Posts tagged greens

Food Combining Simplified by Frederic Patenaude

Looking for some great holiday gifts for yourself, your family, friends and co-workers to get and stay healthy, as that is most important. Then check out the deals on products from Frederic and Renegade Health below. The offers/discounts can change at any time, so don’t delay!

Food Combining Simplified by Frederic Patenaude
Whenever I throw celery in a fruit smoothie, or add oranges in a salad, some people ask me “But wait… isn’t that against food combining rules?”

So let’s talk about food combining.

Dr. Herbert Shelton is responsible for most food combining theories. In his book, “Food Combining Made Easy,” he describes his food combining rules based on his experience serving meals to very sick patients at his fasting clinic. Many of his rules have been misinterpreted since. And for the remainder, he rarely gave any explanation, other than his personal experience.

There are no real “rules” of food combining. You must simply pay attention to your digestion.

Instead, here are a few principles that tend to improve digestion in most people:

#1 Don’t Combine Sugar and Fat (in large quantities)

The main combination to avoid is sugar and fat. Sugar being any type of sugar such as fruits, dates, refined sugar, or anything sweet. Fat includes oils, avocados, nuts, and any other type of fatty foods.

The reason is that fat takes a longer time to digest, while sugar tends to digest quickly. When the two are mixed together in sufficient quantities, the sugar will ferment. Say hello to gas and bloating!

So the combinations to avoid include: dates and nuts, nuts and dried fruits, adding fat to fruit smoothies (including oils, nuts, etc.), and obviously eating fruit or sweets at the end of a meal containing fat.

However, the main thing to remember is that QUANTITY is everything.

If you have a few almonds mixed with raisins, you’ll be fine. But if you eat the entire bag, you’re asking for trouble.

Same with fruit in salads: it’s perfectly okay to add some acidic fruits to a salad, like berries or citrus, even if that salad contains avocados. But don’t go pouring half the bottle of olive oil on top of it!

#2: Avoid Sugar and Starch

This is the combination of cooked starch and sugar, so this one obviously doesn’t apply to a raw food meal. Starch includes bread, potatoes, pasta, etc.

This combinations can lead to a lot of gas and fermentation. Examples include: raisin bread, all pastries, all cakes, all cookies, etc.

But again, quantity is everything.

Unnecessary Rules

There are several “rules” of food combining that are really unnecessary. Let me give you a few:

Melons – There’s no reason to avoid eating melons with other fruits. You can mix melons with any other fruit you want, without any problems. Even Shelton said so.

Fruits – Fruits may be combined with each other without problems. There’s no need to only eat fruits of certain categories together.

Tomatoes – Although we eat tomatoes as a vegetable, it is a fruit in reality so it may be combined with other fruits if desired.

Greens Don’t Count – Greens such as lettuce, celery, spinach, and other green leaves, don’t even count in food combining. The reason is that they combine well with anything. They combine well with fruit as well as with any other food.

Simplify Combos

The whole idea about food combining is to simplify meals. It means that a meal with five ingredients will digest more easily than a meal with ten. And a meal with two ingredients will be easier to digest than a meal with five.

It’s more important to vary our diet from meal to meal, rather than get all that variety in one meal!

As you learn more about food combining and a simple and easy raw food diet, you’ll find that it’s really the best way to stay healthy with a “silent” digestion, and best of all, it’s also so enjoyable to eat that way!
If you’d like to find out the exact method that I use to reverse and prevent dental problems, make sure to get the new edition of the program “How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters.”

In it, you will discover:

What you can do for your teeth if you already have decay above or below the gumline, pain, bleeding or loose teeth…

Why the dental industry on purpose wants you to come back for more visits with new problems to “fix” every time.

What to do if you lose a filling, chip or lose a tooth, etc.
And much more. Go to:

There’s a lot new in this 2016 version. You can get it at more than 50% off. This offer may end at any time!

Here are the other great deals on health products from Frederic:

B12 the Energy Vitamin

If you feel constantly tired in spite of getting good sleep, you may want to look at raising your vitamin B12 levels.

B12’s role in energy production is well known, and insufficient B12 levels can lead to fatigue and mood changes.

If you’ve never tried B12 patches, you can order them here:

To order B12 patches, go to:


For all the store products, go to:

The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved. Advice and recommendations given in this website or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, online coaching, or otherwise, is at the reader’s sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before starting any skin care, nutritional, diet, stretching, and/or exercise program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as kind of attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. These statements and information have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions having to do with your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health related actions and choices you make.

