food’ for the dust mites. I never thought of that, so now I make sure to do it standing in the tub. I noticed that while brushing, my circulation has improved in certain areas of my body where I have shed some weight (especially around my abdominal region) because the skin gets red rather quickly. This time I used the bath salts called Tired Old Ass Soak “a bath for exhaustion” from Little Moon Essentials and also lit my beeswax candle called Pheylonian Aura Pot ‘True Romance’ (I have actually been lighting it every night for at least 30 minutes, as it says on the label that it is sufficient to infuse the air with negative ions to rid your home of odors, dust, pollen and environmental toxins). I relaxed and listened to a CD of desert sounds. I enjoy so much having this time for myself to unwind from the day and soak in all the goodness from the salts. The rain showers started while I was in the tub (I hope they go on through the night because we definitely need it!) I plan to get to bed early again, as tomorrow will be another busy day. I went to sleep at 10 pm, later then I planned because I was busy editing this journal.

Day 31 – December 31, 2009

My thirty-first day experiences: I slept well last night and something that really helped my mind to unwind was that I used Sleep Comes Easy – A Relaxing Pillow Spray and Soothing Sleep Mist from Little Moon Essentials before I lay down in my bed. I sprayed it in the air and also on my clothes and inhaled deeply. The next thing I knew, it was 4 am and I went to the bathroom. I had neglected to tell you that from Day 1 and long before that, I have been sleeping with eye shades every night. The ones I use are Fold Away Shades from Bucky Products, Seattle WA (they make the Bucky Pillow that people use on airplanes and I know that you can get these items at Whole Foods Market, but I have not seen the fold away shades there). The reason I use them every night is that I once read a blurb (medically researched) on how important it is to sleep in complete darkness without a speck of light filtering through into your eyes, as the body absorbs melatonin at night and it’s an important antioxidant that helps with the prevention of cancers and tumors. I then researched it more on the internet and read more extensive articles about it. I immediately started using the shades and I actually sleep much better, anyway. After getting up at 4 am, I went back into bed, but didn’t sleep and then got out of bed again at 5;30 am, as I felt a stirring in my intestinal area. Could it be that I had a bowel movement coming? Yes, in fact, I did! It was small, solid and smelly. There was some length to it, but narrow in girth. I was happy for it and felt better afterwards. So even 31 days into it, you can still go #2 and it is probably going to be old stuff in your colon (the color was dark brown). I went back into bed again, but just rested because I couldn’t get back to sleep. I was thinking about my measurements and why I didn’t do take them when I started this cleanse and do it each week to see the changes. I will do it today, just to see where I am at. I finally got out of bed at 7:05 am to start my day. My energy is fine. I have low back tension (probably from leaning over the computer while I was sitting down, as it isn’t at the right level to sit up straight and working at my secret location because there is no place I can stand and work, so I guess it isn’t the best place for me, so back to the library and use this only for emergency or when the library isn’t open) in addition to some neck and shoulder tension. I noticed my tongue was coated more this morning, but no underarm odor to speak of. I have a busy day of work, cleaning, napping and then going out to do some dancing on New Year’s Eve! I took measurements this morning and got the following results, waist: 23 inches, chest: 30 inches (yes, I do tend to lose more on the top half of my body, which is smaller to begin with and wish I’d lose more on the lower half), hips: 36 and thighs: 20. I will do the measurements again next week to see if there are any more changes. I finally got out of my place at 10 am so I can go to the library and get work done. I ended up staying there much longer than I planned to (till about 12:40 pm and then went for a walk on the bay. It was a nice sunny day and warmer outside then yesterday. The wind did pick up a bit and that was annoying to me because it made me feel a bit chilly. I went home afterwards so I could take a nap before going out tonight. I had a few phone calls and a friend stopped by to give me something. I did get some sunning in for about 10 minutes before 3 pm and then took a nap. I didn’t fall asleep right away and when I finally did, it was for about an 1 ½ hours. Then I started thinking too much and decided to get up. I called some people who said they may want to go out tonight, but turns out they can’t or don’t want to. I will be flying solo tonight, but will have to come home early since I’ll be taking the bus (unless someone can take me home). I did my weekly cleaning in my apartment before I left this evening, so I would not have to deal with it tomorrow. I left at 9 pm and got to the place at 9:30 ish and I danced for almost 2 hours and the music was great (disco, which is one of my favorites). I was able to catch the bus home at the stroke of midnight. When I arrived at my place about 12:40 am, it took me a little while to get to bed because I had some things to do that I didn’t finish earlier in the evening. I noticed some ear wax buildup before I went to sleep and more in the right than left ear. When I finally went to sleep at 2 am I was in a state of sheer and utter exhaustion.

