Archive for June, 2014

Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Sally Erickson, Founder/CEO of Vejibag – 100% US Organic Cotton Cloth Produce Storage Bags

For the fifteenth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Sally Erickson, CEO/Founder of Vejibag – 100% US Organic Cotton Cloth Produce Storage Bags

This is what it says on the first results line on “Google” when I typed in the word Vejibag

“Vejibag: Cloth Produce Storage: Fresh Vegetables for a Week or More
Safer for you. Safer for the planet. Grown and milled right here in the U.S. As green as it gets. Vejibag: The Volvo of vegetable storage.”

My comments:

I found this company on Amazon and contacted them via email to do a review of the products. Here is some of what was discussed in the emails between myself and Sally, the CEO/Founder of Vejibag.

Sally said:

We’ll be happy to send you a Vejibag to review. They do currently come in two sizes, Vejibag and VejiBIG. We are in the process of slightly changing the sizes so I’m sending you the wider-opening Vejibag rather than the VejiBIGs which we have not changed yet. We are also about to introduce the VejiCHEF which is MUCH bigger.

I said:

When is the newest bag, VejiCHEF, going to be launched? If you have it already to send me, I could be the first to do a review of that one.

Sally said:

You can be the first with the VejiCHEF…but they all work the same, just different sizes.

I’ll send you the new Vejibag, the old VejiBIG, and the new VejiCHEF. The only difference in the VejiBIG is that the opening will be larger…the same as the new Vejibag. We are extremely busy with another project right now so we have not announced the new versions or the new VejiCHEF yet but can do so in the next few weeks.

I think you’ll find Vejibags work really well, especially with very fresh vegetables. I did notice when traveling that the “Washed 3 X” greens that I have not personally bought before are actually damaged in the washing process and so do not do nearly as well as fresh farmer’s market greens or even whole heads of lettuce….You may also be interested in looking at our reviews on both Amazon and our website:

I said:

What I would like to do, is a side by side comparison of produce in the Vejibag, in plastic bags and in the BioBag compostable bags – so I would leave them in each for a period of ? days. How many days would you say to have the produce in the different types of bags where you would see a difference?

Sally said:

I would say for most things you will see a REMARKABLE difference in 7-10 days, depending on the vegetable and the condition it was in when it was purchased. Greens are ESPECIALLY much happier in Vejibags than any sort of plastic. You DO have to keep the Vejibag slightly damp during storage which
means a second or two under the faucet a couple of times a week depending on how humid or dry your fridge is. What would show the greatest difference would be washed (but not spun) salad greens in a Vejibag as opposed to plastic. Broccoli, carrots, celery….lots of things thrive in Vejibags but
languish or get slimy in plastic bags.
Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

Three things. I’m 62. I’ve been cleaning up my diet over the last 20 years and noticed what a change in my life that has made. Second, I live in a tiny town in Maine where there is a lack of good work, especially winter-time work so I wanted to start something to give women the opportunity to do good work, to work at home, and to make a good hourly rate. Three, there is a huge waste of high quality, organic vegetables because people don’t have a way to keep them fresh. So there was a need for Vejibags and I saw that we could make something that was organic and supported local economy here and in other small communities (Texas organic cotton growers, NC cotton mills). So we started this local cottage industry that lines up with all of my values of health, fairness, and supporting local economy.

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1) A water filter. After oxygen, clean water seems to be the next most important thing for my health.
2) A knife. Very useful tool for food preparation and shelter building.
3) Matches. Would be necessary for signal fire building and staying warm.
4) Rope. Really helpful for all kinds of things from building shelter to drying clothes in case of rain.
5) Edible plant identification book… so I could gather food.

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

My experience is that getting the basics right, clean and high nutrition food and water, sufficient restful sleep, and time to engage with people I love, including myself, are way more important than accumulating a lot of stuff and spending most of my waking hours working at something I don’t like or believe in so that I can have that “stuff.” Health affects EVERYTHING. If I’m healthy it is much easier to be joyful, loving, contributing. If I’m NOT healthy everything is challenged.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

I would say organic vegetables from a local farmer. They are real, clean, fresh food.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Vejibags are 100% US-grown Organic cotton that keep greens and other vegetables fresh and crisp and edible. They make shopping once a week for vegetables a joy because you can buy enough vegetables for the week without being afraid of having to throw them out because they got slimy. And they are a product that is completely non-toxic from start to finish, have a low carbon footprint, support local economy, and are made with love by women in their own homes! And they are beautiful.

