
Mindy-Gail created her own business in San Diego and has been cooking/uncooking and teaching the public for the past 25 years. You can check out her Youtube channel http://youtube.com/TheRawsomeVeganGal. She is a Whole Foods Plant-Based chef specializing in macrobiotic and raw vegan cuisine. The food is prepared in a healing gourmet style that is both nutritious to the body and tantalizing to the palate.

Mindy-Gail has been vegan for 30 years and completed her studies in macrobiotics at the Kushi Institute in Becket, MA in 1993 and the Vega Study Center in Oroville, CA in 1994. She has been written up and interviewed for various publications including, The San Diego Reader, The San Diego Jewish Journal, The Beach and Bay Press, Vision Magazine, Bnai Brith Magazine, on the radio program, “Brunch with Jack” and appeared on KUSI News.

She brings enthusiasm, excitement and energy to everything she does. Her goal is to help empower others to find the ways to make their lives more whole, complete and fulfilling. She does this through her various lectures, cooking classes, workshops and presentations (at private, public and holistic schools and senior centers).

Mindy-Gail is available for both private and group cooking/raw vegan classes, workshops, presentations, hands-on classes, kitchen assessment, whole house and body holistic makeover, private chef services in your home, food for pick-up from my home, cater a small dinner party and teach you how to shop in a health food store. She can travel as an in-home chef to the state or country you live in.

She is a whole food plant-based vegan. . She began with a macrobiotic/vegan lifestyle and then naturally evolved into incorporating raw vegan foods in the last 13 years.

Mindy-Gail is a published poet, writer, Avid Reader and an overall passionate renaissance woman.

She has varied interests and hobbies that include writing books and poetry, singing, dancing, photography, drumming, reading, hiking, gardening and exploring nature.

Articles Mindy-Gail was interviewed for:


Article I wrote and was published in Awareness Magazine:


May we be open to sharing and caring, while retaining that thirst for knowledge with a child-like enthusiasm and a beginner’s mind. By Mindy G. copyright 9/09/06

Feeling fine on day 25 of my cleanse!

30 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Linda said,

    Just found your BLOG and I LOVE IT!! Will continue to follow . . .

    • 2

      rawsomegal said,

      Hi Linda

      Thank you very much!
      Please subscribe, as you will be notified in your email of my next post.
      How did you find me? I am always curious as to what works.
      Please let others know as I would love to be one of the blog mentioned
      on wordpress that is the HOT one! (if I get lots of Hits)

      Chef Mindy aka Ageless Raw Beauty

  2. 3

    Faith said,

    Hi Mindy,
    I just found your blog via your post on renegade health.com. I am 7 months into a raw food lifestyle and have never felt better. I have recently read the ph miracle and plan to do the cleanse they suggest. Have you any opinion on acid/alkalinity? I had health problems that cleared from raw food but not all of them. Now that I am monitoring my acid levels and stopped eating fruit there have been amazing changes. To each there own for sure.
    Here’s to Optimum Health~

    • 4

      rawsomegal said,

      Thanks Faith

      I hope you subscribe so you will get my posts regularly and please let others know.

      As for acid and alkaline, I will address that in the future on a post.
      I will also email you separately

      Chef Mindy aka Ageless Raw Beauty

  3. 5

    eve said,

    keep up the good works

  4. 6

    Hello Chef Mindy,

    thanks for your blog. I’m just starting a vegan/raw foods diet. Can you recommend a site for getting quality sea vegetables ? thank you , Jeff Joliet, IL

    • 7

      rawsomegal said,

      hi jeff
      yes, i can
      the company Maine Coast http://www.seaveg.com dries their seaweeds at low temperatures -kelp, dulse and laver
      a note if you want to be strict with raw consumption that arame and hijiki are actually cooked
      first, so are not raw
      hope this helps you out in your quest on a vegan raw food lifestyle
      chef mindy aka Ageless Raw (low-fat) Vegan Beauty

  5. 8

    Mary Hyde said,

    Hi Mindy,
    So lovely to know you. Enjoying your comments and inspirations.

  6. 9

    Kristine said,

    I purchased a bottle of the Volcanic Mineral Referesher myself while down in San Diego. However, after visiting their website I still don’t know where I can buy more. Do you know of any chains etc. that carry it?

    • 10

      rawsomegal said,

      Hi Kristine,

      Did you see my reply, as I emailed you directly. Albertsons sells it in San Diego, or you can go to their website and call the number listed there to see the locations that have it where you live.

      Chef Mindy 🙂

  7. 11

    Kristyn said,

    Hi Mindy, I don’t see an email for you and I need to have something changed on your Bambooee review. The product is not biodegradable, so that tag needs to be removed please. Can you please email me at kristyn@avalonprgroup.com? Thanks so much.

  8. 12

    Hi Mindy, Do you accept product samples for reviews on your blog site? I could not locate any email to contact you for such inquires.
    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    • 13

      rawsomegal said,

      Hi Travis

      I sent you a response directly to your email address.
      Thanks for contacting me.

      Any companies are welcome to let me know about their products they would like to send me for review. I do have very strict guidelines on what I will accept or not, as I am responsible to share with the public products that have integrity, environmental concern and purity. I am not willing to compromise to suit anyone else’s standards, but my own!

      I will do both a written review on this blog, as well as, a video review on my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/TheRawsomeVeganGal

      If you have not checked out my youtube channel, as yet, I have over 30 videos with product reviews, healthy living topics and recipe ideas. You can subscribe, leave comments and give me the “Thumbs Up.” Also put a link to my blog and youtube channel on your Facebook page or any other social media.

