Archive for May 23, 2012

Company Review: Essential Oxygen – Organic Brushing Rinse and Food Grade Peroxide

Essential Oxygen – Promoting optimal health by creating truly effective and natural cleaning products. In business since 2009.

I first came across this company and their products at my friend, Barry Koral’s home (I interviewed him for a preview Q and A on my blog). I never heard of, nor saw this product before and don’t see it being sold in the local health food stores (I noticed that Whole Foods is carrying it now and also on I am Hardcore about only using products that live up to my purist standards. The first thing I do, and recommend to others, is to read the ingredients. If you can’t pronounce something then either don’t buy it or research what it is. Whatever we put on our skin (our largest organ)is immediately absorbed into our bodies and I don’t want to put chemicals of any kind on it!

This applies equally when it comes to our oral care products. If you are brushing your teeth and using mouthwash that is chemically-based all that is being absorbed directly into your bloodstream – YUCK! That is where this company’s products come into play, as the best and absolute purest on the market today. Back to my introduction to this product (at Barry’s home)- I looked at the ingredients on the brushing rinse that he had (it was on a shelf in his hallway and not in his bathroom, or I might have never discovered it) and was very impressed. It was made with essential oils and food grade peroxide and certified organic, to boot! What a great find! I took down the information, but never really did anything about it at the time (that was more then 3 years ago).

I met Mystica, the owner of Essential Oxygen, at Expo West in Anaheim in 2011 at her booth. She gave me some products to try. I took them home and used them. I knew they were a hit with me because they were the purest. I didn’t know her story, at the time, but read about it on her website. She created the products to fulfill a need, first for herself because she had advanced periodontal disease. It worked wonders for her and then she wanted to share this with the public.

What people don’t realize is that the health of your teeth has an affect on the health of your body to a great extent, from your cardiovascular system to your kidneys, etc. If your take care of your oral health then your overall health will benefit to a great extent. I have been using both the brushing rinse and the food grade peroxide on a regular basis and can definitely see a difference in the health of my teeth. I have not used “conventional” toothpaste in years. At first it took some time to get used to the taste/non-flavor of peroxide (I was using food grade peroxide for a while from another source without the essential oils that are in the brushing rinse) and after I while I was used to it. I didn’t need all the stuff that just coats the enamel of your teeth and doesn’t help to keep them clean and healthy.

The products are very versatile and have multiple uses. The brushing rinse call also be used as a mouthwash, helps to naturally whiten the teeth, great for tartar, canker sores, etc. The food grade peroxide is use for first aid, plant fertilizer, oral rinse, etc.

Once I realized how great this product is, I wanted to have Mystica participate in the Q and A on my blog that I started last year so I contacted her, but she didn’t have the time. I saw her again this year at Expo West and received more product – YEY! She said she would like to be part of my Q and A, so I hope to post that to my blog in the future.

In the meantime, I recommend you check out her website (I am posting a link on the right-hand side of the blog under the section titled Blogroll. She has some great articles there on oral health, as well as more info about the products she sells to the public.

Here are links to their PowerPoint and video that do a good job of explaining the importance and many uses of the Organic Brushing Rinse and 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide:

Check out the latest info from their newsletter from August 2013

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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