I am also offering a special discount of 25% off to your readers for 1 week only on all Vejibags – between June 24th and June 30th 2014 and will expires at midnight. You must use the coupon code: “MINDY” at checkout.

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

I think we are likely going to go through a dark time as the planet rebalances systems that have been completely unbalanced. Going into such a time I dream of a core of wise, healthy, compassionate people being able to help their family and friends get back to the basics and learn the simple pleasures of caring for one another and helping the process of re-balancing and actually thriving as a result, thriving through the challenge, learning to tune in to wisdom, realizing that we are wondrous beings, loved and worthy.

Question #7: Who is your greatest hero and why?

I don’t really have one greatest hero but right now I really appreciate Brene Brown because she is a researcher who is speaking about healing shame through vulnerability and I think she’s wonderful.

Question #8: Is there anything else you would like to share with the public?

Take the healing journey step by step but don’t stop. Health problems are rarely caused by a single factor. Clean up one area of your diet and lifestyle and then build on that to clean up another. Things you never thought you could change or let go of you find out were actually not that big a deal. Listen to your inner wisdom and be kind to yourself in real ways…like by taking time to relax and enjoy healthy pleasures like walking in nature, listening to the birds in the morning, looking at the stars at night.

Also check out my youtube channel for a video review of all their products:

To find out more about their products and to order, go to:
Don’t forget about the special discount offer for one week only June 24 through June 30, listed above!

Original Vejibag - 100% US Organic Cotton Cloth Produce Storage Bag -  It is double the size in width then shown in the photo, as it is folded in half. Comes in 2 other sizes: VejiBIG and VejiCHEF

Original Vejibag – 100% US Organic Cotton Cloth Produce Storage Bag –
It is double the size in width then shown in the photo, as it is folded in half.
Comes in 2 other sizes: VejiBIG and VejiCHEF

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Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Sequoia Cheney, CEO of Wonderfully Raw

For the fourteenth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Sequoia Cheney, CEO of Wonderfully Raw – makers of Coco-Roons, Brussel Bytes and Snip Chips

Even though Sequoia was unable to answer the questions I sent her, she provided me with a great article that tells her story.


Sequoia Cheney in the kitchen with an abundance of fresh raw fruits and vegetables

Sequoia Cheney in the kitchen with an abundance of fresh raw fruits and vegetables

I find myself sitting here thinking about how grateful I am to be where I am right at this moment. I feel grounded, strong, healthy, vibrant and full of energy. I have to thank creator for making me choose health.

That has not always been the case. I was starting to believe that my days of being cute and attractive were over. I convinced myself that I had to accept being over weight, tired and old. That was what the rest of my life would look like. I was a grandmother and old people just don’t feel that good.

I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes about five years ago.

I think I was in shock and really didn’t understand how serious diabetes could be for the rest of my life. I did not even know what it really meant to be diabetic. I went through the diabetes education programs that my medical doctor recommended. I took my medication. I started to follow the dietary recommendations and realized that following these guidelines was not the answer. I was fooling my body and myself thinking I could eat just like everyone else, with a lot of packaged, preserved foods with lots of artificial sweeteners. This was not helping me cure my diabetes and or get to the core problem in my body. I decided to do my own research and started my own healing journey through diet and exercise and a spiritual practice. It has taken me five years of hard work, perseverance, and commitment, and many tears to heal myself.

As I said I started with the recommendations from the Diabetes Association of America. I also knew that loosing weight would also help tremendously with my blood sugar. I knew weight loss was essential. So I looked into and tried every single diet out there, the biggest looser, weight watchers, high protein, low fat, counting calories, carbs and fats. AM PM Fat loss program and I even went to a medical doctor for weight loss, gave me pills, shots and B12. None of those programs worked for me until I decided to carefully watch what I ate, exercised 3/4 times a week and checked my blood sugar before and after every meal to see how each food reacted in my body. Finally after many years I reached a good eating program that I was able to stop taking all my medication. I was eating very simply. Lots of Vegetables, Salad, 3 to 4 oz protein. The only grains I ate were Millet and Quinoa. Some beans, Good Fat olive oil, avocado, nuts. Special Bread from Julian Bakery “Mana Bread”. I did really well on this diet,I had lost a bunch of weight but I hit a plateau and I just was not losing even though I was eating perfectly and exercising. I just wanted to die, and I did shed a lot of tears. I couldn’t understand why my body was not responding. My husband Jack looked fabulous, was thin and doing exactly what I was even in larger amounts. Again I thought, well Sequoia you are just going to have to accept your body just the way it is…………. But I knew in my heart there was a way for me!

