Archive for January, 2016

The Definitive Reason Heirloom Tomatoes Are Just Plain Better

The Definitive Reason Heirloom Tomatoes Are Just Plain Better
by Julie R. Thomson – Huffington Post

Heirloom Tomatoes

Heirloom Tomatoes

We hate to be the ones to tell you this, but if you’ve never had an heirloom tomato then you’ve never tasted a real tomato. With tomato season just upon us — and dreams of yellow, red, pink and purple slices on our plates — we began to wonder what it was that made heirloom tomatoes so much better than the conventional ones you can buy at the grocery store any time of year. We know they don’t look the same. And we know they cost more. But why?

We turned to expert gardener John Coykendall at the most magical place on earth, Blackberry Farm in Walland, Tennessee, to fill us in on the heirloom-tomato hype. He was gracious enough to give us his time and to answer our questions — and he perfectly articulated what it is that makes heirloom tomatoes so great, using the best analogies we’ve ever heard.

Let us cut right to the chase: Why are heirlooms better than industrially-grown or hybrid tomatoes?
The answer is simple: The old ones tasted like a real tomato. What we’re growing today, I would hardly classify as a real tomato. I suppose they’re alive, but the resemblance stops there. We had it right 100 years ago.

One thing is, you get all the subtle differences in heirlooms [that you don’t get in the other tomatoes]. Your yellow heirloom tomatoes are milder. And your red heirlooms have a lot more acidic quality. Something interesting of note is that if you look at a canning recipe from the 1930s or 40s, you didn’t have to add anything to it; those tomatoes had a very high acid content. Today’s tomatoes, all the flavor and taste and everything else has been bred out of it. So, if you look at the latest Ball canning book they’ve upped the processing time and also recommend you put a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice [to account for that]. There’s a big big difference.

We had a lady visit the other day who asked, “What do I do if I want a nice fresh tomato in January? I said, “Go to the store, buy a can of Romas, dump them in your salad bowl and dress it with your salad dressing — it’ll taste 100 percent more like a tomato than what you buy at the store that time of year.” It’s true — that’s just the way it is. The season is short, but you relish that time that you do have them. They don’t last forever. I always tell the guests that really good tomatoes are they come but once and year so take it and be thankful. The rest of the time you’re going to have to settle on something else that’s in season.

I know you’ve eaten — probably by mistake — a winter tomato that has a plastic skin and a styrofoam interior. Yeah, those ones from South Florida, the green ones, the baseball team uses those for batting practice before they head north. You couldn’t put a dent in one if you tried.

What else is special about heirloom tomatoes, aside from taste and their unique characteristics?
They’re so beautiful. Some of them are solid yellow, some have pink modeling to them. There’s one called Mr. Stripey. All of those sliced up together aesthetically speaking make a statement on the plate. They speak for themselves. People always ask when I give a talk if I make notes. And I say I don’t have to. If I have beans in front of me on the table each one of them has their own story — and it’s the same with the heirloom tomatoes.

All this talk about heirlooms, can you tell us what qualifies a tomato as an heirloom?

The rule of thumb for any kind of heirloom in the seed world is that something has to be at least 50 years old to be an heirloom. Or it has to be associated with an area, a farm or specific family. I’m an heirloom, plus 21 years.

How did the bland tomatoes at the grocery store become so common place?

In the early days we had farming communities all around us. Even outside NYC, they had the infrastructure for local farming. But that’s gone today. The tomatoes they grew in South Florida then had that wonderful flavor, but it was meant to go from the vine right to your dinner table. Those tomatoes won’t ship — the skins are soft and they bruise. They would go to pieces in no time. Now, they make tomatoes to ship. Bred for mechanical harvest, shipping, shelf life, etc.

I’ll give you a perfect example of that: we had someone doing an internship with us and she brought some of those tomatoes in. She was going to have them for lunch, but we got busy and she forgot. The next day I made a display out of them with some corn shucks, just different decorations. And I left those there until the end of March. I took everything down and lo and behold those tomatoes were still sitting there. Looked liked something out of King Tuts tomb — all shriveled up, but it never did rot. A mummified tomato. [That’s what they sell at the grocery store.]