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5 Life-Changing Lectures (Advanced Study Weekend Review) by Frederic Patenaude

This was such great “eye opening” information I received in an email from Frederic that I am reposting it here to share with all of you.

Also, there are some great deals on Frederic’s health products, not to be missed and prices may change at any time, so check them out below.
I attended the “Advanced Study Weekend” organized by Dr. John McDougall. He organizes this event twice a year and I have attended many times in the past. In my opinion, this is the best event organized anywhere in the world about health. The information is cutting-edge, free of hype and non-commercial in nature.

Here are my notes from this year’s event. I’m not going to review every single lecture, but instead focus on the ones that stood out for me.

Dr. McDougall on the New Dietary Guidelines

Dr. McDougall spent some time reviewing the latest USD guidelines for nutrition. He said that there were some wins but overall they obscure their recommendation using complicated language.
The guidelines are “guided” by industry. However, they are still a step forward if you read them carefully.

Even though they now removed the limit on cholesterol, they also write that one should make efforts to limit cholesterol. Go figure…

The reason many studies show that eating cholesterol has no effect on blood cholesterol is because of the design of the studies. When someone already eats a diet with over 400 mg of cholesterol, absorption is blocked for more. That’s why eggs show no effect on cholesterol in a diet that is already rich in animal products.

However, eggs will raise cholesterol levels in vegetarians.

T. Colin Campbell, PhD

Colin Campbell is the co-author of the China Study but also a relentless researcher. He was sitting just in front of me during the weekend, and I was amazed at his vitality at age 82. His conference was one of the most enlightening ones from the weekend.

The Supremacy of Protein – 200 Years – Has Anything Changed?
Dr. Campbell went through the history of protein from its discovery in the 1840s. Here are some highlights:

Studies were done in the 1870s established protein requirements to 52 grams a day but 120g/day was recommended instead.

As early as 1908 the overconsumption of protein was associated with cancer
Chittenden in 1905 discovered that physical endurance and strength increased on a low-protein, plant-based diet.

It’s the animal protein in the diet that causes heart disease, not just the saturated fat or cholesterol itself.

In the China Study, there was a 200X variation in rates of different cancers between the counties. It related to blood cholesterol levels. In China, the range was as low as 90 up to 170.
They thought that cholesterol was low enough in China, so why the increase in cancer at higher levels?

Because blood cholesterol levels was a result of animal protein consumption. It wasn’t the cholesterol itself, but the protein. Because animal protein raised cholesterol level, they could make the connection.

In animal studies, more animal protein promotes cancer growth. But you can consume as much plant protein as you want, doesn’t matter, because it’s different protein. It’s a whole food — it’s the full package.

Epidemiological studies done on different low-fat vs. high fat diets today are a mirage. They consider things like fiber, fat, etc. But NO large-scale study has ever been done on the type of diet we recommend, like the Ornish diet. A whole foods plant-based diet works not for one disease but every disease.

All the studies done compare 30% fat to 60% fat. Even from 20% to 60% there’s not much difference. It’s like comparing smokers with two packs or three packs a day. There are no studies done on the food that we recommend: whole foods, 100% plant-based, no oil.

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn: Treating the Cause to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

Another superstar speaker. He’s also 82 years old. He gave his usual lecture on becoming “heart attack-proof” with a few new twists. Here are a few highlights:

How do we get heart disease? It starts with inflammation of the endothelial cells lining the walls of our arteries. Cholesterol gets stuck there and goes under the lining. It gets oxidized, and the body tries to get rid of it. Progressively, plaque forms, and its content oozes out. This activates a clotting factor… we get a clot, and BOOM, a heart attack.

You can get heart-attack-proof for life in just three weeks. You have to change your chemistry and make sure nothing in your blood gets sticky.

Nitric oxide, discovered in 1980-1998 (and for which a Nobel Prize was awarded), is key. It’s a strong vessel dilator and prevents arteries from becoming thick.

A single meal at McDonalds can injure your endothelial cells and prevent artery dilation for several hours.

Caffeine in coffee injures the endothelial cells (but not in tea), as do olive, soybean and palm oils.

To improve nitric oxide function, cardiac patients should eat greens SIX TIMES a day! About fist-sized (once cooked), with balsamic vinegar, cooked for 4-5 minutes. For optimal results, no smoothies. Eat and chew your greens.

