Archive for February, 2016

5 Life-Changing Lectures (Advanced Study Weekend Review) by Frederic Patenaude

This was such great “eye opening” information I received in an email from Frederic that I am reposting it here to share with all of you.

Also, there are some great deals on Frederic’s health products, not to be missed and prices may change at any time, so check them out below.
I attended the “Advanced Study Weekend” organized by Dr. John McDougall. He organizes this event twice a year and I have attended many times in the past. In my opinion, this is the best event organized anywhere in the world about health. The information is cutting-edge, free of hype and non-commercial in nature.

Here are my notes from this year’s event. I’m not going to review every single lecture, but instead focus on the ones that stood out for me.

Dr. McDougall on the New Dietary Guidelines

Dr. McDougall spent some time reviewing the latest USD guidelines for nutrition. He said that there were some wins but overall they obscure their recommendation using complicated language.
The guidelines are “guided” by industry. However, they are still a step forward if you read them carefully.

Even though they now removed the limit on cholesterol, they also write that one should make efforts to limit cholesterol. Go figure…

The reason many studies show that eating cholesterol has no effect on blood cholesterol is because of the design of the studies. When someone already eats a diet with over 400 mg of cholesterol, absorption is blocked for more. That’s why eggs show no effect on cholesterol in a diet that is already rich in animal products.

However, eggs will raise cholesterol levels in vegetarians.

T. Colin Campbell, PhD

Colin Campbell is the co-author of the China Study but also a relentless researcher. He was sitting just in front of me during the weekend, and I was amazed at his vitality at age 82. His conference was one of the most enlightening ones from the weekend.

The Supremacy of Protein – 200 Years – Has Anything Changed?
Dr. Campbell went through the history of protein from its discovery in the 1840s. Here are some highlights:

Studies were done in the 1870s established protein requirements to 52 grams a day but 120g/day was recommended instead.

As early as 1908 the overconsumption of protein was associated with cancer
Chittenden in 1905 discovered that physical endurance and strength increased on a low-protein, plant-based diet.

It’s the animal protein in the diet that causes heart disease, not just the saturated fat or cholesterol itself.

In the China Study, there was a 200X variation in rates of different cancers between the counties. It related to blood cholesterol levels. In China, the range was as low as 90 up to 170.
They thought that cholesterol was low enough in China, so why the increase in cancer at higher levels?

Because blood cholesterol levels was a result of animal protein consumption. It wasn’t the cholesterol itself, but the protein. Because animal protein raised cholesterol level, they could make the connection.

In animal studies, more animal protein promotes cancer growth. But you can consume as much plant protein as you want, doesn’t matter, because it’s different protein. It’s a whole food — it’s the full package.

Epidemiological studies done on different low-fat vs. high fat diets today are a mirage. They consider things like fiber, fat, etc. But NO large-scale study has ever been done on the type of diet we recommend, like the Ornish diet. A whole foods plant-based diet works not for one disease but every disease.

All the studies done compare 30% fat to 60% fat. Even from 20% to 60% there’s not much difference. It’s like comparing smokers with two packs or three packs a day. There are no studies done on the food that we recommend: whole foods, 100% plant-based, no oil.

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn: Treating the Cause to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

Another superstar speaker. He’s also 82 years old. He gave his usual lecture on becoming “heart attack-proof” with a few new twists. Here are a few highlights:

How do we get heart disease? It starts with inflammation of the endothelial cells lining the walls of our arteries. Cholesterol gets stuck there and goes under the lining. It gets oxidized, and the body tries to get rid of it. Progressively, plaque forms, and its content oozes out. This activates a clotting factor… we get a clot, and BOOM, a heart attack.

You can get heart-attack-proof for life in just three weeks. You have to change your chemistry and make sure nothing in your blood gets sticky.

Nitric oxide, discovered in 1980-1998 (and for which a Nobel Prize was awarded), is key. It’s a strong vessel dilator and prevents arteries from becoming thick.

A single meal at McDonalds can injure your endothelial cells and prevent artery dilation for several hours.

Caffeine in coffee injures the endothelial cells (but not in tea), as do olive, soybean and palm oils.

To improve nitric oxide function, cardiac patients should eat greens SIX TIMES a day! About fist-sized (once cooked), with balsamic vinegar, cooked for 4-5 minutes. For optimal results, no smoothies. Eat and chew your greens.

