Archive for February, 2015

Raw Food Fanaticism – by Frederic Patenaude

Check out some great deals below on products from Frederic with discounts that are available for a limited time, so don’t delay!

Raw Food Fanaticism – by Frederic Patenaude

I started experimenting with my diet back in 1996, and ever since I’ve been searching for the healthiest, yet most practical way to eat and live.

I first went on a very strict (and confused!) natural hygiene diet. From there I began making my way into raw foods and experimenting with various types of raw food diets.

After that I experimented with cooked foods again, then back to raw foods, and have since been fine-tuning my diet to find the ideal.

There was a time when I wouldn’t have touched a piece of bread with a 10-foot pole, but was perfectly fine with gorging myself with fancy raw recipes and avocados, just to make sure that I wouldn’t awaken my “cooked food cells” and stayed raw.

There was a time when I did everything in my power to eat the freshest, best organic raw foods there was, yet was not feeling the vitality or mental clarity I had before I was even a vegetarian.

There was a time when I binged on all sorts of cooked foods I had sworn never to eat again, out of the frustration that the raw diet was not working for me, and the shame I had for not having succeeded.

I now look back at these difficult days and realize that all of this turmoil was unnecessary. I worked things out using the empirical approach — that is to try everything out in order to come to my own conclusions. This is a time-wasting technique, but it did allow me to truly learn these things for myself.

In that process, I learned that:

The means is not the end. Being a raw-foodist for example, is not the point. We shouldn’t focus on that.

We have to keep in mind what we’re doing this for. In that search for the perfect diet, we’re doing this to be healthy and enjoy life more — not to achieve an “ideal.”
Willpower is not enough to maintain, we need knowledge too. You can have the willpower to climb 10,000 stairs, but why waste so much energy when there’s a lift that will take you to the top in no time? Using the lift is like utilizing proper knowledge.

My Introduction to Rawdom

In 1996, I was 20 years old and quite easily impressed by what appeared to be logical or scientific information.

The piece of advice that I came across when I first heard of the concept of raw eating seemed logical, but proved to be quite misleading to others and myself. It went something like this:

“Eating raw foods is the most natural way to eat. All that you have to do is follow your instincts and eat as much as you want, as long as you are eating fresh raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds.”

Impressed by the simplicity of this system-less-system, I embarked on a journey that led me through deep nutritional imbalances.

But first, the advice worked. I packed my fridge with fruits and vegetables and was eating all day long. I didn’t know about recipes or durian. I ate lots of food and went through a quite intense period of detoxification.

I went through it and was feeling mostly good, even though I was still struggling with cravings. My will was as strong as could be and I was ready to be a raw-foodist for life and change the world along the way.

The next part of my journey took me to California, where I discovered raw food recipes, an exciting world where all my repressed cravings could express themselves again.

Pizza, chocolate cake, and pasta were back on the menu again. All raw of course.

I was eating lots of fat, lots of raw food recipes, and lots of fruit, and I was just not feeling right.

More Misleading Advice

Two new pieces of raw food lore would prove to be fatal for me. The first was, “Anything raw is better than anything cooked” and the second, “it’s probably detoxification.”

So I kept eating and eating and kept saying to myself: “well, it’s raw.” I kept feeling bad and kept saying to myself: “it’s probably detoxification.”

The Raw-Food Movement

Since then, the raw-food movement has been changing the way that it’s presented and many of the ideologies behind it.

Yet many raw food books are still filled with made-up facts, bogus science, anecdotal evidence that just isn’t relevant to everybody.

One person says that eating fruit will make you sick; the other one says that you should only eat fruit.

One says that eating oil is bad for you; the other one recommends that you should eat lots of oil.

Here are a few false statement made by raw-foodists I’d like to clear the air on once and for all.

“Cooked food is toxic.”

Statements like this are what tend to give the raw food movement a bad name.
Cooking food doesn’t immediately turn it into something toxic. If this were as true as some people say, no one would be alive!

It is true that certain methods of cooking, such as frying and barbecuing, create many carcinogenic substances in the process.

But claiming that all cooked food is toxic is just silly.

“Anything raw is better than anything cooked.”

Reality check: Many raw food meals prepared at most raw restaurants do not fall in the category of “healthy food.” Many of them contain unnecessarily high amounts of salt, oils, and spices.

The fact that a food is raw doesn’t make it necessarily healthy. There is more to a healthy diet plan than just eating raw, just as there is more to health than just eating.

“Fruit is bad for you.”

Most raw-foodists are living on such a high-fat diet (often more than 60-70% fat) that they can no longer handle fruit anymore. It has been proven that high-fat diets decrease insulin sensitivity (the effectiveness of insulin in carrying sugar to the cells), and thus raise blood sugar levels.