Never before in Medicine have we had something as powerful as a toolbox as we have with plant-based diet

Why Lunch Matters: Promotion and Prescribing – Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD

This lecture was not about lunch! It was about the marketing techniques used by pharmaceutical companies to promote their products. It was super enlightening! It focused on the pharmaceutical reps marketing to doctors directly.

(The “lunch” part of it comes from the fact that often these reps pay lunch or other small gifts to doctors. Doctors don’t feel it’s a gift, but they feel obligated to reciprocate. They discovered that small gifts work better than big ones!).

It will be tough to summarize the lecture, but I’ll give you a few highlights:

Pharmaceutical reps make 150-300K a year and provide a 13X return on investments to the company. They only work on three doctors!

Physicians are smart and naive, and more more susceptible to financial scams and manipulation from marketing techniques. Doctors believe that they haven’t been bought off, even when they have.

One fourth of doctors in the US doesn’t see reps from pharmaceutical company. Find a doctor who doesn’t.

Marketing of drugs starts seven years before they are on the marketing. It’s illegal to promote a drug before it’s approved but instead, they market a disease with a “disease awareness campaign.”
Many diseases have changed names or benign conditions have been redefined by pharmaceutical companies in preparation for a new drug, or a rebranding of an old drug.


Pfizer renamed “impotence” “erectile dysfunction” to remove the stigma associated with the condition and prepare for the release of their drug.

Heartburn used to be a simple condition, and the advice was “don’t eat so much, don’t drink and take TUMS.” It’s been rebranded as “GERD” with drugs you need to take every day for the rest of your life.
Drugs are often renamed. When the Prozac patent came close to expiration, the same drug was rebranded as Sarafem.

Menopause has been turned from a normal life event to a medical condition. We promote hormone therapy even when menopause is not a disease.

For men, “Low testosterone” is the latest of those “new conditions.”

More info at

Dr. Milton Mills: Are Humans Designed to Eat Meat?

This was a fascinating lectures. When we hear that humans are “natural carnivores,” or even “omnivores,” we wonder what part of it is true.

Dr. Mills went through a detailed analysis of exactly what the differences are between true carnivores and plant eaters and proved that humans can’t be even part-time carnivores.

Here are a few highlights:

Carnivores are animals optimized for predation. They expend little effort to catch their food. They seek weak, diseased and defective animals because they are easier to catch.

Herbivores seek lush, verdant and beautiful food. Humans are trying to be carnivores with a herbivore mentality (we seek healthy meat). This beauty paradigm creates species destruction.

Hunting doesn’t add up regarding energy deficit for humans. We expend more energy hunting for meat than we get in calories. True carnivores only need to eat every 7-10 days and can eat up to 20-30% of their body weight in one meal.

Humans are designed for foraging and walking very long distances at a low energy cost. We’re the only animal efficiently designed for walking.

We’re not designed to run fast. We can run fast enough to escape insects and bees. We’re not fast enough to outrun any animal.

Hunter-Gatherers who outrun their prey expend more energy hunting than they get from the meat. they obtain most of their calories from plant foods. We can’t even eat enough in one meal to replace the energy expanded from just ONE hunt. Carnivores get enough to eat for a week.

Richard Oppenlander: Food Choices and Sustainability

Normally the lectures focus on human health, but this time Dr. McDougall had two lectures on environmental issues as they relate to food. Richard Oppenlander’s lecture was very enlightening about this very important topic that’s so misunderstood and abused.

We are 7.4 billion people on the planet but over 70 billion farm animals. This is unsustainable. Global warming is just one component of global depletion.

We can’t eliminate fossil fuels now, but we can change the food we eat. All animal food production systems are unsustainable.

It’s close to 51% of all greenhouse gas emissions that come from animal agriculture.

Climate change could be irreversible by 2017.

We need to change the words we use. Words like CSA, farm to table, traceable, local, organic, grass-fed, cage-free, Paleo, “humane”, real food, sustainable seafood… are all terribly misleading.

The “real food” movement is flawed. A vegan bar is considered processed and not “real” food, but fish and meat is considered “real food.

The movement to eat “less meat” is also flawed. It shifts the focus to seafood, which causes huge problems.

Every country in the world lacking fresh water is struggling but giving water to livestock.

In California, 60-70% of all the water goes to livestock. We’re told to watch our water consumption in the shower which might save 2-3 gallons of water, when not eating meat saves 2000 gallons of water a day.