Is there a national seal of approval for heirlooms?

[In short, no.] The way of knowing is the taste test. Once you get home and taste it you know you got the real thing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an heirloom tomato faked — it either is or it isn’t.

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unWanted: the Western S.A.D. Diet by Frederic Patenaude

Check out the great deals below on products from Frederic. The special offers are subject to change at any time, so buy now for your holiday gift giving.

unWanted: the Western S.A.D. Diet by Frederic Patenaude

I changed the title, as the original was Wanted: the Western Diet and this seems more appropriate

I remember the first time I came across the word “SAD Diet” while reading a health book. I smiled when I discovered that it meant “Standard American Diet.” What a clever acronym, I thought!

Indeed, the American diet is a pretty “sad” story.

But as my thinking evolved, I realized that the SAD diet could be any modern diet that causes diseases of affluence.

If we think of the SAD diet as an American phenomenon, we might be tempted to think of another ethnic diet as infinitely better, for example, the Thai, Indian or Italian diet. Although, in their most traditional forms, these diets can be very healthy, we almost never encounter them as such anymore.

For example, I’ve never come across a Thai restaurant that served truly traditional Thai food as was common before 1950, which would have been very low in fat and simple.

Modern Thai, American, Indian, Chinese, Italian or French restaurants serve modern versions of their ethnic cuisine.

They all have one thing in common: they all serve WESTERN food.

Yes, even Asian food has been westernized and the qualification of “SAD” can apply to it.

Ok, so why does this matter?

It matters because Western diets come hand in hand with Western diseases.

A Western diet is not necessarily a diet of foods commonly found in America or Europe. It’s any diet that has any the following characteristics. The more items you can check on the list, the more “Westernized” the diet is.

Animal products (eggs, fish, meat, chicken, dairy, butter, etc.). Not used as condiments but rather as a centerpiece of the meal. In most traditional societies, including all the long-lived cultures of the world, animal products were scarce and used occasionally. A piece of meat that would feed one person for one meal in American would feed an entire family for a week in Asia countries.
Regular consumption of vegetable oils. Vegetable oils were scarce in the past and not used as much as they are today.

Regular consumption of processed flours and sugars. Processed sugars and flours were unknown in the past. Bread was coarse and tough to chew — not the fluffy thing we use for sandwiches today. White sugar did not exist.

Liquid calories. Includes alcohol, fruit juice, sodas, etc. In traditional diets, those just didn’t exist or were consumed sparingly.

Lots of sodium — Although Asian cuisine now contains a lot of sodium, it wasn’t always like that in the past. In general, very little salt is used in many traditional diets. In some cases, salt is unknown.
A Western diet is a RICH diet. It’s a diet full of foods that were previously considered delicacies in the past. It’s like eating cake every day instead of once a year on your birthday.

Examples of Rich Foods

Vegetable oil, mayonnaise, rich sauces, butter
Full-fat dairy products
Wine, beer, spirits
Ice Cream
White bread, pastries, muffins, panini bread, croissants, etc.
Coconut cream/milk
Peanut butter
Cakes, chocolate

Traditional Diets, on the other hand, are based on foods of much lower caloric density, like sweet potatoes, rice, beans, vegetables, fruit, etc.

It’s pretty easy to tell when a population is eating a Western diet: you simply have to look at the diseases that are prevalent in that population, and you’ll know.

The following diseases are all caused by the Western diet:

Cardiovascular disease
Type 2 and type 1 diabetes
Colorectal, prostate and breast cancers
Many auto-immune diseases
Those diseases were impossible to find in populations that ate a very traditional and non-Western diet.

Cancer does occur in nature and even in some animals, so it’s not always caused by diet alone. But the rates of some cancers are so much higher in Western countries that we know that they are mostly caused by the Western diet and lifestyle.

Every Country Is Becoming Westernized

There was a time when we could compare different populations in the world and be stunned to find that some diseases that are so common in the West were impossible to find in other populations.