Well, Creator had a plan for me. I just love how he works in such mysterious ways. Before I knew it I was enrolled in a Raw Foods Chef program at the renowned “Living Light Culinary Institute” in Fort Bragg, California. A month prior I never imagined I would be a Chef, let alone a Raw Foods Chef. Although I have always loved to cook. I love to eat good food. I can not stick with anything if it does not taste good. Well, lo and behold I went to Ft. Bragg leaving my life behind to start this journey! Oh my god, it has been an answer to my prayers. My blood sugar is completely normal, and still without any medications.

I have learned to make the most wonderfully raw food. I never thought I would be eating lasagna, pizza,pasta,enchiladas, pies, cakes, soups, salads, quiche and so much more. I still can not believe what I am eating. I can literally feel the energy of the food. You feel healthy and full of energy. You will not be as tired because your body won’t have to use all your energy to digest the food you eat.

When we think of raw foods as I said before. We think of carrots, celery. The actual meaning of Raw means in its natural state. So the food we are putting into our bodies when raw means they are still alive, filled with enzymes and nutrients. This food supports every aspect of our physical body.

Sometimes it is really scary to make changes to ones habits I know!. So if you have a feeling that eating this way would be good for you. Good for your physical health, mental health and spiritual health. Start off in baby steps.

If you just do a few simple things like:

Have a smoothie in the morning
Have a green drink
Have a green salad before each meal

Just by doing those simple things you will be eating 50% RAW. I am so passionate about “Wonderfully Raw” foods that I can not wait to share what I have learned with you.

I am now a graduate of the “Living Light Culinary Institute Gourmet Chef/Teachers Program” and Jack is a certified teacher of ” The Science of Raw Foods” we will be offering a series of talks and un-cooking classes at Three Trees Retreat in Watsonville, CA.

I am also including a link from her site to find out more about this family run company

Mini Coco-Roons Flavors: Vanilla Maple, Brownie and Apple Pie

Mini Coco-Roons
Flavors: Vanilla Maple, Brownie and Apple Pie

Coco-Roons Flavors: Lemon Pie, Vanilla Maple and Brownie

Flavors: Lemon Pie, Vanilla Maple and Brownie

Coco-Roons Flavors: Apple Pie, Cacao Nib and Almond & Strawberry "PB & J"

Flavors: Apple Pie, Cacao Nib and Almond & Strawberry “PB & J”

Snip Chips- Parsnip-Coconut Snack Mix Flavors: Dill Pickle, Chipotle Cilantro and Cheezy  Herb Truffle

Snip Chips – Parsnip-Coconut Snack Mix
Flavors: Dill Pickle, Chipotle Cilantro and Cheezy Herb Truffle

Brussel Bytes- Brussels-Coconut Snack Mix Flavors: Chili Pumpkin Seed Crunch and Tamarind Apple Crunch

Brussel Bytes – Brussels-Coconut Snack Mix
Flavors: Chili Pumpkin Seed Crunch and Tamarind Apple Crunch

Back of package  Apple Pie Coco-Roons

Back of package
Apple Pie Coco-Roons

Back of package Organic Brussel Bytes - Tamarind Apple Flavor

Back of package
Organic Brussel Bytes – Tamarind Apple Flavor

Back of package  Snip Chips - Chipotle Lime Cilantro Flavor

Back of package
Snip Chips – Chipotle Lime Cilantro Flavor

Flyer with more info about Snip Chips and Brussel Bytes

Flyer with more info about Snip Chips and Brussel Bytes

Flyer with more information about Coco-Roons

Flyer with more information about Coco-Roons

Also check out my youtube channel for a video review of all their products:

To find out more about all the great products from Wonderfully Raw go to:

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You missed the live internet radio show with Dr. Ritamarie? Recording is available

I was a guest speaker today on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show discussing products that are safe for us and the environment.

If you missed the live show, it was recorded and you can listen to the replay anytime.

I suggest you do so right away as I have some very special discounts and giveaways from some of the companies I mentioned and the offers are only available for a very limited time.

Here is the link to listen:

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Special Offer for Baiden Mitten – June 18 and 19 Only!