If you love fish don’t eat it. The most important cause of coral death is overfishing.

The problem is not overfishing. The problem is fishing. We catch fish to feed farm fish, so even farmed salmon is not sustainable.

None of the environmental organizations say anything about eating meat, yet they keep throwing the word “sustainable” without defining what it means.

Michael Greger, M.D.

Dr. Michael Greger gave one of the best lectures of the weekend, but I’m not going to summarize it because you can download many of the lectures on his website for free.

Frederic Patenaude

Frederic Patenaude has been an important influence in the raw food and natural health movement since he started writing and publishing in 1998, first by being the editor of Just Eat an Apple magazine. He is the author of over 20 books, including The Raw Secrets, the Sunfood Cuisine and Raw Food Controversies. Since 2013 he’s been the Editor-in-Chief of Renegade Health.

Frederic loves to relentlessly debunk nutritional myths. He advocates a low-fat, plant-based diet and has had over 10 years of experience with raw vegan diets. He lives in Montreal, Canada.
The program ”One Year of Raw Foods” features complete menu planners for every day of the year, and more resources to make this diet work.

This program features exactly what to eat, day by day, based on seasonal ingredients (no mangoes in January!), and a complete shopping list to help with your errands.

Check it out here as it is a great offer with lots of free extras!
I want to let you know that Frederic’s book, “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant-Based Diet” with the companion book is available now for $29.95 instead of the usual price of $47.

How to Eat Well for Under $100

Coupon: MINDY100
$29.95 instead of $47

Other great deals on products offered by Frederic to my readers, are available for a limited time, so don’t delay:

Starter Kit
Coupon: MINDYGOLDISSTARTER for 25% off
Healthy Salad Dressings is available for $7 instead of $19.95
How to Heal and Prevent Dental Disasters
This program has been created by OraMedia and is the only
course I have discovered that tells you exactly how to avoid
dental problems for the rest of your life.

Normally, the program costs $47.
The price is $30 if you use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

Take control of your dental health and avoid thousands of
dollars in unnecessary treatments by going to:

Make sure to use coupon code: MINDYDENTAL

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Magnesi-yum by Steph Jackson

Magnesi-yum by Steph Jackson


So essential for so many of our daily activities and yet somehow so lacking for so many people. I attribute it to a combination of poor digestion/absorption and what I call the beige-food diet, lacking in fresh greens. Today we will discuss why magnesium is so amazing for us, where to get it from whole raw vegan foods and what it sometimes looks like to not have enough of this wonder-mineral.

More than half of the magnesium in our bodies is in our bones, a quarter of it in our soft tissues and fluids and another quarter in our muscles. Magnesium is partly responsible for maintaining cells’ electrical charges and also enables our cells to reproduce. Magnesium is important in energy production and protein forming. Magnesium is responsible for proper muscle function and proper insulin function. Now that’s important! With the ability to alter our metabolism and make our muscles (including our hearts) work properly, magnesium is the second-most prevalent mineral in our bodies after potassium.

A University of Virginia study followed people with adequate levels of magnesium for a fifteen year period and found that they had a 31% lower chance of developing Metabolic Syndrome compared to the rest of the population studied. Insulin resistance also burns up magnesium in the body leading to quite the downward spiral. In a separate double-blind study supplementation with Magnesium was shown to improve markers for metabolic syndrome in individuals that were previously deficient.

Some foods that are highest in magnesium are spinach, kale, collard greens, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, dried figs and chocolate. The nuts and seeds can be soaked and sprouted to reduce the phytic acid, making the magnesium more absorbable but soaking chocolate doesn’t really work out. I try to remember that chocolate is high in magnesium but much of it is difficult for us to absorb. Of course I love green juice but green smoothies and soups can also be great ways to get some green power. Popeye obviously had the right idea, strong and smart too 🙂 Watch this video to learn more about how magnesium boosts the brain.

Magnesium deficiency can appear in the form of blood sugar dysregulation as we discussed above and also in poor memory, fatigue, dizziness, constipation, high blood pressure, anxiety, tremors, cramps, weakness and deficiencies of other minerals such as potassium and calcium. Magnesium can help with sleep and depression. There is a reason why the brand “natural calm” has that name. Magnesium can also be rubbed into the skin “transdermally” or, of course obtained from our favourite green foods.
See this recipe for a magnesium-rich dip.

