Archive for May, 2015

Ten Rules For Being Human by Cherie Carter-Scott

Ten Rules For Being Human by Cherie Carter-Scott

Rule One:
You will receive a body. You may love it or hate it, but it will be yours for the duration of your life on Earth.

Rule Two:
You will be presented with lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called ‘life.’ Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.

Rule Three:
There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials, errors, and occasional victories. The failed experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that work.

Rule Four:
A lesson is repeated until learned. Lessons will be repeated to you in various forms until you have learned them. When you have learned them, you can then go on to the next lesson.

Rule Five:
Learning does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

Rule Six:
‘There’ is no better than ‘here’. When your ‘there’ has become a ‘here,’ you will simply obtain a ‘there’ that will look better to you than your present ‘here’.

Rule Seven:
Others are only mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.

Rule Eight:
What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you.

Rule Nine:
Your answers lie inside of you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.

Rule Ten:
You will forget all of this at birth. You can remember it if you want by unraveling the double helix of inner knowing.

–Cherie Carter-Scott, From “If Life is a Game, These are the Rules”

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How to Achieve Perfect Health – Frederic Patenaude

How to Achieve Perfect Health – Frederic Patenaude

First, a quick note:
Because we want to reach even more people with this life-transforming information, we’re doing a massive 2015 sale on the Perfect Health Program this week only.

You can get it at a 70% discount by using coupon
code PERFECT2015

Just go to:

This is our most complete and advanced program to take your health to the next level. If you’ve purchased some of our other products, you will love it!

On the order form, make sure to enter coupon code PERFECT2015 to get the discount.

Is Perfect Health Possible? (From the intro to the Perfect Health Program)
Perfect Health is not a goal that you strive for to reach and then once you’ve reached it, you’re done. Perfect Health is something that people can strive for for a lifetime and can maintain, attain and even regain should they lose such a thing.

Perfect Health is going to be slightly different for every person because each of us has a unique history, a unique genetic, a unique future.

What we’re talking about really is the human potential that an individual has to be as good as they can get to be – as positive, as totally capable, aware, and alive and making the choices, providing the conditions, the influences, consuming the substances and experiencing the forces that support their production of more perfect health.

In other words, you may have genetic strength versus someone else’s genetic weaknesses that will allow you to jump higher or run faster than someone else.

It doesn’t mean that both people can’t have perfect health but within the capabilities of your history – within the potential that you have to perform, to think.

For human beings to be the best within this, it depends upon you to provide – and you’ll hear me say it often – the forces and the conditions, the substances and the influences that your body responds to in order to create itself in the future.

So a lot of people think, “Well if I’m not sick, I’m healthy,” and that’s not really what health is about. It’s not an absence of symptoms or a lack of disease.

Health is a state of optimal wellbeing, both socially, physically, emotionally – in every aspect of our life to be optimal or optimized in such a way that you can – like an instinct in many ways – take such excellent care of yourself and responding in what can only be described as perfect.

Just the way that an animal in the wild would respond perfectly to every situation, sometimes we go, “Oh this is great,” or “Oh this isn’t so great.” In fact, every situation is perfect and we just have to accept the fact that everything that life brings us is perfect, but there are ones that we can control.

That it’s up to us to provide ourselves with those substances, forces, influences and conditions that allow us to be perfect in this perfect environment.

Notes from Fred:

One of the most useful concepts in health that I have learned is compare yourself with yourself, not with others.

We each have individual weaknesses and strengths. You look at another person and you may think:

– “Wow, she’s more athletic than I am.”
– “Why do I suffer from this health problem, when others seem to not care about their health and seem okay?”
– “Wow, I wish I could get away with not being so strict with my diet. This person seems to be so healthy and not paying attention to what they eat.”

On the last thought, it’s important to realize that health on the outside is not the same as health on the inside. One person might appear very healthy, but you don’t know what’s actually going on in their body. That’s when people say “He was perfectly healthy before he died of a heart attack at the age of 45!”

Of course, this is a ridiculous statement. No “perfectly healthy” individual dies of a heart attack, especially not in their forties or fifties.

So when we use the words “perfect health,” it’s relative to you and you only. It’s about reaching YOUR maximum health potential.

Without health, you can’t express who you truly are as a human being.

So achieving your maximum potential of health expression is a worthwhile endeavor. And yes, you may never full “get there,” but it’s worth it for the journey alone, and the benefits that you get along the way!

To find out more, get the Perfect Health Program this week only at a 70% discount by using coupon code PERFECT2015

Just go to:


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The Top 5 Reasons To Eat Raw – by Frederic Patenaude

The Top 5 Reasons To Eat Raw – by Frederic Patenaude
Over the years of being in the raw foods scene, I’ve heard a lot of crazy theories as to “why” people ate a raw food diet and didn’t cook their food.

Some of them really do make sense, like the preservation of nutrients.