Day 32 – Friday January 01, 2010

My thirty-second day experiences: I slept well, but not enough. I woke at 4:55 am to use the bathroom and then went back to sleep till 8 am. I got up and went to the bathroom and realized I had more to do then a ‘#1.’ I had a small, solid and bit smelly movement. It was not as much as yesterday. I lay down in bed again till 9 am, but I don’t think I slept. My energy is good, except for the lack of sleep, so I know that I will get to bed much earlier tonight. My tongue is still coated, but not that heavy. No underarm odor, have ear wax buildup again. I still have some neck and back tension. Since it is a holiday, the library is closed, but I will probably go there and use my computer for a short time outside on the battery power. It is another nice sunny day outside. I had some more bowel movements at mid-day, which was quite odd for me. All the sudden, I felt the urge to go at 11:55 am and it was a little bit of small pieces. I thought I was done. The urge came a second time at 12 pm and this time it was loose and quite a bit. Again, I thought I was done, when at 12:05 pm I had to go back in the bathroom for some more loose evacuation. I didn’t have any more after that. I got to do some ‘sunning’ this morning and went for my walk in the afternoon. It was a bit windy on the bay. I did some work on the computer and then it started getting overcast and quite chilly. I was glad that I brought an extra layer to put on. I walked home as fast as I could to keep my body warm. I was wearing a skirt with my legs exposed, so next time I will bring some leggings, in case the weather changes. It is nearly time for the Sabbath (starts at 4:35 pm) and I will have time to relax and read. Bed time will be much earlier tonight, as I already feel tired. At 4:20 pm I had to go to the bathroom and had a loose evacuation and it was a size able amount. Once I lit my candles for the Sabbath I was able to sit and read. I already felt tired when I looked at the clock and it was 6:15 pm, but didn’t go to bed. I had some coconut water, but a different brand then I usually use (as the expiration date on it was sooner then the O.N.E. brand). I mention this because I had some this morning and it didn’t smell great, but it tasted all right and then I had loose bowels like diarrhea within a short time of drinking it. I also was having some gas and sometimes you have to be careful because it may be more then that. That is what happened to me tonight. I thought it was flatulence and then I had an accident in my pants at 6:25 pm (Like a volcano instantly erupting with no warning in sight. My suggestion would be that if you think it is gas, but aren’t sure and can get to a bathroom, sit on the toilet and if it’s merely gas, then great! If it is more then that, then great, too because you saved yourself from having to do extra cleaning of your self and your clothes). I dashed to the bathroom and had another loose movement. It was a brownish color and a significant amount. I read some more and went to bed at 9:30 pm.

Day 33 – Saturday January 02, 2010

My thirty-third day experiences: I slept well last night with out waking up during the night. I woke up at 7:15 am and my throat was a bit dry. My energy was fine, but I did have some neck tension. I noticed a heavier coating on my tongue, but no underarm odor. I had some coconut water (again the other brand I had yesterday) and then had to go to the bathroom soon after. I went at 8:35 am and then drank a bit more and again at 8:50 am. It was a loose runny brownish color evacuation and both were a significant amount. I finished that brand of coconut water at 9:10 am and waited to see if I would have to make a dash to the bathroom again, but it abated. It was a sunny day and I went out by 10 am to do some ‘sunning’ and wore only shorts and a tee shirt. The sun was quite warm. I took care of some things afterwards and was starting to feel a bit sluggish, so I took some of my Aura Cacia Peppermint Oil and put a dab underneath both nostrils and breathed it in and felt some rejuvenation. I walked at about 11 am to my synagogue for services. I noticed it was a bit windy outside, so I brought an extra layer, just in case I needed it. I stayed for services and left at 1 pm. My energy was waning again and I wanted to take my walk on the sand while it was still a nice day. The wind started to pick up, so I put my sweatshirt on and glad I had it. I also put the hood over my head. I walked home after and took it easy the rest of the day. I did some reading in bed until the Sabbath was over. I did have another small amount of loose elimination at 4:55 pm (I had already finished the other brand of coconut water earlier today, so it wasn’t from that). My energy has been waxing and waning all day, more so than it has been lately. I plan to get to bed early tonight, as I have a busy day tomorrow. I went to bed at 9:05 pm.

Day 34 – Sunday January 03, 2010

My thirty-fourth day experiences: I did not fall asleep right away last night because the neighbor above me was playing his music loud till 10 pm. I didn’t have the energy to get to the phone and call the manager next door, but I will definitely be letting them know about this problem, as it is an ongoing issue! I did fall asleep after that and then woke up and 2:45 am to use the bathroom. I went back to sleep till 6:30 am and peeked my eyes out of the shades and then stayed in bed till 7:20 am. My energy is fine, even though I would have liked more sleep. I noticed my tongue is still coated quite a bit. I have some neck tension, slight underarm odor on the right side and no bowel movement this morning. It is a beautiful sunny day and actually warm out this morning at 9 am. I got out to do some ‘sunning’ in the morning and actually got too hot to stay outside. I finished up I had to do at home and then left for my walk at 12 pm. I started out sunny, but then the clouds started to roll in. It wasn’t cold while I was walking and no wind. I did bring some extra layers with me in my backpack, just in case (I’m sure glad I did). For some reason today, my throat stayed drier then usual even after I consumed any liquids and the palms of my hand were dry, too. I went to the library and stayed there much longer then I planned, but I did get a lot of work done. I wish I had internet at home, so it would be easier, but right now, it isn’t an option. It got chilly in the library and my legs and toes were really cold. I put on my leggings and sweatshirt before I left. It was close to 5 pm, but wasn’t that cold out and no wind (so I didn’t feel as cold). I got home before 6 pm and took care of some phone calls and now will relax some. I will get to bed early again tonight because I have a full day of things to do tomorrow. I had a loose bowel movement before 8 pm. I got to bed at 9:15 pm.

