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Q & A Series: People, Products and The Health of Our Planet – Interview with Judy Pokras: Artist, Writer and Video Director

My Comment: How I came to find Judy was through a 1st cousin of mine who was doing research online of the family genealogy. It so happens, she and her Mom, Anne, actually live in the same neighborhood, as my parents and we never knew that. My Mom called me one day to let me know that we have distant relatives/cousins (on my Mom’s side of the family) and that the daughter happens to be very involved in raw vegan food and has a website, as well. I did happen to go on the website long before I met her and her Mom and she shares a lot of information that is helpful and educational.

For my thirty-first interview, I have the pleasure to introduce you to Judy Pokras: Artist, Writer, Video Director and long time Raw Vegan Food Enthusiast.

Question #1: Tell me briefly about yourself and why you decided to get involved in the “health” industry?

I started out as an artist and was an Art major at Pratt. I’ve done a lot of paintings and other visual artwork over the years. My parents and brother, David, have also created works of art, including paintings and sculptures.

Abstract Art by Judy Pokras

Abstract Art
by Judy Pokras

Painting by Judy Pokras, honoring her brother David

Painting by Judy Pokras, honoring her brother David

Wooden Menorah by Jerry Pokras (Judy's Dad)

Wooden Menorah by Jerry Pokras (Judy’s Dad)

Art by David Pokras (Judy's brother)

Art by David Pokras (Judy’s brother)

I’m also a video director. When I lived in New York City, I produced and directed a mock Seinfeld episode on a zero budget, that you can view on youtube, by searching for the title, Anomolies, and my name, Judy Pokras.

Decades ago I became interested in raw vegan cuisine. I have lots of creativity and wanted to make money from that, but most of my bosses were not interested in my creativity. That stressed me out, and I ate nutritionally dense foods to counteract the stress. I began reading about nutrition over the years and that led me to raw vegan cuisine, which I love. I started an online magazine back in 2001 called: I also published a recipe book, “The Little Book of Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes.” It’s available on

Question #2: If you were stranded on a desert island and were allowed to take only 5 items with you (they can be food, books or specific products that are all health-related), what would they be and why?

1- A tool/chisel to open coconuts because I use a lot of young coconuts in my recipes, like my signature raw vegan chocolate ice cream.
2- A smartphone with the internet so I can access information, connect with friends, and make videos.
3- Materials to draw and paint with.
4- Keyboard for writing
5- Friends

Question #3: What one message do you want to share with the people of this world that is crucial for their ultimate well-being and longevity?

To follow your curiosity wherever it might lead you. My curiosity led me to nutrition and how different foods affect our health. I think it is very important and overlooked in our culture because it is something we are not taught to focus on. For example, there is cadmium, which is a toxic heavy metal, in sunflower seeds and raw cacao powder and arsenic in rice. These things are not paid attention to in restaurants when they put together their meals and menus.

Questions #4: If someone could afford to purchase only one product at this moment to start their journey towards better health (food or health-related), what would you recommend and why?

A product (such as a computer or smartphone) that would allow you to access the internet, because you can do a lot of research there and learn things without having to buy many books or go to a library. A library is great, but you have to return things and then won’t have them on hand as a reference.

Question #5: Tell me more about your business/company and/or products you offer to the public to help them achieve optimal health and well-being?

I have a website:
I also have a Facebook page: Raw Foods News Magazine
I am also on Twitter: @RawFoodsNewsMag

Question #6: What are your hopes/aspirations/dreams for the future health of the people and the planet?

My hope is that more people will have access to higher education. It makes me very sad that in many Third World countries, girls are not allowed to get an education. We can’t allow that to happen.

Another thing: Science has proven that climate change is real, and it’s threatening everything. It will result in rising sea levels, which will encroach on our coastlines and decimate many regions where millions of people live. Climate change also causes political instability. For example, when there are severe droughts, people don’t have food and take big risks to migrate to other countries. That instability unfortunately leads to hostility and violence.

Question #7: I know that there are variables as to how much food/calories each person consumes when eating raw vegan food (based on many lifestyle factors, etc), but is there a basic guideline you would recommend for everyone?

I’m not a doctor, I’m a writer and researcher. I believe there is no one lifestyle that works for everyone, because everyone is unique. I think the best advice is to follow how you feel. Keep a food journal if you like, and see how different food affects you.

Although I believe it’s most important to eat a lot of organic raw vegetables, nuts, and seeds, I incorporate some cooked food into my diet. I follow some of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s advice. He advocates what he calls a Nutritarian Diet. He says it’s important to eat cooked beans, or lentils, and cooked mushrooms.

Check out the review of Judy’s book on my youtube channel:

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My 100 Day Experiment: What Am I Doing and Why?

My 100 Day Experiment Start Date: May 1, 2014

The idea for this came about after I heard someone else speak of a product she was using that is good for the health of the teeth. I was curious and thought I would look up the product on as you can find just about everything there! I found it and read some of the reviews and then also checked out the company website. I put the product in my shopping cart on Amazon, as I was planning to purchase and start using it. I procrastinated a bit and I finally decided I would buy it, because I kept seeing/hearing more about the benefits. When I checked again on Amazon the price kept going up and up and I was disenchanted because I did not want to pay so much for it. I then went on the company website to read more about the product and saw that it was sold it a box of 100 packets and that is when a “lightbulb” went off in my head and the experiment was created.

I contacted the company to see if they would consider providing me with the product to conduct my experiment. They were actually intrigued with the idea and want to see/hear what results I get. So what is this product? You may have heard of it, but never knew that it can help prevent cavities, plaque formation, antibacterial, diabetic friendly and a host of other things. It is called xylitol and is derived from 100% North American Hardwood (not all/many companies claim/mention this so be sure to inquire before you purchase).

The plan is, that I will use 1 packet (which is 4g and safe to use up to that amount daily) daily for 100 days to see if I get any of results mentioned on the box. I went for my dental visit a couple of months ago and am not due for a cleaning till later in the year and by then will be finished with the experiment. I will have extra that I can use after I record my results and then will follow up again after my next dental visit to see if there are any significant changes they notice and I want to share.

How I will consume it, is at follows: I will have 1 packet a day spread throughout the day after a meal or snack and then after I brush my teeth before going to sleep, I will finish what is left in the packet, as it is safe to use and beneficial.

I am including some close up photos of what my teeth look like now and then throughout the experiment I will periodically share any of my results with photos, writings via this blog and also videos on my youtube channel:

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

I am also including some photos from the product packaging that tells you more about the product and the benefits mentioned.

To read more information about this company and where to buy their products, go to

Front of box, of Xyla (trade name of product)

Front of box, of Xyla (trade name of product)

Back of box of Xyla

Back of box of Xyla

Side panel of box mentioning benefits or xylitol

Side panel of box mentioning benefits or xylitol

My teeth prior to experiment  Taken 3/29/14

My teeth prior to experiment
Taken 3/29/14

Picture #2 Prior to experiment Taken 3/29/14

Picture #2
Prior to experiment
Taken 3/29/14

Picture #3 Prior to experiment Taken 3/29/14

Picture #3
Prior to experiment
Taken 3/29/14

Picture #4 Taken prior to experiment 3/29/14

Picture #4
Taken prior to experiment

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