So those living on high fat a diet, that is most raw-foodists, will inevitably experience more blood sugar swings when they eat fruit.

Thus, the myth has spread now that fruit is not very healthy and that we should all aim at eliminating or reducing the quantity of fruit in our diet.
Fruit is definitely one of the healthiest (and most palatable!) raw foods you can eat.

So whenever you hear a bold statement that is the contrary of all common sense, such as “fruit is not a healthy food” — don’t take it for cash. Study the facts first and decide for yourself.

Raw Food Hype

The raw food diet has become more and more popular over the years. Celebrities are now jumping on board; raw food restaurants are popping up in most major cities, the media is talking about it, and articles have been published in many magazines and newspapers.

Raw-foodists usually rejoice when they see another article in the mainstream about the raw food diet, yet many of the time the message being conveyed to the masses really isn’t the healthiest one.

Many of these articles start by quoting raw-foodists (mostly out of the context) expressing statements such as “cooked food is poison” or “cooking kills your food,” then they go on to talk about all the movie and pop music stars who are supposedly into it, they mention raw gourmet cuisine and raw-restaurants, and then conclude the article with a few nutritionist bashing and scoffing at the whole theory.

There is more validity and merit to the raw food diet than just a passing phase for the media to take advantage of or for celebrities to temporarily hop on board with!

“Raw Food” Means Really Raw

Raw foods are fruits and vegetables in their natural state, not dehydrated for hours and turned into crackers, raw cookies, and cakes.

Prepared raw foods can still have a place in a healthy diet, but it really isn’t what the whole prospect of eating raw foods is really about.

A plate of steamed broccoli is closer to being a natural food than a raw cheeseburger or raw cake sold at a raw restaurant somewhere.

Eating raw is about filling our bodies with an abundance of natural vitamins, minerals, organic water, fiber, and all the nutrients needed to meet our needs, both for energy and maintenance. Time and time again, these needs are met the best with foods that are in their freshest, most natural form.

Beyond Fanaticism

If you are 100% raw and feel wonderful and someone comes along to tell you that what you are doing is killing you, I recommend you don’t waste any time discussing it. Just go along with your life and let them think what they will.

If you are eating 50% raw and feel great and some annoying raw-foodist comes along and just, “can’t believe that you don’t eat 100% raw” — just forget them too. You are here to eat and do what makes you feel your best, not rise to the expectations of others around you.

What are you doing this for anyway? Because you want to call yourself a raw-foodist or a vegan? Hopefully not!

Hopefully, you are eating and living the way you do because it’s what feels right to you and allows you to look and feel your very best.

Eating raw is not the end-all, it’s simply a means to get you where you want to go.

Products on Sale:

The deals from my friend, Frederic Patenaude, for his health products are still available, so check them out before the discounts are removed – which could be at any time, without notice!
Remember to use the coupon code for those products where indicated to get the discounts.

Raw Freedom

How to Heal Dental Disasters:

$19.95 instead of $37
Starter Kit

for 25% off
How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$19.95 instead of $37
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95

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Review of My Little Organic Bistro – Coral Gables, Florida

My Little Organic Bistro Review

I came to My Little Organic Bistro the first time in the summer of 2013 and the food was awesome. It is a small hidden treasure in Coral Gables. All the food is organic. The price is the best ever for the amount of food you are given. The flavor are very well blended and the eye appeal is superb.

There are a lot of “regulars” who come and eat here all the time and some rarely prepare their own food (except on weekends, when the bistro is closed)

I had the pleasure of interviewing the owner, Dr Amnery Ley, for my youtube channel and here is a link for you to watch: My Little Organic Bistro – Interview with Owner, Dr. Amnery Ley

If you have never come here to eat, you are missing out and it is worth the trip (I am over a hour away). I came again with my parents for Thanksgiving and had an amazing raw vegan meal. We also took home food for the weekend.

You will not miss eating all the unhealthy food you are used to because all the meals are satisfying, tasty and filling.

Thanks, Amnery for opening this wonderful place to the public and teaching everyone about eating and living a healthier and happier life.

Mindy aka TheRawsomeVeganGal 😎 (name of my youtube channel to check out other videos I have of product reviews, healthy living topics and recipes) –

Update: I am sad to say 😥 that in looking up their FB page (could not find the page anymore) that they have closed as of December 2014. I found that information on other sites that review vegan restaurants. What a shame because they made such excellent gourmet raw vegan food. Hope they will re-open.