Day 35 – Monday January 04, 2010

My thirty-fifth day experiences: I didn’t sleep well last night. I could not fall asleep right away (my mind was working overtime) and tried even using the Sleep Comes Easy from Little Moon Essentials. I didn’t help right away and I looked at the clock and it was close to 10 pm. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew it was 2 am. I got up to go to the bathroom and also needed a drink of stevia water because my throat was very dry. I didn’t get back to bed till 2:30 am. I woke up next at 6:15 am to go to the bathroom and then went back into bed at 6:55 am and didn’t really sleep, but rested till 7:40 am. I have a lot to do today, so I didn’t want to stay in bed any longer. My energy felt fine, even though I didn’t sleep enough. I didn’t have a bowel movement this morning. I do have some neck tension and my tongue is coated more towards the back. I don’t seem to have any noticeable underarm odor. I made a slew of phone calls in the morning and then went out to do my recycling. It started off cloudy and chilly and then the sun came out and it felt really warm. Once I came home, I did my ‘sunning’ for 20 minutes in shorts and tank top and it was actually too hot for me. Then the sun played peek-a-boo for a while and it cooled down again. I finally left my place and went for a walk after 12 pm. I brought extra layers with me for later, as I didn’t know what time I’d get home from the library. After my walk, I needed to go quickly on the internet to pay a bill and stopped at my secret location. Today I wanted to weigh myself again and it wasn’t at the exact time as last week. I was able to go use the manual scale at the same gym (but not for next week, as the guy said, “this is the last time” – like I am taking anything away from him by using it for a minute, but I can go somewhere else, not to worry). Today I weighed in at 109 pounds (with clothes on, so probably would be about 1 lb less). That is only 2 lbs. less than last week, so perhaps I am stabilizing now and not losing much more weight. I spent a few hours at the library and got most of my work done. I noticed that my throat continued to feel slightly dry even though I kept on drinking fluids. When I left the library to go home it was about 5 pm and already getting chilly outside. I put on my leggings, coat, hat, scarf and gloves. The only thing ‘naked’ was my feet. I usually like them to breathe, so I don’t cover them unless it is absolutely unbearable. I put on the heat as soon as I came home and had multiple messages on my home phone. I was supposed to see someone for a meeting at the library, but he called my home phone and not my cell phone, so I didn’t know he was actually there. Then there was a chance of going to a movie with another person and she called me, but I wasn’t around to answer the phone. These things do happen, you know! I returned some of the phone calls I received today. Now it is almost 9 pm and I am feeling really tired and plan to get to sleep very soon, as I need to get out by 9:15 am to get to the library when they open at 9:30 am. My energy today was waxing and waning as I spent too much time on the computer without taking a break. I got to sleep by 9:30 pm tonight.

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40 Days (+2!) of Cleansing and Beyond…Week 4

A Journal of my personal (daily) experiences

By: Mindy Goldis

Vegan Food Chef and Educator

Specializing in macrobiotic/raw food cuisine

Week 4

Day 22 – Tuesday December 22, 2009

My twenty-second day experiences: I slept very well last night and woke up a couple of times. First at 1 am and then at 6 am to use the bathroom. I stayed in bed till 8 am. I woke up with good energy and some neck tension. No bowel movement to speak of, but I know that it will come back when it is the right time. Nothing to worry about. No body odor to speak of. I also noticed that I have more ear wax buildup this morning. I can’t believe it is week 4 already. I know the rest of this will really fly by. I was thinking about the completion of this journey, not because I am ready to end it or am ever hungry as that is not the case. Forty days is two days shy of 6 weeks, so when I get closer to the end, I may actually add on the 2 days. What is the difference doing two more when I have already done the 40 days. I have told some people what I am doing and most of them can’t believe it! No one has told me to stop or to eat. I wouldn’t listen to them anyway. As a general rule, it is best to not discuss your program with others, especially those who would give you a negative reaction. This is a personal matter and is better to keep it that way! I accomplished a lot today. I made a bunch of phone calls in the morning and then went out for my daily walk on the sand. I noticed that my rings are getting looser on my fingers and also the shoes I always wear are loose, as well (they are velcro straps and I have it at the tightest it can be). It was very windy and I only was able to go for ½ an hour (usually do for 1 hour). The temperature wasn’t that warm either, even with the sun out. I spent a few hours at the library working on my computer and caught up with a friend I had not seen in a while. By the time I left, it was dark and the wind was whipping around and the temperature was downright chilly. I had to take care of something before going home, so I walked fast to try and keep myself from getting chilled (I was prepared with hat, gloves, jacket, leggings). I managed to do ok, once I was moving for a while. I couldn’t wait to get home and take a bath as it was a perfect night for it. I got myself settled at home at about 6 pm and got everything prepared for the bath. I used bath salts (‘Letting Go,’ warming ginger bath from Little Moon Essentials) and the beeswax candle (Pheylonian Aura Pot: True Romance Dolphin Energy). The temperature was perfect when I got in and I got out very slowly so my body can adjust to the change in temperature. I know this particular bath salt variety, really works on detox, because I can feel it! What a wonderful way to end the day! I ran out of the neem balm I was using on my cracked soles of my feet so I found something else from my co-op that I really like, it is called, Jen’s Original 12 Herb Salve from Ho’ano Botanicals in Hawaii; or 808-691 -2326. I went to sleep at 10:40 pm which was later than usual and I don’t plan to make it a habit.