Others, like when someone says that they should eat green bananas because of the enzymes present in them, don’t hold as much weight.


I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” is available now for $17 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$17 instead of $47
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Normally, the program costs $47.
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I will say that a 100% raw food diet may be very appropriate and beneficial for many people. For others however, the all-or-nothing approach just doesn’t work the way they want it to.

There are also many different people who believe many different things. And anything you believe is just that: something you believe. That can change.

I personally don’t think there is any life force in food, something touted in raw circles, besides the raw materials necessary for human nutrition. I haven’t found any proof to bring me to another conclusion for myself.

However, you may disagree with me and still think that there is indeed life force in food or any other thing you want to believe. Nobody needs a rational reason to think or believe anything, and that’s okay.

I have certain beliefs that are not completely rational.

For example, I do believe that everything happens for a reason. That kind of belief is based on my personal experience, and it also works for me. But I know it’s not necessarily “rational”, it’s just something I believe.

Top 5 Reasons to Eat Raw

Nutrient Density
Fruits and vegetables are the most-nutrient-dense foods on the planet, and most of these foods are better eaten raw than cooked.

When we say that a food is “nutrient-dense,” we mean that it has many nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, per calorie. Starchy foods are calorie-dense, but not as nutrient-dense as fruits and vegetables.

In other words, 500 calories of rice or potatoes will contain fewer vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals than 500 calories of kale, or 500 calories of apples.

By eating a diet composed mainly of fruits and vegetables, we take in more nutrients than if we were to eat mostly cooked foods.

There are some exceptions, however. Cooked green vegetables tend to be more nutrient-dense than raw greens, simply because we can eat more of them more easily.

For example, you probably remember taking a huge amount of spinach and cooking it down in a matter of seconds to almost nothing. Well that small cup of cooked spinach is now jam-packed with minerals, and will only take you a few minutes to eat. On the other hand, the same amount of raw spinach would take much longer to chew and eat.

Raw foodists can use the same principle by using a blender and other devices to process their food, such as the case of green smoothies.

Caloric Density

One of the most important concepts to understand in human nutrition is that of caloric density. Caloric density is an estimation of a food’s energy content by weight.

For example, an entire head of lettuce weighing over one pound contains less than 100 calories. That means that the caloric density of lettuce is less than 100 calories per pound.

On the other hand, a single tablespoon of oil contains 120 calories. So you have more calories in 1 tablespoon of oil than in a pound of lettuce. But guess which one is going to fill you up more?

The principle of caloric density is to encourage eating sufficient nutrients while feeling satisfied eating a larger volume of food and a healthy amount of calories.

Studies have confirmed that if you feed people foods of low caloric density, they will eat as much as they want, not be hungry and lose weight, without having to count calories or feel deprived.

Now it’s important to note that nobody will ever really successfully live off a diet of just raw vegetables, and I wouldn’t recommend doing so.

However, you want your diet to contain plenty of raw vegetables by weight.

The concept of caloric density is to look at the overall caloric density of the foods you eat throughout the day.

Low Toxic Load

When cooking carbohydrates (such as potatoes) at high temperatures (baking, frying, etc.), a compound called acrylamide is created. In animal studies, high doses of acrylamide cause cancer and doesn’t sound very promising for your health.

More acrylamide is created when foods are cooked at a higher temperature or for longer periods of time.

We also know that other molecules called “Maillard Molecules” are formed when foods brown and caramelize during cooking. Some people speculate that these new compounds, created in the cooking process, may affect health negatively.

It’s also important to note that the act of being alive and toxic to you, and every bite of food you ever intake will always have varying degrees of “nutriment” and varying degrees of “toxicity”.

While certain forms of cooking appear to be relatively harmless (steaming, for example), the surest way to reduce the amount of toxins in your diet to the lowest level is to eat foods in their raw state.

You Eliminate Everything Else That’s Really Bad for You

One of the main reasons why people get sick is that they eat so many “dead”, pre-packaged foods.

These foods are not only heavily processed, but they contain a long list of suspicious ingredients, including MSG, preservatives, artificial coloring, and more.

Eating a raw food diet automatically eliminates all of this unhealthy food, which means that your diet will be 100% more clean and pure. It will be “wholesome” in the true sense of the word.

When I started the raw food diet, there were no pre-packaged raw snacks available. All that I bought were actual foods: fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Eventually I got into olive oil, but that was a pretty simple product. The “worst” thing that raw foodists bought was jars of olives that could possibly have been marinated in salt water.

Nowadays, a variety of raw food snacks — from kale chips to chocolate brownies — are available. Many of the people making these products do remain true to their nature of keeping them free of artificial flavors and preservatives, but processed foods are still processed foods and eaten in moderation.


Raw fruits and vegetables, as well as raw nuts and seeds, are absolutely packed with phytochemicals.

“Phyto” means “plant,” so the term phytochemical designates different compounds in foods that protect against illness. Some phytochemicals can prevent DNA damage caused by free radicals.