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How to Reverse and Prevent Gray Hair by Tonya Zavasta

Note: The Violet Ray and Scalp Stimulating Tonic along with many other great beauty products are available on Tonya’s website. Click one of the two photos on the right-hand side of this page that will take you directly to her site called Beautiful On Raw.

How to Reverse and Prevent Gray Hair by Tonya Zavasta

At some point in our lives, just about every one of us will experience the onset of graying hair. What can be done to reverse or prevent gray?

What Causes Gray Hair?

Hair becomes gray when the cells in our hair follicles known as melanocytes cease to produce pigment, the chief one being melanin. Hairs are composed of an outer layer, known as the cuticle, made of overlapping flat cells and underneath is a thick cortex of protein called keratin. The inside of the hair are softer, rectangular cells. What determines the color of your hair is the concentration of pigment in the cortex. Many factors affect how, when and if the melanocytes cease producing their usual pigment. The chief culprit is aging, with heredity being the second biggest factor. Gray hair is the nearly inevitable accompaniment to aging. Graying’s cause: The cells in the bulb that are supposed to produce melanin are dead. They die for the same reasons other cells do. Poor assimilation, hormonal imbalances, and toxic waste buildup are contributing factors. On the nutrition side, graying hair comes from consuming salt, saturated fat, and protein. Another cause: an excess intake of simple sugars, which leach minerals from the blood, weakening the flow of nutrients to the hair. Starved and suffocated hair always turns gray, eventually. Emotional stress, worry, and shock can also significantly slow and in some cases even stop the production of melanin in the melanocytes.

Some other contributing factors can include:

B12 deficiency
Thyroid imbalance
Low hydrochloric acid
Early menopause
Smoking (hopefully no longer an issue for any of my readers!)
Anti-Gray Pill

Have you heard? Soon there will be a pill that will stop us from going gray. Thank L’Oreal, the global cosmetics giant. You’ll have to start early, they say, and take the pill pretty much all your life. Swell. But it’s a pill that prevents gray. It can’t reverse it. No help to those of us who already have some gray. We’re told the pill is a “fruit peel.” It’s “totally natural.” Made from fruit extract. Now, I’m not entirely out of sympathy with the idea of the anti-gray pill or the motivation behind it. But let’s ask this: If this “fruit peel,” made from nothing but fruit extract, can truly deliver this anti-gray effect, wouldn’t eating fruit directly give you similar results?

Here’s the real story on anti-gray, as I see it, as I’ve experienced it…

Eat Raw for Your Hair
Not just fruits, but vegetables and other raw foods, combined in a sound nutritional program, can hold off your gray hair. Leading the raw food lifestyle definitely did slow down graying for me considerably. And I started at 39. Had I been eating raw all those years before, I believe, this might altogether have prevented any gray. Prevention is always easier than reversing. So here you have it, another reason to eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. But can gray hair be reversed? In Oriental medicine the condition of the hair reflects the quality of your blood and the health of your kidneys. On the raw food diet we have the opportunity to address and correct the underlying causes, rather than just treating the external factors. Many people on raw food diet claim that their hair returned to its natural color. These include familiar names such as Ann Wigmore, Viktoras Kulvinskas, Victoria Boutenko, and Brenda Cobb. It is possible that one may benefit by consuming some of the following foods that are popular for addressing underlying causes of graying hair:

Greens, greens and more greens! Green Smoothies made in the Vita-Mix are one of the best ways to accomplish this. This also helps to build the levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which is also essential for mineral absorption.
Black sesame seeds
Wheatgrass juice (some people swear by this)
Oriental herb known as He Shou Wu
For those who wish to enlist the aid of external measures without relying on harsh or toxic chemicals, there are a few recommendations that might suit your tastes and your lifestyle. Remember you must be persistent.

Onion Juice

A 2009 study at England’s Bradford University found that one of the primary reasons for the graying of hair is a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in our follicles and scalp. This hydrogen peroxide can be successfully neutralized by the catalase enzyme. And where can we find that stuff? Answer: the humble onion. The remedy is simple: Just mix one part onion juice with one part lemon juice. Massage this into your scalp daily, then wash off.

Rosemary and Sage

Take a half cup of rosemary and a half cup of sage. Add in one cup of water and bring to a boil. Let the herbs simmer in water for 20 minutes. Wait for the mixture to cool completely. Apply it to your hair and scalp, leave it in for half an hour, then wash it off. This mixture helps blend the gray along with your natural hair color, making the gray less noticeable.