Day 23 – Wednesday December 23, 2009

My twenty-third day experiences: I slept well last night and woke up at about 7:30 am. I felt a bit lethargic and weary. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. I had some tension and tightness around my neck and shoulders. The coating on my tongue is not that severe anymore and I have no noticeable body odor. My energy improved once I was awake for a few hours. I took care of some things at home and then I left to go to the library. I dressed in layers because it has been chilly lately and my body is much colder than usual. I did not go for a walk because it was windy and I didn’t want to be cold. I worked for a few hours at the library and came home before it was dark. I am much more tired today, so I plan to get to sleep earlier then last night. I went to sleep at 9:25 pm.

Day 24 – Thursday December 24, 2009

My twenty-fourth day experiences: I slept well last night and woke up once at about 2 am to use the bathroom. I went back to sleep till 7 am. I woke up feeling a bit lethargic, but otherwise my energy was good. I have a bit of neck tension, my tongue is not as coated and no body odor. Still no bowel movement to speak of. I am getting out early this morning to go to the library so I don’t have to be there once it gets dark. It was a nice day outside with no wind. I still dressed in layers, to be on the safe side. I worked for a couple of hours and then went for a walk on the bay. I got home and felt a bit weary and drinking more fluids, usually helps. I made some phone calls and then got into a cleaning frenzy. I did my regular weekly dusting and washing the floors and also wiped down the windows and cleaned the dust from the wall heater. I noticed that I had a build up of wax in and around my ears and that my hands were getting dried out (probably from too much washing with the faucet water which has chlorine – if only my whole apartment had filtered water – only have on my sink for drinking [can only use with cold water] and shower). I will sleep well tonight after all the housework I did. I went to bed at 10 pm.

Day 25 – Friday December 25, 2009

My twenty-fifth day experiences: I slept well last night and woke up once at about 2 am to go to the bathroom. I woke at 7 am again and then stayed in bed till almost 7:30 am. I felt a bit weary upon awakening, but it dissipated as I got my day started. Still no bowel movement to speak of. The coating on my tongue is minimal and have slight neck tension. My energy is good and it is a beautiful sunny day outside (which helps a lot!). It is a short day for me because the Sabbath starts at sundown, so I am glad to have done all my cleaning yesterday. I took care of what I needed to do at home and then went for a walk. Was a bit windy, so glad I had a jacket with me. I then went to the library (which was closed for the holiday), but I stood outside with my computer and I’m able to get wireless internet. I didn’t stay long. I felt good throughout the day with no lack of energy. I came h0me and did some things before sundown. I had a wee bit of a #2 at 4:05 pm, but was basically negligible, to say the least. Once the Sabbath started I was able to relax and read and when I next checked the clock, it was 6:15 pm and I already felt like going to sleep, but of course, I did not. I went to sleep at 9:30 pm. It was another cold night and I made sure to keep my body warm.

Day 26 – Saturday December 26, 2009

My twenty-six day experiences: I woke up about 2 am to use the bathroom and then the rest of the night was a bit restless, as I was in another ‘thinking’ mode. I seem to get these epiphanies in the early morning hours and the ideas kept coming and wouldn’t let me sleep much. I did stay in bed and I’m sure I did fall asleep again, because I had a dream about fruit. I haven’t had a dream about food since I started this cleanse. It was an interesting scene, in which I was somewhere (not sure?) and there was an area with fruit trees and strawberries growing. I picked some strawberries (but didn’t eat them- did I remember that I was on a cleanse and not eating, even in my dream? How strong-willed I am, even in my dream!) and also found some plums that had already fallen to the ground and I took them, as well. Then I went to show my Mom and tell her about what I got. I went back to where this was and saw there was more fruit that was already picked and in some kind of odd looking bin. Nobody was around and I didn’t know if they were free for the taking or not. That is all I remember. I got out of bed finally at 8:30 am. I felt something stirring inside of me in the area of my colon and it seemed like I would finally have a #2, since the last one was on Day 15! I was correct in my thinking. It came out soft, small in diameter but long and quite smelly, as first. I was happy 🙂 that it did! Who knew that you could still have an evacuation after this many days of no food. The body, in its infinite wisdom, knows what it is doing if you let it happen and not force it to do something through unnatural means (others may say that it is toxic for the body not to have a bowel movement, but when you are doing a cleanse for this long without eating, the body is healing in other ways and the timing for it will happen when it is necessary and of course, regularity will resume soon after you start eating again). I was feeling a bit weary and sluggish today since I didn’t actually sleep as much as I’d have liked to. I still had energy, but not for much activities. My tongue has minimal coating and no body odor to speak of. I was proposing to go to services at my synagogue, if it would be a sunny day, but the sun didn’t stay out long and I didn’t want to be cold. I did get outside for some ‘sunning’ to get my Vitamin D before the cloud cover. I lay down for a nap at about 12:30 pm for an hour, but couldn’t fall asleep because my mind continued to think and process. The resting was good, anyway. I did not go out for my walk on the beach today because it was most cloudy. I was reading in bed most of the day and drinking (and always peeing!), of course. I went to sleep at 10 pm and was totally exhausted and ready to replenish my energy reserves for the busy day I have tomorrow.