Never before in Medicine have we had something as powerful as a toolbox as we have with plant-based diet

Why Lunch Matters: Promotion and Prescribing – Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD

This lecture was not about lunch! It was about the marketing techniques used by pharmaceutical companies to promote their products. It was super enlightening! It focused on the pharmaceutical reps marketing to doctors directly.

(The “lunch” part of it comes from the fact that often these reps pay lunch or other small gifts to doctors. Doctors don’t feel it’s a gift, but they feel obligated to reciprocate. They discovered that small gifts work better than big ones!).

It will be tough to summarize the lecture, but I’ll give you a few highlights:

Pharmaceutical reps make 150-300K a year and provide a 13X return on investments to the company. They only work on three doctors!

Physicians are smart and naive, and more more susceptible to financial scams and manipulation from marketing techniques. Doctors believe that they haven’t been bought off, even when they have.

One fourth of doctors in the US doesn’t see reps from pharmaceutical company. Find a doctor who doesn’t.

Marketing of drugs starts seven years before they are on the marketing. It’s illegal to promote a drug before it’s approved but instead, they market a disease with a “disease awareness campaign.”
Many diseases have changed names or benign conditions have been redefined by pharmaceutical companies in preparation for a new drug, or a rebranding of an old drug.


Pfizer renamed “impotence” “erectile dysfunction” to remove the stigma associated with the condition and prepare for the release of their drug.

Heartburn used to be a simple condition, and the advice was “don’t eat so much, don’t drink and take TUMS.” It’s been rebranded as “GERD” with drugs you need to take every day for the rest of your life.
Drugs are often renamed. When the Prozac patent came close to expiration, the same drug was rebranded as Sarafem.

Menopause has been turned from a normal life event to a medical condition. We promote hormone therapy even when menopause is not a disease.

For men, “Low testosterone” is the latest of those “new conditions.”

More info at

Dr. Milton Mills: Are Humans Designed to Eat Meat?

This was a fascinating lectures. When we hear that humans are “natural carnivores,” or even “omnivores,” we wonder what part of it is true.

Dr. Mills went through a detailed analysis of exactly what the differences are between true carnivores and plant eaters and proved that humans can’t be even part-time carnivores.

Here are a few highlights:

Carnivores are animals optimized for predation. They expend little effort to catch their food. They seek weak, diseased and defective animals because they are easier to catch.

Herbivores seek lush, verdant and beautiful food. Humans are trying to be carnivores with a herbivore mentality (we seek healthy meat). This beauty paradigm creates species destruction.

Hunting doesn’t add up regarding energy deficit for humans. We expend more energy hunting for meat than we get in calories. True carnivores only need to eat every 7-10 days and can eat up to 20-30% of their body weight in one meal.

Humans are designed for foraging and walking very long distances at a low energy cost. We’re the only animal efficiently designed for walking.

We’re not designed to run fast. We can run fast enough to escape insects and bees. We’re not fast enough to outrun any animal.

Hunter-Gatherers who outrun their prey expend more energy hunting than they get from the meat. they obtain most of their calories from plant foods. We can’t even eat enough in one meal to replace the energy expanded from just ONE hunt. Carnivores get enough to eat for a week.

Richard Oppenlander: Food Choices and Sustainability

Normally the lectures focus on human health, but this time Dr. McDougall had two lectures on environmental issues as they relate to food. Richard Oppenlander’s lecture was very enlightening about this very important topic that’s so misunderstood and abused.

We are 7.4 billion people on the planet but over 70 billion farm animals. This is unsustainable. Global warming is just one component of global depletion.

We can’t eliminate fossil fuels now, but we can change the food we eat. All animal food production systems are unsustainable.

It’s close to 51% of all greenhouse gas emissions that come from animal agriculture.

Climate change could be irreversible by 2017.

We need to change the words we use. Words like CSA, farm to table, traceable, local, organic, grass-fed, cage-free, Paleo, “humane”, real food, sustainable seafood… are all terribly misleading.

The “real food” movement is flawed. A vegan bar is considered processed and not “real” food, but fish and meat is considered “real food.

The movement to eat “less meat” is also flawed. It shifts the focus to seafood, which causes huge problems.

Every country in the world lacking fresh water is struggling but giving water to livestock.

In California, 60-70% of all the water goes to livestock. We’re told to watch our water consumption in the shower which might save 2-3 gallons of water, when not eating meat saves 2000 gallons of water a day.

If you love fish don’t eat it. The most important cause of coral death is overfishing.

The problem is not overfishing. The problem is fishing. We catch fish to feed farm fish, so even farmed salmon is not sustainable.

