Archive for August, 2022

I Have Come To A Conclusion – Not A Novel Idea! Part 7 

So why would you care about the part of you that is not visible/the soul, as mentioned in the last post? It isn’t tangible, so you may not feel any connection to it, but it is what keeps you alive. Like I said previously, when I passed out, after getting out of bed, I fell to the floor, because my soul left my body, so nothing was “holding me up.” Without the soul, you can’t walk, talk, see, hear & smell. The soul is simply an energy that has no time & space and hard to really express what it is. I have heard this: when someone had a near death experience and come back into their body, if they were in a hospital bed, they can tell you everything that was going on there, down to the minutest detail of things that most would not be attentive to, like the color of someone’s shoes or tie.  A person who is alive in a body could never do that because they are restricted by their physical nature. Once that “shell” is removed there are no barriers whatsoever.

Where does this soul come from and how do you get it? There has to be a “Supreme Power,” that gives each of us the ability to be alive. There is no such thing as evolution, as that has been debunked many times over and I am not even going to discuss this, as it is a waste of my time. Again, those who experience life after death, all talk about the powerful light that draws them in like a magnet and they do not want to come back. They do not talk about something of human form, as there is nothing like that existing in the upper realms. You can deny this or not believe it, if you want, but that is your issue not mine. You’ll just have to wait for yourself, till your soul passes on or experience an NDE and can share what you saw.

I have experienced other personal things in my life where I was not living on the “straight & narrow,” according to the rules I was given to guide me and follow. I seemed to be “getting away with it,” and had no repercussions and just living my independent life, but then things came crashing down and I was actually been shown the greatest love, kindness & compassion to wake me up before it is too late and dig myself a deeper hole that would not be able to get out of.

I chose to make changes and get back on the moral, modest and honest path, but it took time, patience, perseverance, & persistence. I fall backwards sometimes because the evil inclination is so strong and knows all the tricks to get you to stumble, but makes it look like you are not doing anything wrong. You have to always get back up and not feel depressed or distraught as it is trying to make you react that way, so you will not want to work on improving yourself, as right now you are “down & out,” thinking, what is the point in trying anymore, as I just keep sinning. That is the modus operandi of the evil inclination, to pull you down further into the bottomless abyss, so that you just stop attempting to change your ways. Never let e.i. get a stronghold!

Always try to find a way to overcome, as best you can or at the very least to always make an effort to do & be better, no matter how many times you fall/fail. As once you are already down, tell yourself, the only way out from here is up!

Keep a positive outlook with everything & anything you experience in life!

To be continued next month….

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