Day 27 – Sunday December 27, 2009

My twenty-seventh day experiences: I slept well and woke up at about 4:30 am to go to the bathroom. When I got back into bed, the neighbor above me decided to put on the radio or TV. It wasn’t loud, but it was just enough sound/noise to prevent me from falling asleep. I put my fingers in both my ears, but it didn’t help. I was kept awake for almost 1 ½ hours. I really didn’t get any sleep after that and then my head starting swirling and spinning with ideas and thoughts like a tornado at the height of the storm. I stayed in bed till 7:45 am and then finally got up to start the day. I was feeling a bit weary and had some neck tension. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. There is some slight coating on my tongue and my right underarm has some smell (weird that only one side has a smell, but I have noticed that before). I noticed some more buildup of wax in my ears and mucus from my nose. My energy overall is good. I was able to do some ‘sunning’ outside this morning and went out to take care of an errand. I spoke on the phone with some friends I had not been in touch with in years. Then there was partial sun through the clouds, mid-day, when I went for a walk. It was still a pleasant temperature, but I did make sure to bring extra layers of clothing with me. I spent a couple of hours working at the library, but I did not drink enough while I was there and my head started to bother me. I made sure to have more on the way home. I am feeling much more tired tonight and will get to bed early again. Overall, it has been a good day and I got a lot done. I was like a sleepwalking zombie by the time I went to bed at 10 pm.

Day 28 – Monday December 28, 2009

My twenty-eighth day experiences: I slept well last night and woke at about 4 am to go to the bathroom. I went back to bed and as it had happened some other days, I really didn’t sleep anymore. My mind was swirling, even though my body wanted to be quiet. I remained in bed, in any event. I finally got up at 7:15 am and had a bit of weariness. I still have some neck tension and mild coating on my tongue. No bowel movement this morning. I have another busy day of activities, including numerous phone calls and work on internet when I go to the library later on. I got to make my calls this morning and get some ‘sunning’ (at first it was very cloudy and then cleared up and was actually pleasant outside). It was a nice day for a walk, too. I was out by 1 pm. I did have some layers on, but didn’t feel cold and there was not much wind. I spent more time at the library then I originally intended to, but I did get a lot done. I was definitely worn out from being on the computer for so many hours (I need to take breaks, but I get involved and then I keep going with the flow). I came home after 5 pm and then remembered that I wanted to find a health club that has a scale to weigh myself on (as I am trying to do so on the same day, once a week). I made some calls and found a place close by. They have a manual scale and the manager there says it is fairly accurate. I did some research on the internet and I’m not quite sure I agree with that. When I got there and weighed myself, it was 114 lbs. I don’t think that I gained 3 pounds since last week (plus it was later in the day – 7:30 pm) and is manual vs. the digital. I did have clothes on, too (wish I could do it naked, so I get the best reading or at least with very thin clothes) so I plan to go tomorrow to another health club in the neighborhood and weigh myself again. If they have a digital scale, then I can see what the difference is. I plan to get to sleep early tonight so I can get out tomorrow morning, since the library opens earlier. I went to sleep by 9:40 pm.

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40 Days (+2!) of Cleansing and Beyond….Week 3

A Journal of my personal (daily) experiences

By: Mindy Goldis

Vegan Food Chef and Educator

Specializing in macrobiotic/raw food cuisine

Week 3

Day 15 – Tuesday December 15, 2009

My fifteenth day experiences: I woke up early this morning (6 am) because I had to be out to take the bus to an appointment. My neck felt a bit stiff today, but my energy was good. I had a small loose bowel movement at 6:40 am. I made sure to dress in layers because my body is usually cold. The temperature outside doesn’t help much either (even though it has been sunny, it didn’t get that warm). I spent most of the day at this appointment and didn’t have time to drink as much fluids, as I would have liked. I had a chance to weigh myself again on a manual scale (last week was a digital one) and it said 118 ¼. I haven’t lost that much since last Wednesday (unless that scale is not as accurate as the other one). I will try to weigh myself every week (if I am somewhere that has a scale). I was worn out when I got home at 4 pm. I made sure to drink more, but still feel tired. I plan to go to sleep early again, so I will feel better tomorrow. I was in bed by 9 pm and had a great night sleep!

Day 16 – Wednesday December 16, 2009

My sixteenth day experiences: I woke up a couple of times early this morning to use the bathroom and then went back to sleep till about 8 am. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. My throat was a bit dry when I woke. My tongue is still coated heavily, the soles of my feet are dry and cracked, but my underarm odor has abated. I feel great this morning and it is a glorious sunny day outside. I went out for a walk and then to do some catching up on emails, etc with my computer at the library. I didn’t drink enough while I was there, but made sure I did so when I got home. Since it is what sustains me, I have to make sure that I don’t skimp on it. Not that I am even remotely hungry for ‘FOOD,’ because I am not. At this point, food doesn’t matter. I have a party to go to tonight for the holidays, but will only stay for a short time because I have an early day tomorrow. My energy is still fine at 5 pm. I went out to the party and stayed longer than I planned because I saw a friend that I had not seen in years. I went to bed close to 10 pm.