This very special exclusive offer to my readers will only be available today, Wednesday June 18 and tomorrow, Thursday June 19th till the end of the day. It is in conjunction with my guest appearance today on an internet radio show:

Here is the link including the time it will take place and call in information.

Date: Wednesday June 18, 2014
Time: 3:30 pm PT/4:30pm MT/5:30pm CT/6:30pm ET
Length: 45 Minutes

To get the discount you must read one of my 9 posts on Baiden Mitten on this blog to the end and you will see the information on how to order.

You can search for the posts by going to the upper right hand corner of this page and click on the magnifying glass icon which will open up a box for you to enter the words “Baiden Mitten”

The regular price is 48.97 and the sale price is 29.38 with free shipping.

Do not miss out on this, order today!

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Reminder: Guest Speaker on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show Wednesday 6/18/14

I have been invited to be a guest speaker on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show. I will be speaking about natural products that are safe for us and the environment.

The show will be taking place Wednesday, June 18th, G-d willing and you can listen in by phone, internet and Skype.

Please share it with others, too. If you have your own email list, website, Facebook page or other social media that you can link it to.

Here is the link including the time it will take place and call in information.

Date: Wednesday June 18, 2014
Time: 3:30 pm PT/4:30pm MT/5:30pm CT/6:30pm ET
Length: 45 Minutes

Be sure to bookmark the link above so you will find it. Set an alarm if you need to remember!

If you are not able to listen live, it will be available to listen to right after, as it is being recorded. There will be some special offers/giveaways/discounts available for products I will speak about, as well. You must listen to the radio show till the end in order to get these exclusive deals which will be available for a very limited time!

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Guest Speaker on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show

I have been invited to be a guest speaker on Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s Blog Talk Radio Show. I will be speaking about natural products that are safe for us and the environment

The show will be taking place next Wednesday, June 18th, G-d willing and you can listen in by phone, internet and Skype.

Please share it with others, too. If you have your own email list, website, Facebook page or other social media that you can link it to.

Here is the link:

Be sure to bookmark the page so you will find it next week.

I will email a reminder again next Tuesday!

If you are not able to listen live, it will be available to listen to right after it is recorded. There will be some special offers available for products I will speak about, as well.

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Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Paul Gregg, Executive Vice President of Raw Foods International – 100% Pure Fruit & Vegetable Juices

For the thirteenth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Paul Gregg, Executive Vice President of Raw Foods International: 100% Pure Fruit & Vegetable Juices

My Comments

I first found this company online and then met them at The Natural Product Expo in Anaheim during the show in March 2014. They have 9 different flavors and I have tried them all and each one is so good I really can not say one is better then the other. They are each unique and each very delicious. I did a taste test on my youtube channel. Link is below to check it out.

Question #1 Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I grew up in an environment where my Mother (a Dietician) always said, “Eat your fruits and vegetables!” I try, but in today’s world that is not always easy when we are on the go so much. That’s why we do our best to get a great tasting fruit and vegetable juice blend into the hands of anyone looking for a solid beverage and I think Mom would be proud.

Question #2 What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

Life is service and the sooner you learn that and apply it in your day-to-day life, the better you-and the world around you-will be.

Questions #3 If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

A pair of tennis shoes because exercising your body exercises your soul.

Question #4 Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

Our RAAW™ Juices are designed to offer people a great beverage in and of themselves or as a snack between meals. RAAW – Refreshing Anytime AnyWhere™ was developed as a means of providing an affordable product that everyone can afford and enjoy, juices that not only taste great but are great for you. We currently have 9 unique fruit and vegetable blends that are available including: Passion Fruit Wheatgrass, Strawberry Purple Carrot, Mango Guarana, Better Beets, Pineapple Cucumber, Very Berry Wheatgrass, Raspberry Lemongrass, Cranberry Ginger and Carrot Lemonade. Each juice blend is certified Vegan, Gluten Free and Kosher, Non-GMO verified and contains no added water or sugar.

Question #5 What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

I pray for peace and harmony and healthy nutrition for all, especially younger children and those in need.

Question #6 Who is your greatest hero and why?

My Father as he is a member of the “Greatest Generation.”

