Archive for May 15, 2012

Company Review: Zorbitz – Crystal and Gemstone Jewelry

Zorbitz – Crystal and Beaded Jewelry (products inspiring positive change – in business since 2003)

I first met this mother and daughter team/company a few years ago at Expo West. They had a small booth and were giving out beaded bracelets with a message (depending on which stone was used). I was introduced to the product years before I met the owners, as my Mom bought me one of the luck bracelets at a restaurant in Las Vegas, Nevada. From then on I started to notice their bracelets in some health food stores I shop at.

They have a great story to tell about how they got started (almost 10 years ago with very little capital and are now a “booming” business) and you can read about it on their website (Robyn, the daughter, will be answering the Q and A for my blog, so I hope to get a more personal perspective from her very soon). They are real, down-to-earth and a true inspiration to what can be created and accomplished with very little knowledge, but lots of patience, persistence and perseverance. With all their success, they continually give back to charity. Their jewelry is worn by many of Hollywood’s “hottest” stars, as seen in various magazines.

I have become a friend and a “fan” of their products and message. I wear different bracelets depending on the color of my outfits (I have numerous ones to pick from and especially like the crystal ones – thanks to the generosity of Robyn and her awesome Mom, Marian, who by the way has gotten the marathon bug and has run some in LA). I always get compliments on my bracelets. I am a walking advertisement/promotion for Zorbitz and more then happy to support them in this way and let the public know about their products.

To read more about the company and see their complete line of jewelry, click on the website link on the right-hand side of this page under the column Blogroll.

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this, but I did receive a sample of the product(s). These are strictly my opinions. I only review products that I, myself would use and purchase.

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