Posts tagged facial flushing

My 10 Day Trial Using Herbal Face Food™ from Self Health Revolution


Herbal Face Food from Self Health Revolution

My 10 Day Trial Using Herbal Face Food™ from Self Health Revolution

For more information about this company, go to:

Check out my introductory video about the product on my youtube channel:
Herbal Face Food™ – Part 1: Introduction

I wanted to write down and share my experiences with others who may be interested in trying this product for themselves. I wanted to take daily pictures, but since I am using my iPad 2, it is not so sharp and clear, as it is not the most up to date camera and photos tend to be somewhat blurry, but I tried to take them as close up as possible, so I am not hiding how my face looks, even if I have an issue with it. I embrace and accept who I am, while always trying to improve myself using the best natural, holisitic and healthy methods/products that I research and are available to me and also give you an honest and detailed review of them. Therefore, you will not be seeing any pictures and will have to watch the video to see my results after 10 days of use.

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this review, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

Day 1- Wednesday 2/15/17

My AM experiences:
I following the directions to have a clean dry face before applying. I shook the bottle well, as it is very concentrated and tends to separate when left standing. I squeezed from the dropper bottle, 5 drops and then applied all over my face and my neck, although they say to put on the most pronounced problem areas. It can also be applied to your skin, other then your face, if you like. Be extra careful when applying and also after, especially around the sensitive areas of your eyes, nose and mouth and to not apply in too close to them, as you will feel a hot, tingling sensation, as soon as you put in on your skin. I mentioned after, as you want to wash your hands well with soap and not touch your face in the wrong places). I put it on around 10:45 am and immediately felt the hot sensation (unlike a HOT flash, as this actually means the product is working) and it did not dissipate completely for about 15 minutes. My face did not get flushed, as that can also happen. It did not bother me having that occur, as I know it is supposed to.

I smelled the thyme more then anything else, and it lingers on your face for a while.
As an added bonus, it is also aromatherapeutic to breathe in the scent.
So if you do not want to have that smell stay with you (but not sure others can smell, unless get really close to you and also, if they do not care for that scent) and have to go out somewhere, make sure to do it early enough, so it have time to dissipate, as you do not put anything else on over the serum.

My PM Experiences:
I decided to put on the skin serum before I brushed my teeth, but I do not suggest you do that, as you have to wash your hands very well with soap to make sure you do not get any residue in your mouth, especially when floss your teeth (as I do that first). I washed my hands twice with soap to be sure I would not get any in my mouth. The reason I did it this way, is because I thought it would take a while for the hot sensation to level off and wanted to give that time to happen before going to sleep. To my pleasant suprise, the second time using the skin serum, on my ehole face and neck, at 9:45 pm, I got the sensation immediately upon applying and then it seemed to linger in certain areas of my face, but the peak was only for about 5 minutes and after 10 minutes, did not feel anything. My face, is perhaps, adjusting to it and will see if anything changes or stays the same on day 2.

Day 2- Thursday 2/16/17

My AM Experiences:
I checked in the mirror to see if I noticed any changes to my face since using the skin serum for one day, but there was no noticeable difference. I put on the product early in the morning, at 7 am. I would usually prefer to put it on at the same time, daily, but it depends on my schedule. I did not take pictures of my face early this morning, as when I tried, to do so with lights on in my place (as was not enough natural light), the photo was not clear, so will have to do it later in the day. I also want to take the photos, at the same time daily, but circumstances, do not always allow for that. I will try to be as consistent as possible throughout this trial.

I want to also make an important point that you need to wash your hands well (I wash them twice) with soap after using the skin serum, to make sure there is no residue afterwards as you do not want inadvertently touch your eyes, nose or mouth with the product still on your hands.

After putting on the serum, I felt the hot burning sensation immediately and then it dissipated after 5 minutes, but still felt some tingling in the first 10 minutes. Seems that my face is getting more comfortable with it.

My PM Experiences:
I put on the skin serum at 11 pm. I still have the initial intense heat and tingling at first and then dissipatd after sbout 7 minutes, but this time felt the tingling in a milder sense for about another 5 minutes.

Day 3- Friday 2/17/17

My AM Experiences:
I am not sure I noticed any changes to my face, as yet, when looking in the mirror. I applied the serum at 10:05 am and still hot and tingling strong for the first 5 minutes and then lessens, but still feel it for the next 5 minutes or so. The skin on my cheeks closer to my eyes looks a bit redder, as does my chin, right after application, so may be that is the facial flushing response. I will see if that goes away later on.

My PM Experiences:
The redness on my face did go away from the morning. I had to put on the serum earlier this evening, as tonight is The Sabbath and can not put it on once it starts, as is forbidden to out on any creams/lotions on the skin. I applied it at 5:10 pm and was hot and tingling strong for about 5-7 minutes and on my chin and under my eyes, it seemed to linger a bit longer. I still am not sure I see any difference on my face, especially the area I am focusing on, namely my chin.