9 Flavors of 100% Pure Fruit & Vegetable Juices from Raw Foods ainternstional

9 Flavors of 100% Pure Fruit & Vegetable Juices from Raw Foods International

Also check out my youtube channel for a video review of all their juices:

To find out more about all the great products from Raw Foods International, go to:

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Q and A Series: People, Products and the Health of Our Planet – Interview with Pete Overgagg, CEO Hollandia Produce – Hydroponic, Greenhouse Grown Vegetables

For the twelfth interview, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Pete Overgagg, CEO of Hollandia Produce: Hydroponic, Greenhouse Grown Vegetables

My Comments:

I have known about the “Grower Pete’s” Hydroponic Butter Lettuce, as I have seen it in health food stores in California and Florida. I loved to buy it because it lasts a lot longer then other lettuce, since the roots are still attached, which means, it is “living” as it is connected to its roots. It has a mild and delicious flavor. I had the pleasure to meet Pete and his lovely wife, Shelley at The Natural Product Expo/Expo West 2014 in Anaheim. I also did a live interview with him at the Expo, which you can check out on my youtube channel:

Question #1 Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

Initially, I didn’t choose to be a greenhouse grower; I was born into it!! Both my grandparents were greenhouse growers. In the late 1960s, my parents moved us and the family business from Holland to California. We started as greenhouse flower growers, but in the ‘80s, we rebranded ourselves as Hollandia Produce, growing hydroponic, greenhouse grown vegetables. Today, I serve as CEO, and although I spend much of my day in the office, my greatest satisfaction comes from being among the plants and growing healthy, natural food for a living.

Question #2 If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to bring only 5 health-related items with you, what would you bring and why?

Well, to survive on a desert island, I’d need tools that that would enable me to create healthy sustenance. That’s why I’d bring: 1) a large bag of assorted vegetable seed, to grow my own food; 2) a survival/utility knife; 3) a solar still, to ensure safe drinking water; 4) a bucket, to store and distribute water and other things; and 5) a water proof tarp, to shelter me from the elements. I think these items would definitely increase my chances for long-term survival!!

Question #3 What message do you want to share with people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

I would recommend that people focus on eating more vegetables, cut out as many grains as possible, stay away from processed foods, especially soda and, of course, don’t smoke.

Question #4 If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health related), what would you recommend and why?

I would recommend he or she go out and buy the book Primal Blueprint, by Mark Sisson. They should read it, take it to heart, and I think they’ll find themselves quickly on their way to better health.

Question #5 Tell me more about your company and your products and how they help achieve optimal health and well-being?

We help our customers achieve optimal health and well-being through the products we offer and the methods we use to grow them. Our Live Gourmet® and certified organic Grower Pete’s brands of leafy greens and lettuce are hydroponically greenhouse grown in protected growing environments and one of the cleanest in agriculture. Our hydroponic methods use far less water than field grown crops, and we practice sustainability throughout our production process, including using recycled packaging. Because our vegetables are sold with their roots intact, our customers also enjoy maximum freshness because the plants are still alive.

Question #6 What are your hopes/dreams/aspirations for the future health of our people and the planet?

My hope for our planet and its people is that we continue moving toward eating more vegetables and naturally raised food rather than processed. This is how it used to be, but we evolved away, now it seems like awareness is growing and we are cycling back towards healthier eating.

Question #7 Who is your greatest hero and why?

My parents, both of them. They took a huge risk in moving our business and family to the United States, at a time when they didn’t even speak the language. Their determination has inspired and encouraged me to take more risks and to have the confidence, as they did, in my ability to continue to grow and succeed.

"Wall" of  Hydroponic Butter Lettuce at Expo West in Anaheim, March 9, 2014

“Wall” of Hydroponic Butter Lettuce at Expo West in Anaheim, March 9, 2014

Display of Grower Pete's at Expo West in Anaheim 3/9/2014

Display of Grower Pete’s at Expo West in Anaheim 3/9/2014

Pete and Shelley Overgagg at Expo West in Anaheim 3/9/2014 in front of "The Wall" of Butter Lettuce and other displayed hydroponic greens.

Pete and Shelley Overgagg at Expo West in Anaheim 3/9/2014 in front of “The Wall” of Butter Lettuce and other displayed hydroponic greens.

Certified Organic Living Watercress from Grower Pete's

Certified Organic Living Watercress from Grower Pete’s

Back of package of Watercress with "Our Story" from Pete and Family

Back of package of Watercress with “Our Story” from Pete and Family

Also check out my youtube channel for a video review of all their produce that I do a tasting of:

To find out more about all the great products from Hollandia Produce, go to: or

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