Day 17 – Thursday December 17, 2009

My seventeenth day experiences: I slept well last night, but woke up at 6 am with a bit of a dry throat and a sore neck. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. My tongue continues to be coated and my underarm odor is nil. I still have good energy. I have a long day with many activities to do. I left my apartment at 9 am, later then I planned because I received a phone call and then needed to mail something out on the way to chorus practice. I actually did more walking today then I intended because of an unexpected need to go home before I resumed by other plans. I was a bit worn out because of it. My throat was feeling a bit dry during the day because I was not drinking enough (especially when I am busy on the computer at the library, I forget to drink). I’m glad it was a warmer day and not windy, as my body didn’t feel as cold. I also went to an event this evening with a friend after I cam home from all my daily activities. It did get colder, so I dressed for it. I know I will sleep well tonight because I am exhausted, but my energy is still good and I plan to do some cleaning of the apartment tonight before I go to sleep. I went to sleep later than I planned (10:30 pm) and I was totally wiped out.

Day 18 – Friday December 18, 2009

My eighteenth day experiences: I slept very well last night and woke up about 6 am and then went back to sleep for another hour. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. I still have a heavy coating on my tongue. The odor under my arms has dissipated . I do actually feel my bones shifting when I am in bed, especially in the morning before I get up. I’ve had this sensation before when I have been on extended cleanses. I have a busy day today with cleansing, hair treatment and getting ready for the Sabbath. It is another beautiful and warm sunny day outside, just the way I like it! I came home from doing all my activities and didn’t have much time left before sundown. I didn’t get to take my daily picture today (bummer!). It was nice to finally sit down, relax and read. I watched the candles from the last night of Chanukkah burn and the holiday is over tomorrow. I was quite tired and went to sleep by 9:30 pm. I was much colder tonight and slept with a wool sweater on. I have been having an issue with the soles of my feet being dry and cracked, even bleeding. For the past few nights I have been applying some ayurvedic neem balm (from auromere; or 1-800-735-4691) to the bottom of my feet and applying more to the areas that need it most. Then I wrap my feet in clear plastic wrap (from Natural Value; or fax 916-427-3784) that is PVC and plasticizer-free) so the balm can absorb into my feet while I am sleeping. I put on some old socks that are already stretched out and doesn’t matter what happens to them. The balm has helped tremendously and I am thrilled with the results. I put it on every night so the dryness can continually improve.

Day 19 – Saturday December 19, 2009

My nineteenth day experiences: I slept well last night, but again, I had some brainstorming ideas in the hours before I actually woke up, but did not keep me awake for long. I could not write down my ideas because of the Sabbath. I didn’t have a bowel movement this morning. My tongue is still coated, but not as much as it has been. My underarm odor, has also improved. I did feel somewhat achy and weary today and decided not to attend services at my synagogue, but to take it easy and relax. I went outside on the patio and did some sun bathing, as it makes me feel more energetic. I did go for a walk in the afternoon, but other then that, I stayed indoors. In the evening, I did ‘ear candling,’ a home care health remedy from Harmony Cone; or 1-877-570-4484 [read more about the wonderful healing applications of this product online and for your own safety, do not perform this on yourself, always have someone there to assist you]. Since I am in a detox mode, I usually use 3 candles in each ear, to get the most out of it. It took about an 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete the entire session. I did the left ear first and noticed that I had a greater need than in the right. I always do this at night after I am no longer going outside, so that my ear can be protected overnight and renew the protective wax in my ear canal. After I am done with each ear, I put in several drops of Mullein/Garlic Ear Drops from Herbs Etc. – located in Santa Fe, NM and place a piece of cotton ball in each ear. I am definitely getting tired, and plan to get to sleep soon (it is nearly 10 pm). My energy today, was ok, but not as great, as other days. I went to bed at 10:30 pm in a state of total exhaustion.

Day 20 – Sunday December 20, 2009

My twentieth day experiences: It is hard to believe that I have come this far already. It seems like yesterday, it was day 1. I am now half way to my goal (but then again the best part is the journey that takes you there). I slept very well last night. I woke up at 5:30 am and then went back to bed till 7:30 am. I did have a bit of lethargy when I awoke and some stiffness in my neck. Still no bowel movement to speak of, my tongue has some coating and my body odor is non-existent. It is expected to be a gorgeous warm sunny day outside. I have some errands to do and then later on I will be singing with my chorus for our annual holiday concert. I went to take care of my errands in the morning and was tired when I got home, but no time to rest. I went for a walk and then my friend picked me up to go to the concert. It was a wonderful turnout and the performance was great! My throat did get dry, as I didn’t have the chance to drink anything till we finished. When I got home, I drank lots of fluids. I feel tired and will be going to bed earlier tonight (no later than 8:30 pm) , as I am getting up before sunrise to go on a nature walk up a mountain for the winter solstice.