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The Raw Food Digestive Curse – by Frederic Patenaude

My friend, Frederic, has offered my readers some great deals on his products that will be offered for a limited time. Please don’t delay! Check them out below this article.

The Raw Foodist’s Digestive Curse? by Frederic Patenaude

I’ve had a lot of personal experience in the raw food movement. Much of my adult life I’ve been actively seeking information and learning from others on the topic of nutrition and raw foods.

Over those years, I’ve heard many things said about what is the healthiest way to eat, how your body supposedly reacts to certain foods, and what is the healthiest type of water to drink, among many other things.

One thing that always caught my attention was the digestion people experienced on a raw food diet, and how a raw food diet may impact this.

Raw Foodists and Digestion

Any health-orientated person has taken a greater interest in their digestion, or how your body utilizes and absorbs nutrients from the food you eat, once they started to get in tune with how largely it impacts how you feel.

We all know the feeling of a sour stomach, and when your stomach isn’t happy, it’s hard to think about anything else.

Raw foodists, Natural Hygienists, and many Indian and Eastern health philosophies all put an emphasis on the importance of digestion.

Some stress the importance of eating certain foods together at the same time, or specifically not eating specific foods together at one time.

Food combining has been written about for decades now, and is something I personally used to follow relatively rigidly for many years.

Specifically the Natural Hygiene approach to food combining, like not eating melons with other foods, acid foods with sweet foods, and so on.

The Digestion Industry

Digestion has become so important to the general public now that it’s become a bit of a food-marketing gimmick.

Everything from probiotic-boosted green powders to endless brews of kombucha and lacto-fermented yogurts line the shelves of most grocery stores and supermarkets today, all touting a specific amount and strain of probiotic bacteria.

They’re sold promising improving the balances of bacteria in your intestinal tract, in-turn allowing you better digestion, sharper mental performance, clearer skin, etc. etc.

I think to a large degree, some of the benefits of these specific strains of bacteria and the packaged foods that are “boosted” with them are overall exaggerated to market them.

Naturally fermented foods like raw kombuchas, kimchi, and sauerkraut are much more likely to have truly beneficial bacteria in them vs. powder-boosted items too.

You can make these foods in your own home from your own garden!

It’s also questionable as to how many of the once-living probiotics actually survive from the time of packaging to you eating it, after transit and shelf-time.

I’m not saying that they may not offer some benefit to your digestion, but I feel that truly healthy gut flora starts with an otherwise healthy gut via eating and living healthfully, not a reliance on supplemental bacteria from packaged foods.

Some raw foodist will go as far as buying digestive enzymes in powdered form to supplement the enzymes everyone’s body naturally produces.

This could be a topic for a whole other article, but for now I’ll just say that the body produces all the digestive enzymes you need perfectly fine by itself, given you take care of it.

The Raw Curse

There is something that at one time felt like a phenomenon, but now just makes more logical sense as a natural progression of human adaption.

“The raw curse” is something I’ve written about in my books, “The Raw Food Controversies” and “The Raw Secrets”.

One thing I noticed amongst fellow raw-food-enthusiasts was that there seemed like a predictable decline in digestive abilities the longer they followed a strict raw food diet.

The longer they followed a raw food diet, the less ability they had to digest any other foods than raw foods.

The longer they followed that path, the types of raw foods they ate started being limited, too.

In many circles, you see people eating mostly mono-meals of one type of sweet fruit and tender, leafy greens, for most of their food intake. These are among the easiest foods for the digestive system to digest, as they are mostly composed of simple sugars.

This is a good and a bad thing.

There are valuable nutrients in fruits and tender leafy vegetables that can be easily absorbed by just eating them as they naturally come to you, from the garden or your nearest produce aisle.

But when you eat these foods and absolutely nothing else, you body quits producing the proper digestive enzymes and gastric juices to digest other foods, like dense proteins or starches.

Humans can eat and absorb nutrients from proteins and starch-dense foods just fine, but your body needs to “get used” to digesting them first.

Tuning Up Your Body’s Digestive Fire

I’ve come to the conclusion that many of the so-called digestive imbalances and woes that many people face amongst the vegetarian, vegan and raw food scenes may not always be caused by a complex imbalance of specific digestive bacteria, and more to do with the individual’s inability to digest foods that other people can digest, without any supplements.

The raw foodist who gets knocked out by eating a bowl of rice for the first time in nine months isn’t necessarily a sign that rice is bad for them. It could just be their body wasn’t used to digesting the rice.

You can observe this by the same person eating rice (and many other things!) in the years before and digesting them at least relatively well enough to still function and not be doubled over in pain.