      Chef Mindy
      aka The Rawsome Vegan Gal 😉

  9. 14

    MacKenzie said,

    Good morning! I’m MacKenzie, the social media gal from S.W. Basics of BK, and I’m reaching out to you because we really appreciated the awesome review you gave our products, so we want to offer your readers something special. Would you be interested in giving your audience an exclusive discount code for our shop?

    We actually have some new products that have just launched and I’d love to send some samples along for review as well.

    Please let me know if this interests you and have a great day!


    MacKenzie Smith

    • 15

      rawsomegal said,

      Hi MacKenzie

      I am glad you liked my review of S.W. Basics of BK products.
      I sent you an email to your personal address.

      Thank you

      Mindy aka The Rawsome Vegan Gal 😉

      • 16

        how do I subscribed to your newsletter?

      • 17

        rawsomegal said,

        Hi Connie

        Thanks for asking.

        There is a button to click, on the right-hand side of any page you are looking at of my blog that is entitled “Email Subscription” (it is underneath the flashing banner for “Foods Alive”). The button say: “Sign me up!”
        Hope this helps.

        Also please leave your comments and share with others.

        Also check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/TheRawsomeVeganGal for product reviews, recipe ideas and healthy living topics. You can subscribe to that, too. Also leave your comments, like and share.

        G-d Bless!
        Mindy aka The Rawsome Vegan Gal 😉

  10. 19

    Cameron Von St. James said,

    Hi Mindy! My wife and I were just looking over your blog and had a quick question. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance. Thanks!

    – Cam

    • 20

      rawsomegal said,

      Hi Cameron

      I know we were in touch via email and I never heard back from you regarding the Q and A I would like to do with you and your wife. I did post info on my blog about the great work that you and your wife are doing.

      I look forward to hearing from you soon.

      G-d Bless!
      Mindy aka The Rawsome Vegan Gal

  11. 21

    Sylvia said,

    Hi, was listening to Dr.Ritamarie’s Q&A session and you mentioned cherry wood utensils. Please share the web address and thanks for the information.

  12. 22

    rawsomegal said,

    Hi Sylvia

    Thanks for contacting me.
    I did a review on my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/TheRawsomeVeganGal
    Look for the video called: Jonathan’s Tree Spoons

    I also have other great reviews on environmentally conscious products:

    1- Organic Essence – certified organic skin and body care in home compostable and recylable paperboard packaging

    2- Bum Boosa Toilet Tissue – made of bamboo and is BPA-free (no other TP can claim that)

    3- Bambooee – Reusable Bamboo Towel – it is amazing and lasts a long time and you can eliminate using so many paper towels and creating more trash

    4- Don’t Bite Me Patch – natural insect protection – it really works and only has two ingredients

    I have many reviews, recipes and healthy living topics on my youtube channel. Please subscribe, like, comment and share with others.

    G-d Bless!
    Mindy aka The Rawsome Vegan Gal 😉

  13. 23

    RAJESH SAGAR said,

    hello mem
    we manufacture 100% safe henna powder for hair and hand mu email adress is – rshennaproduct@gmail.com

  14. 24

    Stacy Jones said,


    I’m new to your blog and wondering if u have a post that details your specific daily diet/meals and macronutrient ratios? There are so many variations of a vegan diet, even within the raw world (high fat, low fat, 80-10-10, fruit based, veg based, nut based, soy, no soy, grains or not etc)….. Id love to know what u personally found success with


    • 25

      rawsomegal said,

      Hi Stacy

      Thanks for your comment.

      I do not have a detailed food plan listed on my blog. There are so many variables that change what I eat daily and also we are all different so there is no “plan” that is exactly the same for everyone. What is good for me does not mean it will work the same for you.

      I can say that I usually eat my first meal in the early afternoon and consists of lots of fruits. Then I may have a snack later in the day before my evening meal. That meal usuallt consists of a big salad with lots of greens, other vegetables, some fat like avocado or seeds, sea vegetable powder, some fermented food like sauerkraut and sometimes cooked food like potato or quinoa.

      Hope this helps!
      Subscribe to my blog to get the latest info. You can like and share with others, too!

      Also check out my youtube channel for product reviews, healthy living topics and recipe ideas.
      You can subcribe, leave a comment, like, share and give me a “thumbs up!”

      G-D Bless!
      Mindy aka The Rawsome Vegan Gal 😉

  15. 26

    Linda said,

    You have an ad or announcement for How to Travel the World for Free. Do you recommend this program yourself? You also have an announcement about Tonya Zavasta and I am a big fan of hers. I know Frederic’s raw food recipe book from awhile back but would like to know your experience with the Travel for World for Free program. Thanks so much. Now I will check you out on youtube.

    • 27

      rawsomegal said,

      Hi Linda

      Thanks for your comment.

      I have never used the travel program from Frederic, but I highly recommend it. I know Tonya Zavasta well and am a big fan of hers, too. She has really discovered and keep finding new ways to help with anti-aging and is living proof of the results. Her books and products are great!

      Mindy aka The Rawsome Vegan Gal 😊

  16. 28

    Linda said,

    Is this the place to ask a question such as above or do I need to go elsewhere? Thanks.

    • 29

      rawsomegal said,

      Hi again, Linda.

      You are welcome to leave comments, questions, etc anywhere you choose and feel is appropriate based on what I post, etc.

      Hope you like my youtube channel, as well and you can subscribe, comment, like and share it with others.

      Mindy aka The RawsomeVeganGal 😃

  17. 30

    RS said,

    I found your site when looking for information on dry fasting and I noticed mentions of Torah related matters. Therefore, I need to mention Ex 23:13 in regard to things like certain day names, etc, since they contain the names of deities in them (“[deity]’s day”). Also, a consideration to take might be comparing what is “forbidden” by the standard of the actual written Torah as opposed to the traditions.
    I am writing you this because it would seem that we are both concerned with the Torah.

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