You’ve probably heard of antioxidants with cancer-preventing benefits found in many fruits and vegetables and dark leafy greens. Antioxidants are a class of phytochemicals.

Some of the most potent phytochemicals are found in raw foods, and many of them are heat-sensitive. Therefore, eating a raw food diet or a mostly raw diet will give you an abundance of phytochemicals — and this could prove to be one of the main benefits of this diet.

Some notable phytochemicals are to be found in:

The Cruciferous Family — including cabbage, kale, broccoli, etc. These vegetables contain a class of phytochemicals (called sulphoraphane and indole-3-carbinol) that are converted into cancer-fighting enzymes by the liver.
Berries — This includes pomegranate, cherries, blueberries, grapes etc. They contain many phytochemicals that increase immunity.
Citrus fruits — Those fruits contain many phytochemicals (close to the skin), in addition to lots of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant.

Pretty much every raw fruit and vegetable contains health-enhancing phytochemicals. Cooking food sometimes enhance the bio-availability of certain phytochemicals, like lycopene in tomatoes, but in general we get more benefits from eating foods in their raw state.


When we use bad arguments to promote a certain philosophy, it often leads us to make mistakes. Sometimes people oversimplify a health philosophy and refuse to look at new information on top of it all.

There are so many great reasons to eat more raw foods in your diet, I feel that being conscious about the reasons we give for them are important to gaining a better understanding of ourselves and our food!

P.S. Don’t forget you can get Frederic’s program, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” now for $17

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$17 instead of $47

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From the Garden – How Plants Clean The Air – Hippocrates Health Institute

From the Garden – How Plants Clean The Air – Hippocrates Health Institute

Are plants the best way to purify the air in your home? Indoor air can be up to can be up to 1,000 times dirtier than outdoor air. The EPA estimates that most Americans are exposed every day to indoor air contaminants than can lead to serious health problems including cancer, respiratory ailments, fatigue and headaches. The air you are breathing in your home is likely contaminated with pollutants and toxic chemicals such as:
Dust and dirt
Dander (from pets and humans)
Paint fumes
Outgassing from synthetic carpet, curtains, fire retardants, glues, cleaning solutions, pressure treated wood, perfume, personal care products, and even your synthetic clothes
Cooking and tobacco smoke
Carbon monoxide

A whole host of harmful Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) such as formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, xylene, and potentially thousands more.

While a standard fiber weave furnace filter will remove most suspended pollutants larger than 50 microns a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter will remove most suspended pollutants down to 0.3 microns. However, neither type of filter is effective at removing dissolved pollutants such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s.) Even a carbon filter is only effective in removing VOC’s if the fan runs continuously and you change the filters regularly. This uses up electricity and the used air filters contribute to toxic waste accumulation in landfills. Changing the filters exposes you to a substantial concentration of toxins during the replacement process.

House plants are not only an attractive addition to any home but they also moonlight as efficient air purifiers. All you need to add is water! Plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Root-associated microbes convert toxins in the air into nutrients the plants eat and thrive on. House plants become more effective over time while HEPA air cleaners become less effective over time. House plants are also less expensive and naturally more attractive than any HEPA filter unit.

While all plants are beneficial for improving the quality of the air, some are clearly better than others. Some plants are capable of removing up to 90% of VOC chemicals dissolved in the air in just twenty-four hours! Here are my favorite six house plants for clearing the air:

The best air purifying plant
Enhances the oxygen in the air
Generates healthful negative ions
Wheatgrass juice is nature’s finest medicine and is more than twenty times denser in nutrients than other choice vegetables.

Boston Fern
The second best air purifying plant
Removes formaldehyde
Prefers plenty of light
Keep the soil moist and mist the leaves often

Aloe Vera
Removes formaldehyde
Good for cuts and burns on the skin
Needs well drained soil
Prefers plenty of light
Water only once a week

Dwarf/Pygmy Date Palm
Removes xylene
Removes ammonia
Prefers plenty of light
Keep well watered

English Ivy
Removes benzene
Cleans air of cigarette smoke
Removes formaldehyde
Great for those suffering from asthma and allergies

Golden Pothos
Removes carbon monoxide
Removes formaldehyde
Prefers plenty of light
Water less in colder temperatures
In general, you will need one plant (10-12 inch pot) for a small room and two or three plants for a large room to effectively clear the air. Fertilize once every two weeks with a side dressing of compost or compost tea. Dust the leaves once a month with a damp cloth. Use pots with holes in the bottom with a drain saucer. Place a bunch of pebbles in the bottom of the pot and add well-draining potting soil on top. Be sure not to over water, as too much soil moisture can lead to mold growth. Empty the drain saucer if it accumulates water.

Play classical music to your plants and speak to them with loving intentions. Enjoy the simple beauty of house plants while your lungs benefit from their natural air cleansing action.

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