None of the environmental organizations say anything about eating meat, yet they keep throwing the word “sustainable” without defining what it means.

Michael Greger, M.D.

Dr. Michael Greger gave one of the best lectures of the weekend, but I’m not going to summarize it because you can download many of the lectures on his website for free.

Frederic Patenaude

Frederic Patenaude has been an important influence in the raw food and natural health movement since he started writing and publishing in 1998, first by being the editor of Just Eat an Apple magazine. He is the author of over 20 books, including The Raw Secrets, the Sunfood Cuisine and Raw Food Controversies. Since 2013 he’s been the Editor-in-Chief of Renegade Health.

Frederic loves to relentlessly debunk nutritional myths. He advocates a low-fat, plant-based diet and has had over 10 years of experience with raw vegan diets. He lives in Montreal, Canada.
The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95
How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters
This program has been created by OraMedia and is the only
course I have discovered that tells you exactly how to avoid
dental problems for the rest of your life.

Normally, the program costs $47.
The price is $30 if you use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

Take control of your dental health and avoid thousands of
dollars in unnecessary treatments by going to:

Make sure to use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

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True and False Hunger. What’s the Difference? by Frederic Patenaude

Check out the great deals below on products from Frederic.  The special offers are subject to change at any time, so buy now!

True and False Hunger. What’s the Difference? by Frederic Patenaude

You know about the dangers of processed foods.

You’ve heard plenty about GMOs, organic foods, vaccines, and many other health controversies.

Health experts will tell you to avoid meat or grains, depending on their belief.

You’ve heard about juicing, green smoothies, detox diets, fasting, and more.

But there’s one principle that nobody talks about. My first mentor Albert Mosseri used to say that it’s the most important one.

Is it emotions?

Is it meditation?

Is it food combining?

None of the above.

This principle is so important because even if you eat a conventional diet, you can use it to significantly improve your health and extend your life.

It’s a principle that allows you to get back in touch with your instincts and let your body decide what’s best for you.

It’s not easy to master at first, but once you practice it, it will become second nature.

What’s this health principle?

True Hunger.

Nobody talks about hunger. In fact, we get told to avoid hunger and eat three square meals a day. “Never skip breakfast,” they say!

When I say “hunger” I don’t mean starvation.

I also don’t mean the sensations that most people mistake for hunger.

You see, there’s a difference between “true hunger” and “false hunger.”

True hunger is when your body really needs food and is most able to digest and assimilate it.

False hunger is your appetite. It’s when food looks or smell good, or when you eat out of habit, or to avoid the symptoms of detox.

The Signs of False Hunger

You can recognize false hunger by paying attention to how you feel. Here are the sensations:

Bad, dry, pasty mouth
Stomach gurgling
Feeling depressed, foggy mind
Tightness in stomach
Hunger vanishing with time
Desiring a specific food
True hunger is different. It’s a pleasant sensation. It’s a demand for food.

True Hunger Symptoms

Empty stomach?
Watery mouth?
Optimistic mood?
Sharp and happy?
Hunger persisting over time?

When you experience true hunger, you are content with natural food. A simple salad or a bowl of fruit sounds like a great treat.

When you experience false hunger, you want something specific. “I feel like a burger or ice cream.”

With true hunger, you actually feel good.

With false hunger, you feel some discomfort: stomach gurgling, feeling tired, headaches.

False hunger disappears if you want. Wait an hour, and suddenly you’re not so hungry anymore.

True hunger gets stronger with time, and the more you wait, the more you’ll get hungry.

As an experiment to recognize true hunger, you might try skipping breakfast.

If you’re not used to it, you’ll feel “hungry” at around 10 or 11 a.m., and might experience some of the symptoms of false hunger I described.

If you wait, your “hunger” will pass. Most people will only get truly hungry at around noon or even 1 or 2 p.m.

In reality, false hunger is a sign of habituation. Some could say addiction. Your body is used to getting the same amount of food at the same times.

Your body is not even done processing your previous meal that you’re already on to the next. The body gets used to this, and demands food out of habit.

If you break the cycle, you’ll start being more in touch with your true needs.

However, I suggest being careful when trying out this principle. Some people should eat right away if they feel weak.
The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95
How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters
This program has been created by OraMedia and is the only
course I have discovered that tells you exactly how to avoid
dental problems for the rest of your life.

