Archive for November, 2012

Nobody likes Salads without Dressing! Great offer from Frederic Patenaude

This is a great offer for a recipe ebook from my friend, Frederic Patenaude.
He has slashed the price more the 50%, just for my readers (although I will not tell
anyone if you want to share this email with your friends, as it is too good to pass up!)
He has come up with some great ideas for you to use without adding all
the excess fats and unnecessary ingredients that are simply delicious!

This is from Frederic
She Almost Gave Up on Salads Without This Dressing

Long ago I discovered that the most important recipe for 
success on an all-raw or mostly raw diet is a good salad 

That’s right… it’s not about the gourmet recipes or flax 
crackers or raw chocolate cakes. 

What you need is a good salad dressing.

Let me tell you a story to illustrate my point. 

Many years ago, I was trying to eat a large daily salad, but 
because I was following raw food principles, I no longer 
purchased commercial salad dressings. 

Yet, I just did not enjoy my salads that much anymore.

One raw foodist recommended to try blending oranges with 
walnuts to create a dressing. I tried it and thought it was 

So to make myself eat my salads, I added lots of avocados, 
olive oil, salt and lemon. It tasted okay, but there was 
still too much fat, not to mention the cost of the salad was 
more than what most people spend on food in a day!  

I used to be known for these giant salads with lots of 

In fact, I even wrote a recipe book 10 years ago, published 
by David Wolfe, called The Sunfood Cuisine, that featured a 
lot of these recipes. 

But these salads had too much fat. 

What I didn’t have were simple salad dressings you 
could make in 5 minutes or less that would enhance ANY 

Then by accident, I discovered a salad dressing recipe that 
blew my mind. 

I was actually trying to make a smoothie with mangoes, and I 
was trying every possible variation with mango. 

For fun, I decided to add tomato to the mix.

As a smoothie, it was horrible.

But it had a lot of potential as a dressing! 

I kept playing with the combination of mango and tomato, 
until I discovered a secret ingredient that changed 

This ingredient really made my dressing shine, and for months 
I would eat it on absolutely everything. 

I showed this dressing to my student Tommie Burchard, who 
had completely transformed her health through the raw food 
diet and now writes a blog about her story. 

This dressing allowed Tommie to stay raw and avoid cravings. 

She told me after that she probably had gallons of the 
dressings over a period of a few months on her daily salad, 
and she never got tired of it. 

Then I realized something important: nobody will eat salads 
without a good dressing. 

I was a raw food expert and I didn’t even enjoy my salads 
without a good dressing.  

Yet, it’s not easy to find dressings that are both easy to 
prepare and healthy. 

The combination of mango and tomato is great, but you need 
that secret ingredient to make it shine.  

You’ll find this recipe along with 70 other great Salad 
Dressing recipes in my eBook “Healthy Salad Dressings.” 

Get it now for $7 instead of the regular price of $19.95

Just go to:
(you will need to copy and paste this in a separate window)

Another advantage of creating your own salad dressings is 
that you can have a new dressing every day. 

Maybe you’ll love the same dressings and want to eat them 
over and over again, like Tommie. Or maybe you’ll want to 
try a new dressing every day. 

You won’t get bored when you have good salad dressings.

So forget about mastering raw food desserts, cakes, and 
complicated recipes. Start with an arsenal of good salad 
dressing recipes, and you’ll be good to go!  

That’s the first step.


PS: My eBook Healthy Salad Dressings is available this 
for $7 instead of $19.95. Just go to:
(copy and paste into a new window)


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Company Review – Fresh Wave: Natural Odor Eliminator

Fresh Wave – Natural Odor Eliminator in business since 1990

There are a lot of companies claiming to eliminate odors, but merely ‘mask’ them. They also may be using harsh toxic chemicals and perfumes in their products. Those of you who are using the ‘Tree’ that you hang in your car, I do not recommend you ever use it. It is made with chemicals and unlike a spray, the toxic scent is continually coming out and you are constantly breathing it in, especially if you keep you windows shut, then no air is circulating and it envelops you continually. It may not show up as a problem in your body initially, but long-term it is likely to affect your health. Also the plug-in air fresheners (like the brand Glade) continually release the chemicals in the air so you are always breathing it in. The goal is to use a product that will not have any negative affects on you (if you have chemical sensitivities, asthma or other lung issues, are pregnant, a young child or a senior then you are likely to have adverse reactions to ‘conventional’ products). Be wary and proactive in your choices because it isn’t only affecting you, but also the environment.

If you are a hard-core label reader, like I am, then make sure you read the ingredients and heed my advise.
1- if you can’t pronounce an ingredient, Don’t Buy It!
2- if you don’t know what the ingredient is, Don’t Buy it!
3- if there are too many ingredients, it is likely to not be ‘natural,’ Don’t Buy It! (there are some exceptions, for example the company, 100% Pure, that I reviewed in a previous blog post, has numerous ingredients in their pruducts that are all botanicals and you have heard of the ingredients such as aloe vera juice, jojoba oil, shea butter, etc)

When I was interested in reviewing some products from this company, Fresh Wave, I first wanted to know what ingredients are in it. I read through there website online and the contents are all natural – water and natural extracts of lime, pine needle, aniseed, clove and cedarwood. There is NOTHING from that list that is even remotely toxic to the body. You may not like the scent of things like pine needle, but it will not cause you harm. I know for me, I had to get used of the smell initially and now I like it. To me it smells very fresh and natural while absorbing/eliminating the odors such as in automobiles, bathrooms, diaper pails, musty basements, pets, etc.