Consider the Violet Ray

Personally I believe a daily (even twice per day) 5 minutes massage of the scalp with the Violet Ray using the Comb or Rake electrode is the most effective tool for preventing gray. The earlier you start using it, the better. I started to use it in my early forties, when I already had some gray. Still, it allowed me to delay regular coloring for good 6 or 7 years. Many users find the Violet Ray beneficial for various skin and scalp conditions, such as reducing wrinkles, eliminating acne, fighting gray hair, eradicating dandruff, and stimulating hair growth. If you are able to secure some fresh amaranth leaves, applying the fresh juice of these leaves is said to be an effective home remedy. It also helps with growth. Wash hair with wheatgrass juice at least once per week (the nutrients penetrate into follicles and stimulate growth of new pigment-producing cells.) Apply a henna conditioning pack monthly. Henna is an all-natural plant powder available at most health food stores, which imparts color and conditioning without the use of harsh or carcinogenic chemicals. Follow directions closely for gray hair. Scalp Tonic from Tonya Zavasta – Another option is to try a stimulating scalp tonic which not only can help with gray hair, but also strengthens your hair and scalp by promoting tissue regeneration. Do what you can to reverse or prevent gray hair. But after all is done, always remember: Nothing is more beautiful than 60 or 70 year old woman who exudes a natural radiance. If that includes some gray, then so be it.

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How To Tell When Your Diet Isn’t Working – by Frederic Patenaude

My friend, Frederic, has offered my readers some great deals on his products that will be offered for a limited time. Please don’t delay! Check them out below this article.

How To Tell When Your Diet Isn’t Working – by Frederic Patenaude

Let me start off by asking you a simple question: do you feel you’re getting the best results from your current food program?

After all, we all want the same things: increased energy, a fit body, to live longer and healthier, avoid and heal health challenges, and attain a sound nutritional approach to the way we eat and live.

Sometimes it happens that you may be doing well for a while with your diet, but imperceptibly you move away from the results you’re looking for, and sooner or later you realize, “this diet isn’t working for me anymore!”

Nobody wants to have to go through this experience, so here are some warning signs to watch out for and what to do about them.

1. Cravings

It’s perfectly normal to experience cravings for cooked and processed foods when you transition to a mostly raw or all raw diet. The problem comes to be when these cravings persist and don’t go away, or they are so powerful they are difficult to control.

In my experience, there are two causes for cravings: nutritional and emotional. I will review nutritional causes now, as emotional causes are much more complex and beyond the scope of this article.

However I will say that emotions and your food do go hand-in-hand, and identifying the emotional triggers and reasons why you eat what you do can help you attain a healthier, more conscious approach to eating.

Nutritional causes are fairly simple: if you’re not eating enough calories from fruits and vegetables, you *are* going to crave cooked and processed foods. At least eventually.

The trick is to be able to consume enough fruits to get your calories, without consuming more fat than you need to (and at the same time consuming enough greens for minerals).

Eating enough vegetables and other nutritionally-dense foods is important as well.

Some cravings stem from the body’s cry for minerals or certain nutrients. Everybody has a much different history and intake of specific vitamins and minerals in their lives, and our body’s all have varying amounts and stores of them.

So follow your intuition if you’re craving something for a nutritional reason, which only you can decide for yourself.

Eating too much fat also has a tendency to slow the body down and cause cravings, typically for starchy or sweet foods.

Just eating enough calories on a daily basis to support your body is usually enough to keep cravings away, but if you find yourself craving something particular over a period of time, use your own head.

2. No Energy to Exercise

If you have no energy to exercise, or are not making progress in your fitness program, it’s likely because you’re not consuming enough calories and/or you are consuming too much fat/not getting the right minerals.

An energy deficit will be obvious when you follow a fitness program. If you’re barely consuming enough fruits and vegetables to meet your dietary needs, you can’t expect to have extra energy to exercise.

People often tend to “under-estimate” the amount of fruits and vegetables they need to eat to support themselves, and “over-estimate” the amount of fat that they need to eat. This combination leaves people feeling sluggish and tired.

3. Waking Up in the Morning Tired

Waking up in the morning still tired is also a sign that your diet may not be balanced.

Many people experience this on a raw food diet after overdoing the avocados and nut butter. So if you’re experiencing the morning fog, I recommend you look at how much fat you’re eating and if it’s in the right amounts for you.