Normally, the program costs $47.
The price is $30 if you use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

Take control of your dental health and avoid thousands of
dollars in unnecessary treatments by going to:

Make sure to use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

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Elite Naturel – Organic Juice Company

Elite Naturel – Organic Juice Company

I met Çagri Esmekya, General Manager of Elite Naturel on the last day of the Natural Products Expo West March 2015 in Anaheim, CA. I was on my way out of the Convention Center and noticed the bottles of juice at his booth and asked to take some. He was very generous to late me take quite a few bottles (of course, he did plan to take it back with him to NY and probably would have been donated). I agreed to do a product review on my blog of the juices and some are very unique. Even though I received the products in March 2015, it has taken some time to go through and taste all the products. I wanted to do one comprehensive post for all the products I have, instead of for each individual one. The main office for this company is in Turkey. They also have offices in NY, Germany and China.

All the products are sold in glass, I am happy to say, as I am not a “fan” of plastic, and are kosher (OU symbol), USDA certified organic, gluten-free, Non GMO Certified, not from concentrate (except for the watermelon juice) no added sugar, certified Fair Trade and have no additives, no colorings or preservatives. So you know, they are flash pasteurized. Once opened they must be refrigerated and consumed within 5 days. I also recommend when drinking fruit juices to swish some water in your mouth afterwards so the sugars do not stay on your teeth and prevent any tooth decay.

I am including pictures of the bottles for you to see. The labels are informative (although not always written in English, so do not understand all it says) and have nice pictures of the fruit, as well.

Update – 2/8/16: I have never looked at their website before and just did to see what their product line is like and if I could find more information about one of their juices and it seems that most of what I am reviewing here may/may not be available anymore, as it looks like the packaging has changed significantly, but in any event you are welcome to read my review and check out what they do offer on their website:

Here are my thoughts on the products in order of my tasting them:

1- I first one I tried has orchids on the label and not sure what other fruit is in it.
It comes in a 200 ml glass bottle and the words are all in French. It is called Orchidée. It had a very mild mellow satisfying flavor. I had it while out walking to quench my thirst and give me more nutrients then just drinking water.

2 – The second one I tried is called Pure Yumberry Juice. It comes in a 250 ml and 1 liter glass bottles. The small bottle I had is great for traveling and I had it while I was out for a walk. I have never tried a yumberry, so not sure what it is. This was produced in Turkey, so must be one of their berries and I am sure it is also high in antioxidants, especially with the rich red color of the juice. The juice was quite thick and creamy compared to the first one above and more like a smoothie. I liked the taste very much and the amount of sweetness was just right for me.

3 – The third one I tried is called Hibiscus. There is a lovely picture of a hibiscus flower on the label. It is a blend of pomegranate juice, water and hibiscus flavor. It comes in a 250 ml glass bottle (or at least that is the one I have from the company and perhaps it comes in other sizes). The pomegranate makes it high in antioxidants, which are very important in the body and the flavor has a hint of sweetness, but is a bit more tart because of it. For those who like sweet juice, this would not be one you’d choose as your first/favorite option. Regardless, it is quite good and perhaps an acquired taste/something you can get used to.

4 – The fourth one I tried is called Fruits du Verger in a 700 ml (23.7 fl oz) glass bottle. It is a combination of 5 fruits: orange, apple, pear, plum and banana. I was not sure how I would like it because I am not a fan of bananas (actually, they do not agree with me). They is 20% juice of each of the fruits listed. When I have the first drink of it, it tasted quite good and not overly sweet. It was smooth and mellow. The banana did not stand out for me, as far as flavor, I tasted more the pear and plum. I ended up drinking the entire bottle at once because I did not eat that much and usually consume more fresh fruit during the day. It was satisfying and filling, too.

5 – The fifth one I tried is called Réveil GOURMAND in a 700 ml glass bottle. It is a combination of 6 fruits: banana, orange, pear, apple, apricot and peach. There is 20% juice of the banana and orange and the rest is 15% each. Even though there is more banana, I did not taste it, but what stood out for me from the first sip was the apricot, which I like very much. The blend of flavors was excellent and having not consumed enough of my regular fruit consumption on the day I tried it, I finished the bottle without putting it in the fridge. I like it better room temperature because too cold is too shocking to the body. So far, this is my favorite one!

6 – The sixth one I tried is called Matin Calin in a 700 ml glass bottle. It is a combination of 7 fruits: banana 10%, peach, apricot, orange, pear, strawberry and apple – 15% of each of them. It had a smooth creamy flavor and the apricot stood out most for me when I first drank it. This one has the addition of strawberry to it, which ai liked, but otherwise has the same of the rest of the fruits as #5 above. Banana, is not a fruit I consume, but when mixed in with the other fruits, I do not taste it. Again, I drank most of it at room temperature, which I prefer, but not sure if chilling it beforehand would give it a different taste.