The two products I tested are the spray and the crystal gel. The Fresh Wave Spray comes in 2oz travel size, for the home in 8oz and also a 32oz refill container. This spray will rapidly target and eliminate the odors and is non-aerosol (environmentally friendly). You can spray it in the air and also use in your running shoes, on car seats, upholstery, etc. Sometimes I have my door open and I smell an odor from the neighbors apartment coming in to my place, so I grab the spray and with a few mists the odor is completely gone.

The Fresh Wave Crystal Gel also comes in various sizes and a large refill container. It works differently then the spray as it continuously neutralizes the odor. The smell is more suttle then the spray that quickly releases it into the air. You remove the lid, discard the inner seal and replace the cover. It will work around the clock as the airflow activates the unscented odor control gel for the entire room. The Crystal Gel is great for pet areas, boats, attics, etc and lasts 30-90 days depending on ambient (surrounding) air flow. Then you can refill/replace the container when it gets low. I am using this product in my bathroom so it is continually working for me, even when I am not in there and always smells fresh and clean.

There are other products in the Fresh Wave line, including Carpet Shake, Vacuum Pearls, Pearl Packs, Soy Candles, Pet Shampoo, Fresh Wash, etc. They are all made in the USA and safe for humans, pets and the environment. You can read more about all the odor eliminating products on their website and purchase it online or find out what stores in your area carry their products. I have included a link on the right-hand side of the page by scrolling down to the column titled Blogroll.

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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Company Review – BioBag: New Certified Compostable Cling Wrap

Bio Bag-certified compostable cling wrap (formerly PolarGruppen AS started producing compostable plastics in Norway in 1993)

I have written 2 previous posts on this company, BioBag. The first was a Q & A with Jennifer Wagner (you can read it by scrolling down to the column Categories on the right-hand side of this page with the title of People, Products and the Health of Our Planet) and the second a review of the company and the products they offer (find it under the column Categories on the right-hand side of this page with the title Company Reviews).

I was thrilled to hear about this new product from Jennifer, but it took a while for it to be available. Most people have used the conventional/commercial “Saran Wrap.” This is what most supermarkets sell for you to cover over you food for storage in the fridge. Years ago, before I was involved in a healthy lifestyle, I knew nothing about chemicals used in the plastics we bought. I didn’t know that it was toxic to use because it comes in contact with you food or the condensation drips in the food from the plastic wrap. A better wrap came on the market from a company called, Natural Value. This cling wrap has no PVC or plasticizers that would transfer to your food and works as well as the the Saran Wrap. Now with this new certified compostable cling wrap, we have the best of them all! You can use this wrap without worrying about using any chemicals that may come in contact with your food. When you are finished with it, simply discard it with other compostable waste in proper receptacles or a home compost system. It will compost right along with other organic waste to create nutrient-rich soil.

This cling wrap is very simple to use. It tears very easily with your fingers and there is no need for a knife or scissors. It seals well around most surfaces like glass, ceramic and metal. The material it is made of is called Mater-Bi (you can read more about it on the company website). I am also including some information here from searching on Google. BioBag uses a non-GMO source in their products.


Naturally biodegradable and compostable
Mater-Bi® is an innovative family of bioplastics that uses substances obtained from plants, such as corn starch, and biodegradable polymers obtained both from renewable raw materials and fossil raw materials. Manufactured in the factory in Terni, Mater-Bi® comes in granular form and can be processed using the most common transformation techniques for plastics. It can be used to create products whose characteristics are similar to or even better than those of traditional plastics, but which are perfectly biodegradable and compostable. The different forms of Mater-Bi® are known as ‘grades’ and each one is identified by a different code.
In the grades containing starch, the starch is “complexed” with variable quantities of biodegradable polymeric complexing agents to create a variety of molecular superstructures with a wide range of properties that can be put to many different uses.

In the broad Mater-Bi® family, the most recent ‘second generation’ grades arose out of research into raw materials obtained from vegetable oils. This new product range presents synergies with the already consolidated technology of starch processing.

All Mater-Bi® products are biodegradable through composting. Some can be composted under the harsher conditions of domestic composting, while others biodegrade in the soil

As versatile as plastic.
There are numerous applications and areas in which Mater-Bi® can be used. The extreme flexibility of the product lines from the Terni factory and the proven experience in the development of applications with customers allows it to be customised in many ways and ensures an effective response to a range of requirements. Examples include agricultural applications (mulching film, twine), catering (plates, cutlery, cups, and trays), packaging (fresh fruit and vegetables, muesli, bakery products), accessories, toys and biofiller for the automotive sector.

I love this product and all the others ones that BioBag has on the market. I look forward to their next innovation and have the opportunity to review it. They are doing a great service to humanity, as they say on their package, “Changing the World Without Changing the Earth!”. You can read more about this company, BioBag, their products and where to purchase by scrolling on the right-hand side of this page under the column titled Blogroll.

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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