We’re now reaching a point where such comparisons are no longer possible or relevant because every country in the world is becoming westernized.

Okinawa once boasted the longest-lived populations in the world. Now 47% of Okinawan men aged 20-60 are considered overweight. Heart disease is rampant.

For thousands of years, the health worry in Asia was with infectious diseases, famine, and malnutrition. Now that prosperity has reached the Eastern shores, they can worry instead about heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.

According to Time magazine, “80% of global CVD-related deaths now occur in low and middle-income nations which covers most countries in Asia.”

Anytime you see diseases of affluence popping up, you can be sure that the population is eating a Western diet. The two go hand-in-hand.

A particularity of a Western diet is the combination of two elements:

High-fat diet (30%+) that uses vegetable oils and animal foods at most meals
Refined carbohydrates in the 30+% range of total calories
Some people design diets that remove carbohydrates from the diet, therefore creating a “Western Diet Lite” – full of animal products and fat but without starches and sugar. This leads to health improvements and lower body weight.

A true non-Western diet that leads to health is based on plant foods and makes a limited use of rich foods. Also, it’s a total lifestyle where you’re active and don’t take in more calories than you burn.

Here are some easy ways to de-westernize your diet and eliminate your risk of dying or suffering from the most common modern diseases.

Skip breakfast. Intermittent fasting works and most people can benefit from it. Most traditional cultures ate only two meals a day rather than three. Unless you’re very active and need the calories, you’re probably not truly hungry for breakfast anyway and could benefit from a few extra hours of fasting. Intermittent fasting has been shown to increase longevity and improve health in many ways.

Base your diet on a few simple starches, such as rice, beans, potatoes or sweet potatoes. Add in fresh vegetables and fruit. This is the “Starch Solution” of Dr. McDougall. Add seasonings to taste. For example, lunch can be a big quinoa salad with cooked chickpeas, raw tomatoes, raw cucumbers, some chopped up herbs and onion, and a few slices of avocados. Dinner can be bean tacos with corn tortillas, black beans (whole or pureed) topped with fresh or canned salsa and hot sauce! A winner every time. Use nuts, seeds and avocados according to your energy needs.

For faster healing and fat loss, try a raw or high-raw diet. Replace one or more cooked meal with a raw meal, but make sure you eat enough fruit to get the calories you need.

Eliminate oils from your diet or use them only on occasion and extremely sparingly.

If you stray off the diet, make it a rare occasion, like traditional societies did in the past. They would slaughter a pig for a big feast, but not eat meat every day of the year. Eat cake for your birthday if you’d like, but don’t make it an every day or even an every-week thing!

Don’t consume any liquid calories except on special occasion.

Don’t cook with salt and don’t eat processed foods. Watch out for restaurant food. If desired, add salt to the surface of food after cooking. That’s where you can taste it the most. Doing this will keep you well under the upper limits for sodium consumption.

Diet and nutrition can be confusing, and journalists love to confuse the public with big headlines and studies of dubious value. One week, coffee is thought to be healthy and the next week, we learn that it can raise cholesterol levels. The average person will think “why bother if they can’t make up their mind? I’ll just eat whatever I want.”

In reality, nutrition is simple.

Don’t eat a Western diet and you’ll avoid Western diseases of affluence.

Eat whole plant foods (starches or fruit) as the main source of your calories. Eat vegetables. Don’t eat rich foods except on special occasions. That’s it! Add a form of exercise that you like and can incorporate into your life.

Doing that alone will save you from 75% of the diseases most people end up dying from in our world and will add at least ten good years to your life!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this website or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented here is not to be interpreted as an attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. These statements and information have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions having to do with your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.
The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95
How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters
This program has been created by OraMedia and is the only
course I have discovered that tells you exactly how to avoid
dental problems for the rest of your life.

Normally, the program costs $47.
The price is $30 if you use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

Take control of your dental health and avoid thousands of
dollars in unnecessary treatments by going to:

Make sure to use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

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What is the Scoop on Papaya Seeds? by Herbal Papaya

What’s the Scoop on Papaya Seeds? by Herbal Papaya

The many health benefits to be found in papaya seeds.