Whether they are incredibly happy to admit it or not, there are many people who previously swore by a 100% raw food diet and now eat cooked foods of many different kinds. The same foods that people swore at one time would wreak havoc on the system are now being eaten and digested perfectly well.

Did their body magically gain the ability to digest the previously “poison!” cooked food from all of that meditation?

While the meditation probably doesn’t hurt anything, it’s mostly just a matter of the body producing the same digestive acids again, in the proper balance, once the new foods are reintroduced into the stomach. The body re-learns how to digest them again.

Like riding a bike!

Keeping Your Stomach Strong

Even basic activities like regular walking and movement/exercise of any kind improves the muscles in your stomach, leading to stronger, more efficient digestion and absorption of the food you eat.

You digestion is much more multi-faceted than some may lead you to believe, so when diagnosing your own circumstances, I encourage you to consider all points of view.

Products on Sale:

The deals from my friend, Frederic Patenaude, for his health products are still available, so check them out before the discounts are removed – which could be at any time, without notice!
Remember to use the coupon code for those products where indicated to get the discounts.

Raw Freedom

How to Heal Dental Disasters:

$19.95 instead of $37
Starter Kit

for 25% off
How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$19.95 instead of $37
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95

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Coconut Secret – Low Glycemic Coconut Products

Coconut Secret – Low Glycemic Coconut Products

The company, Coconut Secret, has “tapped” into a way to create great products made from the sap of coconut that are natural alternatives to traditional products on the market. To me, they are above board then even some of the “natural” products you see in health food stores and supermarkets. Some, of course, are better then others and some, I see as being worse for you then eating dirt or grass from your yard. So, “all products are not created equal,” in my humble opinion.

The owners, Leslie and Randy, found a personal need for their family and decided to create their own products because there were none on the market that met their expectations. As the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention.” They took this opportunity and ran with it and I am happy that these products came about because they are not only good for you, but they also taste good! You can forget about your traditional soy sauces, vinegars, honey and sugars because these products from Coconut Secret, in my opinion, will eliminate the conventional unhealthy ones from your pantry.

Coconut Secret does everything right and never cut corners in making their products. Most products (except for some of their chocolate bars that have dairy and not 100% organic) are 100% Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Kosher and no MSG in their soy-free seasoning sauce.

The benefits of using the sap of the coconut blossoms is that it’s very low glycemic in and of itself and also rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, minerals, amino acids and close to a neutral pH.

Another thing I am very pleased that the company opted to do when making their products, is to use glass bottles and not plastic. We all know that plastic, even the supposed non-toxic ones that are called BPA-free, likely still have some chemical components that may leach into the product. I have never personally had a BPA-free container tested for what it is made of in a lab, but it would be interesting to know that. Perhaps that can be researched further by “googling” it. I am not a “fan” of using plastics at all. I do understand that not all products can be packed in glass for various reasons, including cost, safety, etc. To me glass is the best option for a number of reasons: 1- no leaching of chemicals into food from plastic and the fact that it’s sitting in the plastic for who knows how long while it is sitting on the shelf in the store, 2- you can reuse the glass bottles or jars for many different purposes: food, gifting something to others, using as your water bottle and if nothing else, recycle it, 3- my opinion is that they have a better shelf-life, as well, 4- the food in the glass is much healthier for you, because why would/how could you want to make an organic product and then house them in plastic? To me, that is similar to buying fresh, healthy, ripe and organic produce and then washing it with chemically-laden tap water. Another example would be someone who was told they needs to exercise for health, so they decide to ride a bicycle, but smoke a cigarette while doing so. I think you get the message. Glass is best! I would go so far as to say, I never buy “plastic” water, because even if it is pure water, it has still been living in plastic for who knows how long and chemicals have been leaching into it. My tip to you: when traveling by plane and you can not take a glass or stainless water bottle, do not buy plastic water. The best bet, is to take produce that is rich in structured water that will hydrate you and also provide you with other beneficial vitamins and minerals. Some suggestions: apples, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, kiwis, melons, peaches, plums, nectarines, pears, celery, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers.

Also, their products has simple easy to read and understand ingredients that you do not need a degree in chemistry or the like to understand. The 3 coconut products I discuss here, are actually only made of one ingredient, that being coconut sap from the coconut blossoms (except for the coconut aminos that adds sea salt).

The 3 products I review here are:
Raw Coconut Vinegar, Raw Coconut Nectar and Coconut Aminos.

1) Raw Coconut Vinegar: This product is by far better tasting then any vinegar I have had in the past, including apple cider, umeboshi plum and rice vinegar. It smells exactly like traditional apple cider vinegar, in my opinion, and has higher nutritional value then similar products in its amino acid, vitamin and mineral content.