Day 4- Saturday 2/18/17

My AM Experiences:
I did not apply the skin serum this morning and this was written after the Sabbath ended on Sat. night, as I do not write during the day. I am not able to apply any creams/lotions on my skin, so will have to make up and put on an additional morning. I will apply it tonight.

My PM Experiences:
I applied the serum at 1:50 am, which is Sun. morning, as I went to bed late. Was thinking to do it earlier, but did not want to apply before brushing my teeth, as mentioned in a previous day. I had the hot and tingling sensation for about 5-7 minutes and then dissipated.

Day 5- Sunday 2/19/17

My AM Experiences:
I still can not tell if there are any noticeable changes to my face. I applied the serum at 11:35 am and was hot and tingling for about 5 minutes and then still felt for another 5 minutes, but not as intense.

My PM Experiences:
I put on the serum at 8:50 pm and have same experiences as this morning. First 5 minutes are most intense with hot and tingling sensation and then once gets to 10 minutes is mostly dissipated, excelt for areas that focusing on more add a bit more of the product, namely, the chin and under the eyes.

Day 6- Monday 2/20/17

My AM Experiences:
Applied the serum at 5 am. Still not sure seeing any differences to my skin. Ingense heat and tingling for 5 minutes and then lessened after that.

My PM Experiences:
I was unable to apply the serum tonight, as I am involved in a sleep study, and had my face covered with electrodes. I will likely add another application to make up for this, as want to be sure have a full 10 days, morning and night of application.

Day 7- Tuesday 2/21/17

My AM Experiences:
Was able to apply the serum this morning at 6:55 am after all the electrodes were removed from my face. Same experiences with hot and tingling for 5 minutes amd then lessens within 10 total minutes. Still do not notice any changes to my skin, but maybe I am not seeing it and is happening anyway or tsking longer for me to be aware of it.

My PM Experiences:
Since I did not get to apply the serum last night, I decided to put it earlier today, so I do not miss using it 2x per day again, as tonight, I will be unable to do so, as it’s my 2nd and final night for this sleep study. I applied the serum at 1:55 pm, so that is 7 hours since the morning application and then it will have time to absorb in, till late this evening when the electrodes will be placed on my face. Have the same responses, as previous with the 1st 5 minutes feeling intense heat and tingling on the face and then not much by 10 minutes after application.

Day 8- Wednesday 2/22/17

My AM Experiences:
I applied the serum at 10:40 am. Still have the same intense hot and tingling sensation on my face for 5 minutes and then less by about the 10 minute mark.

My PM Experiences:
Got home late from a trip, so ended up putting on the serum on my face at 1 am. Still same intensity as previous days.

Day 9- Thursday 2/23/17

My AM Experiences:
Still do not notice any visible changes in my face, but maybe they are very suttle, so hard for me to tell, I really can no say. I applied the serum on my face at 11:40 am with same intensity as mentioned previously.

My PM Experiences:
I applied the serum to my face at 10:30 pm, with same experience as mentioned on other days.

Day 10- Friday 2/24/17

Although this is technically the last day of thhe 10 day trial using the skin serum, I as not able to use the serum cosistently day and night a couple of times during this time period, so I will be continuing writing this for a couple more applications after today.

My AM Experiences:
Applied the facial serum at 10:50 am, same exoeriences as previously mentioned

My PM Experiences:
Applied the serum at 5:30 pm, earlier then usual evening application, as the Sabbath starts soon and can not apply any creams to my face from sundown tonight till an hour after sundown tomorrow night.

Day 11- Saturday 2/25/17

Please note this entry was not written durimg the day time, but after the end of the Sabbath. This is a make up for one of the applications that missed during the the 10 day trial.

My AM Experiences:
No application this morning due to Sabbath observance.
I did notice that certain areas of the skn on my face seemed to be dry and not sure if it is the serum that is drying out blemishes on my face or not.

My PM Experiences:
I applied the serum to my face at 9:50 pm. Same experience as previously mentioned.

Day 12- Sunday 2/26/17

My AM Experiences:
I noticed again the dry patches in different areas of my face and nor sures I noticed that every morning, but did the oast couple of days. Still not sure noticed any significant changes to my face after completing 10 full days of applying to my face.
I applied the serum to my face at 10:10 am and had same experiences as mentioned previously.

This is the final entry that will be recorded here to make up for one application that missed during the 10 day trial. After using this skin serum, I have to honestly say that I did not see any dramatic changes to my face, especially my chin area, that I was focusing on. It is not to say that the product did not do anything for me, as perhaps it is less noticeable. It also could be that I need to use the product longer. I did apply according to the instructions given. I still have some product left in the bottle and will use it up, but have no plans to purchase it. I am in no way discouraging you from giving this product a try (if you want to do a 10 day trial go to the Facebook page for Herbal Face Food™, and you will find the info there on how to do it) as it is definitely high quality, 100 percent natural and plant-based. So there is no loss for giving it a shot, regardless of whether you see any changes or not.

Thanks for taking the time to read my experiences in using Herbal Face Food™









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