7- The seventh one I tried is called Jasmin in a 700 ml/23.7 fl oz glass bottle. This is one of my favorite, as the flavor is light and satisfying. It is mildy sweet from the melon juice, but not overpowering. The juice is pressed with the seeds and jasmin flavor is added, although I do not know what jasmin is supposed to taste like; I am tasting the melon.

8- The eighth one I tried is called Watermelon Juice from concentrate in a narrow tall 50 cl/500 ml/16.9 oz glass bottle. From just looking at it, has a very deep red color, more like a grape juice type drink. The label does not list any ingredients, I would gather, because all it is, is watermelon. I opened up the bottle and smelled it first, and has a sweet fruity smell. I poured a couple of ounces into a glass, and seems much thicker then the other juices I tried from this company. When I drank it, was super sweet and also too much so, to drink as is. I had a few sips of water afterwards, but next time will dilute it some, to tone down the “super” sweetness, even too much for me and more like a syrup. On the second time around trying this, I diluted it with half water, but could do even more and still tasted the sweetness, but not as overpowering to the palate. I prefer drinking it this way.

9- The ninth and final one I tried is called Tomato Juice with Aegean Herbs in a small 20 cl/250 ml/~8 oz glass bottle. I looked up Aegean online and that is a region in Turkey. Here is a link if you want to check out the herbs and greens they use:
This is a nice savory drink, if you are looking for something different and a change of pace from always having a sweet juice. There is no detailed ingredients listed on the label and looked on their website, but did not even find the product listed It had an Italian flavor to me, although I could not see any of the herbs in the bottle. I actually decided to pour some on my salad, as a dressing and was very good.

Watermelon Juice

Watermelon Juice






Yumberry Juice

Yumberry Juice

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4 Ways to Use Papaya For Beauty – by Herbal Papaya

4 Ways to Use Papaya for Beauty by Herbal Papaya

Papaya, the new age of natural beauty! The fruit’s benefits don’t just stop at good health.

Papaya is one of the most versatile fruits out there, as I’m sure you already know if you’ve been reading our blog for awhile.

Did you know that papaya is also used around the world as a beauty product? It could be hard to resist the fresh smell of these papaya beauty products, and if you take the time to try them out, you may be surprised at how much they can improve your beauty routine and overall life goals for glowing skin.

Papaya Leaf Tea Bags

This beauty trick can actually work with any teabag, but why not use our Herbal Papaya Leaf Tea? According to Real Simple, tea bags can help soothe bug bites, stings, and even sunburns. After you drink your tea, make sure the tea bag is cooled and let it sit for five minutes either on the bug bite or sting, and watch as the tea naturally helps ease the itchiness and irritated skin patch.

If you’re trying to soothe a sunburn, brew a pot of tea and pour it into a bath of mildly warm water. Once you jump in, you’ll start to feel relief from the sun damage of the day.

Papaya Soap

If you use papaya soap, you could be rewarded with a variety of positive skin results. We loved reading through this article on Livestrong’s website about all of the fantastic benefits that papaya soap can give to your skin.

Most notably, exfoliation. Because papaya contains the enzyme papain, it is able to facilitate protein breakdowns with water. This is perfect for removing dead skin cells and getting rid of dry and flaky skin. Papaya soap therefore can also help with acne, since acne is simply an abundance of dead skin cells that are clogging up pores instead of shedding.

Papaya Facemask

Similar to the effects of body soap, a papaya face mask can help you thoroughly exfoliate the skin cells on your face. Papayas are rich in vitamins E and C, as well as that powerhouse enzyme papain, which all help to get rid of dead skin cells and reveal brightened skin underneath. Because of these attributes, papaya easily becomes a natural exfoliator and great fruit with which to create a DIY face mask.

All for staying frugal, we loved this post by Minimalist Beauty – go to their website, on how to make a papaya face mask at home using all natural ingredients to help keep your skin smooth and soft.

Papaya Shampoo

You’re probably thinking by this point that papaya can very well become your one-stop beauty product and you may just be right – you can also use papaya for hair health! Papaya shampoo have been known to help with hair loss, reduce dandruff (those pesky dead skin cells again!), and soften hair while restoring its natural shine and adding volume.

If you want to try out your own papaya hair treatment at home and witness the benefits yourself, check out the DIY papaya honey hair mask by Daily Curlz – look on their website.

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