Day 21 – Monday December 21, 2009

My twenty-first day experiences: I went to bed on time last night at 8:30 pm. I slept well and woke at 2 am to use the bathroom and went back to bed, but didn’t feel like I slept again till my alarm rang at 4 am. While I was lying in bed, I was thinking about how easy this cleanse has been compared to others and that I could go on this way indefinitely (I don’t believe I would actually do so, but it would save me a tremendous amount of time and money). I do know that when I resume eating, it will be a completely different way than ever before. I will share that with you, as well. I am a bit tired, but well rested. My energy is fine. I do have some stiffness around my neck. The coating on my tongue has diminished greatly and I have no underarm odor. Still no bowel movements to speak of. I have a busy day ahead and fun, as well. The walk up the mountain was definitely more challenging because of the rugged terrain and the switchbacks. I did it just the same (and well, for someone who hasn’t eaten in 21 days) and enjoyed it immensely. I had a busy rest of the day with an appointment, errands and visiting a friend. I was able to weigh myself, again on a digital scale in the afternoon and I was 111 pounds. I did have some heavy-ish clothing on, so may need to take off a bit more for that. Even so, my face doesn’t seem so slim (as it has with other cleanses, I have done). I didn’t get home till 7 pm and have fairly good energy considering. It was an overcast day, for the most part. I definitely dressed warmly for the weather. I know I will sleep well tonight and have no plans to get up early tomorrow. I noticed that I had excess ear wax coming out of my ears (I don’t know if it was because of the hike this morning to elevation, but is part of my detox, anyway). I went to bed at 10 pm and was so exhausted.

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40 Days (+2!) of Cleansing and Beyond…Week 2

A Journal of my personal(daily)experiences

By: Mindy Goldis

Vegan Food Chef and Educator

Specializing in macrobiotic/raw food cuisine

Week 2

Day 8 – Tuesday December 08, 2009

My eighth day experiences: I woke up feeling a bit sore and achy and somewhat lethargic. Today would be my first day consuming coconut water (O.N.E. Coconut Water from available in 11 oz and liter containers) and also adding green stevia powder to my water (Powdered Stevia Herb – certified organic and non-irradiated from Frontier; or 1-800- 669-3275). Stevia has numerous vitamins & minerals and is not a sugar, but tastes sweet. Read the book, “The Miracle of Stevia,” by James A. May for comprehensive information on this incredible sweet leaf that has healing properties. I usually drink it after I have had coconut water, because the coconut water has natural sugars and I don’t want that to stay in my teeth. I put the stevia in my cup first and use an amount that works for me and then pour the water over it, so it can dissolve (everyone is different so the amount you will need will vary and start with less, at first to see how much is ideal for you because if you use too much it can taste bitter). I did not have a bowel movement first thing this morning, but when I walked to the library later on, I felt some stirring in my colon and knew I had more to do then ‘a #1.’ I don’t like to go outside the house, but I had to. It was a small amount of soft matter that was a bit smelly (that happened about 11:35 am and I wonder if it was due to my consuming the coconut water and stevia water). I felt a bit more energetic when I went out earlier in the morning to hang out my laundry and sweep the leaves from the storm we had yesterday. I must have been invigorated by the sun and the fresh air. As far as to my liquid consumption goes, I am having a minimum of 5 cups a day of coconut water (as per the information in the book, “Coconut Water for health and healing,” by Dr. Bruce Fife, page 64 on how to do a coconut water fast) and also water with stevia (not sure as to the exact amount). I notice that after I consume the coconut water and/or stevia water, I usually have to belch/burp, as perhaps I am taking in some air while I am drinking. I went to bed tonight by 9:15 pm and slept for a few hours (I started my menstrual cycle [Natracare Organic and natural feminine hygiene; or 1-800-796-2872 they make organic pads, tampons, etc] tonight, so I have to get up a few times during the night for a few days to make sure I am not ‘flooding,’ so to speak). When I attempted to go back to sleep, it was extremely difficult, as I have a neighbor above me who stays up nights and has a tendency to disturb me. Whether he is playing guitar, has his TV on or banging around up there doing who knows what! I chose to stay in bed regardless (except for trips to the bathroom).

Day 9 – Wednesday December 09, 2009

My ninth day experiences: Even though I slept very little last night, at least the first few hours were before midnight. I did not feel weak or lethargic this morning. I had to get up early because I had a busy day and would be taking the bus to take care of my errands and appointment. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. I was out by 8 am and it was cold outside (I was colder, myself, because of lack of food, so that didn’t help much. I will not give up what I am doing because of that!). I made sure I was dressed warm, as I knew I wouldn’t be home till the evening. I felt good most of the day, but noticed that my walking pace was not the same as usual, but slower (unless I had to run for a short distance to make sure I made the bus). I did not weigh myself when I started and wish I had to see the change. Today I did and I was 120 lbs (digital scale). I aim to get my weight down to 110 lbs or less, as that is best for my height (5 ft 3½ in) and build, according to Dr. Douglas Graham, raw food teacher and author of many books, including “80/10/10 Diet.” It is also best for longevity to be thinner. I know that since I am doing this cleanse, it is toxic weight I am losing. I got everything done for the day and even visited a close friend of mine. I bought myself a present for Chanukkah, a new boom box (radio, cassette and CD player), as only the radio worked on my old one. I had to ‘schlep’ it to the bus stop, which was a couple of blocks and was already loaded down with other things. I did not have any complications from my menstrual cycle and I know it is because I am on my cleanse and not eating anything. If you do get cramps, etc the best thing to do is not to have to deal with digestion for the first day and you will notice a big difference. Only drink liquids like tea, coconut water, stevia water or fresh juices. I was really worn out (due to lack of sleep), so I know I’ll sleep well tonight (barring any upstairs noise). I went to sleep at 10pm.