It also has the added benefit of being a great source of FOS – fructooligosaccharides – which is a prebiotic that feeds/promotes the growth of “good” intestinal bacteria, which are in fruits and vegetables, including, apples, pears, garlic, onion and asparagus (which differs from a probiotic, which is the “good”/beneficial gut bacteria that aids in intestinal/digestive health, such as found in foods like sauerkraut, miso, kefir, kimchi and kombucha). So, it taste yummy plus you improve your digestion – what a great concept! You can sprinkle it on your salad, add it to dressings, marinades, to season rice for sushi, in spreads, sauces and patés. It can also be used for cleansing internally, as well as skincare.

The reason it is called “raw,” is because it’s processed without any heat and therefore, is also rich in enzymes. It is made in small batches, which means it is fresher and they have more control over the results. This vinegar is naturally aged for 8 months to 1 year to give it the distinct flavor, which does not taste coconutty at all! It also does not need any refrigeration.

2) Raw Coconut Nectar: This is one of the best alternatives to sweeteners on the market today. If you want a product that pours like honey, is as sweet as any other sweetener, can be used in all your desserts, does not need refrigeration, and is safe for diabetics, has a low glycemic index, then this is the product you ought to buy and use regularly!

There are so many products on the market today if you have a “sweet tooth,” and the majority are made with unnatural, chemically processed ingredients, colored with carcinogenic dyes and then use products like aspartame, splenda, nutrasweet – which are actually all the same thing and produced by Monsanto. If you are not aware of them, they produce r-BGH [bovine growth hormone] milk, and GMO [genetically modified organisms] foods which have already proven to not help with the hunger issue in the world and also cause the plants to need to be sprayed with more pesticides, herbicides, etc. The yield are usually lower and animal fed GMO feed have developed all kinds of problems/illnesses/diseases and when they are fed non-GMO feed the problems all go away. If you would like to do your own experiment to see what happens, take an organic corn on the cob and conventionally grown corn on the cob [which is more likely then not to be GMO] and put them both outside and put a popsicle stick in the ground next to each one and write organic and conventional to distinguish the two of them. Then see which one gets mostly eaten by the birds and creatures. This will tell you a lot! Besides the fact, that if the companies decide to inject something into the seed that you may be deathly allergic to, such as peanut, soy, etc, you will never know.

Now you know why to stay away from the chemical products on the market, but even the supposed “natural” sweeteners may not be good for hypoglycemic and diabetic people, of which their is a very large population of the world in these categories, including very young children.

Their have been an influx of products using agave nectar, especially with raw food snack products, which are better for you, but adding agave changes that and it is tauted as being a better/healthier alternative. Most people do not know that it is actually worse or on par with HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) which causes numerous health problems. I will have an article on my blog coming up in the future that discusses this subject. So you know, it is not raw, is highly processed and high glycemic, which is not good for anyone, even if you do not have any issues with your pancreas, but over time, it could lead to it. I was even surprised that a company I know who bottles the best raw organic coconut water, in my opinion, are using agave as a sweetener in their raw tea! They already have access to the coconuts, so why aren’t they using the coconut nectar from the blossoms or contacting Coconut Secret to use their nectar? I hope to get in touch with the company soon, so this can be remedied!

3) Coconut Aminos: Are you still using Kikkoman, Braggs or any of the other soy sauces on the market? So you know, most soy is GMO (as explained above) and even with the ones that say organic, there is still the issue of cross-contamination if it was planted in a field where there are other gluten crops growing or grown in soil that was previously used to grow gluten crops (i.e. wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, etc). This is an issue, especially for those who have gluten sensitivities/intolerance or celiac disease, but even for though of us who are staying away from gluten, as a preventative measure, because gluten, can reck havoc on the body, which specifically begins in the colon (where the health of the body begins) and cause numerous health problems. Think of the word gluten – sounds like glue and who wants something in their body that acts like glue, I don’t! That is why this is the perfect alternative to soy sauce and has a similar flavor without the soy. You can use it on your salads, in stews, dressings, sauces, bean dishes, etc.

Coconut Secret also sells other great coconut products, such as coconut flour, coconut sugar, etc and you can check them all out on their website:

Also check out my video review:

In closing, I hope that all markets/stores, in time will only carry products such as sold by Coconut Secret. A lot of companies can learn from them (and I wish they would) as to how to make great products for health and not compromise or “cave in” to cut corners based on their own selfish needs or being pressured by governmental “hounds” as opposed to the concerns and long term benefits to the people and the planet. They have their priorities right and straight! A big thank you and gratitude always!

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