You may experiment with eating just low-fat fruits/vegetables for several nights, and finishing your meal several hours before bed, and see if that has on impact on your energy levels.

Chances are that you’ll start waking up in the morning much more refreshed and energetic!

4. Inability to Maintain Weight

Two things can happen here. Either you haven’t been able to *release* the weight you were carrying around in excess, or you’re getting thinner than you’d like to be.

In the first case, if you’re still struggling to reach your ideal weight, even though you’ve transitioned to a raw food diet, you may simply have the wrong nutritional and lifestyle approach.

Releasing excess weight is a taxing process on the body and needs to be allowed the proper amount of time to happen.

Everyone will need to eat slightly different combinations and amounts of foods to feel their best too, so I encourage you to trust your body and not invest everything into a “guru” to tell you what to eat!

If you’re getting thinner than you’d like to, know that the best thing you can do is to combine strength training (basically lifting weights or high-resistance bodyweight exercises) and eating plenty of food. More than you may be used to.

If you wish to gain significant muscle mass, you can, even on a raw food diet.

But you’ll need a good training program and to consume the right amounts and combinations of calories and nutrients to get the results you want.

5. You’re Confused

Another sign that you may be heading towards a diet “disaster” is having the feeling of confusion and doubt. Eventually, that feeling may intensify and lead you to either give up entirely or spend all sorts of time and money trying other programs that won’t work either.

The solution to this is to gain sufficient knowledge to avoid this confusion, go to the root of emotional issues behind food, and find a group of people for community and support that can provide you with constant encouragement and inspiration to continue on the path of radiant health.

And ultimately if you still find yourself confused, listen to your own needs. You know them better than anybody.

What have been your experiences with changes in your diet, cravings, or any other roadblocks you faced in your diet journeys?

Products on Sale:

The deals from my friend, Frederic Patenaude, for his health products are still available, so check them out before the discounts are removed – which could be at any time, without notice!
Remember to use the coupon code for those products where indicated to get the discounts.

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FYI: Monkey See_______


My perspectives on various topics

that are health related

Topic: Monkey See ________

Thursday March 09, 2010

I like monkeys because I was born the Chinese Year of the Monkey. I will not tell you which one because then you will know my age, but age doesn’t really matter to me because it is only a number and I don’t connect with that, truthfully. I am in line with telling my mind what is so, and so it is! As it turns out (I will get to my fill in shortly), the human species is closest in DNA to the Bonobo Ape (which isn’t a monkey, but is in the same genus (?) perhaps. They tend to eat lots greens and wrap a banana in the leaf. Greens are fine to eat with fruit because they are not part of the vegetable kingdom, they are actually in their own category. The sugar in the fruit helps balance the strong mineral taste of the greens. Also make sure you rotate your greens daily because they are alkaloids in them that is naturally occurring so that the plant can continue to propagate. If you eat the same greens every day, then you body will build up the poison. I say rotate as many days out as you can (I can do it, myself for 7 days by eating parsley, cilantro, romaine, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, iceburg lettuce and spinach). Now back to my fill in the blank, the usual one is, “monkey do,” and i would say, “and will do anything you tell him/her not to do.” OK! You wonder why I wrote this, I guess? Have you ever seen anyone with a pet monkey and do they usually follow your lead? No! They are mostly doing their own thing, in their own time and in their own way. Not that there is anything wrong with that, unless they are ransacking your place of residence (a monkey needs to have its own space completely so they can do as they please, all of the time!). I would say that most monkeys (the young and younger ones, for sure) are playful, happy and do as they please and are definitely like most children. That is why when you see a monkey at the zoo (I am not a fan of caged animals in any setting, but that is another subject) they are roaming around and swinging from tree to tree and playing with each other. Children haven’t as yet perfected the idea of swinging from a tree, but some do have tree houses. The point I am making, is that it is ok to do what you want in life, especially if you can play and have fun. Just because you are of a certain age doesn’t make you stop wanting to do that. Most people conform to the structure of society and don’t want to look out-of-place by being silly or funny. That is why people get O-L-D. They forget that the best years of life were when we did things that we wanted to and had the greatest time ever. As long as you are not hurting anyone or yourself, for that matter, go out there and laugh till it hurts, skip down the street with a funny hat on, wear clothes that are bright and vibrant and don’t match because who cares! YOU ARE HAVING A GOOD TIME!

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