Day 10 – Thursday December 10, 2009

My tenth day experiences: I slept well last night, especially since there was no extraneous noise from upstairs. I woke up feeling fine and no lethargy. I had a small loose evacuation at 6:20 am. I left by 8:30 am and didn’t return home till after 5 pm. I had no problems at all maintaining my energy. What helps the most for me, is always drinking fluids (coconut water and stevia water) and I never feel hungry (I am very strong-willed and self-motivated and that does help). It was sunny today, but still cool and I made sure to bring extra layers of clothing as I knew I’d be home after dark. I went to bed later than usual, even though I was tired at 9 pm. I started looking through some articles and then got caught up in what I was reading. I finally went to bed at 11pm.

Day 11 – Friday December 11, 2009

My eleventh day experiences: I slept well last night and woke up this morning feeling fine. I didn’t have anywhere to go today and took the opportunity to stay in bed later. I noticed that my throat was feeling dry so I had some stevia water, as that seems to help (in case you didn’t know stevia has anti-bacterial properties). I also have a heavily coated tongue and some foul underarm odor. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. My energy level is stable and seems to stay that way as long as I get enough sleep and drink my fluids. I love having more free time (since I don’t have to shop for the food and prepare it) to work on various projects or do some deep cleaning in my apartment. I was able to accomplish all that I needed to today with energy to spare. I was finally able to relax when the Sabbath arrived at 4:24 pm (candle lighting time) and it is also the first lighting of the menorah for Chanukkah. I stayed up till about 10 pm reading and then went to bed.

Day 12 – Saturday December 12, 2009

My twelfth day experiences: I woke up a couple of times during the night, but slept well. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. I noticed that my tongue is heavily coated, but my underarm odor has diminished. It was an overcast and cloudy day and rained most of the day with some breaks where the sun actually came out. Since I could not attend services at my synagogue today, I did organizing in my apartment and rearranging of stuff. I did not feel weak or lethargic at all today, even with all that I had done (it didn’t take that much energy compared to doing intense exercise). I laid down for a nap for about an hour this afternoon to take a break. I went to sleep at 9:30 am.

Day 13 – Sunday December 13, 2009

My thirteenth day experiences: I slept well last night except for some slight disturbance from upstairs neighbor about 4am or so. I woke up with energy, but had some neck soreness. I did have a small solid bowel movement at 7:30 am. My tongue is still coated and has a greenish-yellowish color, but I think that is from the stevia powder residue, which is green (nothing to be concerned about). I have some slight underarm odor, but more so on the right underarm. It is a nice sunny day, so I will finally get to be outside more and enjoy it. I walked to where I could go on my computer (and get the wireless connection from a store) and check my emails (since I hadn’t been out in 2 days because of the inclement weather and I don’t have internet at home) and it felt really good to have the sun beating down on my skin to warm me and give me energy, too. Later on in the afternoon, I went to a raw food event and met up with other people. I was not eating and everyone else brought food to share. I am very strong-minded and strong-willed, so it did not affect me and I never felt like I wanted to eat anything. It this point I am beyond that. My energy stayed consistent all day. In the evening I took a bath (used Letting Go 4 0z jar – a warming ginger bath from Little Moon Essentials; as it is great for cleansing during fasts and detoxes). I went to bed at 10 pm and slept well until 2:30 am. I got up to use the bathroom and then was restless in bed for hours. I couldn’t fall back to sleep, as my mind was bubbling up with ideas. I have so much clarity and awareness when I’m not eating that my brain ‘storms’ (i.e. brainstorming). I have a great idea for spreading the message of healthy eating and making it FUN for everyone! (stay tuned for more inf0 in the future).

Day 14 – Monday December 14, 2009

My fourteenth day experiences: I woke up a bit groggy, but my energy was still good, even though I did not sleep as much as I’d liked. I did write down my ideas as soon as I woke up, so that I would have it for future reference. I did not have a bowel movement this morning. The skin on the soles of my feet are really dry and cracked, even with all that I am drinking (another detox reaction) and it will change when the time is right. My tongue is still heavily coated, as well. It is a beautiful sunny day and I have lots to accomplish. I went for a walk today by the water. It felt a bit chilly to me because my body is colder than most others, since I am not eating. I spent quite some time at the library checking emails, etc. I stayed longer than I intended to and it was getting chilly outside. I didn’t quite drink enough while I was there, but made sure I had more when I got home. I still felt fine, as far as my energy goes. I plan to get to bed early tonight because I have a busy day tomorrow. I went to sleep at 9:30 pm and had a restful night.

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