Papaya seeds are often overlooked when eating the juicy fruit they’re encased in, but their unique health benefits are not something that should be ignored.

In general, papaya has antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamins A, C and E, and flavonoids, which are all good for supporting immunity. Papayas are also known for how strong they are in fiber.

Papaya leaves, specifically, are popular due to their blood support capabilities and how well they promote a clean bloodstream and maintain blood platelet functions.

So, where does that leave papaya seeds? What is the scoop on those little black seeds in the middle of the papaya fruit that people think are inedible?

Well, it’s time to start eating your seeds people and here’s why.

The Benefits of Papaya Seed


The most well-known benefit to papaya seeds is how they help in digestion. Papayas contain the enzyme papain, which supports a healthy digestive tract and aids in removing toxins. Papaya seeds especially are rich in papain, which can be seen in how they’re sometimes used to help fight against parasites and intestinal worms.

Similar to how papain breaks down undigested protein waste, it can also break down parasites and their eggs. A healthy level of enzymes like papain tend to make your intestinal tract less hospitable to worms and parasites.

In addition to papain, papaya seeds contain carpaine, an anthelmintic alkaloid that is also good at disposing of parasitic worms.

Liver Cleansing

In traditional Chinese medicine, a teaspoon of papaya seeds may aid in removing harmful toxins from the liver. Papaya seeds have been used for centuries in improving vital functions of the liver and for good reason.

Because of the cleansing benefits of papaya, it is sometimes used in people with excessive alcohol consumption.

Besides reducing the negative effects of alcohol, papaya seeds can also prevent or support cases of food poisoning. Papaya seeds are thought to have a potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive system, which helps kill bacterial infections such as E coli, Salmonella and Staph.

How to Eat Them

Papaya seeds have a taste that’s reminiscent of black pepper and wasabi. Because of their flavor profile, papaya seeds are often used as a pepper substitute.

You can eat them whole and straight from the papaya but they will have a somewhat bitter taste. Other people enjoy grinding them down with a pestle and mortar to powder form and sprinkling them on their food.

If you want to eat papaya seeds whole but they’re too bitter for your tastebuds, try them with a teaspoon of honey to sweeten them in a natural way.

Things to Know

There are many benefits that come from eating papaya seeds, but as with anything, they are best to use in moderation. Many people can eat a teaspoon of papaya seeds a day, but if you double or triple that intake, you could actually increase digestive problems.

It is recommended that you start out with small portions, and work up to the suggested daily amount to allow your stomach to become accustomed to the bitter flavors and papain enzyme.

When eating papaya seeds, make sure to chew them and don’t just swallow them whole. The reason for this is because of how tough the outside shell of the seed is, it’s unlikely to be broken down during digestion.

Because of their fertility effects, it’s recommended to avoid papaya seeds if you’re trying to get pregnant and during your pregnancy.


As you can see, there are various health benefits from papaya seeds and many different ways to eat them. So, next time you finish a papaya instead of avoiding the seeds, try a few and see what you think. They’re just another factor to why papayas are such an important fruit for our bodies and why they’re often called Fruit of the Angels.

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2015 Annual Report/Stats for my blog

Here is my 2015 Annual Report/Stats for my blog.

The next report will be published the end of 2016
I will have some more great articles, Q and A’s, etc. posted shortly on my blog, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, the deals from my friend, Frederic Patenaude, for his health products are available, so check them out before the discounts are removed – which could be at any time, without notice! Remember to use the coupon code for those products where indicated to get the discounts.

Frederic created a complete course on How to Travel the World for Free, which will show you exactly how to get your flights and accommodation for free or at a deep discount.

To find out more, click here:
The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47
Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95
How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters
This program has been created by OraMedia and is the only
course I have discovered that tells you exactly how to avoid
dental problems for the rest of your life.

Normally, the program costs $47.
The price is $30 if you use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

Take control of your dental health and avoid thousands of
dollars in unnecessary treatments by going to:

Make sure to use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

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